Tillamook Headlight, May 8, IOI3, A HANDSOME $400 UPRIGHT PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Mason, Pennington & Co. and the Tillamook Headlight WILL GIVE AWAY, absolutely without cost, the CAXTON UPRIGHT PIANO shown below. T This is open to anyone, and nomination blanks maybe obtained at the Tillamook Headlight office, at Mason, Pen­ nington & Co. ’s store, or cut from ihis ad. This will be the most interesting advertising proposition ever held in Till­ amook County, and everybody has an equal opportunity to secure this Beautiful Upright PARLOR GRAND PIANO. How to Get Vote Tickets How to Get Vote Tickets. With every purchase made at MASON, PENNING­ TON & CO.’» STORE votes will be giveu—100 votes FOR EVERY DOLLAR’S WORTH PURCHASED. Votes ill the same proportion will also be given to persons paying ac­ counts. If any of our friends need anything in Ladies Dress Goods, Suits, Underwear, Millinery, Shoes, etc., and Gent.’s Clothing and Furnishing, Boots, Shoes, Rubber Goods, etc., or anything carried by an up-to-date General Merchandise Store, get them to patronize Mason, Penning­ ton & Co. and give you their votes. Now is the time to get busy. The earlier you start the more advantage you will have in final count. The date of the closing of the contest will be May 1, 1913. Cut out Coupon below and present or mail to Mason, Pennington & Co. or the Tillamook Headlight. If they owe on account get them to pay it and secure votes. With every yearly subscription to The Tillamook Headlight accompanied by $i 50 in cash, 5,000 votes will be given. This applies to back subscription, and you can pay for as many as you desire. You can also get votes on job printing—100 votes for each dollar paid on either job advertising or printing. All leading merchants in Tilla­ mook, Oregon, patronize The Tillamook Headlight, and they will be glad to give you the votes when they pay any of their accounts. But the best way to get votes is to get subscriptions to the paper, as the schedule of votes is »0 much greater for subscription than for anything else. You will be surprised how easy it is to get subscriptions to the Headlight if you try. Closesjune 4, 1913. 1 1- > * *5 k n . ; 5^* * • V !- 1 The Tillamook Headlight is the pioneer newspaper of Tillamook County, which for the past twenty five years have been boosting for the county, advocating good roads and other improvements. NOMINATION BLANK Claxton Upright Grand Piano Voting Contest. Cut this Coupon out and bring to No. l.Narne of Contestant will not be known. 2. No name of candidates will be pub­ lished. 3, Every Contestant gets 2,000 votes to start with. I. livery Contestant gets a number. 5, Standing by Numbers published weekly in The Tillamook Headlight. B, AH votes must be brought in Wednesday for recording. 7, Votes must Not be writ­ ten on. 8. Tie Votes in packages with Contestant's number and amount on top slip. 9, Color of Certificates will be changed each month and must be recorded before change. 10 Votes are transferable only before recording. 1 1. Contestant having the largest number of votes on Mav 1, 1913, wins l’iano. THIS IS SURELY A PRESENT WORTH WORKING FOR. Mason, Pennington & Co, It will Count 100 Votes. Also Two Gold Watches and a $25 Silver Toilet Set. I hereby accept the nomination as a con­ testant on the Claxton Piano Contest. Please place these_2ooo votes to my credit. Name P.O Silver Wear Every Week to the contestants. A. I). Wick, Rockaway. Dairy Ranch for Sale. Notice of Sheriff’s Sale ot Real Mrs. G. H. Lalumiere* Tillamook Beach. SIDNEY E HENDERSON, JOHN LELAND HENDERSON Mr. Geo. Lalumiere, Tillamook Beach. Property. President. Stephens, J. H , Tillamook Beach. A dairy ranch, nicely located on Secretary-Treat. A N. Bolling, Ocean Lake. N oticr in H khkbv G ivrn , — A petition Tillamook Bay, at Garibaldi, which N otice is H ereby G iven , That. N. K. Emery, Bar View. haw hern fl ed in the < <>unty Court of Attorney at-Law and Nc’.srf contains 90 acres. Half of the land bv virtue of an Execution anil Or- I Arthur Davis. Rockaway. the State of Oregon for Tillamook Countv Public. Frank Ekroth, Hobsonville. is good river bottom, and the other tier of Sale Issued out of the Cir- ! a true copy and transcript thereof and Frank Sheldon, Hobsonvllle. 