Tillamook Headlight 15, 1013. T OHS LELAND HEN the other 30 per cent with state, The Built county or city bonds The interest ATTORNEY requirement is based upon a law best U rgal A dvertisements : AND like a never before enforced. ßaher I >r»t Insertion, per line $ COUNSELLOR AT-LAW locomotive Whenever there is a meeting Each subsequent insertion, line Much more might be written than ever if.isioees and professional cards. of dairyuieti the question of th«.* has yet appeared on the achieve- T illamook B lock , boiler built 1 month................ ■ 1,0 high rate of assessment on dairy inents of the Medical De partaient mook • .. 5 00 Homestead Notices 10 («> land is raised by those who be- of the Unites States Army in bring Timber Claims Room No. 261. Feve they pay too much taxes. ing about healthful conditions in 3 Locali» per line each insertion We are going to offer a sugges­ the Panama xone, Cuba, Porto Rico Display advertisement, an inch, 50 tion to ascertain whether this month ........................ ... and the Philippiness. The suc­ BOTTS, All Resolutions of L ondolence and is correct and work out a solu­ cess of what was undertaken there Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. tion of the problem. Nothing depended largely cn the engineer- AMERICA ’ S BEST RANGE ATTORNEY-AT LAW? Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. will be gained in this direction ing and medical organization and The Arcadian is a perfect baking Notices. Lost, Strayed or Stolen, Complete Set of Abstract Book range, and ¿lays a perfed baker for a llfe-^\ etc minimun rate, 23c. not exceed­ by complaining and accusing training in the army, and the full Office. time because it is built like a locomotive county officials of discrimina ­ ing five lines. story of how it was accomplished bc-ller. Built of malleable iron and charcoal Taxes Paid for Non Reside#» tion. This, we think, is a mat­ will be an important contribution iron riveted together instead of being bolted ter that the commercial club". to tnoderr. scientific literature Aa T illamook B lock , RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION together. Made airtight without the use of Grangers and other organiza­ capable n people as the French ¿love putty to crumble and fall out, as hap­ I (STRICTLY LN ADVANCE.) Tillamook . - - . On, pens in cad iron and so- One year......................................... 1 5(> tions can disenss from every failed in an attempt to build the Both Phones. 75 called deel ranges, allow ­ Si", months...................................... 50 view point and arrive at some Panama Canal after spending near­ ing false drafts to fao the Three mouth«.................................. l conclusion as to what is equit­ ly $300,000,600, and they never mas­ fire or deaden IL able. Therefore, we offer the The Arcadian Ranta will never holered as second class mail mat­ tered the problems of sanitation. QARL HABERLACH, have false drain—il will alwars do ter July, Ito*, at the post office at suggestion tb it the dairymen Under our direction the completion baking. uainr a third less Tillamook, Ore., under the act of appoint a committee ♦<> investi­ than common rentes. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. of the work is expected for a total r need to ose blackening—a rub with March 3, 1879. gate this matter and render a outlay of $375,000,010 What the an oiled olotb makes It appear Ilka naw. 16 pays tor ltaelt over and over In the tuel it eavee. report, giving reasons why the T illamook B eock , to say nothing ot tbs way It makes a woman's French bad done was of little ad aork easier and allows her to do pertocl baking. on dairy land should vantage to us. It was our methods 1 Tbf ^illamoob Ijfiibligbt, assessment Tillamook . . . o be lowered, or, if desired have THE ARCADIAN IS SOLD BY US. that made the zone healthful, and We invite you to cell •• wo wiah to demon- the commercial club represent­ our engineering and labor system ed on the committee. This isa that pushed through the colossal Q^EORGE WILLETT, local problem that affects the .Editorial Snap Shots undertaking. piK-ket book of every dairyman, Even though the hostile demon-! and we believe that this can be ATTORNEY-AT-LAW fairly and intelligently thrashed strations in Japan may not repre­ T illamook C ommercial B üi out by getting together with the sent a positive menace, yet it is un-1 idea