Tillamook Headlight, May 20, 1913, OLDEN WEDDING. velope. Very truly y ours, W. E. C lark , Superintendent. Beach Jottings OHN Some two months ago about and Mrs. Isaac Quick twenty or twenty-five of the resi­ ebrate their 50th Wed­ dents of Garibaldi Beach met at the ding Anniversary. school house in Seaview and Commercial Club Meets. * C Quick waa born in Holmes organized the Garibaldi Beach lhjj' April 8, 1832, crossed the The regular meeting of the Tilla­ Boosters' Club Since that time the in 1854—helping drive a band of mook Commercial Club was ___ held at membership of the club has in­ He settled down at the mines the club ------- rooms — on Monday evening, creased to more than one hundred ifornia, staying there until 1858 ” — 26, *“ 1913, President Baker presid­ boosters for the Garibaldi Beach May »me to Yamhill Co., Oregon- ing. The objects of the club are to en­ g down at North Yamhill, Minutes of the previous meeting courage and develop any worthy line Simmons was born in Grant were read and approved. enterprise for the advancement of Tie., April 17, 1847, crossed the The secretary’s report showing re­ the local improvements and pro­ with her parents in 1853, settling ceipts for the month of $167.20 and ex­ mote the general welfare of the in at North Yamhill, penditures of $183.41, was read and habitants of Garibaldi Beach and Tillamook county, but more especi-1 ie parties met and were married ordered accepted. Garibaldi Beach. Peter rth Yan hili, May 26, 1863, com- The following committee reports ally Schranz is president and Mr. Byers Tillamook in the Fall of 1865. were received. his union were born seven sons Reception Committee: President secretary. The club lias been holding weekly re daughters namely : Dick B. of Baker reported that the committee I Grove, Oregon; DeRoy C. de­ had assisted in the entertainment of meeting with a large and enthuai li Thomas L. of Banks, Ore.; Prof. Hetzel of the Oregon Agricultur­ astic attendance and much has been W., of Tillamook, Ore.; Ivan C. al College and Mr. M. S. Shrock of accomplished in the way of local led; Ladd C. of Tillamook ; Susan the dairy and food commissioner’s of­ improvements. A side walk will be ion, Portland, Or.; Hester Wells, fice during their recent visit in the built from Ocean Lake Park to Man look, Ore.; Clara Kennedy. Mi- city. He also reported that Food and hattan, and with the assistance of Ire. ; Addie D. Olds, Tillamook Dairy Commissioner J. D. Mickle and our County Court a road will be Rosie D. Quick, deceased, and F. H. Scribner of the U. S. bureau of built so that automobiles can travel animal husbandry would arrive in Til­ through all the various resorts ;F. of Tillamook. ihose living six were present to lamook on Tuesday, May 27, and re­ along the beach. Other and much enjoy this anniversary: Susan, quested members to assist in entertain­ needed improvements are being considered by the club. and Isaac F. not being able to ing them. Frank Miller, the obliging P. M B. C. Lamb reported for the reading i couple celebrated their 50th room committee that a desk and sta­ of Rockaway, is erecting a building ersary at their home at South tionery had been installed for use in for the post-office, which will make commodious and comfortable quar­ ie on Mond«y, May 26, 1913, with letter writing. Mr. Spalding reporting for the com­ ters for the conduct of Uncle Sam's nteous repast. je were 59 guests present includ- mittee on county fair, appointed by business. Mr. Henry has opened a butcher’s children, grandchildren, great the president since the last meeting, announced that a permanent county shop in tile Wilkins hotel. Children and friends. F. Wilkins, of Portland, has re i guests present were: Mr. and fair association is in process of for­ Henry Olds, Fairview; Mr. and mation, and that a live stock exhibit turned to Rockaway. George Spall, of Portland, is Seorge Olds, Fairview; Joe Lilly and fair would without doubt be held imily, Tillamook ; A. Christensen here during the month of September. building a bungalow at Rockaway. Mr. Allen has rented the Sclirantz TO THE It was moved and seconded that a 'amity, South Prairie; Mr- and Robert Neilson, South Prairie; committee be appointed to look into cottage, at