Tillamook Headlight, May 15, 1013 T TO THE MANUFACTURER, THIS ADVERTISEMENT is to CALL to the ATTENTION of MANUFACTURERS THE ADVANTAGES OF OREGON, WHEELER, On NEHALEM BAY, AS A MANUFACTURING CITY The Nehalem Harbor Company will cooperate with Manufacturers in getting new industries located at Wheeler. Free sites with rail and water transportation facilities are offered to those who will bring new payrolls to Wheeler. The railroad offers terminal coast rates on lumber shipments from Wheeler. Residence property for employers can be purchased cheap and can be paid for on easy terms. A good gravity water system with 125 pounds pressure assures manufacturers of adequate fire protection. The harbor improvement to be carried out by the Frederal Government will allow large lumber and freight schooners to handle by water the output of the mills and factories of Wheeler. W hbelbr fias Payrolls Now. W heeler wants more payrolls «g For informtion concerning sites or locations. Address, NEHALEM HARBOR COMPANY, WHEELER, ORE. Portland Office : 327 FAILING BUILDING. Tillamook Office : Care F. R. BEALS. Pointed Paragraphs. ncessant talk of a new treaty !h Japan, through which the lited States Government would able to nullify the antialien land re of California and other Pacific set States is wide of the point, treaty in any way impairing the lidity of such state laws, or mak- [• their enforcement by states Ecult or impossible, might be yotiated, but it could never be »pted. Two thirds of the repre- ¡tatives of states in the Senate lid be brought to the' point of Hying it. Every state between I Rocky mountain range and the tific Ocean is already feeling it the problem may soon be ite n. A Japanese treaty increasing I opportunities of Japanese im- gartion and guaranteeing real kperty rights would be at once posed by all of the states wholly partly west of the mountains, ing through their senators, tepreeentative Kelly of Pittsburg, ’rogressive, introduced on Mon y a bill for a graduated scale of l-age pensions with a maximun nsion of $4 a week, this being rt of the national legislative pro- imme of his party. Under this 1 beneficiaries would have to be years old or more and must have en citizens of the United States ’ the twelve years preceding the les of their application. Also i barred all who have had at •t Ka week income during the tvioua twelve years. The pro­ sed pensions would be paid un­ death from annual appropria­ te The bill would disqualify criminals, lunatics and inmates almshouses and all who for any icon shall not have earned ac- rding to their ability. Pensions mid be exempt from assessments d would be paid in thirteen in- Ulmeuts a year through the De- rtment of the interior. President Wilson has ordered tretary of Commerce Redfield to kmfne.the books of manufactur- f potteries in thia country in ord- >“to learn if there io any basis r the persistent representations It the tariff bill, if it becomes a F, will bring ruin to these indus- M-** The msking of pottery, Ider s protective tariff, has be B* an important business in |w Jernev. and the president can I longer ignore the protests pour- k in upon :iim from manufactur- erg, many of whom are known to him, and gome of whom belong to hig own party. The pregident, it is gtated, wants to assure htmself that the business men remonstrat­ ing “are honest and not trying to work a bluff.’’ To be accurately informed before acting in such a well approved idea that there should be no doubt that the rule will al­ ways be observed at the White House, no matter who is invested with the executive responsibility of a great nation. In his final remarks to the peo­ with the problem of buy ng Harness ple of California Secretary Bryan you will find ii distinctly advanta­ said: ‘ You are fortunate in this geous to come anil do your select state in having the initiative and ing here. You will get the be^t qualities, the most thorough and referendum. The initiative spurs conscientious workmanship and tie you on to do that which your peo­ charged the most reasonable prices. ple want done, while the referen­ We can supply single or double Let us show you our dum empowers those for whom Sets or any single article that you special display of attrac­ you speak to put the veto on your may be in need of. tive new styles. We are acts if you reflect their wishes,’- perfectly ^equipped for But what if these popular votes are Xmlloorto T I1--nook C9na«vB;erpetrator. she «ent out and wanted her clogs she "Did you presume to sddresa ms, turned to me and snld. 'I remember at sir?" he demanded, with an awful tlie playhouse they used *o call for , frown. Mrs Oldfield’s chair, Mrs. Harry's “Yes, 1 did,” was the defiant reply. clogs and Mrs Bracegiidle's pattens.' ” "I said It was a fine day.” The other —London S|>ectator. 1 digested the observation thoughtfully. I Then, after an Impressive pause, ho turned to Its bold exponent "Well, A Study In Arithmetis. “1 don't wonder," said n twefTc-year- pray don't let It occur again.” be re­ old to his dad. “that people annie to marked as he buried himself once more the United States from these outland | In bls paper. Ish regions beyond the seas, where folks use Hie Roman system of numer­ A Knooker That Meant Life. ation Just Imagine a kl-1 going to So cruel were some of the punish- sc I kmi I there and being given this kind men is .meted out to criminals In Eng­ of problem: MDVIX Is divided by Cl land centuries ago that It was small bow many Huies? Or. X niultl|rfl««l by wonder ths’ P<«r wretches claimed the VII minus XIX equals how much? Or. “right of sniictuary.” If they reached CIV and MVI and DXIX minus MO a church or some other privileged place equals— Say. arithmetic Is going to tlie law could not touch them. A curi­ look like a simple one and one are two ous reiki In connection with this cus­ for me after this!'’—New York Trlbnne. tom exists today in the form of the Ths Real Villain. “Are you the villain In this troupe?” asked tlie baggageman who was ban dling theatrical trunks “No,” replied the youth with black, curly hair. “I used to be, but the real villain Is the treasurer of the company, and by this time he must lie about 500 miles on his way to somew here else.” —Washington Star. quaint knocker on the door of Durham cathedral. The S|>pMeant having ham­ mered at tho portal^ono of t?>e *cn gins Insldo would inspect him through the eyes of the copper mask above tho knocker and after due parley would admit the frightened criminal. Natural Twees*re. Indian tweezers ar« simply a smart pair of clamshells, with edges clean and hinge unbroken. "The old time Indians,” writes Ernest Thompson Se­ Educating the Heathen. “Brother Hardesty, esn’t you make ton In “The Book of Woodcraft and your contribution for the education of Indian Ixire,” “bad occasionally a the heathen a little larger than usual ■traggly ties rd. 'ITiey bad no rasor. but they managed to do without ono. this year?" “Dr. Goodman. I'm more than dou­ As a part of their toilet for special oc­ bling It I have just atnrte-i that casions they pulled out each balr by youngest boy of mine to college.’’— means of the clsmsheU nippers.“ Chicago Tribune. Not the Right Way. “flare you hot and cold water In your bouse?” "Too much of both ” “How’s that?" “My wife Is always pouring cold water on my plans or keeping me in hot water "—Baltimore American. A Great Thinker. Wiggs—Towig Rcreoi her Is s great thinker Wagga — Indeed! Wiggs — Tea. tie thinks he can sing. —I’blladel- tdiis Imiuirer. Her Help. "The fart of the matter Is. I never amounted to anything before I was married." ‘Then you give your wife credit for awaking your ambition?” “No; for making It necoeeary for mo to get out and bustle "—Chicago Keo- ord Herald. Made a HA “Did you make a bit with your speech at the banquet last night?" “I guess so I forgot what I Intend­ ed to say and said what I ought net •• kava said -Detroit FreePreen.