Standing of the Contestants. Inapir.d Patriotism, Tax Commission; provided, Standing of contestants at Mason, The late Senator Hoar was w. any one county shall rot receive Pennington & Co up to Weduea- portuued to lend bis Influent mor- ’bar. $10,1X01 Any funds ims ed by thia xct remaining in the day, May 21st, for the upright parlor half of a chronic office seeker. |> hand, of the State Treasurer, after not a difficult matter to gratify tt» gran d piano : the provisions of thia act have been plicant’s ambitlou by securing fw 77 ........ ......... 821.070 1 . complied with, shall l>e equally di «J> ......... 308,710 80 ........ a place as consul at a Uulaoba vide, ansoung the counties of the 83 .... .. 3 . ......... 283,905 which was not considered a bighi» State, as herein provi led. .nil «hall . » 84 ........ 4 . ......... 166,200 sirable office. The newly appoUtu be used for premiums on livestock, 5 . ......... 178,480 85 ........ and horticultural and agricultural Octal hud served but a short tin« ► 6 . ......... 11X2,000 87 ........ .. exhibit» by the different fair boards ever, when his wife, unable to t two coin- the meeting of .. 88 ........ ........ 139,675 At the 7 . of the counties. stand the malignant climate, airfc 91 ........ 8 . ......... 190.940 mittee«, one from the Fairview Section H. Should a county and died. Disheartened and 41» 94 ........ 9 . .... 215,150 corn posed of Marion through its county fair board decide Grunge, . 139,635 95 ........ .. aged, he resigned his post aod rei 10 . Chance, Morrison Mills, and Wil- to bold e fair, the funds paid into 12 . ......... 122,060 98 ed home. the hands ot ttie county trea«urer. b. iu Maxwell; and the other from 14 . ......... 226,000 99 ........ as provided in Section 7, shall be Some years later the senator the Tillamook Commercial Club, used in the payment of premiums 15 . ......... 41,295 101 .... The only BaStSns Pcwiler mildly surprised at being again 16 . ......... 177,340 10Ì ........ composed of Will Spalding, Ira C. at said fairs : provided, however, proached by the ex-consul, who a from Rayai Grays cs Tar lap 17 ......... 191,360 Ill ........ Smith and C. 1. Clough, on Monday that no part of the «aid funds shall for reappointment to bis old b, 19 . ......... 100,705 114 .... ■ • be awarded as premiums or prizes morning at the club rooms, the ■‘Perhaps I enn do something for, 20 . ......... 164,780 116 ........ for trials of speed. Should a county NO ALUM, NO VME PHOSPHATE meeting was called to order by fair be held the eaid funds in tile 22 . ............ 214,870 118 ........ said Mr. Hoar; "but. considering President Baker, and a temporary bands of the county treasurer shall 23 . ......... 787,085 120 ........ tragic experience there, your rw . » . 2,940 123 25 . ......... IRMUX! organization was effected with W ill be disbursed upon warrants drawn seems a little strange." 26 . .......... 156,880 127 ........ Spalding chairman, and Ira Smith by the county fair board and "1 know." explained tbe asplraot . . . 2,025 129 27 . ......... signed by the president and secre­ trifle ruefully, "but. you see, aeon secretary. After discussing tbe tary thereof ; provided 28 . . . .. 1,049,940 130 ........ further, Treasurer, after the provisions of duced in price, I’m married again."—Judge. matter pro and con, and going into that in any county in this State 4 575,520 131 ........ The C..E. Society under the man­ 29 ......... this act have been complied with, 34 . ......... 200,370 134 . ... ■ mne of the details, it was unani- where a State (air is held, all money shall be equally divided among agement of W. E Godsey is making 35 . ____ 155,435 137 ........ The Uses of Talc. m nisly agreed to organize a Lilia received under the provisions of, the counties of the State as herein excellent progress. They have pur­ 36 . .......... 903 875 139 .... this act shall be disbursed upon Talc, derived from soapstone ft mcok County Fair Association ami warrants ordered drawn by the provided, and shall be used for ......... 188,940 37 . 142 ........ chased a tine cheese made by the In various quarters of the world with that object in view called a State Fair Board and signed by the premiums on livestock and horti­ 38 . ......... 213,680 145 ........ In many states of our Union. Is meeting for next Monday, at one president anil secretary ; provided cultural exhibits by the different new factory at Beaver to donate to 39 . .......... 277,500 147 .... fair boards of the counties. general thing marketed as rough I the V. B. Annual .Conference, 41 . ........ 278,810 151 ........ o'clock sharp, at the Court House, further, that the county court of Filed in the office of the Secretary which wdl convene at Tillamook in the mine, It Is sowed into slabs, ft 43 . ......... 374,760 152 ... to form a permanent organization, any county receiving the it axitnum of State March 6, 1913. which are manufactured various amount of funds as provided in 46 . ......... 132 000 154 ........ June. Much interest's manifest in which will insure a county fair this act shal' determine which cer­ The amount that will be appor­ Jects. or it Is giound Into powder. ......... 2,902.620 159 ........ 47 . c .cry year, including exhibits from tain fairs, land products or live tioned Tillamook County will be the study of the Home Mission 48 . ......... 91,675 161 ........ .1. great deal of the ground talc Is «& “Winning the Oregon 4J ... . 179,745 162 ........ tlic industrial school fair, a stock stock allows shall be entitled to re I $■<£9 13, which will be available for book, ployed in the manufacture of pa* ceive «aid funds and the amount 51 . .. .. 106,410 165 ........ .1, Country.” show, etc. The two committees ex­ It also enters into the making of mog of each to be received and upon the a fair this year. Beaver has many things to be »52 . ....... 188,945 169 ........ ed rubber forms and foundry faein- pect by that time to have every­ order of «aid court the county .... 194,870 171 ........ 54 . and paints, but the form In which It proud of. The large, commodious 58 . ......... 213,760 173 ........ thin*. in readiness to effect a per. treasurer shall disburse as herein­ Beaver Notes most familiar is the toilet powder. [ above provided ; provided fir ther building which is occupied by D. 62 . ....... 301,225 17^ ........ n. .runt organization by next Mon­ upon the application of the only is lalcum dusted into glovesi W Gilbert and Sons, for the splen­ 64 ......... 369,170 180 ........ day, and it is hoped that all parts that are and Mrs. Forest Ayers Mr. president of the Pacific Inter- shoes to obviate friction, but It la I ......... 2,505 182 ........ <. the county will be represented tuitions! Live Stock Exposition the representing the Odd Fellows and did assortment of goods attractively (17 68 . ......... 178,400 185 ........ .. blown Into conduits to ease the It and tube a lively interest in the as­ county court of Multnomah County Rebecca lodges of this place, at arraigned. Let us patronize those 69 . ......... 391,350 189 ........ duetion of electric wires or other i in our home community, because 70 . .. . .. 368,015 191 ........ s' lution and the fair will be held shall turn over to the treasurer of Medford, Ore , this week. ductors. Soapstone Is largely emph^. such organization, not later than when in need they are the ones 71 . ....... 471,810 193 ........ later. In the manufacture of laundry tub July 31st of each year, the sum of j Charlie Sating’« new barber shop ......... 98,875 195 ........ 72 . and similar articles. The very I* 1 allowing are two acts passed at $5,(160 out of the funds received by is completed and he seems busy. who contributed gratuitously to our 74 . ........ 2,3’i5 198 ........ grades of talc free from flaws, area Multnomah County under the pro The gentle sex is also invited for wants and help t > promote interest 75 . . .. .2,527,620 199 ........ . « the State Legislature : visions of this act. The money so ed up to make pencils or crayons, (i along all lines which makes our 76 . ......... 63,000 it enacted by the People of the received by said organization shall any work to be done. tips are also made from talc.—Harp« surroundings more pleasant. Mate of Oregon: I be used exclusively tor the purpose Mr. Borneman and Miss Wood, Section 1. The several counties of paying premiums on exhibits at Mrs. Dora Young will close her Citation. * An Artist’s Slip- m thin state are hereby authorized the annual show held under its our teachers, will close their school t<> hold county agricultural fairs. direction and Control Sir John Gilbert was once comm , Thursday night May 22, by a pro­ three years of ministry. May 25th In the County Court of the State of at 11 a. id . Special music, elements The county court of each county Oregon, For Tillamook County. stoned to illustrate a short story for Section 9. Should a county fair gram and supper. may appoint a board consisting of board decide not to hold a county of the Lord’s Supper observed. A In the matter of the Guardianship London weekly. When he had Hnlil three resident taxpaying citizens of fair, the county court may in its Miss Julia GodBey, our new mil­ cordial welcome to all. Photos of of Frances XaAier Moreau (Frank the work the editor remarked, "Wl tne county, to be known as the discretion expend such funds, or liner, has had excellent