Tillamook EMONSTRATION FARM posed by the Fairview mOSTERS AT CEOVER I Tillamook Commercial Headlight, Grange and Act, or any part of such work, and Club. conditioned upon the duplication T __ * what • ! Chas. I. Clough JIa. illustrated of such appropriation or appropria­ J. J. Hill had done by demonstra­ tions, for the same purposes, by the tion farms. When Hill built the State of Oregon. then and in that event there is hereby appropriated Great Northern through a barren a n tally a sum of money in each country most persons thought he instance equivalent in amount to would bust up. When the road each such appropriation by the was finished he started industrial United States out of any moneys in tlie general fund of the State of farms and sent experts into differ Oregon not otherwise appropriated, ent sections, the result of which which shall be available immedi­ was that large tracts of land were ately upon notice being received by made to produce large crops. He the Secretary of State from the United States Department of Agri­ said that there was land in this culture or from such other county which used to produce large Federal departments as may „ if such funds that crops of hay which were not doing I h“’e charge o ' | such Federal tunds are available, so now, such as the prairie land. • r , i- . . • and shall be in addition to the other Me believed that by the dairymen ‘ appropriations made by this Act, co operating with the Agricultural not in lieu of the same or any part College a solution could be arrived ,llereof' _ Superin- The Stat at which would increase the output tenden?"of‘ PubFic ------ - .c Instruction is of the dairy farms, ' hereby authorized to employ two u o * a---- ♦ «3 rtrkrxari C. E. Trombley said he did not . : n assistants, whose <1<*4*v duty it it olmll shall liix be feel like talking after partaking of to travel throughout the counties of » ...__ — j .- i *he State and supervise and pro- ... . 1 us dinner. He was . inote the development of industrial heartily in accord with the move-1 work in the public schools includ- ment, and thought a demonstration inK such subjects as agriculture, I farm would benefit everybody finan-' manual traininK and ho,,,e econo’ I .....i ....i, 'mica, and promote industrial < y d ocially. school fairs and school garden con- f May 22, i OI3 TRAITS OF THE TURK. A Friend of th* Islamite Tells Why He Admire* Him. ■illamook Delegation loyally I must conress that 1 am at heart a ■ Entertained by Grangers, friend of the Turk It may be merely association. I have known him many ■Last Friday a delegation of boos- years. But there Is about him some­ ■r* left this city for Cloverdale to thing which I cannot help liking—a ^Eost a demonstration farm, which simplicity, a manliness, a dignity. I ^Ket with considerable success in ilke Ills fondness for water and flow­ ^Eating a sentiment in favor of es ers aud green meadows and spreading Hbliehing one in Tillamook County. trees. I like bis love of children. 1 like bis |>erfect ma u tiers. 1 like bis ■The party consisted of M. S. Hirock. deputy dairy and food com- sobriety, I like his patience. 1 like the way be faces death. Oue of the Kisaioner ; Chas. Kunze, Pre- tilings I like most about him is wbat Hdent of the Tillamook Develop­ has beeu most his undoing—bls lack of ment Association ; Fred C. Baker, any commercial iustinct ■resident of the Tillamook Com I like. too. wbat no one has much ■ercial Club, and Geo Williams. C. noticed—the artistic side of him. 1 do W Clough, C. K. Trombley and J. not know Turkish enough to appreci­ ■. Dunstan. Saturday morning, ate his literature, and bis religion for­ Hotwithstanding that it poured with bids him. or be imagines it does, to en­ gage in the plastic arts. But In archi­ ■ in, the Tillamook delegation was tecture nnd certain forms of decoration Kken down the Nestucca river as be has created a school ot bls own. It ■ r as Pacific City in a gasoline Is not only that the Turkish quarter of ■unch, which Editor Taylor had any Anatolian town is more pictur­ ■ndly obtained tlie use of esque than the others. The old pal­ ■ On returning to Cloverdale at ace of the sultans In Constantinople, Hoon. the delegation was loyally Frank Taylor r------------ J hie ----- ’ conjunction • -’ ' such *- expressed tests in with in­ certain old houses I have seen, the ■ tertained by the Cloverdale pleasure in haviug the Tillamook struction, under the direction of mosques, the theological schools, the ■range in their hall, where a most delegation visit Cloverdale. It made the State Superintendent of I’ublic tombs, the fountains of the Turks, are fnstruction and in co-opera I nn achievement which deserves a more ■licious and plentiful dinner was them feel glad to know that tlie co­ tion with the said State ■rved that did great credit to the operation of those living in tlie Agricultural College ; and, so far serious study tbnn bns been given it You may tell me that these things as practicable, in accordance with ■dies of the Grange. south part of tlie county was ■ Mastv-r George Worthington pre- desired and appreciated in matters the views and wishes of the respec­ are not Turkish, because they were tive superintendents of public in­ modeled after Byzantine originals or ■ded at the open meeting which pertaining to the interests of the struction of the several counties; because Greeks and Pershins bad much entire county, and whenever any aid for the purpose of defraying ■llowed. to do with buildlug them. But I shall ■Charles Kunze was the first other delegation wanted to come to expenses of such assistants, and answer that every architecture was ■leaker, who briefly outlined the Cloverdale they would be most other expenses incident to the’r derived from another In days not so work, there is hereby appropriated Benefits of a demonstration farm pleased to have them do so. ' the sum of six thousand dollars near our own and tbaL after all. it ■ at would accrue to the dairymen. An informal discussion took ($6,000» |ier annum ; the same to be wns the Turk who created the oppor­ ■ Deputy Dairy and Food Com- place, bringing out many features, paid out of any moneys in the tunity for the foreign artist and or­ , ■ issioner Shrock then went into after which a vote was taken re- general fund of ttie State not other- dered wbat be wanted.—H. G. Dwight appropriated, commencing iu Atlantic. ■e matter of a demonstration farm romtnending a demonstration farm. wise with the first day of January. 1913. ■ore fully. He pointed out that it This was carried unanimously, Section 8 That the Secretary of ■as necessary to apply more there being no opposition on the State be and he is hereby autho­ THE CAR OF PROGRESS. ■ier.ce ic. dairying in thia county, part of a large gathering of Grang­ rized and directed to audit all duly | approved claims on the foregoing Ar* You Holding It Down or Helping ■d by doing so it would result in ers and others who had turned out appropriation, and to draw war­ to Push It Along? Baking the land produce more, to hear the matter discussed. rants o-i the Stile Treasurer in pay­ Tbe car was on an up grade. Most ■pecially where it has been going ment thereof of tbe passengers bad got out and ■ ckward. He complimented the Demonstration Farm Law were pushing. Many, with their coats ■irjmen upon the excellence of It is to the credit of President We give below the law, passed at off. were toiliug and sweaUng bravely. fceir splendid co-operative system last session of the State I.egislatuie, Wilson that he recognizes a peril i And slowly but surely they were get- Bid showed them how they had in regard to demonstration farms, when he sees one, and a serious ting ahead, Some, however, remained Bade considerable money by apply- which becomes effective next month: one confronts him at thia moment in tbe car. Tart of them said there Bg modern methods in the manu- Section 1. The State Agricultural In dropping the material side of was no use In pushlug. since the bill Bcture of cheese, especially so in College of the State of Oregon is the issue at Sacramento, and in was so steep they could never get up ■nploying an inspector who had hereby authorized to engage in, placing her grievance solely on an anyway. Others said they would help Brought about a uniformity in the conduct, and encourage education­ attack on her national honor, Japan when all those pretending to push al extension, demonstration, and were really pushing as they ought to. ■ anufacture and in obtaining field work in all or any of the sev­ has put the question into a phase B’eeter milk at the factories. He eral counties of the State; tlie same which will make it exceedingly But the toilers tolled on, pushing the car aud those In it constantly up tbe Lid his hearers that the Oregon to include agriculture, horticulture, delicate to handle. She has ceased I bill. dairying, domestic science, and Agricultural College wanted to co- to protest against all violation, or I Tbe world Is on an up grade. Most other industries, and to be conduct­ ■>erate with the dairymen, one to ed by means of instruction in the es­ alleged violation, of treaty rights , of tbe passengers are pushing falth- Ipply his scientific knowledge, an d tablished schools ot the State and which the Californians would make I fully, and every year Anils it steadily lie other the practical experience, itinerant schools, farmers' insti­ by the enactment of the present going forward and upward. The pes­ tutes, local clubs, demonstration Be said that the Agricultural Col- trains, exhibits at State, county and antialien land bill. She will not simists. however, and the cynics re­ Bge had undertaken several other fairs and expositions, and even ask that any of her citizens be main seated in tbe car. The former say that the problems are so hopeless Methods of reaching the farmers, otherwise in such manner as may rendered eligible for naturalization i and human greed so intrenched that Aith bulletins, etc., but these had