Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 08, 1913, Image 5

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Circuit Court Adjourns.
distinctly. We levy high taxes on
the luxuries of life and endeavor to
Judge W. Galloway adjourned
The Executive Beard of the Tilla place the taxes on the necessities
e April term of the Circuit Court mook Commercial Club held it*
is low as possible consistent with
i Saturday until June 2, when the first meeting on Monday evening
raising a reasonable amount of
see between the city and the War- for the purpose of appointing com­
n Construction Company will be mittees. The President pointed out
raahed out, also the Hadley case that the committees should ge»
A French writer says that femi- '
put over until then. A large busy and endeavor to place the
nine dress has wut the drama in
nnber of cases were disposed off. club on a financial basis. Besides
eclipse. It may be lucky that
ring to the damage suit brought this the club had guaranteed to pay
Shakespeare wrote before women
• the Warren Construction Com- part of the expenses of the pam­
wore seen on the stage.
ny, thia will necessitate the jury phlets and in the entertainment
News of the determination of Cali­
ing brought together. The other line the visit of the Butter Makers'
fornia to enact the law discriminât-1
ses disposed of were : ■
Association and the Dairymen's
■latide Joseph vs. David Joseph Association had to be provided for. ing against Japanese has made a
tremendous sensation iti Japan,
vorce. Dismissed upon motion
The Fairview Grange having
where in all the larger cities mass ,
Itate of Oregon vs. J. H. Beach, asked the co-operation of the club meetings of angry Japs have been
ibezzlement. Dismissed upon in the effort to have the State held within a week past and wild
Grange meet in Tillamook next
ition of prosecuting attorney,
declarations of hatred for all Ameri­
ohti Krelis vu William G. Willett, year, the club extended an invita
cans expressed, coupled with de­
al. Confirmation. Saleconfirm- tion to do so.
mands for war against the United
The President stated that he had
jtelia Hadley vs C. E. Hadley- been asked by a number of dairy­ States. Former Premier Count
al. Injunction. Continued un,
Okuma in a public address to a
June 2nd for plaintiff to make a men whether the club would co­ party of Americans said he feared
>wing. To do this the plaintiff operate with them in holding a war was impending.
1 have to pay $7000 into court, stock show. In the informal talk
lerwise the motion for a non suit on this matter the Board showed letters appear in the papers de
behalf of the defendants will be its willingness to do so.
manding the seizure of the Philip­
pines and Hawaii. The govern­
’aul Schrader vs. Srethna S.
ment is powerless to control these
elpa, et al. Foreclosure. Sale
expressions of hostility.
i firmed.
S. M. Kerron, Fred C. Baker.
Producers of the Southwest and
i, B. Hill vs. Frederic Broidy,
Auditing Committee-W. Spald­
in Krebs, W. G. Willett, et al. ing, W. G. Dwight S B. White­ Northwest, and all of the great
¡reclosure. Plaintiff given 20 days house.
agricultural, food producing sec­
reply or otherwise plead.
tion which lies between, are taking
Reading Room—B. C. Lamb.
hris Hansen vs. J. M Vermilyea,
Reception—Fred C. Baker. C. I active steps to get in closer touch
d. Injunction. Dismissed with-
costs to either party.
Clough, H. T. Botts, Webster with the consumers of their pro­
[. S. Copeland vs. Nehalem Coal ' Holmes, Chas. Kunze, Erwin Har- ducts. A comparison of the prices
at which they sell, vzith those at
a ----
et al. Con- riBO11| Win G Tait
t----- ----- >--
nation. Sale confirmed.
M. Kerron. which the consumers buy, has
. M. Giddings vs. Kate Cox, Two members to be selected by tbe made complete demonstration of
' foreclosure. Continued.
the truth that the wide spread is
B Silver vs. D. O. Kenagy and chairman.
to exorbitant tolls for mere
ce Kenagy. Confirmation. Sale I Membership—Ira C. Smith, C. E.
handling, collected by houses or­
Trombley, W. Spalding.
Uhon Cacharelis vs. Tillamook
Municipal Affaire and Civic Im­ ganized in associations, or com­
inty. Sl it to quiet title. Dis­ provement—F, D. Small, B. E. bines, at points of destination. The
King, P. W. Todd, C. W. Talmage, cost of railroad transportation iti
ay City Land Company, a cor C. P. Knudson.
large bulk is found to be almost
ation, vs. John S. Craig and H.
Transportation—Fred C. Baker, negligible, and wholly out of pro­
nshaw. Injunction. Testimony
n, cause taken under advise- W. G. Dwight, Carl Haberlach, portion with the costs of distribu­
tion after the products are deliver­
F. D Small, A. H. Gaylord.
R. Beals and Clarence Tilden
Promotion—R. W. Watson, Chas. ed to first consignees.