patronage the entire group will betaken at the Marey.) Sir John, the story says an escort . . County Fair Board. The any portion thereof, in support of To the next of kin of said ward and close for a memento. members of sail) board shall be re­ any fair, land products shows or A few hats are left which will be re- to all persons interested in the Infantry soldiers, and here on the bk you have given us mounted oh ' commended by the agricultural live stock expositions offering prizes person and estate of said ward. mid horticultural societies and which Whereas on the 22nd day of May, "Dear me. so I have,’’ responded t maybe competed for in any granges of the county, ami shall county in this State ; provided, 1913, the County Court of said artist, "but 1 haven’t time to do I be appointed for a term of three however, that such funds shall be county and state, in the above en­ other drawing now. Can’t you mt years; provided, that when the used only for the purposes of pay­ titled matter made and entered an alteration In the story to make first board of directors are appoint ing premiums upon exhibits of live the following order, to wit: fit in?" The copy was handed to ed under this act one director shall stock, agricultural and horticultural This matter coming on regularly subordinate to make the requisite t appointed for one year, one for products ; and provided further, for hearing on this 14th day of May, ternt ions. but that gentleman foq two years, and one for three years. 1913, upon the petition of N. Mc­ the said funds in the hands And annually thererfter one direct should Millan, guardian of the person and to edit the chapter describing bow I the county treasurer be not ex­ or shall be appointed to serve for of estate of Frances Xavier Moreau soldiers had gained the summit of pended in support of a county fair, three years (Frank Marey) above named for an steep mountain, parts of wblcb th The Court shall require each live stock exposition or land pro­ order citing the next of kin of said were obliged to scale with ladde member of the board to furnish a ducts show where all counties in ward and all persons interested in Horses could not have been got tbi good and sufficient bond in favor this State may compete, the said said estate and in the land herein­ unless by the assistance of a era of the county in a sum not less than funds shall on the 2nd day of Jan­ after described, which said land is Afterward sboals of letters from • the amount of the annual appropri­ uary following the date of their also described in said petition, to scribers wished to know bow tbeci ation received from the State for the payment to the county treasurer by' Secretary of State, be trans­ appear and show cause why a support of the fair conditioned up­ the license should not be granted said airy got there. on the faithful performance of the ferred to the general road fund of N. McMillan, guardian, to sell the ditties of his office. Said bond the county ami expended in the construction of good roads of said The Golfer’s Wager. interest and estate of said ward in alien approved by the county court county. and to said real property, the same A man who knows baseball, batM» to be filed with the county clerk. Section 1(1 Where there is already being, described as follows, to wit: er played golf, was talking to a prof Section 2. The members of the Situate in Garibaldi, County of Til i siotial golfer and remarked that I ..................... County Fair Board shall, organized u county fair board, or an agricultural society in any lamook State of Oregon; Beginning I latter’s pet game was at best onlj ns soon ui their bonds have been at a point 58.16 chains west and 42.15 j tiled mid approved, meet and or­ county holding a county fair in | chains south of the northeast cor- . piddling sort of nffalr. ganize by electing a president and such county, the said board by this , ner of Sec. 21, Township one North, ' "Well.” said tbe golfer. "I’ll w»l secretary. Two members of the act shall be considered the county I Range ten west of Willamette Me- ■ you that 1 can play around this el® board shall constitute n quorum fair board of such county and shall I ridian, thence north 74 degrees east een hole course In fewer strokes thn tor the transaction of all business be governed under the rules and I 7.C8 chains for inital point of tract you can throw the ball, and you otd at meetings, and in the absence of by laws already in force of said herein conveyed, said point being not bother to put it in the cup«, W the president or secretary, the oth­ association ; provided, there shall the southeast corner of what is throw as far as you can every titnz" er