from time be deemed expedient by in the United States. But she con- I we are already beaten. The latter say 1 tends that by the discrimination i that when those who profess to be lot been successful, so it was now . said college. | Section 2. For use in carrying Iroposed to establish demonstra-’ ol^Yhe‘purposes specified in the which is being made against her. j trying to do right begin to practice Aon tarmB in each county and have first section of tin’s Act, there is her pride and honor has been as­ what they preach, when the "hypo- Ine or more field workers go over hereby appropriated the sum of sailed, and thus the question has Ielites" are eliminated, they will help. thousand dollars assumed a phase which makes Meanwhile tbe workers are pulling Inch county, and where agreeable twenty-five ($25,000) per annum; the same to be and pushing, and the world is going ■ ke over a few acres of land from paid out of any moneys in the gen­ even arbitration difficult, though | up the hill. But did you ever see a I (ai m and work it according to the eral fund of the State not otherwise by no means impossible. ; complalner or a knocker who was help­ ■istructione of the experts, In that appropriated, commencing with the I As a city kept out of its natural ing?—Eugene Bernard Smith tn Out- first day of January, 1913. rav it would be demonstrated i Section 3 The county court of destiny Constantinople is the most ' look. whether improvements were being each of the several counties of the remarkable on the map. Geograph­ hade. He advised Jhe dairymen j State is hereby authorized to - r pro­ ically, it is placed where it ought to Family Pride. |o try a demonstration farm for a vide and appropriate funds for use "Prisoner, have you anything to *ay be one of the busiest, most ener­ in and about agricultural, or farm, why tbe MDtence ot death should not lew years, for if it did not accom- demonstration and field work in getic centers of the earth, tint for lie passed upon you?” blish better results it could be such county, such funds to be pro­ centuries it has been benumbed by "A few words, your honor. I a tu Iropped. He saw many instances vided either by special provision in narrow restraints of government thirty years of age.” ki this county where a demonstra the annual tax levy of such county and insecure prospects. Its history “Well?" I ion farm would help increase the 1 or by appropriation of funds nototb- is marked by strange mutations "Your older brother Is a physician.” ' erxvise appropriated, anil the same product of the soil, so that more to be expended subject to Hie super and deformities, and no one can "Till* Is ir>i|H-rtinent and irrelevant" tow. could be kept on the same vision of said college; and foi each "It may sound so. your honor, blit it forsee what it is to be in race, ' dollar so provided by such county, »mount of land. means life or death to me. I under­ political religion, or nationality, there is hereby appropriated, in Charles Kunze stated that the under present stand that you take a great pride in ' addition to the appropriation pro regulation, Even tost would be nominal to the dairy­ vided for in Section 2 of this Act paralyzing conditions it I is the the phenomenal success of your broth­ men as a demonstration farm would the sum of one dollar, to be paid fourteenth city in population, with er?" "1 do. tint what isisslbte tiearlng can be a self supporting institution out of any moneys in the general 1,125,900 inhabitants But it exists that have upon your case?" ifter a few years, and as this fund of the State not otherwise ap- under fundamental uncertainties, "Simply thia: Your brother, the doc­ priated, to be available when the tounty would have to help pay the Secretary of State lias been adi ised, The Turks have belli it as a tor. examined me a year ago and pre­ taxes to support demonstration by the certificate of the county prize of war for 460 years, but with dicted that I would live at least twen­ arms in other counties, this county court of such county that such pro­ no better original claim than tlie i ty years more. It would certainly un­ vision has been actually made; pro­ rould not get any benefits from the vided, however, that in no event ability to take it by force. It has dermine bis reputation as a scientist itate funds, if it does not have a shall the total amount so appropri­ been a city of imperial importance should I die before that time."