Tillamook Headlight, Ni ay 22, 1013. HANDSOME $400 UPRIGHT PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Mason, Pennington & Co. and the Tillamook Headlight WILL GIVE A WA Y, absolutely without cost, the CAXTON UPRIGHT PIANO shown below. This is open to anyone and nomination blanks may be obtained at the Tillamook Headlight office, at Mason, Pen­ nington & Co. 's store, or cut from ihis ad. This will be the most interesting advertising proposition ever held in Till­ amook County, and everybody has an equal opportunity to secure this Beautiful Upright PARLOR GRAND PIANO. How to Get Vote Tickets. How to Get Vote Tickets. With every purchase made at MASON, PENNING­ TON & CO.’s STORE votes will be giveu—ioo votes FOR EVERY DOLLAR’S worth PURCHASED. Votes in the same proportion will also be given to persons paying ac­ counts. If any of our friends need anything in Ladies’ Dress Goods, Suits, Underwear, Millinery, Shoes, etc., and Gent.’s Clothing and Furnishing, ¡Boots, Shoes, Rubber Goods, etc., or anything carried by an up-to-date General Merchandise Store, get them to patronize Mason, Penning­ ton & Co. and give you their votes. Now is the time to get busy. The earlier you start the more advantage you will have in final count. The date of the closing of the contest will be June I, 1913. Cut out Coupon below atid present or mail to Mason, Pennington & Co. or the Tillamook Headlight. If they owe on account get them to pay it and secure votes. With every yearly subscription to The Tillamook Headlight accompanied by $1.50 in cash, 5,000 votes will be given. This applies to back subscription, and you can pay for as. many as you desire. You can also get votes on job printing—100 votes for each dollar paid on either job advertising or printing. All leading merchants in Tilla­ mook, Oregon, patronize The Tillamook Headlight, and they will be glad to give you the votes when they pay any of their accounts. But the best way to get votes is to gt subscriptions to the paper, as the schedule of votes is so much greater for subscription than for anything else. You will be surprised how easy it is to get subscriptions to the Headlight if you try. Closesjune 4, 1913. The Tillamook Headlight is the pioneer newspaper of Tillamook County, which for the past twenty five years have been boosting for the county, advocating good roads and other improvements. Claxton Upright Grand Piano Voting Contest. NOMINATION BLANK. ■ Good for 2,000 Votes. Cut this Coupon out and bring to . K?3 I hereby accept the nomination as a con­ testant on the Claxton Piano Contest. Please place these*2ooo votes to my credit. No. l.Name of Contestant will not be known. 2. No name of candidates will be pub­ lished. 3, Every Contestant gets 2,000 votes to start with. 4-, livery Contestant gets a number. 5, Standing by Numbers published weekly in The Tillamook Headlight. 6, All votes must be brought in Wednesday for recording. 7, Votes must Not be writ­ ten on. s. Tie votes in packages with Contestant's number and amount on top slip. 9, Color of Certificates will be changed each month ami must be recorded before change. 10 Votes are transferable only before recording. 1 1, Contestant having tlw largest number of votes on May 1, I9U, wins Piano. THIS IS SURELY A PRESEN1 WORTH WORKING FOR. Mason, Pennington & Co. It will Count 100 Votes. Name................................ P.O................................ Also Two Gold Watches and a $25 Silver Toilet Set. Silver Wear Every Week to the contestants. HOTICB OF APPLICATION TOR i.HUNsi: TO 8K1.1. SPIRITUOUS. MALI AMI VINOUS LIQUORS, KTC. N otice i» H ereby G ivbn , A petition County Court of ha» been tiled in the the State of Oregon for Tillamook County _ a _____ true 2 copy and transcript thereof and of the whole thereof is in words, letter* and figure» a» follow»: to wit In the County Court of the State of Oregon f^r Tillamook < 'outit v In the matter of Application of . J. J McCormick for Hotel Li ? guor License in the Town ol ’ Garibaldi, Oregon. FBTITION. To the Honorable County Court above named : We. Hie undersigncil, your petitioners hereby allege and snow to you the follow tug facts and petition you a* follows That we and each ot us ate rcHidents and legal voter* within Garibaldi I'lecinct, in Tillamook County. Oregon, «nd have tarn auch for more than thirty diiy* next pieced Ini the date of ttic Kignitig and filing of till* petition. having been, and now arc actual resident* and legal votei* within Maid Precinct for more than thirty days next pit ceding 30tll dav of April, 1913 That the Maid J. J McCormick i* tlu own er of valuable real proi»ert\ in ttic town ot Garibaldi, Oregon, anil i* the owner and proprietor of a hotel in *aid town and ha« neen such for more than one year la*t past and ha* heretofore conducted a barroom in said hotel and has at all time* conducted a decent and orderly place, and compiled with the law* id the Mate of <>rrgon with refer ence to the conducting of »aid hotel ami liar room In connection therewith That »aid hotel will have, on th< third dav otjune 1^13 accommodation'« for not lex- than rtftv guest* and will have Htifiiclrtit • room* for the accommodation of at least Aflv guests, piovided witli l»eds in a suitable manner, and in conformity witli the ri quirement» of the »tatutr» of Oregon gov ernorltig t hr gt anting of bars to hotel» That said McCormick 1» a competent and • ■nitable person to conduct a liotel with bar In connection therrw ith. That we hereby re»pevtfullv petition you tn grant a license to said McCormick to sell, in »aid town of Garibaldi, amt at lii-1 saiit hotel, spirituous, malt amt viuou» Ii , quors. neat beer, ami fermented cider, com manly known a» hard cider and other in tosicrtting liquors, fora p<» Garibaldi .XI K Robinson. Hu View G W I’help», Garibakii F A I’help*. Garibaldi A K Me Kune Garibahli fll Wm Hartwell. Garibaldi G II Beason, Rai X lew Win Kennedy Garibaldi. W II l*erbv Garibaldi fl H Ikrrby. Garibaldi Alfrexl Johnson. Garibaldi, Mts A Johnson, OaribaMi J J Mcv»»im Sliapen, Bar View Lloyd C. Smith. Bar View. Mrs J. II. Smith, Bar View, M Adamnou, Bat View. A I.. Fvans. Gat ibaldi Katie Strueby, Garibaldi. I'rank K. Strueby, Garibaldi. Mrs. Al Jurhs, Garibaldi. Ben Johnson, Garibaldi. Mrs A. Anderson, Garibaldi. I'rank Buckles. Garibaldi. John L. Avlig, Garibaldi. C. V Stoker, Rocknway. I. w Willes. _______________ Rockaway. Ii. II. Rest, Rockaway. George Perry, Rnck.iway, It F. Jackson, Bar View. Charles Bowers, Bar View. Cart 1 loii b . i i \ H w Bessie Bowers. Bar View, R I-. Jackson, Bar View, J. R Johnson. Garibaldi. Clyde Miller, Garibaldi. I Haushnrst. Garibaldi, K. Krumlauf. Gnribaldi. Andrew Peterson. Garibaldi. Frank Illingworth. Garibaldi, ll»irr.v II. liogen. Gnribalbi Mrs. Harry Hogcn, Garibaldi, Mrs. K It Kenned i Garibaldi, J. G. Balmer. Garibaldi. M rw Jnnir» l.anglev. Garibaldi. II B Kennedy ____________________ Garibaldi, Aljuhrs Garibaldi, Andrew Hansen. Garibaldi 1» I*' Trow hr hi nr. Garibaldi. Caroline A. Smith. Gaiibnldi. N othk 1« Ft uritNM II khkbv G iven ,— That said itetilion will lie «'resented to the County Court of the State of Oregon for said Tillamook County on the fourth day of lune at ten o’clock. A M of said dav. -aid (Lite being the fir*t judicial day of tnc regii lar June term of said court for the year of tVl.t ami based thereon, said .1 I McCormick will nt »aid time, place ami date applv to said County Court for a license to hr grant rd to him in accordance with said |«rtitiou to >*rll within said Garibaldi precinct and nt hi* hotel iu the Town of Garibaldi in *aht Precinct, splritous.malt. vinous and ferment cd liquors for a period of one year from the date of sahl license Dated this 3Oth day of April. HBt J J. M c C