MeaMW ». » TILLAMOOK, OREGON. MAY 29, 1913. How Do People Acquire Propoerty and Gain Independence? By saving in a small way to accumu­ late capital for investing and re-investing. Wall paper. —King A Smith Co. • Married, this (Thursday) morn­ ing at the Todd Hotel in this city, . A. Snyder and Bertha Johnson, both of Wheeler, Rev. D. I.. Shrode performing the ceremony. Attorney J. L. Henderson will move his law and abstract office from the Tillamook Block to a store in the bank building on Third street. ton. The local pastor, Rev. I. E. Meese, is preparing to enterta in nearly a hundred visitors. It is ex­ pected that each morning Bishop Bell will give his popular talks to the people, which proved so highly interesting at former conferences. The members of the Moose lodge in this city have been notified that it is expected that a Moose excur­ sion will be ruti to thia city from Portland some time in July and that somewhere near 3000 persons will participate. Trains will leave Portland on Saturday afternoon and leave here the next day, giving the visitors time to visit this city and beaches It is expected that they will have sleeping accommodations for most of the crowd. The local lodge will discuss the matter at its meeting to-morrow (Friday) even­ ing. An informal parlor talk on “’Things Mexican” will be given by­ Mrs. Percy on Thursday evening of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs F. S. Whitehouse. Having resided in Mexico for several years, and having been iu close contact with the Mexican people in their joys and troubles politically, Mrs. Percy is unusually competent to give valuable information to all truth seekers on the manners and customs of the descendants of a people who enjoyed a high degree of civilization when America was discovered in 1492 Mrs. Percy will be pleased to answer questions rather than make an extended speech. The invitation is general. It is the aim of this bank to give the best banking service possible—and cue do it, It is also our aim to have Charles Kennedy has his face the best equipment sueh as covered up with bandages as a result of carelessly striking a match Modern Fire Proof Banking when looking into the carbinator of Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­ his auto on Monday. lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe Dawson Bros, will meet all trains with bus, and will handle passen­ Deposit Boxes—and cue have A growing savings account in this gers and baggage to all parts of the them city. Call or phone at the Livery bank will provide for such an emergency. barn on 2nd Ave East. It will give you a borrowing power equal Buy a Ford car because they run to the capital which you 'save. 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline. When you get them your troubles We want you to consider this a personal are over. See Ed. Hadley, the local invitation to call and open an account here. agent for the Ford auto. Manj ofour large deposit beganwith a dollar, S. A. Moulton will move his bar­ ber shop the first of the month to the store building vacated by the Tillamook Drug Co., and he will fix it up in first class style. Linseed oil is cheaper now than it uu ^ j - i f TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. SUPERVISION has been fora long time. Buy it by the barrel and paint that house and barn that you have neglected in ANOTHER LARGE BUILD­ be the live wires who will ' !p make a success oi it. the past.—King & Smith Co. • ING FOR TILLAMOOK ILLAMOOK JOTTINGS ’ Wall paper,—King & Smith Co. * Sheriff Word, of Multnomah J. E. High and wife, of McMinn­ County, and Mrs. Word, came in on I.O.O.F. Lodge Awards Con United Railway I? Wall paper.—King & Smith Co. * ville, who were visiting in this city, Saturday for a fishing outing and tract for >21,871 Structure. for Tillamook City See Dr. Monk for noveltie in place returned on Saturday. left on Monday morning, carrying The contract for the erection of a S. H. Doak, of Lexington, Ore., with them a good basket of trout. cards. F orest G rove , Ore., May new building for the I.O.O.F. lodge See Big Mack for your sewer con­ came in on Saturday on a visit at Messrs. Young, Wickersham A letter from J. C. Gove, writing in this city was let on Tuesday to the home of M. R. Hanenkratt nections. * from West Vienna, Oneida Co.. Baccalaureate Sermon. Mr. E. B. White, of Portland, his Perry, of the Oregon Electric Rail­ Amateurs 1 Better pay a small N. Y., says: “I have bought a place Busy Bees—Bee Supplies. King 4 bid being $21,871. There were six way, were here this forenoon, and charge and get good results from here. Land has gone up here. I Imith Co. The Baccalaureate services for bidders, there being a difference of went by auto to Cherry Grove to look over possible route Stylish City Photographs at the your kodaks.