Tillamook Headlight, June 1913. ■■i TO THE MANUFACTURER- THIS ADVERTISEMENT is to CALL to the ATTENTION of MANUFACTURERS THE ADVANTAGES OF WHEELER, OREGON, On NEHALEM BAY, AS A MANUFACTURING CITY. The Nehalem Harbor Company will cooperate with Manufacturers in getting new industries located at Wheeler. Free sites with rail and water transportation facilities are offered to those who will bring new payrolls to Wheeler, The railroad offers terminal coast rates on lumber shipments from Wheeler. Residence property for employers can be purchased cheap and can be paid for on easy terms. A good gravity water system with 125 pounds pressure assures manufacturers of adequate fire protection. The harbor improvement to be carried out by the Frederal Government will allow large lumber and freight schooners to handle by water the output of the mills and factories of Wheeler. W heeler has Payrolls Now. W heeler wants more payrolls. For informtion concerning sites or locations. Address, NEHALEM HARBOR COMPANY, WHEELER, ORE. Portland Office : 327 FAILING BUILDING. Tillamook Office : Care F. R. BEALS. Citation. in the County Court of the State of Oregon, For Tillamook County. In the matter of the Guardianship of Frances Xaaier Moreau (Frank Murey ) To the next of kin of said ward and to all persona interested in the person and estate of said ward. Whereas on the 22nd day of May, 1913, the County Court of said county and state, in the uliove en titled mutter made and entered the following order, to wit: Thia matter coming on regularly or hearing on thia 2hid day of Maj . 1913, upon the petition of N. Me Millan, guardian of the person and estate of Frances Xavier Moyeau (Frank Murey) above named for at. order citing «he next of kin wf «aid ward and all persons interested in said estate and in the land herein utter described, winch said lund i- nlao described in said petition, to appear and allow cause why a license should not be grunted said N McMillan, guardian, to sell the interest and estate of auid ward in ..nd to said real property, the same lieing described us follows, to wit Situate in Garibaldi, County of Til 1 unook. Stale of Oregon; Beginning at a point !W IB chains west and 42.15 i bains south of the northeast col tier of Sec. 21, Township one North, Wings ten west of Willamette M< id'an, thence north 74 degrees ea> t 7 08 chains for imtal point of tract ien in cotIM-yed. said point belliV. the southeast corner of what is knimti ns the Ralston 5 acre tract theme north 10 degrees weal '24* tert, south 74 degrees west '4$ 45*1 teet to tlir uottheasl corner o4 trm t sold by Geo. W Kiger and wife to Frank Murey by dead dated Oct«. l ei tit, 1902 aud recorded m book oi deeds, page .11, records of Tillamook Cetlnty, Oregon, thence south Id degrees east 220 teet I > southeast turner of Murey tract, north 74 degrees east 23 4.*) teet to indal point And it appearing to the court from said |«etit on that it is necessary snd Mould tie beneficial to said w»nl that said property tie sold: IT tn THBWKFX1KK OtenKMUk that citation issue herein to tlie nest ot kin ol said ward and to all ¡«arsons interested in said en ate citing them to appear lieloiv the above named COUfl on the I3tli da) ot June, 1913, at 10 o'clock a m. and show cause, if any they have, why said guardian should not tie granted a license to sell all the right, title and interest of said ward tn and to said real property It in tardier •tdvtrd th. t said citation including tins order tie published in the Tillamook Headlight, a weekly newspaper published in Tillamook City, Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, ami of gen­ eral circulation therein for a ¡rermd of three successive weeks Now you and each ot you are here by notified and required Io appear at the alaive tune, ¡ilace and court, and ahow cause, if any you have, why said license should not be granted. W itness the honorable H omer Lebanon Commences Laying M ason Judge of the County Court Bitulithic. of Tillamook County, Oregon, and the seal of said court affixed this Active work has commenced at 22nd day of May, 11*13. J. C. H olden , Lebanon and 18 blocks of bitulithic ( seal ) Clerk. ¡laving are being laid in the thriv­ Notice Of Sheriff's Sale ot Reni ing valley town. Property. Lebanon carefully considered the N otic e is H ereby G iven , That matter [of paved streets and be­ by virtue of an Execution and Or­ fore awarding contracts made a der/ of Sale Issued out of the Cir­ thorough investigation of paving cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Tilla­ materials in use in other cities and mook. upon u decree rendered in towns. the said court on the 30th day of Bitulithic was awarded the con­ April, 1913, in the cause wherein tracted on account of several im­ J. II Ellison and Ellen Ellison were plaintiffs, and Osman Royal, portant reasons—prominent among in person, and also as Administra­ them being that bitulithic is noise­ tor. was defendant, in order to sat­ less. lasting and durable—free isfy tlie amount due on said decree, from ruts and chuckholes and a to wit. the sum of >4050 0(1 mid in terest that eon nt the rate of 7 per ¡taving material which in other cent per annum from the 23rd day cities has proven itself specially of August, 1911; the further sum of free from constant repair expenses. $400.00 attorney's tees, and the costa and disbursements of said Dairy Ranch for Sale suit taxed nt $11 50, and the costs and exprensi-s of this writ, I will on the 7th day of June, 1913, at 10 A dairy ranch, nicely located on o clock a.m of said dav, at the front Tillamook Bay, at Garibaldi, which door of the county courthouse in contains 9J acres. Half of the land Tillamook City, Oreiron, sell, at puli is good river bottom, and the other lie auction to the highest bidder for half is fine rich tide land, with a cash in hand, the real property