of righting what is wrong pleasant to find that such a state of Tillamook - . . . n or unjust We believe that some mind exists in a neighboring coun­ dairy land is assessed too high try supposed to be reasonably It is surprising how many of because of the high valuations fiiendly. The emotionalism shown the dairymen are wanting a they are held at, for a great deal may be irresponsible, and yet can T. BOALS, M.D. -. stock show this year. By united of the inflated valuations of not be dismissed as meaning effort and all boosting for it we land is governed by the cheese nothing, Japan has a much larger PHYSICIAN AND SURGEO feel convinced that it will he a market. This can be proven by standing army than the United great success. T illamook B lock , going back to the time when States, and a trained naval force cheese was only 8c. to 10c. per but little smaller than curs Its Tillamook - - . . i Those who came from Ne­ pound in this county, when battle ships are fewer, but armored cruisers an J some other types are halem on Monday for the ex- land values were half what they orcHs purpose of attending the are now. With the dairymen more numerous The Japanese gun­ HERRON, dairymen's meeting showed the now confronted with free trade ners appears to have mastered the right spirit in helping to boost it is generally agreed that most secrete and minutiae of marksman- PHYSICIAN AND SURGÍ u good thing. farm products will be lowered ship, and as Japan can build battle in price, including cheese, and ships in its own yards it may fairly T illamook B lock , Porlnnd people appear to be with this outlook, with the pre­ claim a remarkable progress» in sent high assessment on some the mechanical line. Forced to Tillamook - somewhat agitated over the commission form of government dairy lands, it would be most come out of their seclusion the Jap­ to be tried in that city. No mat­ unjust to assess them at the anese resolved to learn the causes ter how earnestly one may ad­ same rate with cheese at 8c. or of the power exerted by the nations c. HAWK, vocate a commission to run city 10c. per pound. Some persons that ended their hermit-nation affairs, the first requisite is are opt ,'inistic and tielieve that period. The thoroughness with honest commissioners who have Tillamook cheese will never sell which they have studied arms and PHYSICIAN AND SURGI the ability to handle affairs of for that figure again, but we military science has no parallel in a such magnitude in a city like have lived long enough to know history. Possibly this advance­ that even a little financial flurry ment, and the result of the war Bay City - - . . C Portland. The trouble with city W. J. Van Schuyver & Go., General Agents administration is the tendency will knock the bottom out of with Russia, has made the Japan­ to elect men to office who have prices, and we are dubious as ese more ready to indulge in war SARCHET, Portland, Oregon not the business capacity, hence to what free trade is going to' songs than a just estimate of them­ • The Fashionable T the cause of extra taxation and do with the price of cheese and selves would warrant. But undue land values in this county. In , national vanity is a matter to be the successful efforts of those conclusion, we believe we have reckoned with. who brilre city officials. Sherry Wine......... ....................... 35c. Cleaning, Pressing and BOTTLE GOODS. given sufficient reasons why Angelica Wine.... ..................... 35c. One strong note, stronger ta in a Specialty. Zenfendel Wine ... . per quart 35c, the assessments on dairy lands Tokey ...................... . per quart 40c. Our Democratic friend, Bro, can be discussed in a friendly all others sounded in the Peace Pebbleford, bottled in bond, Trombley, again attempts to manner by all concerned and Congress, is that money spent on ( per bottle..................................... $1.50 Claret...................... . per quart 25c. White Grape _ , Juice Store in Heine Photoghi| ...... ............ 75c. reply to the snap shot man in inquired into by a committee, armaments could be put to better Clarke's Pure Rye, bottled in ,t. Beer, quart, 3 bottles for 5 s. i bond, per bottle........... . ............. 1.25 1 Local ' " Gallery. regard to free milk and cream or committees, competent to be uses. There is no other answer so ' O d Crow, bottled in bond, per Domestic Beer, qt., 3 bottles for 75c. by beating around the bush and able to make a good showing. effective as saying that appropri 1 bottle ............................................ 