J illamook ~ss. Headlight, May 22, IÖI3. TO THE MANUFACTURER THIS ADVERTISEMENT is to CALL to the ATTENTION of MANUFACTURERS THE ADVANTAGES OF * WHEELER, OREGON, On NEHALEM BAY, AS A MANUFACTURING CITY The Nehalem Harbor Company will cooperate with Manufacturers in getting new industries located at Wheeler Free sites with rail and water transportation facilities are offered to those who will bring new payrolls to Wheeler The railroad offers terminal coast rates on lumber shipments from Wheeler. Residence property for employers can be purchased cheap and can be paid for on easy terms A good gravity water system with 125 pounds pressure assures manufacturers of adequate lire protection The harbor improvement to be carried out by the Frederal Government will allow large lumber and freight schooners to handle by water the output of the mills and factories of Wheeler. W heeler lias Payrolls Now. For informtion concerning sites or locations Address, NEHALEM HARBOR COMPANY, WHEELER, ORE. Tillamook Office Portland Office : 327 FAILING BUILDING 35.00 W S B.iel Emma Perkins, nurse Memorial Services. Mrs John Childers, care of poor 48.00 O G Swenson Cornith Post ami the Women's r • J V J kjJJCllVCI Spencer, , Latlllg caring ava for ano**»«*»... insane... 13.15 H Crenshaw. Following are the remainder ot S A Broadhead, carpenter work 18.00 R L Shreve. Relief Corps will meet at the G.A R. 1.75 C A Johnson. the bills allowed at the Mas term of Allen Page, furniture................. next Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. Pacific Telephone Co................... 19.75 Vida Rogers. the county court : •and march to the M E Church, 6.75 Kate Mills.. King & Smith, merchandise.... Report Road District No. 3. where 11 memorial sermon will be 3.65 J C Holden.................................. , Crystal Steam Laundry,............. 41.50 Jones & Knudson, furnishings.. 44.10 Claims of Jurors and witnesses preached by the Pastor Rev. H. W. Fred Lyster.................... 774.80 Kuhlman. April term of court 26.00 R Zachman, plumbing................. 24.74 Alvis Curl....... ............... 21.00, Gilbert * — - • work road sur­ Zaddach, Fr»d Reddaway............. On Memorial Day, Friday, May 19.25 veys ............................................ 13.15 Fred Dunham ................ Notic 30th, services will be held at the 13.75 Whitman Lamb, road surveys ... 32.30 Booth Dunham................ N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That Christian Church, commencing at 12.50 Stanley Coates Work in survey­ Carl Curl.......................... 23.50 or’s office................................... 125.00 the County Court of Tillamook 10 a.m. G M Heilmeyer............. Business houses will be 4.50 R B Hays, road surveys............. 30.75 County, Oregon, will receive Sealed closed from 9 a. m. till 2 p in. Fol - j W Hester.................... Bids, for one hundred cords of 8.25 2.75 J M. McKimens, road surveys... Robert Huston............... Hemlock Wood, for the Court lowing is the program : 2.50 Stanley Coates, work in survey­ f ,‘thur Davidson............ Song, "Columbia,” audience. 2.50 or's office........... ...................... 90.00 House, said wood to be cut 46in. in with the problem of buying Harness Harley Curl.................... Now is the time Opening Address "The Message you will find it distinctly advanta 24.50 Sidney Henderson, surveying... 10.50 length, and corded in the basement John ^reecy.................... of the Court House. of the Bronze Button, ’ ’ Rev. R. E. 36.25 Hugh Welsh et al. on roads 22.00 gjous to come anil do your select Roy Woods...................... A certified check equal to 5 per J ope. 1.25 Jeff Harris and others, survey­ to have that ing here. You will get the best Clarence Parker ........... Short Talk Rev. H. SV. Kuhlman. qualities, the most thorough and 2.50 ing............................................... 23.00 cent of the amount of the bid. must Lloyd Woods................... 