—Tillamook Studio. . like something there much better the 1913 graduating class of the Til $4,000 between the highest and from here to that point, a dis­ lumock High School will be held at than here. ” Mrs. Miles West left on Wednes- lowest bidder. The new building Tillamook Studio. tance of ten miles They were ac­ the First Christian Church on June j day for Clearwater, Minn., on ac ­ will be erected on the south east C. D. Emmons, a capitalist, of Born, on Friday to the wife of count of the serious illness of her Victoria, B.C., ie registered at Pie 8th, at 11 a. m. The Rev. D. A. corner of Second street and Second compli ied bv leading members of lenry Diehl, a daughter. the Commercial Club. They ex­ ; father. Hotel Ramsey, and he participated Mackenzie, pastor of the Presbyter­ avenue east, which is iu the center pect to extend the line to Cheny For Fine Photographs at popular ian Church, will deliver the ser­ of the business district of the city. Rev. R. Y. Blalock will preach at in the banquet and went with the irices.—Tillamook Studio. Grove. It will be a two story brick building the Adventist church 'on Sunday party Wednesday morning to look mon. This afternoon they will go to Glasses fitted. Any kind, any as decided so fur, The graduates, with stores on the ground floor aiternoon at 2.30, to which all are over the county and (he cheese Galea Creek to look over the route ityle Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * Ruth Burge, John are Helen Beals, and offices and a lodge room on the welcome. factories. Clyde Clements and wife are visit­ Edgar, Blanche second tloor, from plans drawn by from here to that place, and Mr. Ebinger, Flora As a result of the advertising* To Loan, by Tillamook Title & ing friends in Portland this week. L ochs , Gertrude Schalappi, Wilma Architect E. E. McClarau, of Port­ Young stated that it was poaaibls Abstract Co., Tillampok, Or., $1200 campaign with the Sunset Maga­ Ciat the United Railway line would Carl Knndson retained from a in one or two loans on improved zine, County Clerk Holden has a Geseler, Paul Edgar," and Benley land. The building will be another not be built into Tillamook from »usinees trip to Portland on Tues- creditable addition to the city, and large stack of letters from persons St am. farm lands. • Banka, as had been planned, but lay. not including the site, will cost that the extension would likely be Free, an elegant bevel edged stag asking to have the pamphlet sent $25,000 when complete, Swatted Tillamook Team There will be another prize dance handle hand mirror, containing them, which, he says, will take him made from thia place, in order to The Oddfellows have been fortu­ it the opera house on Saturday a day to answer. avoid one tunnel which would have your photo with our folders.—Tilla­ Nehalem defeated Tillamook Sun ­ nate iu letting all the offices, anil light. been built, if the United Railway An amended complaint has been day by a score of 11 to 3 in the clean­ mook Studio. . on the ground floor The First Wanted, a woman for general line was extended from Banka to filed in the case of F. R. Beals and A Snap,—The furniture and lease est game of baseball ever played in National Bank will occupy the louse work. Good wages, Carl A. of a rooming house for sale, over other vs. the Warren Construction Tillamook County. Schrader for coiner store and Arthur Stillwell the Tillamook country. The people ’atz’af. Williams’ harness shop. Call on Co., which embraces 91 pages of Nehalem and Millis for Tillamook, the next store on Second avenue of this city hope to see the Tilla­ mook line built from here instead type written matter, This case is each pitched good games, Schrader RusBell Hawkins, of the Whitney the premises. . East. It is expected that the build­ oi from Banks. set fur hearing on Monday, June getting twelve strike outs and Mil­ ?o , was a visitor to this city on ing will be completed in September M. Doty and family left on Wed­ 2nd, before Judge Galloway. Tuesday. lie getting eleven. Nehalem got or October. nesday for a visit to their old home Cali up the Mutual Phone for a at Deshler, Ohio, and will be gone The Ladies’ Committee of the Til seven hits to Tillamook six. The Rev. E. H. Hicks Is Coming late at the Tillamook Studio. lamook