illamook Headlight, May 2o, I0l3. TO THE MANUFACTURER- THIS ADVERTISEMENT is to CALL to the ATTENTION of MANUFACTURERS THE ADVANTAGES OF WHEELER, OREGON, On NEHALEM ÈAY, AS A MANUFACTURING CITY. The Nehalem Harbor Company will cooperate with Manufacturers in getting new industries located at Wheeler. Free sites with rail and water transportation facilities are offered to those who will bring new payrolls to Wheeler, The railroad offers terminal coast rates on lumber shipments from Wheeler. Residence property for employers can be purchased cheap and can be paid for on easy terms. "A good gravity water system with 125 pounds pressure assures manufacturers of adequate tire protection. The harbor improvement to be carried out by the Fredcral Government will allow large lumber and freight schooners to handle by water the output of the mills and factories of Wheeler. W heeler has Payrolls Now. W heeler wants more payrolls. For informtion concerning sites or locations. Address, NEHALEM HARBOR COMPANY, WHEELER, ORE. Tillamook Office : Care F. R. BEALS. Portland Office : 327 FAILING BUILDING. Disappointments for Consumers. The Sacredness of Marriage there are others of a restrictive nature which are likely gradually to be adopted, While this would not affect the sacredness of the ceremony it would prevent many hasty marriages. The sacredness of the marriage caremony must be preserved and protected by­ the church itself, not by law. Dairy Ranch for Sale. A dairy ranch, nicely located on Tillamook Bay, at Garibaldi, which contains 93 acres. Half of the land is good river bottom, and the other half is fine rich tide land, with a hill that contains fine hard blue rock, connecting with the rock quarry. Good house and barn, two creeks with fine spring water run* through the place All the cows and machinery goes with the place. We will sell half or all of the place. For further information call or write to the owner. F rank K. S truehy , Garibaldi, Oregon. At the General Assembly of the Northern Presbyterian Church at Atlanta a resolution was passed de­ claring marriage to be a sacred in­ stitution and calling for more strict and uniform marriage and divorce laws. Every- expression of this kind is helpful, yet it would seem that the marriage question might be Being Laid At made more a matter of church than Warrenite . •« Some denominations have Vancouver. | "O disciplinary machinery large The city council of Vancouver, latitude being allowed to m.hvidual with the problem of buying Harness ministers mid churches. But there Washington has just authorized the Notice is time you will find it distinctly advanta­ ' are ministerial a.soc.ations and laying of five miles of Warrenite geous to come anil do your select N otice is H ereby G iven , — That Brothers various organizations which might paving by the Warren the County Court of Tillamook ing here. You will get the best Company. lowed by a corresponding reduction so strongly set t leir sea o co County, Oregon, will receive Sealed qualities, the most thorough anti Warrenite is a paviitg which is Bide, for one hundred cords of conscientious workmanship anil be group picture 1 . demnation on the performance of <»f prices to consumers tariff prob Wood, for the Court charged the most reasonable prices. the marriage ceremony by a minis becoming more and more popular, Hemlock We can supply single or double ' lems would be simpler. But the Let us show you our ter, eave under proper conditions especially for country roads, . It is House, said wood to be cut 46in. in Set» or any single article that you length, and corded in the basement man with the market basket knows special display of attrac­ is ; may lie in need of.____ of caution, that it would aipount in adapted to rough usage, yet of the Court House. tive new styles. We are that no sue 1 rule can be depended ' smooth and durable. force almost to authority. A certified check equal to 5 per , p«-rfectly ^equipped for on. Sometimes the article put on Good roads are becoming more cent of the amount of the hid, must Those who have made a study of ! the free lint is advancelno. . .------------ - —« ------ .----- ... y|ie Great suffering and atekuens from themselves in advance at the points —would do much . to impress the the making of a new treaty. * who know good whiskey, Our fresh, Itigli grade not colds and exposure. L. Poole, 2217 of trade advantage. This (country | aacrednesa »acreduesa cf the marriage cere present Japanese ministry is i drugs will help to make FOR SALS BY California I.«. Omaha write»: “My j onoej suspended the duty on coal mony when |>erformed by a minis very strongly intrenched in office, j daughter had a very severe cough these remedies more effec­ without the slightest resulting gain ' ter, and relieve this clergy of much Its title might even be called pre- and cold but Foley’s Honey and tive than ever. Tar Compound knocked it out in no | to consumera. The. present tariff of the responsibility they now bear carious under existing conditions Refuse substitutes.’’ For' • have ■------- in Japanese politica. If the .tate time. admit* hides free, but shoes are no for the light regard the public Right prices are also riamimi iHWfMmiMHiiWi’iM" sale by all druggists. of the public mind in that country lower. C*ffee has long been on the as to its sacredness. assured. free list and is a great deal higher Of course stricter marriage laws hsa not been exaggerated, there Congress is ndt disfKised to lie than in former years. These are are needed. The clergy can no« will come a demand for immediate very friend'y to the farmers. |i It must be the theory of the Demo­ facta Congress should weigh with bring about the reform alone, so action, or aome promise of early cratic majority that the farmers of an open mind and with due concern long as «he ••»<’ ‘hrooK* wl,h action, as soon »« the California the present day are the real pluto­ for the whole people. justices of the peace, mayor, and law becomes effective, or perhaps crats of the < ouitry. ! . - I - — judge, who see nothing in the mar­ as soon as it is signed by the gov­ Secretary of the Interior Lane fa riage beyond a legal term author- ernor. I Mexico has succeeded in placing vora the government building and ixed by a license. Regulations re Before Uncle Sam goes into rail­ s large loan with British capitalists Sewer Pipe for Sale ■wnerahip of railroads of Alaska quiring publicity and the Upee of road building in Alaska it would It would be interesting to know if Mr. Bryan once proposed a move time between the application for a fx- well to push the improvement the debt is one ot the sort liable For Sale all sizes of sewer pips of this kind in the country general­ license and its issuance are thefirst and sewer connections. Ses I. H of rivers along which i«,000,