—Lon­ lenionstration farm. The Agri- ated to any one county having an for 2000 years before the crescent don Answer*. ultural College sent out experts at area of five thousand square miles flag went up over its Christian or less, exceed two thousand dol­ Presence of Mind. he expense of the college, so there As the capital of the lars during any one year, and that churches. “Yes. sir,” said the old time manager. vould be no expens es for that in no event shall the total amount Eastern Reman Empire it was “It waa a terrible moment The theater eature of the work. He called upon appropriated to any larger county burned in a time of religious dis was on tire and over a thousand people exceed four thousand dollars dur ­ '>eorge Williams to throw some sensions, rebuilt by Justinian in sitting there In front I was afraid of ing any one year. ight upon the subject in regard to Section 4. In order to obtain or greater splendor. was taken by the a panic, but suddenly the inspiration he cost. increase the benefit« Io tie derived Crusaders and recaptured ty the came 1 sent Miss Scrawney out upon Mr. Williams said the timbermen from the provisions in thio Act, any Greeks in the thirteenth century. the stage to recite ‘Curfew Shall Not »•id 80 per cent of the taxes, town two cr more contiguous counties After a siege of seven weeks the King Tonight’ ’’ may unite in the formation of a dis. md beach lots 10 per cent and the trict- and each district so formed Turks swarmed in upon it in 1453. I ■'Yes?“ aald the excited listener. lairy lands 10 per cent. A demon shall' be regarded, fcr the purposes They would have lost it long ago if I “The bouse was empty In just three Europe minutes by the watcbl" said the man­ itr.tinn farm for Tillamook looked of this Act. as a single county, and the nations of Western could have united on what to do ager.—Harper's. i good thing to him, for with the • hall be enti led to the same bene­ ________________ fits under this Act as if such dis­ with it •tote contributing $2,000 and the trict were in fact one county; pro­ Sold Untested. :ounty $2,C00. it seemed to him for vider!, however, that no county in­ Health a Factor fn Success “Our product is thoroughly tested Tiie largest factor contributing before leaving the factory, No man iv*ry $2.00 ¿the other interests paid cluded in any such district shall, ffie dairymen would only have to as a county. Ire entitled to any of to a man's success is undoubtedly can sell stuff today that ba* not been the lienefito of this Act «o long as health. It has been observed that [»•V 10c. from the county fund He I the district formed as aforesaid of a man is seldom sick when his bow­ tested." "We manage to •ell our product was heartily in favor of a demon­ which such county is a part, shall els are regular he is never well when they are constipated. For without testing It" itration farm and thought it would receive such benefits Section a. The State Treasurer is constipation you will find nothing “That's odd Wbat do _ you •oil r a good thing for the county. hereby authorize«} to receive from quite so good aaChambertain's Tab­ “Dyuamite.”—Washington Herald. J. H. Dunstan had it figured out the Crop Improvement Committee lets. They not only move the bow hat the extra taxation would of the City of Chicago, Illinois, and els but improve the apfietite and What Sha Wanted. from other source« whenever and strengthen the digestion They are imount to $200 to the dairymen of "These are all genuine antiques, mad. hie county, and that distributed wbereverthe same may be available, sold by all dealers am." said the dealer. "We positively moneys to lie applied and expend­ itnongat ao many would only ed under the supernsion of said Most Prompt and Effectual Cure guarantee that" Mount to a few cents each. Mr. college in aid of all or .ny of the “I haven't any doubt of IL" said for Bad Cold» unstan also took up the matter of purposes aforesaid, and all ««»ch When you have » bad cold you Mrs. Noocaah. “but^hatn't ye got any­ sums shall be .nd »re hereby deem ■want a remedy that will not only thing newer 'n them? They look like poor farm being run in connec- ed to be appropriated for the pur-1 give relief, but effect a prompt and a k»t o’ tiami me «lowns "—Harper's on with a demonatration farm. .mses aforesaid Any andI allI sums permanent cure, s remedy that is Fred C Baker did not know any so received ahall be in addition to ' pleasant to take, a remedy that con­ Mter demonstration farm than the any other benefits Io be 'Wr!rr'! bf' tains nothing inj'iriou». Uhan.t>er It Dees. Muggins—What is your favorite pleodid dinner provided by the such county hereunder and ahall '.Iain's Cough Remedy meet» al! I’ act» as method of punishing the children? •dies belonging to the Cloverdale be paid out uiiou requisition ■• these reqnire nent». provided in Section 8 of this Act. na’ure'e plan, relieve» the lungs, Ruggine— Welt I consider that spank­ grange, the tables l-eing loaded Section ft In tbe event that at aid» expectoration. o|wns the «r lown with well cooked, deliciot « any time or times there shall tie < ret ions and rest., re« the «y«tem to ing take* the |>slm. — Philadelphia Rec­ appropriated by the Congre-ss U a perfectly healthy condit <>n This ord. ood. He asked the co-operation of the!United States, or by the I nited ie Cloverdale Gnlnge and the States Deiartment of Agriculture, remedy F*a a vorld wide rale and He that would eat the kernel must ti»e. and can always I* depended iibiaes it that part of Hie tounty any sums or sum» of money in