T*illamool< Headlight, May 30« 1013, HANDSOME $400 UPRIGHT PARLOR GRAND PIANO Mason, Pennington & Co. and the Tillamook Headlight WILL GIVE AWAY, absolutely without cost, the CAXTON UPRIGHT PIANO shown below. This is open to anyone, and nomination blanks may be obtained at the Tillamook Headlight office, at nington & Co. ’s store, or cut from ihis ad. This will be the most interesting advertising proportion ever held tn Till­ amook County, and everybody has an equal opportunity to secure this Beautiful Upright PARLOR LKAM) T1A V. How to Get Vote Tickets. How to Get Vote Tickets. With every purchase made at MASON, PENNING­ TON & CO.’s STORE votes will be given—ioo votes FOR EVERY DOLLAR’S WORTH PURCHASED. Votes in the same proportion will also be given to persons paying ac­ counts. If any of our friends need anything in Ladies’ Dress Goods, Suits, Underwear, Millinery, Shoes, etc., and Gent.’s Clothing and Furnishing, ¡Boots, Shoes, Rubber Goods, etc., or anything carried by an up-to-date General Merchandise Store, get them to patronize Mason, Penning­ ton & Co. and give you their votes. Now is the time to get busy. The earlier you start the more advantage you will have in final count. The date of the closing of the contest will be June I, 1913. Cut out Coupon below and present or mail to Mason, Pennington & Co. or the Tillamook Headlight. if they owe on account get them to pay it and secure votes. The Tillamook Headlight is the pioneer newspaper of Tillamook County, which for the past twenty five years have been boosting for the county, advocating good roads aud other improvements. With every yearly subscription to The Tillamook Headlight accompanied by $1.50 in cash, 5,000 votes wil be given. This applies to back subscription, and you can pay for as many as you desire. You can also get votes on job printing—100 votes for each dollar paid on either job advertising or printing. All leading merchants in Tilla­ mook, Oregon, patronize The Tillamook Headlight, and they will be glad to give you the votes when they pay any of their accouuts. But the best way to get votes is to g:. subscriptions to the paper, as the schedule of votes is so much greater for subscription than for anything else. You will be surprised how easy it is to get subscriptions to the Headlight if you try. Closes June 4, 1913. NOMINATION BLANK' Claxton Upright Grand Piano Voting Contest. Cut this Coupon out and bring to Mason, Pennington & Co. It will Count 100 Votes. Good fur 2,000 Votes. I hereby accept the nomination as a con­ testant on the Claxton Piano Contest. Please place these 2000 votes to my credit. No. l.Naine of Contestant will not be known. 2. No name of candidates will be pub­ lished. 3, Every Contestant gets 2,000 votes to start with. k. Every Contestant gets a number. 5, Standing by Numbers published weekly in The Tillamook Headlight. 6, All votes must be brought in Wednesday for recording. 7, Votes must Not be writ­ ten on. S. Tie votes in packages with Contestant's number and amount on top slip. 9. Color of < ertificates will be changed each month and must be recorded before change. 10 Votes are transferable only before recording. 11, Contestant having the largest number of votes on May 1, lyl3, wins Piano. THIS IS SURELY A PRESENT WORTH WORKING FOR. Name.................................. P.O................................ Also Two Gold Watches and a $25 Silver Toilet Set. Silver Wear Every Week to the contestants. NOTlCB OF APPLICATION FOR LK i:\si; TO SKI.I. SPIRITUOUS. MALT AND VINOUS LIQUORS, ETC. NoTlCIt U» IlKRKIlY GlVKN. A petition h«* been .filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook County n true copy nnd transcript thereof and of the whole thereof is in words, letters and figures 11» follow« to wit In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook County. In the mat ter of Application of . J. J McCormick for Hotel I.i / quijr License in the Town of ’ Garibaldi, Oregon. A. I>. Wick, Rockaway. Mrs. G. H. Laluniiere, Tillamook Beach. Mr. Geo. Lalumiere, Tillamook Beach. Stephens. J. II., Tillamook Beach. A N. Holfing, Ocean Lake. N. K. Emery, Bar View. Arthur Oavis, Rock a way. Frank Ekroth, Hobsonville. Frank Sheldon, H<>bsonvilie. Mrs. Mell Mitchell, Garibaldi. Ulias. L. Stedman, Jr . Bar View. John l>. Johnson. lloLsonville. Kile Patterson, Bar View. II S Hewitt BarView. Mi*«Z. S. Shafer, Manhattan. Mark Hobson, Garibahii Miss Zada Shalvr Manhattan. J. II Smith, Bar View. S. Davis, Rockaway, M F. Bowman. Garibaldi. Sam Johnson. Garibaldi B Chatterton, Bar View J. S. McDonald. Garibaldi. Carl O. sliaprn, Bar View Lloyd C. Smith, Bar View. Mrs. J. II Smith, Bar View, M Adamson, Bar View A L. Evans Garibaldi. Katie Striirby, («aribaldi. Frank K Strucby, Garibaldi. M rs. Al | hi hs, Garibaldi. Ben Johnson, Garibaldi. Mrs. A. Anderson, Garibaldi. 1‘rank Buckles. Garibahii. John L. Arlig, Garibahii. C. V Stoker, Rockaway. I. W Wilks. R«>ckaway li. II Best, Rockaway. George I’rrry, Rockaway, li F Jackson. Bar View, Charles Bowers, Bar View Vari I l.oll Bar View Bessie Bowers, Bar View, l< E Jackson, Har View , I R. Johnson, <>aribahli, <'lytic Miller. Garibaldi, I liauxhurst, Garibaldi, F Krumlauf, Garibahii. Andrew Peterson. Garibaldi. Frank Illingworth. Garibahii, llari x II. Hogcn, («aribalbi. Mr« Harry " ■* llogcn, ('..»ribaldi, Mrs. K H Kennedy Garibaldi, I. G. Balmer. Garibaldi, Mr» J «»me« l.anglev Garibaldi. K B Kennedy _______ ____ _____ _ Garibaldi, Al luhrs Garibaldi, Andrrw llansrn. Garibahii. I’ F Tti«wbricriod of one year from the date ot «.ud license Dated this .loth day ot April, 19IL J J M c C ormick , Peti tioner. State of Oregon, | • County of Tillamook, I 1 McComock. Itcoig first duly »worn •av that I am one of the ixtitionrrs above n amrtl a«ul haxc read the foregoina |*ct1tion that all the facts and statements therein contained are true as I rruh believe, and that said t«ctition contains an actual ma- in»it ’Ofthe legal voter« of Garibaldi Pre iinct in »aid Tillamook County, Oregon. , J J- M c C ormick . to.l i a *“'J ,w<>ni before me this .loth tin v of April, 1«t3. Ulil.1 WwnsTKR Hoi mks . Notary Public for Oregon. PETITION. To the Honorable County Court above named : We. the undersigned, your petitioners hereby allege and show to you the follow Ing fact* and petition you as follows That We ano each of in arc residents and !?«•) voters within Garibaldi Precinct, in Tillamook County. Oregon, and have been such for more than thirty days next prveed itig the date of the «igniilg and filing of this petition. having been, and now arc actual residents and legal voters within said Precinct for more than thirty days next pre ceding 30th dav of April. I Pl.t That the »aid J. J. M cCorinick i s the own j er of valuable real property in the town <-l Garibaldi. Oregon, ami is the owner and proprietor of a hotel in said town and lm> l»ee»i such for more than one \< .ti l.to past and has heretofore conducted a barroom in said hotel and has nt all times conducted .. decent nnd orderly plac< ami complied with the laws of the state of firejton with tetri ence to the conduct inu of said hotel and bar room in connection therewith That said hotel w ill have, on the third day of June |«$I3 accoininodations for n<»t less than fifty guests and will have sufficient room» for the aecommodatlon of at least fifty