Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 22, 1913, Image 1

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MAY 22, 1913.
How to GeV Rich
Live within your means.
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Oregon.
Limit your wants while enlarging your
Dispense with luxuries as long as you
can pay only for necessities.
Promote your independence by be­
coming a money saver as well as a money
Photo by John A. Dahlgren, Tillamook Studio.
Wall paper.—King & Smith Co. *
See Big Mack for your sewer con­
Busy Bees—Bee Supplies. King &
Smith Co.
Stylish City Photographs at the
Tillamook Studio.
A. C. Everson is in Portland on
business this week.
For Fine Photographs at popular
prices.—Tillamook Studio.
R. F. Zachmann left on a business
trip to Portland on Tuesday.
Glasses fitted. Any kind, any
Btyle. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt.
I Leon Berry was a Wednesday
knorning passenger to Portland.
i Attorney H. T. Botts left Wednes­
day on a business trip to Portland.
I Chicken wanted at the Spanish
Kitchen. Will pay highest market
I Wanted, a woman for general
house work. Good wages. Carl A.
I Bicycles and bicycle sundries,
■ applies and
repairs. -King &
Smith Co.
I Live chickens wanted at the Tilla-
Biook Meat Company’s Market, 12c.
ber pound.
I Gold bond trading stamps with
111 your cash purchases.—King A
kmith Co.
I Misses Kitty and Myrtle Mills left
lor Portland thia morning on a
I Wanted,—20 milk cows. Apply
II’. S. Phillips, Fawcett Creek. Tele-
Ihone 5F22.
I Dr. Jack Olson has opened den-
fel parlors over F. R. Beals' office.
Both phones.
I C. T Roos a and family left on
Saturday to return to their home in
Buffalo, N. Y.
I Phone Joe Lilly for wood sawing,
tountry work solicited. Phone 1313
■ «' ific State*.
I To Rent, —a furnished house, four
fcoms and pantry. Apply to W.
I If our work does not suit yon tell
I-1: if it does tell your friends. City
■ i.msfer Company
I Tent«, tent flyes, camp stoves,
bmp chairs, everything for camp.
»King A Smith Co.
I Bring your chickens to the Tilla-
book Meat Company's Market. We
bv 12c. per pound.
I Lust,—a log chain between the
booty machine shed and my resi
bnce. T. D. Lucas
■Mr. and Mra. W. G. Tait returned
b Sunday after a two weeks' ab-
bnce in Washington.
^Mra F. R Beale, after «[»ending
bveral weeks in Portland, returned
b the city on Sunday.
■A prize dance for the best couple
b Tillamook County at the O|»era
b'i»e Saturday night.
Wall paper.—King A Smith Co. "
Lost, a pocket book, containing
Wall paper,—King A Smith Co. •
notes and other papers belonging
There is no sign of any small pox to James Hughey.
binder will
at Grand Ronde Hotel. Dr. March phrase return same to the owner. *
Russell and M. Peterson.
Becoming scared at a road roller,
Dr. and Mrs. T R. Monk have Alfred Larsen’s team ran away on
gone to the Grand Ledge of the Monday. One of the animals was
I. O. O. F. at Medford, Ore.
injured as a result of the mix up.
S F. D. Small vs. Thomas Shea is a
Mrs. J. C. Clark returned to her
suit filed in the county court to re­ home at Cathlamet, Wash , on Mon
cover $27.10 for merchandise.
day after a two weeks’ visit with ber
A fine quality of slab wood, the brother, County Surveyor Jackson.
best to be had in the city. Leave
Attorney Holmes is having his
order at the City Transfer Co.
office fitted up with book cases in
A. F. Coats, of the A. F. Coats the court house. He will take office
Lumber Co., will come in from as circuit judge of this district next
Aberdeen, Wash., on Sunday.
Howard Millis while playing base
Mr and Mrs. Andrew Young, of
Astoria, and daughter, Miss Agnes, ball on Sunday was struck in tlie
eye by a ball after he had batted it,
are visiting relatives in this city.
Geo. E. Brey vs. G. W. Crim mins causing a flesh wound, which had
is a suit filed in the circuit court to to be sewed up.