Sea view, and is working nd Mrs. Chas. Wells and daugh- the advisability of issuing $25.00 notes at the saw mill. B. L. Byers, of Byers' cash store, etarts; Mr. and Mrs. Ike Wells to refund the indebtedness of the club, Seaview, has his bungalow about' family, Netarts; Mr. and Mrs. notes to bear 6 per cent interest and completed. VIA THE ' , Quick, South Prairie; Mr. and to come due monthly. Carried. Messrs W. McCullah and eon have moved Harry Quick and Family, Forest B. C. Lamb, W. G. Dwight, A. H. to Tillamook. i; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Quick and Gaylord were appointed on this com­ Pete Schranz was in Bay City, y, Banks, Ore. ; Dick Quick, mittee. AND THE President Baker requested the mem­ Tuesday. t Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A cottage is being constructed in bers present to help the members of , Forest Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Seaview by John Boldrick, of Hills­ t Olds and family, South Prairie; the G. A. R. to get automobiles for boro. nd Mrs. Henry Zurfluch and fam- use in carrying the old soldiers to the G. A. Jones, of Portland, is at CO /SU N SET Duth Prairie; Mr. and Mrs. Weiss, cemetery on decoration Day. Seaview, getting his Tent City in I (OGDEN »SHASTA I Prairie; Mr. and Mrs. K. Schlap-. The committee on municipal affairs I ROUTES / readiness for summer business. mth Prairie; Mr. and Mrs. Pear- was requested to take up the matter of H. G. Davies and wife, of Sell- i id daughter. Pleasant Valley; Mr. the enforcement of speed regulations wood, are at Rose City Beach. Mr ; Irs. Chas. Desmond and daugh- for automobiles within the corporation Davies is erecting a fire place in ! Minnie and Hallie, Pleasant Val- limits. hie cottage, which adds much to its ' Meeting adjourns. ap Perry and Vedo Lavaya. comfort and appearance. Mr. E. J. Claussen, Secretary. le very nice presents were re- Davies ie an old time Tillamooker. i: A gold handled umbrella from A. F. Myers, of Sellwood, was in '■ All points on the 1’. R. & N to Hillsboro nd Mrs. Ike Wells; gold tooth- Nehalem Valley Dahlia for a brief stay at Rose ,City Beach The lolder and salt and pepper shaker, last week. Plus 80 Conts Association Meets. nd Mrs. Wells’ three children; Mrs. Geo. Perry, of Twin Rocks, set, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olds; visited Nehalem last week. A number of local floral enthusi­ Sale Dates: picture in gold frame— very ap- Mrs. Ella S. Gay, of Portland, is iate for the occasion, Mr. and asts met at the home of F. A. Kowe making preparation for the erection I June 8 to 13 inclusive. Firal return limit June 16th. Henry Zurfluch and Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday for the purpose of electing of four cottages on her property in officers for the ensuing year who [; lamp, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Olds; Twin Rocks. For illustrated booklet oil the Rose Festival and bowl, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Quick; are to serve as active workers for Mrs. E. L. Hart's resilience in the cause of preserving for the Ne ­ set, Mr. and Mrs. Schlappi; sou- leaflet giving lull program, call on any S. I’. Agent, Midway Beach is nearing comple plate, Mr. and Mrs. A. Christen- halem Valley the dahlia as its of­ tion, which will add a substantial or address: tushion top worked in nlue and ficial floral emblem. improvement to this part of the They decided also to hold a floral Johnnie Quick, of Forest Grove; beach. in top, Mrs. C. C. Gullim, of exhibit in connection with the In­ The dancing pavillion of Stephens ville, Iowa; plates, cups and sau- dustrial Fair to be held here Au­ & Burgan, at Saltair, is about com Portland, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Quick; sou- gust 30th, and to offer prizes for pleated, so limber up your joints. spoon, Mr. and Mrs. Pearson; the best display of flowers. These Did you notice that smile? Mrs. plate glass in gold frame, coat prizes will be announced later. It C. M. Roes, of Portland, is paying is their desire that every citizen of at rack, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Des- her husband of Saltair a week’s ; gold salt and pepper shakers, the valley m ike an effort to