ommick . I*eti tioner. State of < restored to it* normal condition hearing will de«troved forever nine <<«««* out of ten ate caused he Catarrh a hich i* nothin* but an inflamed condltiiin ol the mm'ou* surf »e'en We will tfivr t»ne Hu rut red Dolinr* for ant “I Ihrafhe** icaused bv vonnot cured by II a II « Mctul for cirvnt.tr* nrt > J CliKNKk fe t o . T Ohio hold hw Dt uant*t» TAe. Take KalV* Familv Fill » f. Militant Brillati suffragettes are said to have damaged prv|»etty to the extent ot ,n three mollili-. They have injured their cause In violence more than can t»e staici in duUsrs and cents. __ Notice of Sheriff’s Sale ot Real r SIDNEY E HENDERSON, Property. President. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon foi Tillamook County. Xinii E is H ereby G iven , That Martha M. Bauer by virtue of an Execution and Or­ Plaintiff, der of Sale Issued out of the’Cir- VS cuit Court of the State of Helen Ixniiae Gikhiy Oregon, for the County of Tilla­ and E. N. Crockett, mook. upon a decree rendered in Defendants. I the aiiid court on the ¡Otli day of To Helen Louise Gililay, above April, 1913, in the cause wherein Iti tin- name of J. H named defendant: Ellison and Ellen Ellison the State of Oregon: You are were plaintitfs, and Osman Royal, hereby required to appear and „.. an 1 in person, anil also as Administra- —....... swer the complaint tiled against j tor, was defendant, in order to sat- you in the above entitled court and jify the amount due on said decree, cause, on or before the-’3rd day of to wit, the sum of HOiiO.OO and in May, lul l, ami it sou fail so to ap terest tl et< on .it the rate of 7 per pear or anawei the plaintiff will ap < ent per annum from tbs 23rd day ply to the court for the relief praye. I <,f ,\ gust, 1911. the further sum of for in the complaint, which is as’ $109.90 attorney's fees, and the follows: For judgment and decree costs and disbursements of said against you for the sum of $850. to suit taxed at $31 50, and the costs getlier with interest thereon at the and exprenses of this writ. I will on rate of ten per cent |>er annum from the 7th day of June, 1913, at 10 August 3, 1913, and tor the lurtliei i> i lock a.m. of said day, at the front sum ol $85 attorney’s fees, and for lour of the county courthouse in the costs aid dislmrscment- of the Tillamook City. Oreiron, -ell. at pub plaintiff in this suit, and for a de lie auction to the highest bidder for cree foreclosing that certain mort ■ ash in hand, the real property sit- gage executed by you to the plain it« d in I iliamookCounty, Oregon, tilf under the name of Martha M de--ribed as follows, to wit: Kun/., said mortgage being reuoi led I Bemnning at the northwest cor­ at page 250 in Book S of records of ner of tin- Eldridge Trask Donation mortgages of Tillamook (. outitv, l and Claim, and running thence Oregon, and that the lollowino re d -until to the northeast corner of the property being the property dea Imies Quick Donation Land Claim; cribed in said mortgage towit th -ice west to the southeast corner Ole Southeast quarter of section ■ the Jolin S. Tripp Donation Land thirty-one in township five South < l.nm; thence north to the -outh- of range ten West of Willamette - ■ t corner of the Nathan Daugln Meridian in I'illamook C' oiiii : \ , < >r< lertv Land Claim; thence east 37 gon, be sold as upon execution ii ml i rode, more or I cmh . to the __ center _________ of that plaintiff lias .1 first lien on - 11 •lie -■> called Quit k Road; thence premises for the payment of -.11-1 -■■utb to the place of ‘ betti n 11 i n K, sums of money, an I that y< 'll lie nt lining I**1, acres, more or lees, forever barred and foreclosed of all nr • ''(■lions J~ ■*’ ~ * 2s — ami " 29. in ' township * ■ right, title and interest therein, s aw '1 i ti im , i .. , -i , ,f t|u. W, | the right of redemption ae allowed l unette Meridan; by law, and for such other and M-o, la-ginning at the southeast further relief as to the court maj • ■riier ot the J S. Tripp Donation seem just and equitable. This sum- I hi ' < hum; thence north 29.