guests, provided with beds in a suitable manner, and in conformity with the re quircmcnts of the statutes of Oregon gov ernoring t hr gi ant mg of bats to hotels That said McCormick in a competent and suitable prraon to conduct a hotel with bat in connection therewith That we hereby respectfully petition you tn grant a license to said McCoimick to •ell. In said town of Garibaldi, and at his ■ aid hotel, spirituous, malt anti vinous It quor», near beer, and fermented cider, coin manly known as hard eider and other in tosii atlng liquors, for a p< riotl of «me \r,tt from the date of the granting of such license within said Garibaldi precinct, to the above n a inert J J McCormick That sal«l town of Garibaldi is an unincor pnrated town in rillamook County. Orc gon Hated this 30th dav of April, |9ij Peter Byrom, Garibaldi John A Nelson, tiarfhaldi C F Alexander Garibaldi t . \l Alexander, Garibaldi L B Wing. Garibaldi. I* K Wing Garibaldi F. C. Robiaon, Itur View Kdwntd Eiicks«»n. Far View. A G Ki umlaut Garibaldi L. L. Smith, Garibaldi Chas T. Morgan Garibaldi Chas R Gatvhct, Garibaldi. Geo Russell, Garibahii Sc finetsingei Garibaldi re R M Hawthorne, bar View, r«. Mary I? Ami th, Garibaldi I), lohnsion. Garibaldi O C Hawthorne. Hai View tie«» H Young. Garibaldi Paul Dowling tlaribahti. Mrs led Fleck Garibaldi «>0 Fieri», Gantiahli Beelits Garibaldi M ►’ Mobiawon, Bar View G W Phelps, Garibaldi F. A Phelps. Garibaldi A K Me Kune Garibahii I* Win Hartsell Garibaldi t> II Benson Har View Win Kennedy Garibaldi. W II Hevhv Garibahii By local applicath »«. as they cannot reach H. K l»crbY, Garibaldi the diwasol |H«rt •n of the ear Alfred Johnson. Garibahii I here is only one w ax to i ire deafnews. and that is Mie A lohttsoH. Gattbaldt by constitutional _ n-uie»Iics I. J Mcvorm»ck Garibaldi Deafaes» is canard by an M»* I J McCormick Garibaldi infiammi condition ol the HUhvoia lining af the Eustachian Tube Mrs M I Ktumlauf Garibadi Bhen this tub U. Marshall. Garibahii i« in fi. ime« I you have a tumbling sound c •r im|«ertvct hearing, ami Iame« l.anglcv Garibaldi when it ‘t is . rnttrrlv riOMxl , tel in Iti •*•»»» II ■ - mi « . IVafnes. 1« the result, ami unta»« the infi.*nimatH*n can be Kent v lenninge Garibahii taken tit an«| this tube rvsloml to its M H ¡thatrr Manhattan Beach condition, hearing will destroved Barah I- Rhahri M anhattan Hr u h, Martha B Buchan. Manhattan Beach »»«t »M tew are caused hv whKhi» nothing bwt infiammi M. J Buchan, Manhattan Beas h ■n the mucous surface« M Moroney. k«H-kaway. H give One Hundred Dollar« for any < A Austin. Lake Lytle De «fne«s tcauwd bv catarrh) that KHs Anetta Lake Lx tie Pater Mehr ant a, Sea View * Kurexl be Hall » Catarrh » wrv Circular« free Mr» rcter Behr ants Sea \tc^ ’ UHKNKV ro TOhio. Ktmer I llanbv Lake loth* ’ lbu«tat«. TSc ’•bn Andet»«»n, I akc I xtlr Hall's V anni» Pill s 1 (War Jordall Labe Lvtlc Past Gervais. Lake Lytle Marr Gervais, l.ake l.vtlr I W I'wwlct R'^kaway I A utrangr part «>1 thy frrquent Mr» M V Fowkr k.w'hawav K.1 H W« h M. B.whawax Mr* Blanche W«M m 1. tttH'hawav high wimli, in Nebraska this year H M I avis ttoekawav "* 11,1 » •’» Mee frequent lregon, for the County of Tilla- • 11100k, upon a decree rendered in person and estate of said ward. Whereas on the 22tld day of May, the said court on tlie 30tli day of 1913, the County Court of said I April, 1913, in the cause wherein county and slate, in the above en J. II. Ellison and Ellen Ellison titled matter made and entered ' were plaintiffs, and Osman Royal, I in person, and also as Adtninietra- the following order, to wit: This matter coming on regularly I tor, was defendant, in order to sat­ for