îüaôlinljt » Vol. XXV. No. 49 TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JUNE 5, 1913 — Deposit all your income at this bank and pay it out by check. Thus you will make a written record of all your money transactions, which may be referred to months or years hence, when information is wanted, or the amount or time of a payment is ques­ tioned Most of the large deposits began as small ones. A checking account at this bank will be your stepping stone to success. OLDEST? BANK JN TH£ COUNTY i CAPITA L TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK $30 000 00 TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. ILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Wall paper.—King & Smith Co. * Born, to the wife of D. Krake. a on. See Dr. Monk for novelties in plactv irds. Busy Bees—Bee Supplies. King & mith Co. Stylish City Photographs at the illamook Studio. Born, on Saturday, to the wife of laud Ackley, a son George Loerpabel was in the city l-day from Nehalem. For Fine Photographs at popular rices.—Tillamook Studio. The annual district school elec- on will take place on the lfith. Classes fitted. Any kind, any lyle Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * Call up the Mulual Phone for a ite at the Tillamook Studio. . Bicycles and bicycle sundries, ipplies and repairs. -King & s Kith Co. Wanted, a woman for general iuse work, Good wages. Carl A. itz'af. £d. Leach has resigned h’s posi- n as assistant fish and game rden. Ave chickens wanted at the Tilla- K>k Meat Company’s Market, 12c. r pound. • laid bond trading stamps with your cash purchases. —King & lith Co. 'he county court allowed a sa in license to J. J. McCormick at ribaldi. Vanted, 20 milk .cows. Apply S. Phillips, Fawcett Creek. Tele- one 5F22. , Jr. Jack Olson has opened den- parlors over F. R. Beals' office, th phones. • ’hone Joe Lilly for wood sawing, untry work solicited. Phone 1313 cific States. . Jou't forget the grand opening ice next Saturday evening, June it Barview. liss Ruby McGhee left thia morn- | for Portland where she will it friends. 'o Rent, —a furnished house, four mis and pantry Apply to W. Newcombe. Editor Frank Taylor came in on train Tuesday from a business P to Portland. or Sale,—90 Angora goats, $2 !h. Inquire of R. F. Fowler, aver, Oregon, f our work does not suit you tell if it does tell your friends. City insfer Company • enta, tent flyes, camp stoves, ip chairs, everything for camp. >ng A Smith Co. • ring your chickens to the Tills- ok Meat Company's Market We ’ 12c. per pound. * STATE SUPERVISION A C. Everson has rented the building now occupied by the Til­ lamook County Bank. • Amateurs ! Better pay a small charge and get good results from your kodaks.—Tillamook Studio. . Articles incorporating the Tilla­ mook County Fair Association have been tiled with the Secretary of State. Miss Dina Plasker has gone to Montcray, Cal., to visit friends, where she will remain during the summer. Mrs. Alfred Magnusen was taken to Portland on Tuesday by her father, Frank Long, to undergo an operation. Dr. Jack Olsen will be away from the city Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday attending the Dentists' Convention. Free, an elegant bevel edged stag handle hand mirror, containing your photo with our folders.—Tilla­ mook Studio. A Snap,- The furnitnre and lease of a rooming house for sale, over Williams’ harness shop. Call on the premises. “ The Henrietta will leave on Satur­ day evening at 7:30 and take pas­ sengers to the opening dance at Bar View that night. Mrs. W. High and family are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watt. Alabastine your walls right over the old paper if paper is not torn. Makes a first class job and a pretty room.—King * Smith Co. , Since the (kidfellow»’ building has been moved Hilma Johnson has moved opposite the Jones-Knud­ son Furniture Co's, store. Word having reached I. C. Quick that hie son, Tom, was seriously sick at Forest Grove, lie left Mon- day morning to visit him. Horse, harness and small light wagon for sale This is a suitable r'g to haul milk to cheese factory W H Hoskins, Tillamook. Ore. Janies Walton, Jr., came in from Portland on Monday on business and left for Neskowin on Wednes- day. He will return to Portland on Friday. Three games of baseball will be played in this city on Friday, Sat urday and Sunday, between Brad ford Clothing Co , of Portland, and Tillamook. Martin Blaser, who is running Carl Haberlach's ranch at Woods. wasseriouely injured on Tuesday. He fell from a’disc, which ran over him cutting the tendons near the foot of one of his legs. To prevent the spread of tuber­ culosis, the new law reads: "No books shall be loaned from a pub­ lic library to any person afflicted with pulmonary tuberculosis or to any person living in a residence where a case of pulmonary tuber­ ■ 11 paper.