Commercial Club gave their same teams will meet on the Still­ several months. Decided to Incorporate to Tillamook. first card party last Thursday even­ well Park grounds next Sunday, Bicycles and bicycle sundries, C. M. Applegate, who has been ing, when there was a good attend, June lat, when Nehalem will come lupplies and repairs. -King & Al a meeting of the committees visiting at the home of Attorney H. The Ladies' Guild of the Presby- ance and a most pleasant evening with a big excursion train of rooters. of the Fairview Grange and the imith Co. • T. Botts, left for his home in Mon­ was enjoyed by those present The t terian Church have made nrrange- Good umpiring makes good base ­ Tillamook Couimeicial Club at the mente with Rev. Elbert Hicks to Live chickens wanted at the Tilla- tana on Tuesday. I ladies served refreshments. ball games anil we must commend Court House on Monday, nt which nook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. The Tillamook Drug Company is Umpires Hastings and Stillwell for there were a number of citizen who lecture in this city on Thursday, Eggs—Ducklings.—English Pen »er pound. * June 12th. This is what the Ash­ moving into new quarters in the ciled pure white egg strain Indian their work Sunday, as it was above ire interested in a county fair, it land Record had to say of him after Gold bond trading stamps with bank building opposite the |K>Bt the standard. Runner Duck eggs $1 per setting of was decided to incorporated what lie I ih <1 lectured there : ill your cash purchases.—King; A office. 11. White Indian Runner eggs $2 I Let everybody turn out next Sun is to be known as the Tillamook imith Co. “Rev. Elbert Hicks is an Orator. Alabustine your walls right over per setting. Five day old ducklings I day and root for the home team County Fair Association, witli capi­ Nature made him one and the bread W’anted, — 20 milk cows. Apply the old paper if paper is not torn. 25 cents each, also matured stor k I tal stock placed at $1,000 at $1.01) per r?*liug and research shown in hia iV. S. Phillips, Fawcett Creek. Tele- Makes a first class job and a pretty for sale. Miss Anna Roenicke, share, with no one al'owed to own addresses have made him the peer The Kill Kare Klub »hone 5F22. I of any mini who baa addressed a room.—King A Smith Co. ■ Woods, Oregon. more than 25 shares. The com­ Southern Oregon audience. It Mrs. Wm. Hughey’s ten months On the afternoon of May 15th, mittees were Fairview Grange • would lie invidious to undertake to A. H. Harris is moving his stock A C. Schlappi had a hearing be­ lid child died on Monday from of jewelry to the store in tue new fore Justice of the Peace Stanley on the Kill Rare Klub met at the home M. Chance. W. Maxwell anil Mor analyse and try to tiring out the lemorrhage. bank building opposite the (»oat­ Tuesday, charged with larceny of of Mrs. Fred Christensen, which riso” Mills; Commercial Club : Will points of that grand address— suffice it is to say that it was history, Dr. Jack Olson has opened den- office today. six bottles of whiskey at Nehalem. proved to be another studious and Spalding, Ira C. Smith and C. I. mytology, statistics, anecdotes, pleas-int meeting. The subjei t for al parlors over F. R. Beals’ office. the Clough. Mr. Spalding was Since the Oddfellows' building has The justice fined liim $50, but sus­ epigrams, quotations, imagery, »hones. • been moved Hilma Johnson has pended the payment of the same the original paper was Alaska, chairman and Mr. Smith the sec re woven together witli the skill of a master mind and delivered in a Phone Joe Lilly for wood sawing. moved opposite the Jones-Knud- pending good behavior as he had a which was prepared by Mrs. Bales, lary. The law in regard to the mat matchless manner.” wife and family depending upon t he reading from the Klub study ter was freely discussed, When there Country work solicited. Phone 1313 I eon Furniture Co's, store. * Thia, after having to address was by Mrs. L. L. Baker. ie no fair association, the County Pacific States. It ie expected that the whey milk him. The invited guests were Mesdames Court is authorized to appoint a there sttcli men as Col. Bain, Wil­ Misses Kitty and Myrtle Mills re­ To Rent,—a furnished house, four sugar factory r.ear the Maple Leaf Barrett, Boals and Burge. After County Fair Board. It waa thought liam Jennings Bryan. Governor rooms and pantry Apply to W. cheese factory will be completed turned to the city on Sunday after the social hour and a delicious advisable, however, that an asso­ Hanley