01 the whole thereof in in words, letters and half is tine rich tide land, with a cuit Court of the State of | Mrs. Mell Mitchell, Garibaldi. figures as follows: to wit hill that contains fine hard bine Oregon, for the County of Tilla- Chas. L. Stedman. Jr . Bar View. In the County Court of the State of Oregon John D. Johnson, Hobsonville. rock, connecting with the rock iiioc k. upon a decree rendered in for Tillamook County. Kile FattenuJI Bar View. quarry. Good house and barn, two if’e said court on the 3Cth day o f In the matter of Application of » H S Hewitt, Bar View. J J McCormick for Hotel Li- ? creeks with fine spring water runs lAp.’il, 1913, in the cause wherein Mias Z. S. Shafer, .Manhattan. <|uor License in the Town of > . Mark Hobson. Garibaldi. through the place All the cows n I I J. II Ellison and Ellen Ellison Garibaldi. Oregon. Miss Zada Shafer Manhattan. machinery goes with the [ la.e W e .were plaintiffs, and Osman Royal, PETITION. J. II Smith, Bar View. will sell half or all of the place. I'or S. Davis, Rockaway. in person, and also as Administra­ To the Honorable County Court above M. F. Bowman, Garibaldi. further* information call or write to tor, was defendant, in order to sat­ named : Sam Johnson, Garibaldi. We. the undersigned, vour petitioners the owner. isfy the amount due on said decree, B. Chatterton. Bar View hereby allege ami snow to you the follow­ F rank K. S tri eby , J. S. McDonald. Garibaldi. to-wit, the sum of $1050 00 and in ing facts and petition you as follows Carl O.Sbnpen, BarView. That we anti each of us are residents nnd (INCORPORATE!)), Garibaldi, Oregon. terext theteon at the rate of 7 per Lloyd C. Smith. Bar View. legal voter« within Garibaldi Precinct, in cent [ier annum from tlie 23rd day Mrs J. H. Smith. Bar View, 'I illarnook County. Oregon, aik I have been M. Adamson. Bar View. of A.a;list, 1911; the further sum of such for more than thirty days next preced A. L. Evans. Garibaldi. Ing the date of the signing and filing of this $100.00 attorney’s fees, and the Katie Struebv, Garibaldi. petition having been, anti now arc In the Circuit Court of the State of costs and disbursements of said Frank K.Strueby Garibaldi. •tual residents and legal voters within said Oregon foi Tillamook County. Mrs. Al Jurhs, Garibaldi. Precinct for more than thirty days next pre suit taxed at $.31 30, and the costs Martha M. Bauer | Ben Johnson. Garibaldi. ceding doth «lav of April, 1913. and expanses of this writ, I will on Mrs. A. Anderson, Garibaldi. That the said J. J. McCormick is the own- Plaintiff, the 7th day of June, 1913, at 10 Frank Buckles. Garibaldi. ei of valuable real proirerty in the town of va John L. Aelig, Garibaldi. Gnribaldl, Oregon, niitl is the owner anil o’clock a.in. of said day, at the front C. V Stoker, Rockaway. Helen Louise Gilday pioprietor of a hotel in said town and has door of the county courthouse in BOTH PHONES. L W. V illcs Rockaway. hern such tor more than one year last past, and E. N Crockett, | TILLAMOOK, ORB. l illainook City, Oreiron, sell, at pub­ B. H. Best, Rockaway. ami has heretofore comlucted a barroom in Defendants, j George Perry. Rockaway, said hotel mid has at all times