Alden L. Johnson, et al. Fore­ Kunze, F. R. Beals, Dave Fitz­
The decline in Japanese bonds on
lure. Motion granted and G. H.
the London Stock Exchange shows
patrick, E D. Severance,
rd appointed receiver.
that the world is beginning to take
i H. Ellison and Ellen Ellison
notice of the Japanese incident. It ]
Underwood Voices * New Era.
¡Osman Royal in person and as
begins to share, with the new phase
Foreclosure. De­
"Before the war,” begad the of the Montenegro case, in the sum
ink Long, Sr., Administrator astute Alabaman, “this government of events which register themselves
state of Wtn. Campbell, De- was administered for many years at that great central world bourse,
•d, vs. Pacific Railway and
gation Co. Damages.
Jury under low tariff conditions, bene and which determine the rise and
dedthe plaintiff $2000 damages. ficial to the citizenship of the coun­ fall of prices of commodities. The
R. Beals, A. G. Beals, B. L. try and not detrimental to the that several of the European na
i, G. H. Ward, J. A. Brant, et growth of industries. The high tions are starting to replenish their
i. Warren Construction Comp- taxes we now pay were the out­ war chests so as to be ready for
a corporation, J. R. Harter,
ayor of the City of Tillamook, growth ot war conditions.” And possible trouble in the Pacific, in­
Injunction. Continued until so, after the war, he went on, inter­ dicate that the world believes there
ested parties who had been able to is some danger in the situation.
er Byron, executor of the last amass fortunes from this indirect Along the greater part of the length
and testament of _ Bengtha i ’ system of taxation had been able of the active line stocks in London
have weakened, but as yet this Cal-
iries Co., a i corporation, and 1 years with one brief interval so as fornia episode has had compara­
ir Ridehalgh.
1 Foreclosure. | to maintain "this unjust system of tively small influence on prices in I
nued. Motion for non suit
..... war taxation.” Now he declared the general list on the New York
that the country faced a new era. Stock Exchange.
tral Door and Lumber Co. vs. especially referring to the failure of
Another revolution impends in
¡. Lytle and W. B. Gordon,
i for money.
Default and the last administration to keep its Mexico. The Chamber of Deputies
lent as payed for.
pledge to lower the tariff, The real has refused to hold an election on
ren Construction Company, a question was the rights of the con­ July 27, which was the date agreed
ration, vs. Tillamook City, a auming masses, and the question
upon for the voting by Gen. Felix
Diaz and the constitutionalists in
ir or otherwise plead.
The main reason for the demand general. This means that Huerta
¡he matter of the petition of for this tariff revision was the in- has sway over that body, and is
i Forster Thompson to become crease in the cost of living. But . anxious to make his provisional
of United States of he did not contend that the increase presidency permanent. Huerta is
Admitted to full citizen-.
due entjrely (o <he tarjff bljl
strong with many of the politicians
State of Oregon, ex rel Bess ‘“rife part of it was due to that. Yet at the capitrl, but apparently Diaz,
orn, vs. Q. J. Pangborn. Set-1 it would be unfair to say that the has the army on his side, and the
j.—.---- . by ----------
of (he profiosed bill would be
id dismissed
army is the arbiter between am
the immediate reduction in prices bitious men in Mexico. Diaz is
Ferner vs. Peter Renier. of necessaries to the consumer. He said to have 8COO men stationed in
!. Decree granted.
pointed out that the retail mer­ the arsenal in the city of Mexico.
chants of the country had their Diaz is said to have 8000 men sta
'he*Boulder Creek School present stocks of goods, bought tioned in the arsenel in the City of
under present basis, and that they Mexico, many of them being there
would have to keep prices up un­
Th*entertainment given by Mrs. til these stocks were exhausted or since he and Huerta overthrew Ma­
dero, and these have been strongly
■^■teacher of the Boulder Creek
until competition from other mer­ re-enforced since then, while he is
i»«|> at the close of school, was
chants forced them to cut prices.
underseood to have 2000 near the
11 «tended there being about 150
“But," exclaimed Underwood, capital, awaiting events
present. The school house with great emphasis, “I do believe
Secretary Bryan is a good diplo­
oo small, it was held in the fully that in a short time, within a
matist. The tone of his expression
ell Hall. A splendid and
reasonable time, when present in the conference with the Califor­
ing program, which lasted
stocks of goods are said out, that nia lawmakers was culculated to
rwo hours, showed the en-
the Ameican people will receive a soothe what he evidently feels to
i of both
teacher and
real and reasonable reduction in be a feeling of irritation at the in­
i and was heartily enjoyed
the cost of living if this bill is en­ trusion of the National Government
acted into law.” He declared it in the work of making a state Jaw.