hearing on this Ittli day of May. isfy the amount due on said decree, 1913. upon the petition of X. Me to-wit, the sum of $1050.09 and in [(INCORPORATED), Millan, guardian of the person and terext theieou at the rate of 7 per c.'iit per annum from the 23rd day estate of Frances Xavier Moreau (Frank Marcy) above named for an of A. gust, 1911; the further sum of fees, and the order citing the next of kin of said $400.09 attorney's ward and all persons interested in costs and disbursements of said said estate and in the land herein suit taxed at $31.50, and the costs after described, which said land is iik I exprenses of this writ, I will on also described in said petition, to the 7th day of June, 1913, at 10 appear ami show cause why a o'clock a.m. of said dav, at the front license should not be granted said Ivor of the county courthouse in BOTH PHONES. TILLAMOOK. ORE. N McMillan, guardian, to sell the I Tillamook City, Oregon, sell, at pub interest ami estate of said ward in lie auction to the highest bidder for ami to said real property, the same cash in liaiul. the real property sit- being described as follows, to wit: •:atej deed dated Octo­ in Sections 2* and 29. in township ber 10, 1092 and recorded in book 1 eolith of range 9 west of the Wil- "l” of deeds, page ill, records of I imette Meridan; Tillamook County, Oregon, thence Also, beginning at the southeast south 16 degrees east 229 feet to corner of the J S. I"rt|q> Itonaticn southeast coiner ot Murey tract, Land Claim; thence north 29.(1) north 74 degress east 23 4.>0 feet to to the center of the county road Telephone Main 1311 inltal point east-«nd west; thence west to the cen­ And it appearing to the court from ter of said road 3 45 chains; thence said (>etition thut it is necessary south 21MD chains; thence east 3.45 and would tie t'cnelicial to s.iu'l chains to the place of beginning, I ward that said properly lie sold containing 19 acres of land, more I t is therefore ordered , that or less, in section 29 township I citation issue herein to the next of south of rurge t) west of the Wil- km of said ward and to all persons lamctte Meridan; interested in said estate citing them \lso, loginning nt a point 160 to appear la-fore the above named links west of the southeast corner court on the 13th day of June, 1913, of the northeast quarter ot section at II) o'clock a m. and show cause, ■29. in township 1 south of range 9 if any they have, why s.iuljf aardtati west of the W illamette Meridan- should not be granted a lice: -e to Ihet-ce north »32 chain.»; thence sell all the right title ami interest east 21.47 chains; thence south 9 32 of saut want tn and to said real chains; thence west 21.47 chains to property. It is further ordered that the place of beginning, lying and said citation including tins order being m sections 2> and 29. in town fa- published in the Tillamook ship 1 south of range l) west, con Headlight, a weekly newspaper t.lining 2 a|>pear < ure for Stomach Disorders M I at the starve time, place and court, Ihsonlera of the atonuich may and shosr cause, it any «on have! •"’»* cf Chamber. | wliy said license should not be * ' * l.'l'h't*. Many very remark­ granted. | ^W itness rm ho . xorabi . i H oner able cures have tx-en effected by Sold by all dealers. M ason Judge te la- rvgu «ulcd hencclurtli by aca ^Kivcer. For rent a dairy farm in the Ne. ‘ snictim \ alley, about seven miles | from Seaside, t>regon, on milk mute ' to the rheme factory. Milk wagon I croes every day. Terms cash or! Shares. Addre« Charles Johnson. Siuside. Oregon. Route Xo. 1. j Cyrus Noble bottled at drinking strength W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon