illamook Headlight, May 2u>, 1013. Any Editorial Snap Shots --------------- 7> Race1 if it is neither dead nor alive Must Exclude Which We Cannot and the business men take no Assimilate interest in it. Every business man should be loyal to his own The Japanese are not pioneers, city and willing to devote a lit­ tle time. at least once a month, says Collier’s. If they were they to the interest of the city, not ¡could find a great deal of new land leave it to a few to do the work in the northern island of their own and foot the bills. There are Empire, in Sakhalin, and in Man­ many persons in the city who churia But they are not pioneers. have not affiliated with the club Thev prefer tense competition with „ .... should do __ ---. who so, ____ and the „ glad wen m settled countries to tl’econi- ha rid IM is "offered them, for vasv- the . ¡petition with nature in new lands naiKl Olicrcu UICIM, jrv.xs»^...............................-- ............. needs ...... ‘ their ' ■ co-operation So they club i . like to emigrate to establish­ ed support, not to benefit the 1 ed societies, like that of California. club, but so that all the busi­ In these societies they can success­ ness men can take their share fully compete with any one. Tlieir RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. of the honor and responsibility , presence here therefore, sets up an The Holstein cattle advocates ((STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) of making this a progressive, economic strife which is empha­ One year........................................... i ,a<) think they gained a point on wide a wake center of business sized and embittered by their racial 75 tile Jersey men because Mr. Six month»............................................. activity. Now is the time to dissimilarity to us It they came r.o Three mouth»......................................... Scribner, who raises Jerseys “Get Busy.” and by relegating here only as they became enamor­ and ships his cream to the city, any little personal prejudices to ed of tl.e American people, the Entered as second class mail mat­ ter July. 1W*. at the post offici- at is of the opinion that Holsteins the back ____ _ ground and a pull _ toge- American flag, and the Caucasian Tillamook, Ore., under the act of are better for cheese making. tber, the city will make con- civilization, we might say to all: I To decide that question, and March 3, 1879. siderable headway. The com-1 ."Welcome! "U’,.i.-rims !" ” which can easily be done, let mercinl club should have a' But they do not so coxe. They the Holstein and Jersey men Öpllnmooh Jjcaòligbt get into a contest and arrange membership of 300 in a city the do not like us any better than we size of Tillamook, anil as it is like them. They do not under­ 4P for a vat of milk from Holstein now below the 100 mark, thia stand us any better than we under­ cows and a vat of milk from goes to prove that a large num­ stand them. They ciing to what­ Jersey cows at one of the cheese ber of our citizens are not tak­ ever differences there may be be­ factories. The Tillamook Coun­ tween their moral standard and ty Creamery Association should ing the interest in the city that they should. Suppose the club ours. They see the many respects "Get busy" and help boost. take this matter up and get at had 300 live wires working for in which they are our superiors, the faittom of it This would prove highly interesting to all and boosting the city, as it and fail to understand or appreciate the dairymen of the county, for should have, it would do much tlie many respects in which we are there is a whole lot of good tia- to bring in new settlers and new their superiors. They do not mix. t tired joshing between the ad­ industries, for nothing appeals Thev are hurled into our midst like mirers of the two different to that class of people as united javelins by the expulsive force of breeds. The breed that makes effort and a pull together spirit tlieir poverty. This is a9 funda­ the most and best cheese to be on the part of our citizens for mental an objection to their do­ mestication among us as their placed at the head of the pro­ the up-building of a city. marked difference in looks. The best kind of boosters in cession at the stock show this Their presence among us in large Gov. Johnson entertained Col. Tillamook County this week— fall. This is a fair proposition the bountiful rain and the beau and all there is to do is to try it Bryan royally, giving him grape numbers would raise a race issue out and "Get Busy” and "Show fruit in the morning, a Bryan rickey far worse than the negro problem. tiful sunshine. at noon and raisins in the evening. For while the negro and the white Me/’ have failed to co operate in working It is reported that Moose«— A London paper tells Secretary out our problem of democracy, It is presumed that the remainder not Bull Moosers, for they soon Bryan that an announcement that met a progressive death are of the county will be permitted to there will be no fighting during his while we have great difficulty in supply some of the money to float comi ng to Til Li mot >k 3000 st rong tlipt county fair after Tillumcok ar­ term, invites opponents to put him being just to the negro, and while in July. Tillamookers extend ranges everything tc suit itself.— in a position where it will be diffi­ our negro problem is recognized I as our grea'est one, it would be Bay City Examiner. the glad hand to "Pup." cult to keep the peace. Washing­ worse if the negroes were Japanese. It is too bad that the Exami­ ton was a man of great benevolence For the negro have no home gov­ ner is such a gronnehy sheet of character, but he never promised Wm. Roy told the president ernment to which they can appeal that the Commercial Club with a little hammer "knock­ not to fight. —a government armed and inspir­ ing" such a commendable en ­ should hold a boosters’ meeting, Another American officer has met ed with the fine race pride of the similar to the one held on Tues­ terprise as -i county affair. This death in practicing for military pur­ Japanese. If Santo Domingo and day, once a week. We believe is a matter that concerns the poses with a biplane. Every few Hayti contatned fifty millions of dairy interests of this county, so, too, for every city that have days news of the death of an army well-organized negroes, cur present live wire boosters are making and in the spirit of co-operation officer in this country, England, race question would be one of war. and pull together committees the most progress. We must not have war with Japan from the Fairview Grange and France, Germany or some other is the Commercial Club have been published, until it has become a or China or a freed and independ­ More railroad reports of the devoting their attention with matter of such common occurrence ent Hindustan. Therefore we must United Railways building into the object of bold a fair every as to make little impression on the settle this matter now before it is Tillamook in the near future. year. From the look of things public mind. The death of Lieut. too late. We must »ettle it now on Patience is a virtue,but as soon they are proceeding in the right Joseph D. Park, near Loa Angeles, the basis of our right to exclude ns work is commenced on the direction, with the result that is the first for some time in our any peoples whom we do not think bar it won't be long after be- this county will have a own army, but that is because our we can take into our work of per­ for work is commenced on the permanent fair association, and army is experimenting so much fecting democracy. We must set­ United Railways and beaded whatever money is raised most leas than Eurofiean armies. Prob­ tle it before an alien nation is es­ for Tillamook City. of it will go to the dairymen ably not one military flight is made tablished in our midst-a nation of ami others for prizes. And we in tic's country to ten in France, marked people, proud of their race, Noth withstanding our Demo­ believe it will tie a good sum England or Germany, where there and ready to appeal to their ancient cratic frieud, Bro. Trombley, and sufficient to make it enter- is almost feverish eagerness to and powerful empire for aid in beats around the bush and will esting to those who are desir­ learn all that is possible of the every quarrel with us. Half a mil- not discuss the question of free ous of exhibiting their stock. military capabilities of aeroplanes Japanese in this country would milk and free cream, it is plain But if the Examiner is so little mid all sorts of flying contrivances. embroil us in war with Japan with in half a decade. Let us stop the that he is a "standpatter" for and small and small and little The radical policy adopted by the influx while the numbers are small placing these products on the in a matter that is of tienetit to tree list. Since Bro. Trombley the dairy interest, it will have Blankenburg Government of Phila­ and their interests still capable of is not disposed to express him­ no weight in "knocking" a pro­ delphia about two weeks ago, in es­ being adjusted. self as to what effect free milk gressive movement and a pull tablishing an actual police qunran The president's announcement tine against the hitherto segregated and free cream will have upon together spirit. of "no compromise" call have been and protected section of the city the cheese market, we will ask where houses of prostitution were addressed to none other than a him wliat effect free milk and F. H. Scribner, of the U.S. known to exist, with a view to small group of Democrats in the tree cream will have upon the Bureau of Animal Indi ustrv, stamping out the traffic in women Senate who are known to be asking valuation of dairy farms in this Hairy Division, who was here in that city, has now been extended for modifications of the Uuderwood comity ? Will it raise or lower this i week for the purpose' of to the entire city. Director of pub­ bill, and who have carefully creat­ the values. Bro. ? make ‘ a report to the depart- lic Safety Porter has ordered the ed an impression that they will, if ment of dairy conditions in Till­ police to report on every house sus­ all compromises are rejected, vote What will make the Tilla­ amook county was greatly sur­ pected of harboring the traffic with the Republicans in forcing mook Couuty Fair Association prised to find such an ideal wherever located, and to report any some material amendments. What n suicess is to place the right i country for dairying. It was a effort to open new lesorts. At the the president has just said is or mui nt the bend of it. This is j res elation to him. for he said he same time, Mayor Blankenburg now seems to be, a challenge to n little difficult matter to de­ did not know aifr section of and his Vice Commission have been them to do their worst. He will cide, ns few men have the time, country which had so many struggling with the problem of the concede nothing. He is "standing • i experience to attend to it. It splendid conditions suitable for destitute and forlorn women thus pat" on immediate free wool and i» generally conceded that thei dairying. He informed us that thrust into the streets. The first early free sugar. It grew fashion­ head of the association and most he would be able to make a step toward a solution of this j ro- able, a year or two ago, to dub Re­ of th<- officers should lie those, good report to the department blem is a move for a creation of a publicans standing for the protec­ who lire engaged in farming, of Tillamook county. He left home for the women in need and tion demanded by a popular ma­ tor it is to lieiietit the dairy men this morning, delighted with where . ............... . ................. they may be helped to a self- jority of a million and a quarter in and others that a county fair is the kindly anil hospitable man-, iu»taining life of honor, 1908 as "standpatters.” With that to tie held Whoever is chosen I ner in which the commercial popular protection majority in no lor the responsible position let organizations entertained and That the much discussed secret way reduced. Mr. Wilson is "stand­ everybody give him their hearty showed him around, delighted vaccine presented by Frederick ing pat" for free trade, in uncom­ support nod co-operation. to meet so many, business men Friedmann of Germany for the cure promising ways to make all Re­ at the Cominercial Club who cf consumption is not all that is I publican * stamlpatters” shrink by Garibaldi Benell Boosters I’’ were taking n lively interest in claimed for it appears to be the ver­ comparison. And really, he has We are glad to know there lire theduirymen and the dairy in- dict of the government ex|>ert» who the right to stand pat. He has the some live ¡wires there and wr U’ri'sts, ilelighteil at meeting so have l»ecn making an investigation cards. There was a fault in the predict that cottages will >rf* as large a number of dairymen at of it. Before the closing session of deal, but it was not his. thick on flint beach as they are the court bouse where tie ex the National Association for the Rheumatism Quickly Cared. in the residence portion of thin ported to pud only few persons, Study and Prevention of Tulxtvulo- city,if they are persistent lM»>»t and, above nil, Mr. Scribner •is nt Washington on the 9th, a' "My sister's hi »band had an at­ ters. Wboop her up hoys anil was more than delighted with resolution proposed by the Board tack of rheumatism in his arm," Tillamook County he was in of Directors was adopted declaring writes a well known resident ot girls il there Indira amongst Newton. Iowa. "1 gave him a hot the Gnribnldi la sisters, and we love with it as n dairy man. We in general "that there is no justiti tie of ( himberlain's Liniment ho|>e there are—for there is ar­ mention this to show wlurt some cation for the belief that any ape- which lie applied to Ins arm and on of the live wires of the Com cific cure for tuberculosis lias been the next morning the rheumatism gent nerd <>f live wire tnsisters For chronic muscular in all purta of the county. We men ial Club are doing to boost discovered which deserves the con­ was gone. the county, who entertain visi­ fidence of the medical profession or rheumatism you will find nothing doff our hat to the Garibaldi better than Chamberlain » I ini Bench Boosters and wish them tors mid break away from busi­ of the people." Besides this. Dr. meat Sold bv all dealers. ness tn show them around, while John F. Anderson of the public sacreso in their efforts tn make tltat one <■( the l»-st beaches in others take no part in this but health service made his report on Most Prompt snd Effectual Cure for Bad Colds Or-gnn, with the whole length imrtiripate in id! the increase of th* effects of the Friedmann treat-1 When you have a bad cold you of the bench thickly covered business which cones to a city ment of certain patients under ob-' wxnt a remedy that will not only with tieautiful cottages, for it through the efforts of a Com servation of the government ex­ give relief, but effect a prompt and ■a u ni<>at delightful lieach fur n ntercial Club and the live wire perts. It was that the trea'ment permanent cure, a remedy that ia fa i* Miter». . did not justify the conMence in pleasant to take, a remedy that con summer outing. -------------- --------------------------------------- the remedy that has been inspired taina nothing inj'irioas. Chamber' lain'a Cough Remedy meets all The these reqmrements. Some of the live wires in the b/ widespread publicity." It nets M The decision of the supreme Commercial Club are endeavor board of the association also de nature a plan, relieves the lung», e«mrt will decide the question •ng to create more enthusiasm e'ineil the offei of Dr. Simpson of •id.* •‘MH'vtoratioii, opens the sc and restore» the system to t at wet and dry elections under in the club. I liia is a com mend- I leveland to submit for its use UO cretions ' ilie local option law cannot be sble effort, for a commercial turtle cultures piepared by Dr a perfectly healthy condition Thia remedy ha» a world wide eale and s^^rnrvrr one or the other club is of little benefit to a city 1‘iershowski, of Berlin. use. and can always he depended upon, bold by all dealers side takesa notion, but must I e Advertís ng Rates. held on the first Tuesday after L egal A dvbhtisembnts the first Monday in November io, ..J ; any year. That was the con­ First Insertion, per line .. $ 5 oí Each subsequent insertion, line tention of tin* Headlight when B->» would have ended the same 5 way as the Portland cases bad Locals per line each insertion Display advertisement, an inch, the drys won out. Local attor­ .V) month.................................... neys were divided on this point, All Resolutions of Condolence and tint a well known supreme judge Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. C. ds> of Thanks, 5c. per line. when told that a special wet or Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, dry election was being held in etc. tninfmun rate, 25c. not exceed­ Tillamook, remarked, They ing five lines. can’t do that " But they did. Property Cared For. Houses for Rent Rents Collected •z< (it A. C. EVERSON, 1 j LAND AND MERCHANDISE BROKER, ßS Buys, Sells and Exchange. Large and Small Tracks • EXCLUSIVE RIGHT ON BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE \ PROPERTY AT A BIG BARGAIN. \ < Choice Vacant Lots in all Additions. Good Buys are Easy Sold. SEE ME FOR MONEY MAKERS. fi Room : No 215 TILLAMOOK BLOCK. I f i Sherry Wine...................................... :j«c Angelica Wine................................ Zenfendel Wine......... per quart 35c' Tokey............................... per quart 40c Pebbleford, bottled in bond, per bottle........................................$1.50 Claret.............................. perquart 25c. White Grape Juice........................ 75c. Clarke’s Pure Rye, bottled in bond, per bottle............................ 1.25 Local Beer, quart, 3 bottles for 5C». Domestic Beer, qt, 3 bottles for 75c, O d Crdw, bottled in bond, per bottle ....................... 1-50 Hermitage, bottled in bond, per boitle ............................................... 1 50 Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ................ LoO Keg Beer...................... 15 gallons $5 75 O. T. O , bottled in bond, per Keg Beer...................... 10 gallons 4.00 bottle............................................... 1.25 Local bottle Beer, fidoz. quarts 10.00 Kentucky Dew, Vi gal., bottled Local bottle Beer, 10 doz. pints ll.Og in bond........................................... 2.15 Kentucky Dew, full pint, bottled in bond ......................................... 75 Budwiser Beer, 6 doz. quart9 $15.00 John Dewar & Sons, Old Scotch Budwiser Beer, 10 dozen pints 18.00 Whiskey............................................1-56 Old style I.auger Beer, 10 doz pt 11.00 Black & White, Old Scotch Whiskey ........................................ 1-50 V.O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey ... 1.75 Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch White Port, Old Monk Brand, Whiskey ......................................... 1-75 $1 00 per gal, Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch Port Wine.......................... 1.00 per gal, 1 50 Whiskey ......................................... Sherry.................................. 1.00 per gal. Canadian Club................................. 1.60 Claret.................................................... 75c. pergal. 1.00 I. W. Harper..................................... Angelica.............................. 1.00 per gal. Harvester Old Style........................ 1 00 Zenfendel .......................... 1.25 per gal. 1.00 Monogram.................. .................... Tokey....................................1.25 per gal, Kentuck Dew................................... 1.00 Billie Taylor, full quart .... . • 1.25 .per bottle 1.00 Monogram...................... per gal. Coronet Dry Gin. . per bottle 1.75 White Corn Whiskey..per gal. A.V.H. Gin............ .per bottle 1.75 Harvester Old Style ..per gal. Gordon Sloe Gin. per bottle 1.25 McBrayer, 13 years old. per gal. 6.00 Gordon Dry Gin . . per bottle 1.00 Echo Spring .................. per gal. 4.25 Rock and Rye.... 1 25 Chestnut Grove Rye. .per gal. 275 El Bart Gin ........ Virginia Dare Wine, perbottle 75c. Kentuckey Dew.......... per gal. 225 Port Wine..................... per quart 35c. Alcohol.............................. per gal. 400 Cornet Dry Gin............... per gal. 400 BOTTLE GOODS. Special Prices for Family Trade. Domestic Beers. WINES. WHISKEYS. AT BILLY STEPHENS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER COR. 1st and 1st AVENUE E University of Oregon SUMMER SCHOOL June Su"*1 Twenty-five instructors. Fifty courses. Distin­ guished Eastern educators added to regular faculty. University dormitories open. Board and room at $3.50 per week. Reduced railroad rates. For Complete Illustrated Catalog, address Che Registrar, University of Oregon, Eugene •» "Majestic Ranges staad the fest And Cook and Bake and are the beet.* Keep Abreast of the Times TN OLDEN DAYS, when buying * a cook stove, people would buy the one they could get the cheapest; that’s because there were only * few makes on flu* market and were all practical the same in construction and material. ‘ ‘ A dW ! There arc close to a thousand different ranpts on tiic market today—good, bad and indifferent. W'se people use a little foresight in selecting their range, and they make no mistake in selecting T he R ange W ith a R epvtatton —the range that is recommended by every user; the range that has stood the test— The Great Majestic I^iage the range that is made of M alleable and C harcoal I ron —the range that S aves F uel —L asts L onger —C osts P ractically N othing fos R epairs —H eats M ore W ater Q ttcfer and H otter , and G ives B ettr * G eneral S atisfaction T han A ny O ther R ange M ade — and we can prove it! Alex. McNair Co. r r