aid upon, bold b) ail dealer«. crack the Ml— i’arala* i'ruvsrK i the proposed stock »how. pro ¿4 the «jrt provided for by Uua Seasick Fish. Fish become III and die from seasick­ ness when carried long distances upon the ocean, says Popular Mechanics Magazine. For that reason many rare and Interesting specimens captured in tropical countries cannot be brought alive to northern points for public In­ spection. In a receut shipment of 400 fish from Key West to New York more than 100 died on the way and the re­ mainder arrived in a condition that re- quired heroic treatment to save their lives. According to this it may be pre­ sumed that tbe agony endured by Lu­ mans when tbe ship begins to pitch and roll is as nothing compared wltb tbe same sufferings of tauk inclosed fish. As a precaution the fish are fed practically nothing for at least one day before being taken on board. The gal­ vanized iron tanks in which tbe fish are carried contain from ten to fifty gallons of sea water kept at a constaut temperature of about 60 degrees by steam from the ship's boilers during tbe trip. A STOLEN BANKNOTE And a Keen Eyed D«t*ctiv* Who Waa Unabla to Locata It. A police otticer tell* au Interesting tale of au old woman be once bud to deal with. A batch of banknotes had been stolen, and the detective found some oue to tell him that the old wo­ man in question, a notorious “fence." had oue of the notes, at least at her house. [ So Impllefty did the detective rely upon his Informer that be set aside the formality of a search warrant and pro­ ceeded to visit the old woman's bouse, locked the doors on the inside and rummaged the rooms from cellar to roof He is an officer who prides him­ self on his keen scent in a search, but he was completely baffled, and after tearing up some boards aud knocking down some plaster by way of making a show of doing something, while he waited for a new Idea, at last he gave ft up Turning to the woman and handing her back a candle which she bad lent Vary Scientific Punishment him to work with, be said: Here is a charming description of cor­ “Well, this time I confess I am beat­ poral punishment as given in American en. Tell us where It is, mother, aud schools nnd prisons. It is taken from I'll get you off.” one of the leading newspapers of Italy The promise was sufficient nnd will astonish some people here as “You've bad It tn your hand mo f much ns it probably astonished the the time,” she said, “and gave it ' 1 k Italian readers: to me this minute. It’s wrapped tx.... L “The most Incorrigible persons are the candle.”—London Answers. led with eyes bandaged and hands shackled to a bath in which there is a ONE PEEP WAS ENOUGH little water. They are stripped aud made to lie down In the bathtub, In the water Is a wire leading from one It Satisfied th* Skipptr That He Was Right In Hi* Gu*s*. l>ole of an electric battery, Another When Hie Adeline's mnster came on wire leading from the other pole is placed In contact with a sponge which deck In the morning bls passenger Is applied to the bare body of the pris­ stared at him bewllderedly. “Why, what's the matter?" be asked. oner. Each time it touches him he re­ A grin overspread the face of the ceives nn electric shock that feels ex­ mate, who stood near, but the person actly as If he were being whipped. "The punished youth, being unable to questioned scowled and made no re­ see whence the blows come, suffers all ply. “What has happened?" persisted th« the more and Is sixm under subjection." inquisitive passenger. “Where are —New York World. your whiskers and your eyebrows?” The mute snickered, and after a mo­ A Legal Comedy. The conservatism of the law as it is ment bls superior snapped. “Ob, tell practiced lu Philadelphia received nn him If you want to!" aud stalki*d away Illustration recently In the loud sum­ forward with wbat dignity be could mons by the clerk of the court to Wil­ command. “The skipper Is feeling Just a mite liam Penn, Richard Penn and John Penn to appear in court in order that a sore," sold the mnte, “and no wonder certain title to laud of which they were It was like this,” he proceeded to ex­ the original grantors could bo cleared plain. “Last evening he was hard up for a Job. and he decided to overhaul of an encumbrance. No one suggested to bis honor, the the motor luuncii. He rather thought president Judge of common plena No. there was a little gasoline left in the 4, that William Penn bad been dead tank. but to make quite sure be lit a 200 years, and his sons Richard and match und looked.” “Ah, yes," exclaimed the passenger, John nearly as long. There was no need of such a suggestion. Every one “and there was.” “Well," drnwled the mate, “for about within bearing of the clerk’s voice knew thnt It wns n vnin show nnd nn half a second there was, and then empty form thnt was proceeding be­ there wasn't"—New York Poet fore their eyes. Through the idle cry­ British Army’s First Trousers. ing of the names of men two centu­ Terhaps the army revolution of deep­ ries dead the demands of the law were satisfied and a title wns cleared.