—King A Smith Co. * culosis exists UflRflR’S VARIETY STORE, TIUbATnOOK- «« •I OREGON. . , . , Wall paper.—King A Smith Co. I A resolution was passed to employ A I,wish to thank my many friends W. K Roy “8 city inspector at $10 a day. The city council also de ­ who so kindly assisted me in win­ ning the second prize in the con­ cided to purchase a tluaher for the test at Mason, Pennington & Co. streets, the company deciding to take back the street sweeper at the —Ruby McGhee. It is the aim of^this bank to same price that was paid for it. The old school building, which give the best banking service The editor's bungalow had a belongs to C. E. Hass, is to be close call of being destroyed by possible—and cue do it. moved to a lot in the rear of where it now stands, and a basement is fire on Friday afternoon. Several sparks from the chimney, during It is also our aim to have being fixed for it. the strong northwest wind in the the best equipment such as Dawson Bros, will meet nil trains afternoon, caught the roof on fire with bus, and will handle passen­ in several places, burning com­ Modern fine Proof Banking gers and baggage to all parts of the pletely through the shingles before Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­ city. Call or phone at the Livery it was noticed by Mr. and Mrs. barn on 2nd Ave East. lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe Emmett Bales, who were passing Buy a Ford car because they run in their auto, when several team­ Deposit Boxes—and cue have 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline. sters tore off the burning shingles. them. \\ hen you get them your troubles The editor wishes to thank, them all are over. See Ed. Hadley, the local for saving his home. agent for the Ford auto Some of the official members of Bids were opened from four con­ the Methodist. Presbyterian and tractors for the excavation of the United Brethern churches have new Masonic Temple on Wednes­ under consideration the advisa­ day, but the contract will not be bility of formulating a plan so that let until ths architect arrives. these congregations can worship to­ Attorneys S. S. Johnson and . gether in one church. The ques­ Webster Holmes were in Salem last tion of church property is a com­ week in connection with the Port plex question for it seems, that of Bayocean case. They expect a this is vested in the different dis­ decision about next Tuesday. trict organizations. It is proposed Mrs Louie Labowitch and daugh­ to build a new modern church ter, accompanied by Miss Cohn, of suitable for such a congregation. Endicott left the next which formerly were embraced in Portland, returned to the city on The adjourned term of the Cir­ and Major going The to Nehalem, where the Third Judicial District morning, Sunday. Mrs. Labowitch has been cuit was set for last Monday, but they will look over the situation district attorney will no e a visiting friends in California. owing to some mix up with tiling there, as Mr. Reed is endeavoring salary of $1800 a year an- will have three deputies ut a sal.. • y of Linseed oil is cheaper now than it new papers and the change of to have the encampment at his $11X1 each annually. It is almost certain that the has been fora longtime. Buy it by judges for the new district, court place. Mr. Upjohn was scheduled '«> be­ _______ will come to Tillamook regiment the barrel and paint that house and was not called on Monday to try county, but which of the two places come county attorney oi f'olk barn that you have neglected in the cese where the citizens have will not be known until about next County under the county n't. ney bill, which will be referred r the an injunction suit against Monday. the past.—King & Smith Co. * people in November. As :i n - ilt, Construction Co. At the special election at Wheeler the Warren the act creating the new j,. 'icial on Thursday it was decided by a Judge Webster Holmes has called To Prevent Disease Amongst district supersedes the count at­ torney act. Should the people ns- Animals and Fowls- vote of 32 to 2 to incorporate the a special term of the Circuit Court piove the bill Mr. I'pjohn probably city of Wheeler, which makes the for June 23rd. and he has requested The new law affecting diseases would be appointed county attorney the Chief Justice to appoint a judge fourth incorporated city in the anion; st animals and fowls went of Polk County, in accordace with to try the pavement cases. programme. Soon county. into effect on Tuesday. The aim the original The new train service on the and object of the new law is to pre­ after gjving up his