conducted a lic auction to the highest bidder for To Helen Louise Gililav, above K. F. Jackson. Bar View. decent and orderly place, ami complied with cash in hand, the real property sit­ Charles Bowers, Bar View th« laws ot the statrot OrtMMI With «• i named defendant: In the name of uated in I tllainook County, Oregon, Carl E. I.oil Bar View cnee to the conducting of said hotel anti bar- tl.e State of Oregon: You are described as follows, to-wit: Bessie Bowers, Bar View. i.ioiH in nimir. t'oii tnerewith I hereby required to appear i nJ an R. E Jackson, Bar View, That said hotel will have, on the third day Majaa'lc Ranges staad the feat fc Beginning at the northwest cor­ J R. Johnson, Garibaldi. ot jiinr l»il.'t acv'ominodatlous for not less I swer the complaint filed against ner of the Eldridge Trask Donation And Cook a ad Bake and are the Loot.* Clyde Miller. Garibaldi. than fifty guests anti will have suftieient j you in the above entitled court and I.and Claim, and running thence I Hauxhurst. Garibaldi, rooms for the accommodation <»f at least K. Krumlauf. Garibaldi. cause, on or before the 23rd day of fifty guests, provided with Itcds in a suitable south to the northeast corner of the Andrew Peterson, Garibaldi. iiiiitmer, ami in conformity with the re­ : May, 1913, ami if you fail ao to up Frank Illingworth Garibaldi. James Quick Donation Land Claim; quirements of the statutes of Oregon gov- pear or auxwet tlie plaintiff will ap Harry H. Hogen. Garibalhi « rnnring the gi anting of bars to hotel*. thence west to the southeast corner Mrs Harry Hogen. Garibaldi. ply to the court tor the relief praii d of the John S. Tripp Donation Land That said McCormick is a competent ami Mrs - - . R « B - Kenned • v Garibaldi, “uhablr iM-rson to conduct a hotel with bar ' for in the complaint, which is as I G Balmer H Garibaldi, Claim; thence north to the south­ in connection therewith. follows. For judgment and decree Mrs J James l angley Garibaldi, That we hereby trs|»rctfully (»etition you west corner of Hie Nathan Daugh K R Kennedy Garibaldi. to ctnnt a license t«> saltl McCormick to I 'against you fortlie sum of $850, to- erty l and Claim; thence east 37 Al Juhrs Garibaldi sell tu sai«l town of Gariltakli. ami at his I ' gether with interest thereon at tl.e Andrew Hansen. Garibaldi. ro tldi precinct, to the above the County Court of the State <»f I’regon for tlie costa and disbursements of the in Sections 2N anil 29, in township nanurtl .1. J McCormick a cook stove, people would buy said Tillamook Countv on the fourth da v of plaintiff m thia suit, and for a de- 1 south of range 9 west of the Wil That said tow n of Caaribaldi i« an unincor- lune at ten o’clock, A M of said «lav. said cree foreclosing that certain _____ mort­ lametie Meridan; the one they could get the cheapest; pornted town in Tillamook County, Ore- date being the first iud tial dnv of the regu g. >n Jar June term of «aid court for the year of gage executed by you to the plain Also tie/inning at the southeast that’s because there were only * |D>ted this .loth dav of April, l9iy 1 1’JJ t anti based thereon, «aid I J McCormick tiff under the name of Martha M corner of the J S. Tripp Donation few wakes on the market and t will at said time, place and date apply to Kunz, «aid mortgage being recorded Peter Byrum, Garibaldi Land Claim; thence north 29.00 John A. Nelson. GariltaUli. «.ml County Cvoiri tor a license to be grant- were all practically the same in | e * ‘^sand different range, F (’ Robison liar View ed liquors for a period of one rear from the south 29.00 chairs; thence east 3.45 cribed in said mortgage, towit: date ot sai«i license Kdward Erickson, Bar View. chains to the ¡»lace of tieginning, on the market today — good, bad and indifferent erem range. Dated this doth day ol April. i«| p A G Krumlauf, Garibaldi. The Southeast quarter of section containing 10 acres of land, more L. L. Hmith, Garibaldi J. J M c C ohmick . thirty-one in townahip five South Chas. I Morgan Garibaldi. or less, in section 29 «"nrnship 1 Petitioner. of range ten Went of Willamette sou’ll of rarge 9 west jf the Wil- Chas R Gaicnet, Garibaldi. State of Oregon. I .. Geo Russell. Garibaldi Meridian in Tillamook County. Ore County of Tillamook, i Ss* lamette Meridan; foe Unetsingrr. Oaribakli I J* J McCormick being first duly «worn gon, be sold an upon execution ami Mrs H M Hawthorne. Bar View. Also, beginning at a point IGO | B \ “ . th J J* “ t*oners above that plaint iff hax a first lien on x.ud Mrs. Marr K Smith, Garibakli Ih . if .U R'regoing petition premises for the payment of said links west ot the southeast corner D. Jokastoa. Garibaldi that til the tacts ami statement* therein of the northeast quarter ot section <1 v Hawthorne, BarView cont.onol are true 1« | verily Ixlieve. and sums of money, and that you be • ko * Young Garibaldi. that said petition contains an actual ma- forever burred and foreclosed of all 29. in township 1 south of range 9 Paul Howling.Garlbaldi. Jorit otthr legal vtcr* ol Garibaldi Pr* west of the \\ illiimette Meridan* Mrs Jeff Fleck, Garibaldi. right, title and interest therein, save thence north 9 32 chains; thence tl^t^TrTMAIXr:ABl*S nnd C harcoal Ixov-the _ . .met in -,o.l Tillnraook l onntv. Oregon trfl Fleck, Garibaldi the right of redemption as allowed I j . JI McConuivu. L Hechts Garibaldi east 21.47 chains; thence south V 32 R epairs — H eats M ore W atfr ^CF i Z^ 0 ^ 3 P* acticai - i - y N othing for 'n «•iiw.t «» .worn to Iwfore mrlU* by law, and for such other ami M. F Robinson, Rar View G enkrau S attspachox T han I n ^^“ H o TTER’ and G,VBS BOT n ® loth dnr of April. |»lx, chains; thence west 21.47 chains to G W Phelps, Garibaldi further relief as to the court may I <»Ai.l W imtii H olm «« F A l’helps, GaribaMi MANOR M ade — Thiasuin- the place of beginning, lying and Notary Public for Oregon. seem juat and equitable. A K McKimc tlaribakli being in sections 2» and 29, in town­ 111 ins in nerved up n von bv publi­ Wm Hartsell, Guribahli ship 1 south of range 9 west, con­ <• H Benson. Rnr View cation by order of the Hon. Homer taining ¿0 acres, more or ¡ess Wtn Kennedv Garibaldi. kxrtl Applications, a » thrv cannot reach Manon, judge of tlie above entitled W H l»crby Garibaldi ■uimc Dated May Bth. I91;< thr diMCAacat portion of the ear I here is court, which order ia dated the it h R. K Perhy, Garibaldi only one w ay to cure deatnewa. and that I m day of April. 1913. Allied Johnson, Garibakl H- C renshaw , W1X T:._ The date of the constitutional retncdle« IkHtne:*« ia Mrs A Johnaoa Garibukli SMieriff of TiJamook Comity, Ore. cau«d by na inflamed condition of the first publication of this summons t.J Mtfvotmiek «'»atihaldi m/MXxma lining uf the Ku.tachian Tube i" the lt)th day of April, 1913, ami Irs 1.1. McCormick . Gat ibahll. When thia tube i* in fUmed V0y hare a Mr«* \f. K Krumlauf Gaiibadi the last date of | ublication ia the | Cure for Stomach Disorders. rutnhhng *oun«l or ini »«er feet hearing, and G Marshall GaribnMt Disordeia of the stomach may when it ia entirrh closed Ikafne«** ia the ~nd day of Mayi 1913, lame« l.ang'ev Garil>ahli rcault. him I unk«« the inflammation can l»e Axel W Anderson H<>’»« b R "K S» HLEGEL, >e »voided tn the use of Chamber­ tnken out and th»« ttd«c restored to its Hear? lenning* «ald Attorney for Plum tiff. lain s 1 iblet-». Many very remark normal condition, hearing will • interrupted by war waraonrs that drift iu through the offic.al window.