members of the board shall per­ be only one county fair heldineach county. known a« the Ralston 5 acre tract, j form the duties ot such absentee Instantly tbe bet was made, and tbs Section 11. Chapter 3 of Title thence north 16 degrees west 220 Section 3. The county fair board XX.XLX of Lord ’ s Oregon Laws, and feet, south 74 degrees west 23,456 the baseball enthusiast liegan to IlfW» is hereby given the exclusive man leet to the northeast corner of tract The golfer could do tbe course In ae* agement o* the grotinus and all all acts or parts of acts in conflict sold by Geo. W. Kiger and wife to enty-two strokes. To equal that fit other property owned, leased, used herewith, are hereby repealed. Filed in the office of the Secretary Frank Marey by deed dated Octo­ other would have to make seveDtytw or controlled by the county or dis ber 10, 1902 and recorded in book throws of an average length of S tin t nail devoted to the use of the of State February 25, 1913. "z” of deeds, page 31, records of feet, the course being 6.000 yards. Fk < utility or district fairs, ami shall be Tillamook County, Oregon, thence entrusted mid charged with the en- Be it enacted by the People of the State of Oregon : south 16 degrees east 220 feet to an ordinary man this would beaol» ’ re business management, and fi- Section 1. That Section 6 of “An southeast corner of Marey tract, i possible task.—Philadelphia Ledger. ranciiil and other affairs of the said frir..................................................................... i act authorizing the holding of north 74 degrees east 23 456 feet to inital point. Applause and the Stage. Section 4. The said I ward shall county fairs in the several counties l ave the power to make and en in thin State ; »renting boards of In _ the Konzert-Taschenbuch lx » And it appearing to the court from __ _______ __________ management therefor and fixing t< rev all rules and regulations ne Overland Model 69T said petition that it is necessary article by Felix Welngarner on "A? and would be beneficial to eaid pin use," In which the director KJt ceaaary for the proper conduct and their powers and duties ; appro­ ii anagement of tneir respective priating fuuds in support thereof ward that »aid property be sold: "The relation between the public g their expenditure fiira. and shall have the power to and 1 I t is therefore ordered , that tinder certain conditions in aup- appoint such marshals or police, as citation issue herein to the next of the artist rests on what Is renderedW may be necessary to keep order port of other fairs, livestock ex­ kin of said ward and to all persons both. The artist gives bls strengtk ami preserve the peace during the positions and land product shows, interested in said estate citing them his knowledge and the fruit of R in the construction of county I ■ <■ and at the place of holding tile or 1 to appear before the above named life’s work. The public can give nod »aid lairs, mid the officers so up- roads, and repealing Chapter 3 of court on the 13th day of June, 1913, ins but its recognition. As the l*w Lord’s Oregon p< mted shall be vested with the Title XXXIX af at 10 o’clock a m. and allow cause, vidual has not opportunity to sp*1 ► m authority for the preservation Laws.'' be and the same is hereby if any they have, why his approval, the logical way to xl>o* ol inner anil making arrests upon amended to read as follows • should not be granted a license to Section 6 For the purpose of the grounds as would a deputy sell all the right, title and interest It is by applause." The writer W1 mattil. lining the several county al 1.1iff of said ward in and to said real tlwit he has never known a case wb*J •i . lion 5 Saiil board may collect fairs, land product show« and live property. It is further ordered that this form of satisfaction on the parte aud disseminate such information stock expositions, and constructing said citation including this order an audience has failed to pleas«, U is < »1, ulated to educate ami be ne­ good roods in the se.ertil counties, tie. published in the Tillamook declarations on the part of modR as in this act provided, there is tt industrial classes, .develop the Headlight, a weekly newspaper stage folk to the contrary notel®' resources and advance the material hereby appropriated on June 15, VIA THE published in Tillamook City, Tilla­ standing. Beethoven resented sllaoc* I'b ests ot the State; collect anil 1913. amt annually thereafter out of mook County, Oregon, and of gen­ and Wagner "loved applause." distribute su b reliuble informa­ any funds ire the hands ot the State eral circulation therein for a pe riod tion as will encourage immigration, Treasuier.nyt