sit­ hill that contains tine hard blue uated in TillmtiookCounty, Oregon, rock, connecting with the rock described as follows, to wit: quarry. Good house and barn, two Beginning at the northwest cor­ creeks with tine spring water runs ner nf the Eldridge Trask Donation through the place All the cows and Isind Claim, mid running thence ma' hinery goes with the place. We south to the northeast corner of the will sell half or all of the place. For James Quick Donation l.and Claim, further information call or write to thence west to the southeast corner the owner. of the John S. Tripp Donation Land F rank K. S trueby . Claim; thence north to ttxe south­ Garibaldi, Oregon. west corner of the Nathan Dmigli erty I and Claim, thence east 37 rods, more or less, to the center of Take Plenty of Time to Rat. the so-called Quick Road; thence There is a saying that "rapid eat­ south to the place of beginning, ing is suicide.'* If you have form containing IMi« acres, more or less, in Sei lions 2> and 29, m township ed the habit of eating too rapidly I south of range V west of the Wil you are most likely suffering from indigestion or constipation, which lamette Meriden, Also, beginning at the southeast will result eventually in serious t I- corner ot the J S Tripp Donation ness unless corrected. Digestion Food should Land Claim. thence north 29.00 begins in the mouth to the center of the county road be thoroughly masticated and in­ east -ind west; thence west to the cen­ salivated Then when you have a ter ot said road 3 45 chains; thence fullness of -he stomach or feel dull south 29.U) chairs, thence east A45 and stupid after eating, taie one of chains to tlie place of twginning Chamberlain s Tut.lets Many se­ containing 10 acres of land, more vere cases ot stomach trouble* and or less, in section 29 township 1 constq.ation have been cured by south of r.u ge 9 west of the Wil- the use of these tablets. They are easy to take and most agreeable in «iameWe Mendan. Also, Iwginning at a point ISO effect. Sold by all dealers. link* wot ot the Avuthr.tMt corner of the northeast quarter ot section Turkey has definitely ceded to 29, in township I south of range 9 Great Britan the island ot Cyprus, west of tlie Willamette Meridan I llience north 9 32 chains; thence which is nearly as large as Con- east 2147 chains, thence south 9 32 neclicut I was seised by Richard chains, thence west 21 47 chains to L of England in 1192. but recovered the place ot twgmning. lying and by the Tnrks. In 1871» they agreed \ being tn sections 29 and 29. in town ship 1 south ot range 9 west, con that hng'and should own it, but have (list completed the bargain taining 2«' acres, mere or less I kited May Uth 1913. It is a dull week when Turkey parts H CRENSHAW. with none of its real eatate in bhertf! of Tillamook County, Ore. Buropn. Lobbyists. Big and Little. The dictionary defines the verb to lobby as an "endoavor to secure the passage of a bill in a legisla­ tive body by’ outside influence.” Lobbyists are described as “per­ sons engaged in lobbying with a particular deliberative body;’’ and, in general, the noun lobby means "an ante room, as of a legislative hall.” It seems that the sinister impressions aroused by the word depend on circumstances, for no body would ca’l President Wilson a lobbyists, though he is actively us­ ing liis influence to shape, from the outside, a tariff revision in Congress, which is constitutionally charged with originating it. The president has also an ante room to a legislative hall, and is personally using it to a greater extent than was done by any predecessor. When the revision is finished the president will have the power to veto it. an authority certainly sug­ gesting that Congress itself should not lie vetoed in its making, nor dominated from the outside in any­ way. Etymologically, lobby is de­ rived from an old Germauic word meaning an arbor. But it does not necessarily imply that somebody* is hidden in the shrubbery. with the problem of buying Harness you will find it distinctly advanta­ geous to come and do your select ing here. You will get the best qualities, the most thorough and conscientious workmanship and be charged the most reasonable prices. We can supply single or double Sets or any- single article that you may be in need of, I.et us show you our special display of attrac­ tive new styles. We are (»erfectly [equipped for making group pictures and will please you with tne quality of our work. W. A, Williams & Co. N»s, Door to ■’"il*»mook ConntvPnrlr Monk’s Studio, Next to POST 0FF1CB. Consumers in San Francisco and , I-os Angeles are rejoicing in the | opportunity to purchase refriger | ated bee* from Australia at several cents a pound less than prices that ' have been prevailing for home ' supply. This is the beginning of what promises to be a very large fresh-beef trade between Australia and I nited States ports. At present shipments are being made to Pacific Coast ¡torts only, but in a few months the Panama Canal will : be completed, and then the Austra-I iian refreigeratcr steamers will be ' able to go to sny port on the Gulf { or the Atlantic almost as cheaply I r Family Recipes. f) The valued family •*" cipes for cough and cold cute, liniments, tonics and other remedies have a as careful attention here ■ as the most intricate pre- I scriptions. 4 Our fresh, high grade • drugs will help to matt remedies more effee : these live than ever. Right prices are also assured. a « as to San Francisco. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Every family without exception should keep thia preparation at hand during the hot weather of the summer months. Chambertain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Keircdy is worth many times its cost when needed aod is almost certain to tie needed before the summer is over. It hea no »u|>enoc f ir the purposes f