put on visit. an exhibit at this time in order to le an4 Hallie Desmond; gold Ma- Mrs. Ledyard, of Portland, has Emblem Bar pin, Mr. and Mrs. make this feature of the event equal opened her cottage at Saltair for •illy and family and a beautiful ly as interesting and important as the season the industrial phase of the propos­ carved cane, Dick Quick. Mrs. E A Hirshner has under ed fair, as was also the case last Id bind plates which were used in construction a building of sixteen year and thus accomplish a double hg the dinner were presented by apartments at Elmore Park. bappy elderly couple to the child­ purpose in holding this annual Homer Craig, old time cook of grand children and great grand event We will thus be able to the Allen House, at Tillamook, has ren, also a plate which was bought cover the field more thoroughly opened a bakery at Elmore Park. sed to begin house keeping with than if it were devoted solely to Mr. Wiener is soon to open a is couple 50 years ago was pre­ agricultural, horticultural, or in­ lunch counter at Elmore Park. Judge Darcli, Superior Judge of fl to their youngest living daugh- dustrial exhibits. Mrs. L. M. Zaddach was elected the State of Washington, has started Hrs. Albert Olds, with whom they president; Mrs. Louise Todd, secre­ their home. the erection of a fivejroom bungalow tary; and Mrs. Mary Scovell, treas­ Monk came out and took the at Elmore Park. urer of the Nehalem Valley Dahlia x.- ler. Eul'.tof odlca'jt«; iron and charcoal W. E Densmore, merchant at • of both the family and guests, ron riveted tirctberlntfl ad of being bolted Association These officials desire Twin Rocks, has returned to the i wedding cake waa made by Mrs. together. Mule alrtl-bt without the me ot the co operation and support of beach and has opened up for buai- Mowrey, of 'fillamook, who has Stove r'J’Jy It? crumble and full out, as hap­ every one interested in floral ex­ pens lu ca blo'-taonlnff-a rub with second Nehalem Valley Industrial war of 1835-06, passed away at his ! gvi doth makfMi It appeal like now. 1ft ter dinner was partaken of ami a '■▼«ran J over In the f it mtm , and Floral Fair.—Nehalem Enter­ home in North Yamhill Sunday; hlr.ff of the way II inakw a wumsi’i ral social time spent the guests morning at the age of Mil years, wura »Kb/ aud «Uowa her U* do perfect bwklAg. rted for their respective homes prise. celebrating hie last birthday on THE ARCADIAN IS SOLD BY U8. ing thia couple many more year". January 17of this year. He was, at Stockholders’ Meeting. the time of his death, the head of -PPy .rsrried life. the Bink of Yamhill, and was the The regular annual meeting of pioneer merchant of that town the stockholders of the Tillamook running a genera! merchant store Information Wanted. Hotel Company will be held on there for a number of years when town was first settled He was Monday, June 2nd. 1913. at 1:30 p m., the Hughesville. Penna., at the office of the company in Til­ married twice, hie first wife dying about 12 years ago. About 10 years May 19th, 1613. lamook City. Oregon, office of H. ago he was married to Mrs. Ama is Knudson Furniture Co., T. Botts, at which time a Board of Brown, who, with one 7-year-old, In Ilia third law lecture at Yale, Tillamook, Ore. survive him He also has a brother. Directors will tie elected, also to re William, of Yamhill, and a sister. iorrner President Taft a»saileg Mr. Ellis Kogers, who has and liabilities of the company. living. legislation aa being ‘ very much I absent from home and rela- The deceased was well known tn Dated Tillamook, Ore. May 7, like legislation during the French ! this county, where lie often spent i for several years. He »>* By order. revolution—the work of political . his summer vacations. heard from at your City. He is 1913. P. J WoKRALL. President. crank« and directly contrary to the >n pest H5 years ot age. a lout H T. B otts . Secretary. spirit of the constitution.’’ Speak­ Health a Factor tn Success 't 8 inches tall, weighs about On your front |«»i< li can lie lit The largest factor contributing ing oi the income tax. he advocated every night until midnight hundred and sixty-five (>ounds. To Water Conanmers to a man’s success is undoubtedly a graduated tax on all incomes of an