the program the ladies of
was the increased cost of produc­ Repeated admission of the right of
ilder Creek district gave a
tion that has chained American in­
8 supper for all who attend- dustries to our shores and prevent­ the state to legislate in response to
s appreciation of the people ed the building up of the foreign the demands of its public opinion
iwa by good attention dur i markets. And the higher cost of was delicately qualified in the ex­
pression of a doubt whether that
progam and the sociable -
.naL-.i,__________ -i.;^ production i was connected with demand is so insistent for immedi |
all during the supper which with
cost of ate action
on the line pro- ;
itly enjoy, d
living. Underwood attacked the posed, that it would be willing to
Republican theory of tariff protec - stick to the exact phrasology of the
ompt and Effectual Cure
. tion on the basis of the difference landing bill at the risk of imperil­
for Bad Colds
you have a bad cold you between the cost of production here ing Asiatic commerce of which Cali­
emedy that will not only and abroad, and said there was no fornia has so large a share. He
ief, but effect a prompt and standard of production to measure
•nt cure, a remedy that is j by. He would get back to the basis suggested that omission of the
to take, a remedy thatcon-
words "ineligible to citizenship,”
Ihing injurious. Chamber of actual competition, and he de following the word "aliens,” would
<>ugh Remedy meet« all ’ dared that the "Democratic party serve the purj>oee of excluding fiom
It acts as | stands for a tariff for revenue only,
land ownership all such aliens an
plan, relieves the lungs,
fetoration. ojiens the se with the emphasis on the word are not eligible. He carefully
ind rest, res the system to ‘only.’ ” In conclusion he asserts avoided several efforts to lead him
y healthy condition This that in making thio bill the com into statements indicating a Iwlief
las a world wide sale and mittee and "played favorites with
can always tie depended no man,” and that no favored that enacting the present mrasure
ild by all dealers.
would lead to a clash with Japan.
manufacturer had sat behind the Such a statement, made by the sec­
dosed doors of the committee dic­ retary of state, would have place* I
latism Quickly Cured,
ter”s husband had an at- tating rates, as formerly. As for the government in the attitude of
heumatism in hie arm," the income tex, he quoted tbe Re attempting to influence the govern­
well known resident of publican criticism as showing that
owa. "I gave him a bot- the Republicans still want to ex- ment of a state against its own
opinion and interest as a means oi
Thamberlain's Liniment
applied to hie arm and on empt wealth and said:
avoiding federal obligations and
• We remove the taxes st the cus­ would have intensified the demand
norning the rheumatism
” For chronic muscular tom house purposely to levy a tax of the Californians for immediate
m you will find nothing
in Chamberlain a Lini- on wealth. I wish my friends on action on the line now proposed
the other side to understand thia
Id by all dealers.
i i
May 8, I9I3.
Executive Board Meets.
Will be in Tillamook shortly to close agency for the best and
most complete line of
now on the American market. It is the Best Advertised, Best Known and
Best Selling line now before the public and includes both
Pleasure Cars and Trucks
If interested write immediately to the
Portland, Oregon
617 Washington
¡The Thompson Optical Institute
•.»'—• <°* w
of Portland will send its representative,
to Tillamook for one week beginning May 12—Todd’s
Hotel. All persons having eye troubles should avail
themselves of this opportunity to have their eyes scien­
tifically fitted. Dr. Wheat will have a full line of
Toric Lenses, Kryptoc Invisible Bifocals and
Shur-On Eye Glasses
Any of our customers in Tillamook who have had
glasses fitted by Thompson in Portland are requested
to visit Dr. Wheat to see if any changes are necessary.
Dr. Wheat will
have nil the
latest electrical
devices known
to science for
examining the
Persons having
glasses fitted by
I)r. Wheat can
call at our Port­
land office at
any t i me t o
have lenses or
2nd Floor Corbett Bldg.
Established in Portland 13 Year»
___ _
Our Prices for Glasses Will Be as Low as at’Our Portland Offices
like 0
n°t bolted
a ve a
The Arcadian ii a perfect baking
range, »nd flays a per fed baker for a life­
time bceauae it B built like a locomotive
boiler- Built of malleable iron and charcoal
iron riveted together instead of being boiled
together. Made airtight without tbe use of
llov* putty to crumble and fall out, as hap­
pens in caff iron and to-
called fleel ranges, allow­
ing false drafts to Lio tbs
(ire or deaden IL
■ II
Th* Arridi»« Ranfe wit! never
!»▼« fate« draft»-if »di aiwar* de
prtfrti bakinf. tn»n< a thud teto
ftol than rommon rang«.
btertes in« anb»H*
MoltelclothmUMlt ati*«r Hto
_»» f .rpe* f »era,. 1 over la t .* f*ai it »rri,
to my nofblu«
tba way It mak«« a wonaau a
wrl ««tor a«d *Mo«a bar to to pert» tekto«.
ii SsB '1
Jones-Knudson Furniture Co.
Now is the time
to'Jiave that
group picture m ade
I .st 11« show you our
special display of attrac-
tire new styles.
We are
l>erfe<-tly (equipiied for
making group pictures
and wilt please you with
tne quality of our work.
Monk’s Studio.