otherwise appropriat­ j of three successive weeks. and shall, on or before the 1st day ed, such a sum as may be raised by Teeth of the Sperm Whale. Now you and each of you are here­ ot l»e< ember ot each year, file with levying a tax of one twentieth of a Instead of having plates of bal<* by notified and required to appear tbe county clerk a complete finan­ miH Upon the taxable property of at the above time, place and court, the square nosed sperm whale cirri* SUNSET cial statement allowing all funds the State as last equalised by the and show cause, it any you have, a row of twenty to twenty five be«’! State Hoard of Tax Comnnaatonera, received and anil diaburaed. disbursed. There ROUTtS why said license should not be teeth on each side of the lower )•* may Ite lie includevi included in the «an! said report the said tax to lie nppoitionel granted. These fit Into sockets In the roof of tlx such suggestions and recunimvda- uiiivn» and collected tro.n the W itness the honorable H omer mouth and assist In holding the gi»*1 tion as in their opinion would make several counties, as their State « Sf?* of ,,le County Court for the improvement ami advance taxes are apiatrlioned an J collected. ‘ cf 1 illamook County, Oregon and squid and cuttlefish on which the eo* Section 2. That Section 7 of “ An men! of agricultural and kindred I the seal of said coiirt affixed this inous animal feeds. The squid seld* act authorizing tlie holding of industries of the fair gets away from the warm <'uiix«® 14th day of May, 1913. Tickets will be sold from all main and branch line points in Section »1 For the purpose of county tuna in the several counties hence the sperm usually remains I# J. C. H olden , maintaining the several county in this State ; creating boards of Oregon to Eastern destination one way through California or via tropica. Clerk. fairs, land product shows and live management therefor and fixing Portland. Stop overs within limit. stock expositions sml conctructing their powers mid duties ; appro­ S-Ockh older«* Meeting. good road in the several counties, priating lands in support thereof How to Look Young- I a« iu this act provided there is and authorising their ex|>enditure She—I seut n dollar to a young •* lierehy appropriated on June I, under certain conditions m support The regular annual meeting of man for a recipe to make m« ••• 19HV iv|iou the taxable property of the same is h< retry amended so as lamook City, Oregon, office of H. than yourself.” ATLANTIC CITY DETROIT. the State at last equalised by the to read as follows NORFOLK. T Botts, at which time a Board of BALTIMORE., Mate Hoard of l ai v ommisaiouers. Section 7. Annually on the 15th INDIANAPOLIS. OMAHA. Never. the said tax to lie apportioned day of June the Secretary ot State Directors will be elected, also to re­ BOSTON. KANSAS CITY. She-We women are all m'mu»* PHIL VDELPHIA. among and collected from the sev­ sh.ill T. LOVIS, Dated, Tillamcok, Ore., May 7, you?—Cincinnati Enquirer. Section 7. Annually on the first sueli an amount as may be raised TORONTO, W \SHINGTON. D C. W INN1PEG. its) of June the Secretary ot State by levying a lax oi one twentieth of 1913. By ordei. I ---------------------------- And varum, ether jmmts Smith ami East. Call on nearest Agent •tiall draw a warrant ii|s>n the State a mill on the taxable property in P. J W orrall . President. No, Indeed. Treasurer in favor of eacli county said county at last equalised by the for full infotmatmn a. to route, and fare.; to any particular Millen«—Do you believe any t»SB ■ H T. B otts , Secretary. livsaurer tn the State for such State lioaru ot Tax t ommiaaicners; ba.tern city, and for literature describing jarnt. alorg the S. P rich enough to do absolutely »» * nmount as may lie raisetl by levy provided. that any one county pleases? Venirne—Not if he's •*’ 10,its) uiKin the taxable prupert) of aaid Any funds raised by thia act re ried - I‘hlladelpl0ii Itecord. Portlanil,’ Oregon. HO acres of bottom land known an county at last equalized by the State mauling m the hands ot the State lh*,£,er Bran‘ l>,ace The price A rnward never fonrare. It • ■a *400 an acre. Vincents Jaceb . TILLAMOOK COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION Grangers and Club Com­ mittees Agree Upon a Plan to Organize. ! The 30 h.p. car, four or five passenger, $1,000 ; with electric equipment and starter, for $1,325 ; 45 h.p., fully equip­ ped with electric starter and lights,' $1,800. A few exceptionally good: bargains at reasonable prices. See A. K. CASE» Tillamook, Ore. ROUND TRIP SUMMER EXCURSIONS EAST TICKETS ON SALE DAILY—May 28 to Se it. 30 Final Return Limit Oct. 31st f tils naturo-French Pruvert».