Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 15, 1913, Image 5

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ason, Pennington & Co. and the Tillamook Headlight
ILL GIVE AWAY, absolutely without cost, the CAXTON UPRIGHT PIANO shown below.
This is open to anyone, and nomination blanks may be obtained at the Tillamook Headlight office, at Mason, Pen­
nington & Co.’s store, or cut from ihis ad. This will be the most interesting advertising proposition ever held in Till­
amook County, and everybody has an equal opportunity to secure this Beautiful Upright PARLOR GRAND PIANO.
ow to Get Vote Tickets
How to Get Vote Tickets
With every purchase made at MASON, PENNING-
ON & CO.’s STORE votes will be given—ioo votes
or EVERY DOLLAR’S worth purchased . Votes in the
ime proportion will also be given to persons paying ac-
>unts. If any of our friends need anything in Ladies’
ress Goods, Suits, Underwear, Millinery, Shoes, etc., and
ent.’s Clothing and Furnishing, ‘Boots, Shoes, Rubber
oods, etc., or anything carried by au up-to-date General
ferchandise Store, get them to patronize Mason, Peuning-
on & Co. and give you their votes. Now is the time to get
iusy. The earlier you start the more advantage you will
lave in final count. The date of the closing of the contest
rill be June i, 1913.
Cut out Coupon below and present or mail to Mason,
’ennington & Co. or the Tillamook Headlight.
If they owe on account get them to pay it and secure
With every yearly subscription to The Tillamook
Headlight accompanied by $150 in cash, 5,000 votes will
be given. This applies to back subscription, and you can
pay for as many as you desire. You can also get votes on
job printing—100 votes for each dollar paid on either job
advertising or printing. All leading merchants in Tilla­
mook, Oregon, patronize The Tillamook Headlight, and
they will be glad to give you the votes when they pay
of their accounts. But the best way to get votes is to get
subscriptions to the paper, as the schedule of votes is so
much greater for subscription than for anything else. You
will be surprised how easy it is to get subscriptions to the
Headlight if you try. Closesjuue 4, 1913.
The Tillamook Headlight is the pioneer newspaper
of Tillamook County, which for the past twenty five years
have been boosting for the couuty, advocating good roads
aud other improvements.
Claxton Upright Grand Piano
Voting Contest
Cut this Coupon out and bring to
No. l.Namc of Contestant will not be known. 2. No name of candidates will be pub­
lished. 3, Every Contestant gets 2,000 votes to start with 4-, livery Contestant gets
a number. 5, Standing bv Numbers published weekly in The Tillamook, Headlight.
6, All votes must be brought in Wednesday tor recording. 7, Votes must Not be writ­
ten on. 8. Tie votes in packages with Contestant's number and amount on top slip.
9, Color of Certificates will be changed each month ami must be recorded before
change. IO Votes are transferable only before recording 1 1. «Contestant having the
largest number of votes on Mav 1. Iyl3, wins l’iano. THIS IS SURELY A PRESENT
Mason, Pennington & Co
It will Count 100 Votes.
I hereby accept the nomination as a con­
testant on the Claxton Piano Contest. Please place
these‘2000 votes to my credit.
Iso Two Gold Watches and a $25 Silver Toilet Set. Silver Wear Every Week to the contestants. |
!• H ereby G iven . — A petition
been filed in the County Court of
State of Oregon for Tillamook County
rue copy and transcript thereof and
the whole thereof is in words, letters and
ires ai follows: to wit
the County Court of the State of Oregon
for Tillamook County.
the matter of Application of f
.J McCormick for Hotel Li- >
uor License in the Town of '
aribaldi, Oregon.
the Honorable County Court above
named :
fe, the undersigned, your petitioners
eby allege and show to you the follow -
facta and petitionyrou as follows
hat we anti each of us are residents and
al voters within Garibaldi Precinct, in
lamook County. Oregon, aud have been
h for more than thirty days next preced-
; the date of the signing and filing of this
Jtion. having
now are
al residents and legal voters within said
ycifict for more than thirty «lays next pre-
¡ng 30th dftf of April, 1913.
hat the sai«1 J. J McCormick i s the «>w n-
of valuable real property in the town of
ribaldi, Oregon, and is the owner and
iprietor of a hotel in said town and has
•n such for more than one year last past.
1 has heretofore conducted a barroom in
d hotel and has at all times conduct«*! a
•ent and orderly place, and complied with
• laws of the State of Oregon with refer-
« to the conducting of said hotel and bar-
iom in connection therewith.
That said hotel will have, on the third dav
June 1 q L3. accommodations for not less
tan fifty guests and will have sufficient
»oms for the accommodation of at least
•ty guests, provided with beds in a suitable
anner, and in conformity with the re-
ilrements of the statutes of Oregon gov-
noring the granting of bars to hotels.
That said McCormick is a competent ami
litable person to conduct a hotel with bar
»connection therewith.
That we hereby respectfully petition you
t grant a license to said McCormick to
11. in said town of Garibaldi, and at his
ii«l hotel, spirituous, malt and vinous li-
♦ ors. near beer, and fermented cider, coin
anly known as hard cider, and other in-
ilicating liquors, for a period of one year
xn the date of the granting of such license
¡thia said Garibaldi precinct, to the above
ained J. J. McCormick
That said town of Garibaldi is an unincor-
orated town in Tillamook County, Ore-
Dated this 3Oth dav of April, i9iy
Peter Byrom. Garibaidi.
iohn A. Nelson. Garibaldi.
!. F. Alexander. Garibaldi
C, M Alexander, Garibaldi.
L. R. Wing. (Jaribsldi.
C. B Wing. Garibaldi.
P. C. Robison. Bar View.
Edward Erickson, Bar View.
A. G. Krumlanf. Garibaldi.
L. L. Smith, Garibaldi.
Chas.T. Morgan Garibaldi
Chas. R. Gatchet. Garibaldi.
Geo. Russell. Garibaldi
Toe Snetsinger, Garibaldi
Mrs. S. M Hawthorne. Bar View.
Mrs. Mary E. Smith, Garibaldi.
D. Johnston. Garibaldi.
C C. Hawthorne, Rar View.
<'«eo. 8 Young, Garibaldi.
Pau! Dowling,Garibaldi.
Mr*. Jeff Fleck. Garibaldi
eff Pieck, Garibaidi
1. Beelitx. Garibaldi
M. F Robinson. Bar View.
G. W Phelps, Garibaldi.
P. A. Phelps. Garibaldi.
A. E. MeKune. Garibaldi.
Wm, Hartsell. Garibaldi.
G. H. Benson. Bar View.
Wm. Kennedy. Garibaldi.
W. H. Derby. Garibaldi.
B. R Derby, Garibaldi
Alfred Johnson, Garibaldi.
Mrs. A Johnson. Garibaldi.
1. J. McCorvrick. Garibaldi.
Mrs. J. J. McCormick. Garibaldi.
Mrs. M. E. Krumlauf. Garibadi
G. Marshall Garibaldi
James Langley Garibaldi.
Asel W Anderson. Hobsonvillc.
Henry Jennings. Garibaldi.
M B ffhaAr. Manhattan Bench.
Sarah E Shafer Manhattan Beach.
Martha R Buchan Manhattan Beach.
B.J. Bnchan. Manhattan Beach
M Moroney. Rockaway.
C. A. Austin. Lake Lytle.
lHva Austin. Lake Lytle.
Peter Schrants. Sea View.
Mrs. Peter Achraats Ara View
■tetr J. Hwaby Lake Lytle
John Anderson, Lake Lytle
Oscar Jordall Lake Lytle-
Daa Gervais Lake Lytle
Marv Gervais, f.ake Lytle.
L. W Fowler Rockaway
Mrs M A Fowler Rockaway.
Rd H Wood, Rockaway
rm Blanche Wood Rockaway
M I avis Roekawav
Mm H M Davin. Rockaway.
Mm. K. H Best Rockaway
Paal Schrader Rockaway.
otic «
A. D. Wick, Rockaway.
Mrs. G. H. Lalumiere, Tillamook Beach.
Mr. Geo. Lalumiere, Tillamook Beach.
Stephens. J. H., Tillamook Beach.
A N. Bolting, Ocean Lake.
N. K. Emery, Bar View’.
Arthur Davis, Rockaway.
Frank Ekroth. Hobsonvillc.
Frank Sheldon. Hobsonvillc.
Mrs. Mell Mitchell, Garibaldi.
Chas. L. Stedman. Jr., Bar View.
John I). Johnson, Hobsonvillc.
Kile Patterson. Bar View.
II S. Hewitt, Bar View.
Miss Z. S. Shafer, Manhattan.
Mark Hobson. Garibaldi.
Miss Zada Shafer Manhattan.
J. H. Smith, Bar View.
S. Davis, Rockaway,
M. F. Bowman. Garibaldi.
Sam Johnson, Garibaidi.
B. Chatterton. Bar View.
McDonald. Garibaldi.
Carl O. Shapen, Bar View.
Lloyd C. Smith. Bar View'.
Mrs. J. H. Smith, Bar View,
M. Adamson, Bar View.
A. L. Evans. Garibaldi.
Katie Strueby, Garibaldi.
Frank K Strueby. Garibaldi.
Mrs. Al Jurhs, Garibaldi.
Ben Johnson. Garibaldi.
Mrs. A. Anderson. Garibaldi.
Frank Buckles. Garibaldi.
John L. Aelig, Garibaldi.
C. V Stoker, Rockaway.
L W. Wilks. Rockaway.
E. H. Best, Rockaway.
George Perry. Rockaway,
E. F. Jackson. Bar View.
Charles Bowers. Bar View.
Carl E. Loll Bar View .
Bessie Bowers, Bar View .
R. E Jackson, Bar View,
J. R. Johnson. Garibaldi.
Clyde Miller. Garibaldi.
J. Hauxhurst. Garibaldi,
E. Krumlauf. Garibaldi.
Andrew Peterson, Garibaldi.
Frank Illingworth. Garibaldi.
Harry H. Hogen, Garibalbi,
Mrs. Harry Hogen. Garibaldi.
Mrs. R. B Kennedy. Garibaldi,
J. G. Balmer. Garibald4,
Mrs James Langley. Garibaldi,
R B. Kennedy. Garibaldi,
Al juhrs. Garibaldi,
Andrew Hartsen. Garibaldi.
D. F. Trowbridge. Garibaldi.
Caroline A. Smith, Garibaldi.
N otice
F urther
H ereby
G iven .—
That said petition will be presented to
the County Court of the State of Oregon for
said Tillamook County on the fourth day of
June at ten o’clock, A M of said day. said
date being the first judicial day of the regu­
lar June term of said court for the year of
1913 and based thereon, said J. J. McCormick
will at said time, place and date apply to
said County Court for a license to be grant­
ed to him in accordance with said petition
to sell w ithin said Garibaldi precinct and at
his hotel in the Town of Garibaldi in said
Precinct, spiritous.malt, vinous and ferment­
ed liquors for a period of one year from the
date of said license.
Dated this 3Oth day ot April, iA13.
J. J. M c C ormick .
State of Oregon.
| aq’
Count? of Tillamook, I
I J. J McCormick, being first duly sworn
say. that I am one of the petitioners above
n amed. and have read the foregoing jxtition
that all the facts and statements therein
contained are true as I verily bcHeve. and
that said petition contains an actual ma-
iorit'ofthe legal voters of Garibaldi Pre
cinct in said Tillamook County, Oregon.
J J M c C ormick .
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
3Oth day of April, 1813.
' seal ;
W ebster H olmes ,
Notary Public for Oregon.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
Notice of Sheriff’s Sate ot Real
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon fol Tillamook County,
Martha M. Bauer
of the
State oi
Oregon, for the County o’ Tilla­
Helen Louise Gilday
mook, upon a decree rendered in
and E. N. Crockett.
Hie saitl court on the 30th day of
Defendants. I
To Helen Louise Gilday, above I April, 1913, in the cause wherein
named defendant: In the name of I J. 11. Ellison and Ellen Ellison
the State of Oregon:
You are I were plaintiffs, and Osman Royal,
in person, and also as Administra­
hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed against I tor, was defendant, in order to sat­
you in the above entitled court and isfy the amount due on said decree,
cause, on or before the 23rd day of to-wit, the sum of f4050.00 and in
May, 1913, and if you fail so to ap terest lheteon at the rate of 7 per
pear or answer the plaintiff will ap cent per annum from the 23rd aa>
ply to the court for the relief prayed of Ai gust, 1911; the further sum of
tees, and the
for in the complaint, which is as $100.00 attorney’s
follow": For judgment and decree costs and disbursements of said
against you for the Hunt of
to suit taxed at $31 50, and the costs
gether with interest thereon at the and exprenses of this writ, I will on
rate of ten per cent per annum from the 7th day of June, 1913, at 10
August 3. 1913, and for the further o'clock a.111. of said dav, at the front
sum ot
attorney's fees, and for door of the county courthouse in
the costs and disbursements of the Tillamook City, Oregon, sell, at pub
plaintiff in this suit, and for a de­ lie am tion to the highest bidder for
cree foreclosing that certain molt cash in hand, the real property sit­
gage executed by you to the plain uated in i'illamookCounty, Oregon,
tiff under the name of Martha M described as follows, to-wit:
Kunz., said mortgage living recorded 1 Beginning at the northwest cor­
at page 230 in Book Sot records ot ner of th»* Eldridge Trask Donation
mortgage" of Tillamook County. Land < laim, and running thence
Oregon, and tliat the following real south to the northeast corner of the
property, being the property des­ James Quick Donation Lan<l Claim;
thence west to the eoiitheast corner
in said mortgage, towit
The Southeast quarter of section of the John S. Tripp Donation Land
'_> five South Claim; thence north to the south­
thirty-one in township
_ ten West of
<■' Wilhiit.etti west corner of the Nathan Daugh
Meridian in Tillamook County, Ore citv Land Claim; thence east 37
gon, be sold as upon execution and I rods, more or less, to the center of
that plaintiff lias a first lien on said the so-called Quick Roa^; thence
premises for the payment of said south to the place of beginning,
sums of money, and ttiat you lie containing |M>2acre8, more or less,
forever barred and foreclosed of all in Sections 28 and 29, in township
right, title and interest therein, save I south of range 9 west of the Wil
the right of redemption as allowed iamrtle Meridan;
Also, beginning at the southeast
by law, and for such other and
further relief as to the court may corner ot the J S. Tripp Donation
thence north 29.(X)
seem just and equitable, This sum- L.itid Claim;
mans is served upon you by puldi to the «enter of the county road
cation by order of the Hon. Homer e.ist and west, thence west to thecen •
Mason, judge of the above entitled D r of said roa<l 3 15 chains; thence
court, which order is dated the Itli south 29.(0 chains; then« e east 3.45
day of April, 1913. The date of the chains to the place of beginning,
first publication of this summons containing 10 acres of land, more
is the 10th day of April, 1913, and or less, in section 29, township 1
the last date of publication is the south of rarge 9 west of the Wil­
lamette Meridan;
22nd day of May, 1913.
Also, beginning at a point 160
F rank S chlegel ,
links west of the southeast corner
Attorney for Plaintiff.
of the northeast <|uarter of section
29, in township I south of range 9
west of the Willamette Meridan;
Rheumatism Quickly Cured
“My »inter** hi wband had an at thence north 9 32 chains; thence
east 21.47 chains; thence south 9 32
tack of rheumatism in III" aim.' chains; thence west 21.47 chains to
writes a well known resident of the place of beginning, lying and
Newton. Iowa. “I gave him a hot being in sections 2M Mini 29, in town
Liniment ship 1 south of range 9 west, con
taining 20 acres, more or less,
which he applied to hie arm and on
Dated May Rth. 1913.
the next morning the rheumatmm
II. C mexsiiaw ,
Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore.
wae gone." ••'or chronic tniinculor
rheumatmm you will find nothing
better than Chamlierlain'M
Cure for Stomach Disorders
ment Sold by all dealers.