71.70 accompany each bid iih a guarantee Short Talk, Rev 1>. A. Mackenzie. conscientious workmanship ami be 5 00 Tillamook Iron Works, repairs. Roy Saling.................... group picture made. 5.00 that the bidder will execute a Bond Sung, Reta Good* peed. 78.50 A H Harris, auto service........... charged the most reasonable prices. U G Edwards................. for the completion of the contract 2.31 Recitation, ' The Blue and the We can supply single or double 3.75 Tillamjok City, road work......... Lester Edwards............ I.et us show you our Gray,” Ruth Benson 3.75 Jas Kennedy auto service......... 16.00 if awarded the same. Sets or any single article that you Leroy Edwards............ special display of attrac­ i All bids to be filed in the office 5.00 Exercise, Small children 18.25 Dawson Bros., livery hire......... may be in need of____ Willie Webb .................. tive new styles. We are Lincoln's Gettysburg address. 7.25 of the County Clerk, of Tillamook 4.25 A McNair, merchandise......... H. J. Tohl ...................... County, Oregon, on or before June Recitations, Mary Kasoiu. perfectly [equipped for 6.00 C A Cornforth, meals for prison­ JohnWahlin and team W.A, Williams & Co. 4th, 1913. ___ .Pantomime, ‘Angels of Henna 1.50 ers ................................ ........... ■miking group pictures John Chong..................... floor to r J '* (nook Conntv Pi»r t The Court reserves the right to Vista 77.20 TJ Gattrell, refunding taxes... Roy Trout....................... and will please you with reject any and all bids. Du< “ t, Misses Beals and Todd. M J Gersoni, attorney ’ s fees 50.00 Lee Lyster...................... ”■ trie quality of our work. J c. H olden , Recitation, Roberta Campbell. 53.50 Cloverdale Mercantile Co , mer­ Jim Imlah...................... County Clerk. I Decoration Day Song, Children’s 1.25 chandise...................................... 30.75 J Riley............................ JChorua. 5.00 Beals & Co, machinery............. 114.00 G W Wallace and team Foley KidneyPills repay yourcon- I Recitation, ‘‘The Soldier’s Grave,” 3.00 Commercial Stables, livery hire 63.36 Frank Worthington...... 5.00 J C Holden, payment of freight 186.34 fidence in their healing and cura­ Flora Phillips. Frank Owens and team Next to POST OFFICE. 3.25 Wheeler Lumber Co lumber.,... 531.97 tive qualities. Any kidney or-blad | Song, Male Quartette Will Gage....................... Flag drill, young ladies. 2.00 City Transfer Co draying........... 26.00 der disease not l>eyond the reach of Ried Farmer................. 8.05 Song, "America, ” audience. medicine will yield to their use. Mrs. 2.00 Tillamook Feed Co morehandise Guy Scbopert................ 9.85 Cordelia Coyeland, Ardeola, Mo., 9.50 Hiner & Son repairs.............. S D Moon ....................... 87.50 says, “I had kidney and bladder 6.00 N J Dye et a)., work on roads J T Moon......... ............. Notice to Contractors 1.25 Lamb, Schrader Co, cement.... 77.18 trouble for over a year and and 5 Ab Baya........................... 2.50 J J Spencer, constable fee. ...... (Kittles of Foley Kidney PiUe cured 2.75 . . -i------- - ----------- John Rock.............. -...... 4.0« (%'ast Bridge Co., Little Nes- me.” It is- the same story from Plane and specifications for the R Wiggins........ -........ .................... bridge............... 11.787.06 every one who uses them All say, tucca River bridge H D Beckwith............................ — 12.A0 Mead I. O. O. F. Building at Tillamook, & Son, part payment for vu. "they cured me. ” For sale at alj ‘ 8.00 Oliver Beckwith ........................... lOre., can be seen for the put pose bridge on Wheeler road......... L.OOO.OO , druggiat« Tom Wilson.................................... 33.00 Feeney & Bremer Co., repairs _ , , _ ! of making bills on the erection of Robt Huston.................................. 24.75 733.55 The great calam.ty in Omaha was a| lhe oftlce ()f s A Brodhead, Til- and scarifier........................... - 26.50 The valued family re­ Art Davidson............................. T B Handley, office rent........... 10.00 quickly overshadowed bv the ter-1 ‘ , Ore , and at the office of Harley Cnrl.......... ......... ........ ..... 16.20 H T Botts, attorneys fees ....... 75.00 ribly disastrous floods in Ohio, lamook, cipes for cou>»h and cold 2.50 Art Hoag ................. —................. « " ' ' ^. suffering • . —« * *—* — . — « and — — ' I » sickness • .. 1— —■ „ k k from Im ■ Architect 4 s.. I. i * * — K. E. McClaren, 525 I. uid * F Baker, stationery................ ' 00 Great cute, liniments, tonics R B MeClay and team....... -......... 55.00 W 64’25 colds and exposure. L. Poole, 2217 5,,. Exchange Building, Portland, Glass & Prudhomme, printing .. 6.50 I. Jenson......................................... and other remedies‘have 3.50 Bay Citv Examiner, printing .... .. ............•«• A A Imlah....................................... 20.30 H Crenshaw, expense sheriff s as careful attention here 3.75 John Imlah..................................... 72.40 and cold but Foley’s Honey and o clock May 26, 1913. A certified office....................................... 7.20 as the most intricate pre­ J Lewalien...................................... 60.25 Tar Compound knocked it out in no check of 5 per cent of bid to ac­ Tillamook Hsffald, printing Claud Lewallen and team............ 12 00 Myrtle Mills............................. scriptions. 6.00 tinic. Refuse substitutes. ” ’ , ° r .company same as a guarantee that 6.00 W Beaeock ...................................... 25.00 sale by all druggists. 2.00 C W Talmage, attorneys fees I contract will tie signed and bond Roy Brink....................................... 24.00 Our fresh, high grade Finley, freight, .................. S C Woods, wood.......................... 20.00 A 1.50 Congress is not disposed to lie will be given The right to reject drugs will help to make 4.00 H Crenshaw, expense, -- ••• J G Brink A Son, blacksmithing 10.00 very friendly to the farmers. It any or bids is reserve«!. 33.50 Tillamook City Water Works. Godsey A Ayer, blacksmithing . 33-50 these remedies more effec­ 10 00 Thin. R Monk, photo work.... must be the theory of the Demo­ E B Barthrop, road work............j 1*1'5 Tillamook 37.73 cratic majority that the farmers of Light and Fuel Co. tive than ever. A K Case. repairs ........................J 5.25 H. Crenshaw, expense, ......... 14.25 the present day are the real pluto­ Dairy Ranch for Sale. 92.00 J M R.rlr» r—d work 15.75 crats of the country. Tillamook Feed Co.,-------- --- Rijjlit prises are alao 4.00 T H Goyne.... ............................ A dairy ranch, nicely located on assured. 8.48 Mohler Mercantile Co.. Tillamook Bay, at Garibaldi, which 26.56 237.10 Jim Wilson. Piling.................. contains WJ acres. Half of the land 4.00 Bay City Livery ...... is good river bottom, and the other 50.00 W K Kimball, K DI half is fine rich tide land, with a 96.00 W B Aiderman------ hill that contains fine hard blue I 92.00 29 30 D F Thompson......... rock, connecting with ihe rock! 33 75 Geo Poyskey--------- quarry, G«iod house an«l born, two j On your front porch can lie lit 86.00 creeks with fine spring wafer runs 28 90 Geo Poyskey............. every night until midnight 125.00 ,U G Jackson through the place All the cows and and register not over 10.1C machinery goea with the place. We | 51 00 J C Bewley fifty cents per month 74.00 Sewer Pipe for Bale will sell half or all of the place. For | 1L2S H. M. Fermer------- on the meter. 97.40 further information call or write to 2.90 Geo K Edner............. 33.33 For Sale all sizes of newer pipe IJ E Reedy ....... 45.00 T illamook E lectsk L ic . ht AND the owner. and newer connections. Sea L H 1.75 Wm D Body felt .. FRANK K. STBtEBY, F vkl C ompany 100 00 Garilialdi, Oregon. 2 10 Homer Mason........... McMahan W ill S palihno , Mai t . «3 3» 1X10 B L Beals............... i County Court Bills HARNESS Monk’s Studio. Family Recipes I A 15 Watt Mazda Tillamook Baker’s Bread Sold at All Grocers •••••••••«••— CLOUGH, • Reliable Druggist. • •■•••••« »•ww