—Case est interest to the soldier himself was that effected in 1823. when for the first and Comment time he was put In trousers. The an­ nouncement from the horse guards When an Animal Chokes. Few emergencies which nrlse on the took the following remarkable form: farm are more easily dealt with than "Ills majesty has been pleased to ap­ choking. In cnsea of this kind we have prove of the discontinuance of breech­ never known the white of an egg, es, leggings and shoes as part of the when poured down the sufferer’s throat clothing of tile Infantry soldiers and of to fail to give relief. To administer blue gray cloth trousers and half boots the egg quickly and surely it should be being substituted.” In order to Indem­ broken Into n wide mouthed bottle. nify the “clothing colonels" for any When such a bottle Is not quickly hardship which the new order mlgbt available, however, any ordinary bot­ cause it waa decided that these gentle­ tle can be used by using a funnel to men should no longer be called upon get into IL and where a funnel Is not to provide the waistcoat of Tommy, Ht hand one can be tnnde by rolling a but that Tommy should himself supply piece of paper Into the desired shape It out of bis shilling a day To reas­ When everything Is ready the animal's sure lilin it waa pointed out that be head should tie raised as high as | kir was In a position to do so with com­ slide, the tsittle thrust far back Io fort. because he would no longer have the throat and the contents emptied, to buy gaiters.—I-ondon Chronicle. i'lie egg will Immediately pass down and imike tile throat passage and the Letter* That Wear Away. offending obstacle so smooth that It The professor wns talking of English will pass on Into the stomach.—Farm words Hint. originally harsh. bad been and Fireside. softened by a slight change in form or in the elision of some letter The She Didn’t Like It. professor on lids occasion gave rein to Even unto liouors. If they must car­ ills fancy. "Now, for instance,” be ry them alone, children In America said, “here's the word 'numerous,' from would not I m - born A little girl who lite Latin 'nurnerus.' n number. What Ilves In my neighborhood came home have we done with thnt word? One from school in tears one day not long niny suppose that originally It was ago Her father Is a celebrated writer. written and pronounced ‘numberotis. I'lie schoolteacher. hnp|>enlng to select Why not? But the *b' In the middle of one of his stories to read aloud to the the word, tn the abdomen, ns It were, class, mentioned tlie fact that the au- wns very awkward, ft was tn reality thor of the story waa the father of my of no more use than the appi ndlx ver- small (' lend miformls. Bo an operation was per­ “But why are you crying about it formed, probably without the use of sweetheart?" her father asked, “Do an anaesthetic aud the objectionable you think It's such a bad story?" 'b' wns removed. That operation was “Ob. no,” the little girl answered; “It an entire success.”—Indianapolis News. la a good enough story. But none of the other children’s fntbers write sto­ Disease snd the Egyptians. ries! Why do you. daddy? It's so pe­ The moat Important me •nu- culiar!"—From “The American Child.” script found tn Egypt Is the (Japyrud El ■era. written 3000 It O. and discov­ Turning Away Wrath. ered In Memphis. Disease, according The garden gate was open, and a to the Egyptians, was duo to the an­ small boy paused to look at the daffo­ ger of some deity, the result of the tri­ dils within easy reach. He was just umph of evil tn its struggle with good, about to grab one when a bedroom an Idea which Is still very general window opened and an angry house­ throughout Africa and Asin and which holder appeared "These need tying at some time has been prevalent In up badly, sir." said the smart boy. modified forms In almost every rac< “These big flower* are too heavy for “Hecords of the Past" their stems" There la no question that If thnt boy keep« out of prison he Only a Dream. will get on -Manchester Guardian. Wife—I dreamed last night that t waa In a shop that was simply fall of Elevating. ths loveliest bonnets, snd— Husband “There goes a chap who does a deal (hastily»-But that was only a draam. to elevate mankind." my dear. Wife—I knew that before I “Who la heF woke up. baca use yon bought one for “The district attorney." me “How does he elevate hnmanltyr “Rend» em up. doesn't her—Kansas Floriculture. City Journal. “How old Boek does pitch Into that port of yoursl" Unsettled. I “Yea; be says be like* Its bouquet" “I want some sort of present for • I “No wonder, then, that be likes bls young lady." own nose gay.”—Judge. “Tea. sir fiancee or sister?" “Er why-«he hasn't said which she Cupid Up to Dst*. will be jet"— Exchange. Louis»— Will you lov« tn* fo rover? | I .„a a... ’fb« 8WRln—Y*«, darling, and in vote Ton rsnn.d eat your rak* and bar« jour eake-t^vsotte do I i