Di ««edera of the stomach may
tie avoided by the ime of Chamber-
lain’a. Tablet-«. Many very remark­
Most Prompt and Effectual Cure able
cures have l>een effected by
for Bad Cold"
Sold by all dealers.
When you have » Imd cold you these tablets
By local applications, is they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. I here is
only one way to cure deafness, «nd that Is
by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is
caused by an inflamed condition of the
rnuccous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube is inflamed ton have a
rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. and
when it is entirelv closed Deafness is the
result, and unless the inflammation can he
taken out and this tube restored to its
normal condition, bearing will destroyed
forever . nine cases out of ten are caused bv
Catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed
condition of the mneous surfaces
want a remedy that will not only
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
ease of i»eafnesa «caused by catarrh) that give relief, but effect a prompt art<l
Health a Factor fn Success
cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh * ure. permanent cure, a remedy that is
The largest factor contributing
Send for circulars free
pleasant to take, a remedy that con­
F J. CHEMEY * CO . Toledo. Ohio
tains nothing iniuriotm. Chamber to a man’s success is undoubtedly
Sold bv Druggist* 78c.
It has l>een oi>»erved that
Take Hall s Family Fill s for constipation Iain's Cough Remedy meets all health.
It acts a«
nature's plan, relieves the lungs,
Vncle Sam is daily called upon aids expectoration, opens the se
to take care of a lot of refugees cretiona and rest' re« the system to
from various points in Mexico, and a perfectly healthy condit on Thi*
the treatment in quite different remedy baa a world wide sale and
from that accorded to the Ameri­ ■me, and can alwax« be depended
cans who are attempting to reside . upon. Sold by all dealers
in the .Mexican Republic.
Attorney-at-l.aw and Notxnr
Tillamook Title and
Abstract Company
Abstracts: Real Estate
Surveying ; Insurance
"Mejs.tic Raufe, staad the test
Aud Cook sad Baks and are tbs baaL‘
Keep Abreast
of the Times
IN OLDEN DAYS, when buying
1 a cook stove, people would buy
the one they could get the cheapest;
that’s bccauac there were only a
few makes on the market and
were all practically the sac’s in
construction and material.
5 “Dtffct i’A ! Ni)W ! There arc close to a thousand different ranges
on the market today—good, bad and indifferent. Wise people use a litde
fore 1 ;ht in s. biting tin ir range, and they make no mistake in selecting
i he R a .'. gf W ith a R efutation —the range that is recommended by
every user; the range that has stood the test—
The Great Majestic Range
the range that is made of M allhahi . r and CrtAscoAL I ron —the range
tl at S av R s F ijbl ,—I. a :- ts L onok »—G ists P ractically N otiumo roa
1- iirAius— H eats M oph W athk Q i . tcxe * ano H ottb «, and G ives B bttmu
c . i ’ nehai . S atisfaction T han A ny O tukm
R a . ngi ; M ade —
and we can prove it!
Alex. McNair Co
a man is seldom ■ick when his bow-
e’s are regular he is never well
Special Bargain.
when they are constipated.
co rstipation you
For 'tu days, wi'l offer for sale
quite so goo I .isChamtiertain's Tab­
let«. They not only move the bow. tw«» 92', acre Dairy farm in Al«ea
eia but improve the appetite and Valley, Improvements up to date.
| strengthen the digestion. They are Price, f<n per acre. G. T. Vernon,
A la»-a I Ire.ron,
sold by all dealers.
For Sal«.
Two choice young registered Hol­
stein bulls.
Price 3100 00 and
♦123 <«). Also Ki a< re ranch. ♦I’MjO.OO.
terms to suit. II. B. Goff, Forest
Grove, Ore.