John L. Henderson vs. Margaret
recover $142.62 for merchandise.
Henderson is a divorce suit filed
Mrs. J B. Henderson, after visit­
ing her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Hill, in the circuit court. Desertion oil
the part of defendant being the
returned to Portland on Monday.
cause of the suit.
Amateurs ! Better pay a small
Dawson Bros, will meet all trains
charge and get good results from
with bus, and will handle passen­
your kodaks.—Tillamook Studio
gers and baggage to all part« of the
A special train came in on Tues city. Call or phone at the Livery
day with Southern Pacific officials, barn on 2nd Ave East.
who were out looking over the road.
Buy a Ford car because they run
The Nazarene Church will hold ; : 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline.
services Tuesday and Friday even- I | When you get them your troubles
ings and Sundays at 3:00 and 8:00 . > are over. See Ed. Hadley, the local
p m.
agent for the Ford auto.
To Loan, by Tillamook Title A
Linseed oil ¡»cheaper now than it
Abstract Co., Tillamook. Or., $1200 has been fora longtime. Buy it by
in one or two loans on improved the barrel and paint that house and
farm lands.
barn that you have neglec'cd in
Free, an elegant bevel edged stag the past.—King A Smith Co.
handle hand mirror, containing
Elmer D. Allan and Ira Latimer
your photo with our folders.—Tilla­ received their degrees at the North
Pacific College last evening ar.d are
mook Studio.
Justice Stanley bound Orley Kei now full fledged dentists. Mrs. J.
low over to tlie grand jury on a P. Allen and Mrs J C. Holden at­
charge of pointing a revolver at tended the graduating exercises.
4- A. Inilah.
The Ladies' Committee of the
A Snap, —The furniture and lease Tillamook Commercial Club will
of a rooming house for sale, over give its first card and sovial party
Williams' harness shop. Call on at the club rooms this (Thursday)
evening to start promptly at 8;30
the premises.
The names of the ladies appoint­
Alabastine your walls right over
the old paper if paper is not torn. ed on the Entertainment committee
Makes a first class job and a pretty of the Tillamook Commercial Club
were Mesdames J. C. Ilohlen, Web
room.—King A Smith Co.
Since the Oddfellows' building has «ter Holmes, W. G. Tait, C. W.
Thomas and A. K. Case and Misses
been moved Hilma Johnson has
McNair and Gaylord.
moved opposite the Jones-Knud­
Mrs. D. L. Pike, of Bay City, was
son Furniture Co's, store.
operated upon by Dr. Wendt at the
Born, on Tuesday, to the wife of
home of her daughter, Mr*. W. S.
Carl Haberlach, a daughter. Carl
Hare, and her friends will be glad
declares the next addition to his to hear that she is improving as
family will be a Young American. quickly as can be expected for one
Attorney C. W. Talmage and w. advanced in years.
G. Dwight returned to the city on
The city council baa ordereij 2fX’
Sunday after a business trip to feet of hose for the fire company.
Aberdeen. Wash , and Eugene.
To insure the safety of the city from
Attorney Webster Holmes and fire a new ordinace will be submit­
Mrs. Holmes left for Portland on ted at the next meeting of the city
Wednesday and will not be back council which is more drastic than
those now in force.
until the first part of next month
The new building for the Tilhi-
The whey sugar factory near the
' monk County Bank will l>e com
Maple Iwaf cheese factory in making
I pleted in alsiut a week The bank
good progress, and it will be only a
I fixtures will be finished in a few
tew weeks before it will be in opera. days, and by the first of the month
I tion.
I the bank will lie in its new, com
‘ modioue quarters
At a meeting of the member«
' and friends 'of the Presbyterian
service on
Church after the evening
Sunday, it was decided to erect »
' parish
;>ansh nouae
house in the form of a
' bungalow near the church Io be
need by the Sunday school, the
Indies’ Guild and social purpose*.
The matter was turned over Io the
eeaaion and board of trustee* to
’ carry out.
together in the club's boosting cam­
Mrs. Percy will tell lie'experiences
One of our subscribers, who lias
in Mexico at the home of Mrs. F. S. some property interests in this
Whitehouse next Wednesday even­ county, writes-
ing to which all are invited. Re­
"I se<\ that the members of tlie
freshments will be served and a Commercial Club have shown their
silver offering taken for the benefit appreciation of your splendid per­
sonal work in the upbuilding of
of the Presbyterian Church.
the club by electing you its presi­
Eggs—Ducklings.—English Pen­ dent, and I most heartily congratu­
ciled pure white egg strain Indian late you for your well deserved suc­
Runner Duck eggs $1 per setting of cess in placing yourself in such
high esteem bv that organisation,
11» White Indian Runner eggs $2 and the club is to be congratulated
per setting. Five day old ducklings for showing its judgment in elect­
25 cents each, also matured sto< k ing the boosting Editor its presi-
for sale. Miss Anna Roenicke, dent."
Harry Sutton is another stranger
Woods, Oregon.
News Reporter : Supt.W. R. Ruth­ who came to thia city, and obtain­
erford will remain at the head of the ing credit, suddenly absconded,
McMinnville schools and not heed leaving the businessmen who gave
the call to The Dalles schools euper- him credit to “whistle” for their
The announcement money and frame worthless cheeks.
was made at the meeting Friday He was connected with the Star
night St the high school and was Theatre and ‘ stung’’ Walter Clark
to the tune of $200. A warrant has
received with applause.
been issued for his arrest. It is
C. E. Reynolds is desirous that
about time that th* business men
those who own autos help carry
got together on avoid blooded cash
the old soldiers to the cemetery on
basis, which would prevent grafters
Decoration Day, as some of them
from doing business and the usual
are unable to walk that distance.
heavy losses by the credit system.
Owners of autos who are willing to
Your home newspaper heralded
do this should notify the President
to the world your birth. It told of
of the Commercial Club.
your entry into school. Mentioned
Mrs Jackson Silbaugh gave an your birthday party when you were
address at the Presbyterian Church
sweet sixteen.
Applauded your
on Sunday morning, her remarks
graduation from the high school,
being confined to the work of the
started you to college, and when
W. C. T. U. and white slavery. She you returned mentioned the first
raised $38 to help the cause along.
job jou secured. Told of your mar­
There was a meeting for women i riage to the sweetest girl in town
only at the M. E. Church in the and also mentioned the advent (or
afternoon but this was not largely
event) of your first-born. Told of
itte tided.
visits of pa and ma, sympathized
At a special election to be held at with you in your sorrow laughed
Wheeler next Thursday, for or with you in your joy, and when you
against incorporation, there is only die it will do its best to get you
one ticket in the field, which is as through the pearly "gates, at only
follows: For mayor, Alex. Ander $1.50 per year.—Ex.
»on ; for recorder, E. A. Brenner;
Deputy Dairy and Food Commis­
for treasurer, Wm. M. Knott; for
sioner M. S. Shrock examined the
marshal, J. F. Bradley ; for aider­ dairy ranches of those who are re­
men, John Kampfer, S. Lundburg,
tailing milk in this city, and made
G L Madden, H. I.. Munsell, E. L. the following report:
Rector and A. J. Zinnertnan.
| W. A Eberinan—Needs water in
A writ of review was filed in Hie milk house. Needs cooler. Must
circuit court by N. McMillian vs. not haul kitchen slop or offal
junk in on milk wagon, Needs
Tillamook County, growing out of windows in barn and screen doors
a claim by the plaintiff for $HI70 for on milk house.
damage* in connection with what
W. I). Gladwill—Very good dairy,
is known as tlie Wheeler Garibaldi Strainer is ruaty, otherwise every-
is in good
road, the county court having re­ I thing about the dairy rom
I order, Milk purchased f
jected the claim aa the board of tested 4 2 per cent, cream 27.6.
county road viewers had not as­
Jim Tone Very good dairy. Cow«
sessed any damages.
are clean, Need* better facilities
hot water or atemn in milk
Christian Davis filed a divorce house.