and others. a few days visit in Portland, They T. Newcombe. and in operation by the 15th July. “The lecture by Rev. Elbert H. lunch the Klub adjourned to meet ciation be organized, and with that Hicks for Auxilary Commercial'vaa Ernest M. Oatfield was in from had exjiected to bring home Miss with Mrs. A. Pennington in two For Sale,—90 Angora goats, $2 object in view, the committees were replete with (minted illustrations sack. Inquire of R. F. Fowler, Portland the first of the week look­ Ethelyn Crawford, who had been weeks. authorized to make arrangement to and enlivened with amusing anec­ Beaver, Oregon. • ing over the country. He is con- operated upon for an abycess of the dotes. Sparkling epigrams fre­ perfect the organization of a Tilla­ ear, and although she is much im quently illumined the progress of Frank Trout had one of his i net ted with one of the (»over plants. mook County Fair Association, and proved she was not well enough to Two Trains To Tillamook the address and often the speaker orses seriously injured by barlied II Aftera week’s fine, bright weather, return with them. when this is done permanent would drift into flights of . lat^ry rire on Sunday. a steady. growing, rain Additional train service between officers will be elected to manage that thrilled hia hearers. Reeding The Masons are making arrange­ it our work does not suit you tell I was welcomed on Monday, for it Portland and Tillamook will be in­ the fair by those who take shares in such an effort would lie poor com­ ments to build a Masonic Temple for having iniMOd hear, augurated by the Southern Pacific the Association. The dairymen are pensation •; if it does tell your friends. City ' hel(»ed vegatation and the grass ing its masterly delivery and those in thin city on Second Street. ranafer Company • crop. early in June, providing two trains taking considerable interest tn a who heard it will long treasure it in Enough money has been eiibacrib- Barber Moulton will move to a day each way. county fair, and no doubt,'they will their memory.” —Roseburg Review, Tents, tent flyee, camp stoves, ed and the pluns and specifications Schedules for the improved ser­ amp chairs, everything for camp. new quarters on Second Avenue from the architect are expected in East on the 1st of June, and invites vice now are being completed. It ■King A Smith Co. • at any time. Instead of having of- his friends and patrons to visit him is unlikely that the time of the I Bring your chickens to the Tilla- cee on the second floor the vacai.t trains will be changed. The new I there» • space will be used for apartments. nook Meat Company's Market. We trains will leave each end of the Mrs. Claude Thayer came in on ay 12c. per pound. * Attorney Claussen has been eni. line early in the afternoon alsnit I Monday and left this morning for The Sunday School of the Pres California. Mr. Thayer would like plowed to collect the If) per cent o'clock. arriving at the other end ■ytenan Church will go on an ex to return to Tillamook, but his from those who agreed to put up of the road alioiit 7. iiraion to Idaville on Saturday health is such that he cannot tra money to pay the attorneys to fight Heavy travel? to the Tillamook lornin». the pavement company. Moot of beaches has marie the new trains them are sorry now that they had necessary. It is probable, though, anything to do with it, a« one large that they will l»e continued in effect property owner is exempt from (lay­ permanently if the business justi­ ing the assessment, having employ­ fies. ee! special attorney. In addition to the through trains The Annual Conference of the the Southern Pacific will operate a United Hretbern Churc h will con motor car between Tillamook and vene in this city June 4th. presided Mohler twice a day each way, giv­ over by Bishop Win. Bell. I). I)., I ing Tillamook eight arrivals and of Les Angeles Ca'. There will tie departures a day. Ul WAWBHdTK. pastors and lay delegates in attend j The week end excursion train FRONT STÄRKT, BEfWKKN Ind A 3rd AVKNVK WEST. ance from nearly all sections of the from Portland will go into effect state and several cities of Washing. next Sunday. Large profits are often made from timely investments. You cannot tell when an opportunity for making a pro- fitable investment will present itself. 1 TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK|~ UAMAR'S variety store TiuunmooK- orego N- Drop in and book Around First National Bank Tillamook, Oregon Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint LAMB SCHRADER COMPANY.