1.50 Special Prioes for not mentioning one word what ting money out of current funds Hermitage, bottled in bond, per Hp H. GOYNE, ................... 150 Family Trade. effect the free trade policy for the muiptenance of military and ■ boitle ¡Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ............... 1.50 Keg Beer....................15 gallons $5 75 of the Democratic party will Japan has learned to build mod-' naval establishments is the equiva ' O T. O , bottled in bond, per ATTORNEY-AT LAW. have when milk anil cream ern battle ships at the rate of three lent of setting aside, out of the re ' bottle............................................ 1.25 Keg Beer....................10 gallons 4 00 Local bottle Beer, Odoz. quarts 10.06 trains are rushed into Eastern a year. It is for Congress to con­ ceipts of a business, atimsof money I Kentucky Dew, Mi gal., bottled in bond .......................... .......... 2.15 Local bottle Beer, 10 doz. pints 11.0o Office ; O pposite C ourt Suites from Canada. Our Dem­ sider if the fact lias any special for the maintenance of contingent j Kentucky Dew. full pint, bottled Domestic Beers. ocratic friend ought to know significance funds. The maintenance of such Tillamook • in bond ........ ............................ 75 that the dairy industry is still Budwiser Beer. 6 doz. quarts $15.00 funds ia indispensable to good busi ­ ' John Dewar & Sons, Old Scotch “Everywhere armaments are in- Budwiser Beer, 10 dozen pints 18.00 enjoying the protective policy Whiskey...................................... creasing’’ says the French premier, ness management. A people may ■ Black r White Port, Old Monk Brand, RESIDENT DENTIST, going to happen to the cheese Whiskey .................................... 1.75 war as a possible contingency. $1 00 per gal maintain the navy on its present- Office : Commercial market when milk and cream A firm, individual or corporation , i Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch Port Wine........................ 1.00 per gal scale. ,<* Whiskey ...................................... ! comes in free. Sherry................................ 1.00 per gal. carrying fire insurance, does not Canadian Club. ..... ................ : I A dispatch from Japan sgys that Claret ................................. 75c. pergal. Tillamook tax itself in such ways because it 'I. W. Harper................................... 1 Angelica.......................... 1.00 per gal. three new dreadnauglits of 30,C(X> loves fire, but because it dreads it ' Harvester Old Style...................... 1 Zenfendel ..................... .1.25 per gal. There is some little difference tons each will be "utbojfihed at once Monogram ....................................... 1 as u destructive agency aid seeks Tokey.............................. ..1.25 per gal. of opinion in regard to the wis­ j by the Japanese Government. to safeguard itself against total Kentuck Dew.............. dom of establishing a demon­ Billie Taylor, full quart .. 1 WHISKEYS. Peace congresses must admit that loss. Juel now Mtsscuri is excep­ | Coronet Dry Gin... per bottle stration farm in tilts county, for DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Monogram ....................pergal. $5. OC there is moss» armament, not lees. tional among the states in being A. V II. Gin............... per bottle th* reason that some do not White Corn Whiskey.. per gal. 4.00 Gordon Sloe Gin .. per bottle 213 T illamook B loci Six Democratic senators who went threatened with almost total depri­ think it necessary while others Harvester Old Style ..per gal. 4.25 Gordon Dry Gin ... per laittle McBrayer. 13years old.per gal. fi. 00 are not conversant with details to.4hv White House to plead for a vation of the guaranteed protection Rock and Rye......... per bottle Tillamook - Echo Spring................. per gal 4.25 mid other features of the work. rfiity nn sugar end wool heard a of fire insurance. We feel the re­ i El Bart Gin ............. Chestnut Grove Rye. .per gal. 2,75 I herrfore, it is necessary ^.<01- prolonged free trade addreee Ironi sulting and existing insecurity, be­ I Virginia Dare Wine . per bottle Kentuckey Dew ....... per gal. 2 25 lighten those who are skeptical the president and had little oppor­ cause we knew that the end of pro­ I Port Wine .................. per quart Alcohol............................ per gal. 4 (IO E. REEDY, D.V.M., Cornet Dry Gin.............. per gal. 4.00 iiih I indifferent. No doubt tliere tunity to apeak . themselves. But tection would not mean the end of ure those who stand back of the ns senators they can not object to dangers. VETERINARY. AT saying, “Show me,” Tliis is an unlimited right to the floor. Aside from all talk of possible wljrit the Agricultural College Both Phones. Notwithstanding that the United war there are considerations that is desirous of doing on a co-op­ Staten Government experts bad not must be weighed in the relations erative plan. Most of im can yet panned upon the merits of the between the races of Asia and Amer­ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER COR 1st and let AVENUE E Tillamook remember what large crops of vaccine derived by Dr Frederich ica. There are 900,000,000 in Asia, hay used to lx* gathered from Friedmann of Germany from the or more than half the whole num­ McGEE, the prairie land liefore the yel­ turtle for the cure of tuberculosis, ber of the earth’s inhabitants, and low weed took possession of the the announcement wan made at they include the oldest forms of meadows, mid if by applying New Yotk on the 31th that arrange civilized social and national life scientific farming to that class meats had been completed with a PHYSICIAN & SUR' The growth of the United S'ates of Ititid It will lienetii it, surely drug concern for the sale of the has brought us face to face with it is worth nn effort if better vaccina in thia country, The can­ the most populous and important Office : One Block Eas' results can lx* attained. eideration wan said to lie $125,000 nations of Asia, and direct ocean in canh and $l.M10.00* in the stock transportation, much the cheapest Post Office It is satisfnctorv to know tlint of thirty aix Friedmann institutes kind, connects the two continents. I the Fairview Grange ami the for the treatment of patients in But the American and Asiatic types Titlatnk Commercial Club various cities ot thia country. differ radically, and the conditions i have crwne together for the pur Hereafter all national banka will in many respects are strongly con I pose of holding u stock show. have to pay interest on the deposits trusted. The population of China That is a good move and insures of the government, that ia. after is 4.»> (**'.(<>> and of J ipan 33,600 (MO. it su»cess With both organi a total nearly five times that of the and long houn of lions Forking together we June 1. when an order just issued United States. A density of popu­ by Set retarv ot the Treasury Me you dry and coaks ■edict tlint the stock show will lation exists in Eastern Asia that j the largest and most success- Adox The interest rate will be 2 ia unknown in the United and the TOWER’S FISH ill show held in this county, per cent. At the same time Me labor situation and methods of life Adoo authoriied the immediate in- REFLEX SL1 fir then* is a desire amongst a are so unlike that there is practical Ma Eda- 14rge number of dairymen to crease of deposits by the govern­ ly no opening for assimilation. It ethibit their stiwk and to see ment by •MMVQ.ona, His idea is is evident that with hundreds of xqhat otheis an' doing to ini- that the government may keep millions to draw upon a wave of The great calamity in Omalm was Dairy Farm to Rent. Ph ixe their dairy lienls. Ami larger balances with the banka on unrestrained immigration^ would quickly overshadowed bv the ter­ wfe feel assured tlint the citisena thia interest ka"i*. lie , Iso an be overwhelming, and the laborer For rent a dairy farm in the Ne- ribly disastrous floods in Ohio. tvimi nil ports of the county will nottneed a radical change in the who can thrive on 13 cents a day canicuin Valley, about seven miles Great suffering and sickness from Character of securities which would take n great deal of pleasure in colds and exposure L. Poole, 2217 would push to the wall those ac-1 from Seaside, . Oregon, _ on milk route California I.c, Omaha writes: “My ■linking the show n success. and be hereafter acceptable for govern euatomed to a much higher scale to the cheese factory. Milk wagon daughter had a very seve'e cough la every manner |M*ssiblv help men! depos ts Tte banks v ill be of living The element ot self- goes every day. Terms