Milk purchased from wagon
suit against her husband, Sylvester tested I W per cent, cream 25.3.
Davis, in the circuit court. These
A fl. Hammond, of the Ham
parties were married on the Fili inond Lumber Co., was in the city
September, IN«, at Sioux County,
on Tuesday. Mr. Hammond built
Iowa. The grounds upon which I the Astoria railroad, and thia is the
Mrs. Davis seeks divorce is cruel first time he has visited this city,
and inhuman treatment, and asks His company paid $3<i,421.87 in tax­
the court to allow her $20 per
es this year. Mr Hammond came
month alimony.
J. W. Edwall, the fashionable
tailor, will move to the store build­
ing opposite Jones Knudson furni­
ture Store. On account of the great
demand for fashionable, home­
made < lothing. Mr. Edwall has had
to employ experienced tailors to
I help him, as his clothing is giving
genwal satisfactioari lo all those
who want fashionable, up-to date
HOüDEhi, Viee President.
Handsome Church Building Erected at a Cost of
Over $20,000 in Tillamook City.
J. C
TAIT, President
Under United States Government
Í oldest .
Interest Paid on Time and
Savings Deposits.
You can buy an interest-bearing Certi­
ficate of Deposit or make a deposit in our
Savings Department every time you have
a spare dollar.
Drop in and book Around
in with the Southern Pacific offi. inis.
He was not particularly itnpres -.d
with tlie P. R. A N. rood,
thought it would take con», ru >le
money to maintain it. Her l .he
road should have been ’ if
Astoria. He was well p.< .
». h
the appearance of Tillamo«.!. ( :ty
and thought the city had ui ted
wisely in putting down hu.d sur­
faced pavement. He was anxious
to know the population of the city
und the route ttiat Tillamook cheese
was shipped to California.
Some highly interesting moving
pictures will be shown at the Star
Theatre the next three niglita that
are sure to attract Inrge audiences,
which portrays current event* in a
most striking manner. To night
(Thursday) will be an “Expose of
the Rosenthal Case” that caused *o
much sensation when th* New York
police department was under inves­
tigation and culminated in the most
sensational trial in modern time*.
These pictures will be explained by
Frederick K Blackadar. On Friday
night will be shown "The Famous
McNamara Trial” in connection
with the dynamiting of the Times
building at Los Angels, Cal., which
was one of the most remarkable
trials in the history of the country.
On Saturday night, by request,
“The Titanic Disaster, ” the greatest
murine disaster in history.
Ladies Have a Good Time
A delightful event in the social life
of the city took place at the home of
Mrs. Webster Holmes last Friday when
Mrs. Clough, Mrs. Groat and Mrs.
Holmes were hostesses to fifty ladies.
A profusion of carnations, narcissus
and sweet peas throughout the room*
added a charm to the appointments of
the occasion. Six tables of progressive
whist were provided for those who
wished to.indulge in cards, other guests
finding diversion in fancy work and
conversation. Souvenirs of the after­
noon were received by Mrs. Sarehet
and Mrs. Small,
Refreshments in ^two courses were
served at five o’clock, the Misses Alle­
gra Mason, Pauline and Helen Beala
and Ruth Holmes assisting the host­
esses in serving.
A beautiful solo "The Garden of
Dreams”, sung by Mrs. MacKemie,
Mrs. Christensen at the piano, complet­
ed an afternoon of rare enjoyment.
To Water Conitimen.
'1 lie Water Commission haagiren
Mr. Hoag positive instructions tn
shut off water from all consumers
who have not paid their water rent
by the 10th of each month.
By Order Water Commission.
Subscribe for tlie Headlight.
Coal, Cement, Lime,
Bi ick, Shingles,
Drain Tile,
Piaster, Roof Paint.
The monthly meeting of the Tilla­
mook Commercial Club will t»e held
on Monday evening, and as there
are several matter, of importance to
altrnded to it is hoped that the bust
no« men will attend and help to
boost a Tillamook County Fair As-
a<a iation, a demonstration farm ami
other matters pertaining to the up
building of the city sod county
Turn out on Monday and help pull
I >i KB I