newspaper Children's Day will be observed vent the spread of tuberculosis and vzork in Salem early in May, Mr. at the Presbyterian Church next P. R. A N. will go into effect about contagious diseases in stock anil Upjohn moved to Dallas, lie was the 23rd June, when extra trains other animals, dealing specially graduated from the law department Sunday evening, when the children of the Willamette University auout will take part in that service. The will be run from Portland and with tuberculosis in dairy herds A one year ago. Mr. Upjohn is a commission will have charge of the Tillamook City, leaving about one service in that church will begin Republican. o'clock. Two observation cars have work and a State Veterinarian and Governor West appointed Web- at 7:30. deputies will be appointed to in- been ordered for these trains, but ster Holmes circuit judge of the The contiact for the new Catholic they may not be ready when the force the law. When dairy animals Twelfth Judicial District. are ordered killed it is necessary to Church was let to M. Melchoir on new schedule goes into effect. These comply with certain condition to Tuesday. The church when com- trains will not handle mail unless obtain part compensation for the plete will coBt about $s,00O and will it is decided to have through loss of the animals The law allows Rev E II. Hicks is Coming. be another substantial addition to pouches between the two cities. •' $10.1X1 for each heifer over one year and under two years of age ; Thursday evening of next week the city. There would be only a small amount and $25 for each cow two years of the Ladies’ Guild of the Presby­ At the annual meeting of the Til­ oi mail as there is only a few hours age or over ; and fifty per cent ad­ terian Church have arranged with on each heifer or cow lamook Hotel Company on Mon­ difference in the time of the trains ditional registered in an) registry of blooded day, P. J. Worrall, Anna A. Wor- leaving Portland stock recognized by the Btirenii of rall and Chas. Kunze were elected Mrs. Percy gave a most interest­ Aniimrt Industry of the I'nited directors. H. T. Botts’ shares were ing talk on Mexico at the Imine of States ; and for a registered lull the same amount as for u registered cancelled at 80c. on the dollar. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Whitehouse on cow. One half of said amount The new district attorney, I> II. Friday evening. Having resided allowed as indemnitj shall be paid of the ci county court out Upjohn, has appointed Attorney in that country lor a number of upon order ot the county, Gersoni his deputy for Tillamook years she is thoroughly familiar of the general funds of transmit to The county court shall County. During the time that At with conditions there, both social!) the Secretary of State a certified its to the torney Handley was the deputy he anon Dr. Mc- l.i'gihhiturc The law became ef­ Sewer Pipe for Sale Gee,but the sentence^-»» suspended affairs of the association, anil it is fective at midnight, and Mr. Up pending good behavior, was ar­ ta ped that all the dairymen of the’ ijohn i begun his new work this For Sale all sixes of sewer rested again as a result of assult county will take enough interest in morning The district comprises Polk, and sewer connections. jog and abusing Ins wife Cullen the association to take one share. Yamhill ami Tillamookj Counties. McMahan General W E. Finzer, of the Ore­ also smashed up the furniture. He had a hearing before Justice Stan gon National Guard, and Major lev, who fined him $30, again sus- F. C. Endicott, of the I’. S. Army, pending sentence to give him an come in from Portland on Tuesday opportunity to provide for to see what could tie done to sc. bis wife and family, as the justice commodate the National Guard in did not think it a very serious case their annual encampment this year. They were met at the depot by a of assault Married on Saturday, at the Chris delegation from the Tillamook Com­ tian Church, I by the pastor. Rev. mercial Club, and were taken to R. E. Jope. Sophus C Larsen and two suitable location«, one to the Miss Elsie Schollmeyer. The happy west and the other to the east of ccuple belong to Nehalem, I ut the town. In the evening they were at bride resided lor some tin e in this the cluli rooms and discuss«! the city, her friends extending to them matter? the club agreeing to pro­ their congratulations sn-1 best vide water on the camp grounds wishes for their future happiness and take in hand what other mat­ This was the first wedding in the ters have to be attended to. The regiment Will be about 700 strong, new Christian Church and should Tillamook le select«! At a meeting of the city council they will arrive here on the Mb D