(1) 111 ins is served upon you \ by pillili- to the center of th«' county road cation bv order ot the lion. Homer • i«t ind west; tlience west to thecen- Mason, judge of the above rntrl« d t ‘I "• said mad 3 15 chains; thence court, which order is dated the «th -• utli 29 in chairs; thence east X45 l.i) of A pi 11. 1913 The date of the • h.ims to the place of beginning, first publication of this anminons cioit.lining It) acres of land, more is the 10th day of April, l’.H3, and | it less, in section 29 township 1 >11 is the -Oil’ll of range 9 west of the Wil- I lamette Meridan; \!eo. Iiegtnning at a point ISO I link- west of the southeast cornel ■ >t the northeast quarter of section j m township 1 south of range 9 Rheumatism Quickly Cured I west of the Willamette Meridan; •My winter’« hi »band had an at I therce north 9 32 chains; thence tn< k of rliruttMtisiii in his arm.” |' ast 21 47 chains; thence soutli 9 32 writes a well kn wn resident ot I chains; thence west 21.47 chains to Xewton, Iowa. I bun a l»ot 'the place of lieginning. lying and tie of Ch «inbrrlain‘a Liniment bring in sections 2> an<’ '211, in town which hr applied to his arm anti on -hip I south of range 9 west, con the next morning the rheumatism taining 29 acres, more or less. wan gone. For chronic muscular Dated May Sth. 1913. rheumatism von will ibid nothing 11. C renshxxv . better than Chan berlain s I.ini Sheriff of Tillamook County. Ore. ment. Sold by all dealers. 4 nre for Stomach Disorders Ijr. Friedman Jli.is iiti ambition io Disontcrs ol the stomach may rit-ognited by the luedical world. Is* Avoided by the use of Chamber- l»r. Cook - Inglivst ilesirr was Io Iain’s Tablets. Many wry remark able cures have been effected bv impress the scientific world these tablets Sold by all dealers. The month of May is » notable one in Mexican history. So many days are claimed for celebrations Dairy Farm to Rent. anil dedication that washday »nd payday have practically twen a boi For rent a dairy farm in the Ne. (»tied. ennicum \ alley, about seven miles I’nler the new civil •er v ice rules from Sea-ide, < Ireifon, on milk route 1» pootma.ter nt the fourth vlaan Io the clieeae factory. Milk wagon must t e n teetotaler Th a means that a'l of the np|Mrt nimmt s in goes every day. Terms cash or . Kentucky will n«M b< ot a partisan -hares. Addresa Charles Johnson, | character. Seaoile, Utegjo. Route No, L. I JOHN LELAND HENDERSCN Secretary-Treat. Attorney-at-Law and Notare [PubUc. Tillamook Title and Abstract Company [(INCORPORATED), Abstracts Real Estate Surveying; Insurance. BOTH PHONES. TILLAMOOK. ORE. "Majentic Ranges staad the test And Cook and Bake and nre the best»* 2SHJTIC Keep Abreast of the Times TN OLDEN DAYS, when buying a cook stove, people would buy the one they could get the cheapest; that’s because there were only a few makes on the market and were all practically the same in Construction and material. Now! There are close to a thousand different ranges on the market today good, bad and indifferent. Wise people use a little foresght in aeleitmg their range, and they make no mistake in selecting CT^v^Edi’THA kETATI°N~the “ recommended by . every user; the range that has stood the test— The Great Majestic RaagA ti^tTvTE^l*. ™ IMA,XEABt-8 «nd C harcoal I ron — the âœÂÆ R anch M aue — and we can prove it! Alex. McNair Co Bet with you stays the eM yea hsew" ïœ MAjisnc Special Barbata. For'Sale. Fr»r Ml days, will offer for sale Twc choice young registered Hol­ best <*-”» ««re Dairy farm in Alsea Price $100.00 end X slley. Improvements uptodite. stein bulls. Prue few per acre G. T. Vernon, $125.00. Also S5 acre ranch. |4RCA00. terms to suit. H. B. Goff, Forest Grove, Ore.