LELAND HEN'Djjj JOHN Advertising Rates. L egal advertisements : jo First Insertion, per line ... $ 5 Each subsequent insertion, line Business and professional card*. 1 00 I month.................................... 5 IA) Foiueste id Notices ................. 10 00 Timber Claim» ............ 5 Loviila per line each insertion Display advertisement, an inch, mouth ................................. •’b All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Notices. Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc. rninimun rate, 25c. not exceed­ ing five lines. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) One year........................................... 1.5o 75 Six months........................................ 50 Three months.................................... j. | {organized and a State \ eteri- narian appointed, the dairymen of the county should avail them­ selves of the law to prevent tuburculosis and other diseases amongst their stock. I hose who are able to judge are of the opinion that the percentage of tuburclosis is very small in the dairy herds of this county. But to maintain the reputation of Tillamook cheese, and a clean bill of health in the dairy herds, will do a great deal more to ad­ vance its reputation, and this ean be done by delivering clean, wholesome milk to the cheese factories from healthy cows kept in sanitary, clean barns It is just as necessary to have a veterinarian pass upon the health of cows as it is to have an inspector of cheese factories, more so, for no one should be allowed to deliver milk at the cheese factories from tuburcu­ losis cows. Ex Ambassador Bryce says he loves the United States. A man who has written so much and so well about it cou'd reach no other state of mind The male part of a reunited young couple, who had been in tbe habit of throwing missiles at his wife, has agreed to hereafter count ten when he feels himself growing angry. Better make it eleven. When eleven is counted an ordinary man can fight no more in the ring. There is a good deal sa’d in But this is an extraordinary case. the newspapers about preachers Editorial Snap Shots and edit rs who are poorly paid The record of naval veseels ex­ and who live hand to mouth. ploded by submarine mines or Take vour hat off to Circuit Often an editor gets down on torpedoes is very short, but that of his uppers because he butts in­ merchantmen so exploded is being Judge Webster Holmes. to a field where there is no open­ frequently lengthened of late in the ing or runs a newspapers in the harbor of Smyra. Admiral Farra- The old city hall is no orna­ interest of a few individuals, the bellowed in Mobile Bay. “Damn ment to a progressive city. consequence is that they do not the torpedoes,” and Dewey at have much force. The same Manila escaped all of them. But to they appear to be deadly enemies thing practically applies Numerous of peaceful merchant vessel*. some preachers. I churches are started in small The United States consular re towns like Tillamook where , previously the churches were ports say that great preparations only half or quarter filled on are being made in Australia to in­ A h the county is doing .some crease the cattle business, having good road work north of town Sundays, The result is poorly the United States markets in view paid preachers preaching to the city should replace that old Governmenticoncessions for 1,000,000 empty pews, which is certainly rattle-trap of a bridge aero»» the discouraging, to say nothing of square miles o' virgin territory slough. wasted effort. Of course, we have been taken out for cattle graz­ do not say that any of the min­ ing. The public domain is not We welcome the U.B. preach­ isters who are visiting this city sold, nor are cattle men permitted ers t/i our city, with the hope are poorly paid and are expend­ to use it as wuh done in this that their deliberations will be ing an enormous amount of country, but it is rented under instrumental in bringing about effort preaching to empty pews, what is known as a “concession.'’ mure unity in Protestant but our observation convince» Tbe report says that hundreds of churches. us they have gone through that American cattlemen are negotiat­ experience, ami like the editor ing with the purpose of going to Some of the attorneys have who bucks up against a field Australia to engage in the range been trying to discover errors where there no opening, often business there. Meanwhile all the in the proceedings of recent preachers are rowing in the refrigerator capacity now afloat elections and now claim they same boat when they are called has been contracted for and there l.ave found something that or appointed to a church where will be much new capacity created will help them out in the fight conditions were such that the for the American trade Much of a: litist the construction comp­ active members of the congre- this is largely based upon the re any. Isn't it time the attor­ gative have to scratch in most cent ruling recogizitig the inspec­ any way to raise the preacher’s tion stamp ot the Australian in neys gave the city a rest ? spectors. salary. I Every dairyman in the coitti- Mr. Carnegie, sweeping his in­ Whether it is possible to form tv should join the Tillamook a union church of several of tbe tellectual telescape around the blue t "aunty Fair Association so as denominations is now being and serene heaven of a perpetual have a voice in its management. king nt the the Japanese Foreign Office con- tion strictly for the tiene tit of situation from a purely financial aiders it unsatisfactory, as it does the dairy and agricultural inter point of view. However,church not mention any intention on the cats of the county, we predict unity in this city ia a subject for part of the government at Wash­ careful consideration, but some ­ that the association will grow ington to take official ste| a to nul­ in magnitude mid In* of great body must work out a plan. lify the act passed by the Califor­ benefit to the county. Not only nia legislature. may lie tnarn taken ~~ , A Worker Appreciates This. should the older dairy men take Wm. Morris, >i resident of Flor­ [only an evidence that the intniatry tin interest in it, but the young ence, Oregon a.iya * For the List really believes lhe t esty to have i men nisi»should tie anxious to fourteen years tuv kidneys and been violated. No other point of tiecome charter member» an I Fla Ider incapacitated me fur all ......... ........................ -.................... . ago ,.K.. 1 . '”•* ‘•’’«•Id •’••«<' .««> Punk lpM About eight months ‘grow up” with the association werk ‘ begun using Folev K Kidney Pil’s. i nivflihcation under our con- mid tuke part in ttie delibera­ began and they have done t ‘JJ other •’»tutional paramountcy of treatiea tion» It takes only $1.00 to be­ ■Kdicine* failed to d