Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 08, 1913, Image 2

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    Tillamook Headlight, May s, 1913
Advertising Rates.
L egal A pvertissmbnis :
First Insertion, per hue
Lach subsequent insertion, line
Business and professional curds.
1 (H)
1 month .............................
Hun.r-stead Notices..................
Timber Claim»
Locals per line each insertion
Li-p’av advertisement, auinch,
1 month ...............................
All Resolutions of Condolence and
Lodge Notices, 5c. per line
Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line.
Notices, Ix>st, Strayed or Stolen,
etc. rniuimuQ rate, 23c. not exceed­
ing five line».
imin IN ADV ANC». »
One year.........
Si* mouths........
t l.-i-e months
this is a matter which is of con­ ▲ CHILDREN’S BUREAU
siderable importance to dairy­
Government to took
men. it is natural to suppose Our
that they will take a lively in­
After the Rising Genera­
terest in the discussion, for if
tion More Closely
by more scientific methods the
land can be made to raise more
The bill which recently passed
feed the monthly checks will be both houses of Congress now only
that much larger.
The object awaits the signature of the presi
of establishing demonstration dent to become a Jaw creating a
farms is to bring scientific children’s bureau in the Depart-
methods nearer the farms, and meet of Commerce and Labor.
as this is the center for the pro­ This is a measure which is calcu-
duction of an immense quantity lated to result in good to the peo
of milk, that alone should jus­ pie through the influence it will
tify having a demonstration exert in promoting the welfare of
farm established here under
the supervision of the Agricul­
1 The bill provides for the collec
tural College.
tion and dissemination of statistics
and other information relating to
Some of our citizens are ad­ ail classes of child life, particularly
Lnrered as second class mail mat vocating a new city hall in keep« having reference to the inveetiga
r July, Dse, at the post office at ing with the progress of the tion of infant mortality, the birth
aincuik, Ore., under the act of city, also a park. It is true that rate, orphanage, juvenile courts, ,
X rcb 3. 1879.
the city hall is antiquated and desertions, dangerous occupations,
does not meet present require­ accidents to and diseases of chil­
ments. and for that reason it is dren, and the employment of chil­
£bt Tillamook Ijfahligbt,
thought that something mod­ dren and legislation in the various
ern and up-to-date is necessary, states affecting their employment.
especially for the fire depart- I The text of the bill indicates that
Editorial Snap Shots ' nient. In the matter of a park, there will be no attempt to enroacb
I this city have thrown away op­ upon state legislation, but that the
portunities ’u the past to pro­ bureau will confine its work to the
for a stock show !
cure suitable land at a notni- collection of the character of data
( I.al figure, but for lack of inter- indicated and to publishing this m
Boost, also, for a demonstra­ ' est this important part of the formation so that state legislatures
city’s development have been and state authorities may have the
tion farm.
neglected. Some day, when the benefit of this information for their
locations are built on guidance in enacting and enforcing
When Canadian cheese is sell­
ing for lOjc. a pound. Eastern and the land becomes more laws. This being true, there can
cheese for 12|c. a pound, and valuable, then, and probably be no logical objection to a national
tne famous Tillamook cheese at not till then, will it be admitted law which has for its object the up­
15|c. a pound, this is a good ad­ that the citizens had a splendid lift of the human race; on the con­
vertising stunt for Tillamook opportunity to secure a public trary, it should have the approval
| park but failed to do so. ”
of the people without exception,
• only way now to secure a new and the bureau should have the as­
city hall and public park is to sistance of the public in its endeav­
Our contemporary contends bond the city.
or to secure the needed information.
that free trade won’t reduced
' Bv gathering statistics regarding
the price of cheese. We hope
Bro. Trombley handed I out a the diseases peculiar to children,
not, hut isn’t it a fact that in
the death rate of children, the char­
revising the tariff the object is great deal of criticism i in the
acter of employment calculated to
to reduced the price of every­
affect their health and other mat­
thing that
is raised on the
ters of similar impart, there should
farm ?
bley's Democratic point of view result a more healthy race of chil­
it was considered "rotton” poli­ dren, and consequently a more
it was ft had beginning to open tics. It will be observed that healthy race of men and women.
the baseball season with a fight. no sooner does the Democratic The lives of children should be
We hope this will not l>e re­ party assume power, when brightened. their home life and
peated, for rowdyism is dis­ | President Wilson calls upon social surroundings should, in
gusting and reduces the atten­ I the
legislators to many instance, be improved, and
dance. Swearing and lighting standpat on the free trade child life generally should be plac­
should not ba heard or seen on tariff
Anti with the ed on a higher plane. Thia, in ef­
a baseball tield.
same rules which Cannon con­ fect, will result if the provisions of
ducted the house, the Demo­ the new law are faithfully carried
It is no use pretesting, for the cratic members are being co-' out, and this should make a bright-
Democratic bosses are deter­ erced to standpat for free trade, er, better and happier world. —From
mined upon free milk and free in fact, standpatism under the the San Antonio Express.
--------------- -------
■ earn, ami free wool and free Democratic party is now being |
Turkey expected that the allies
lumber. This is a hard blow worked to the limit, with the
for the farmers to stand, but Democratic bosses whipping arrayed against it would have b.-»n
why single out that class to every weak-kneed member into fighting each other long before this,
bear the brunt of free trade and line- It is also decided by the but is always hopeful of the same
give protection to manufactur­ Senate Finance Committee that (old jealousies.
no public hearing shall be given
ers ?
A democratic contemporary says
on the tariff bill, so that every­ there is no such thing as scientific
thing can he carried on in secret tariff. It evidently has in mind the
Commissioner Farmer is de­ behind closed doors.
last Democratic tariff, which was a
sirous that the editors take a
trip in the near future to the
In the manner of the exorbitant
South part of county to see
vv hat improvements have been of some of the dairymen for a charges for foodstuffs no better ex­
m.ide on roads since they paid stock show this summer, anil planation can be given than that
t'uit part a visit. We can assure we have been asked to boost it, the consumer is paying for soine-
the commissioner that it will tie for, as some of the dairymen t body’s high priced automobile.
a pleasuie to the editors to do contend who have graded their
An Illinois farmer was killed by
s<>, for they are 7 good roads herds up with blooded stock, his new automobile on an improved
Sherry Wine .
boosters and it would not hurt
road while going fifty mil»» an
Angelica Wine
their feelings should kindly dis
hour. Agriculture should not al­ i
Zenfendel Wine
. per quart 3\
We low itself to become too intensive.
pone persons showed again their are doing along that line.
Tokev............................ per quart fib
Pebbleford, bottled in bond,
see nothing to prevent a stock
............................. perquart 25c-
hospitality and good will.
I per bottle....................................$150 Claret
A new House will be elected next I
show, All that is necessary to
White Grape Juice.................. ..75c
Clarke’s Pure Rye, bottled in
bond, per bottle.......................... 1.25 Local Beer, quart. 3 bottles for 5.M
bring this about is for the Fair­
Domestic Beer, qt., 3 bottles for 75c
Ilv pulling together the Fair­ view Grange and the Tillamook to reduce the cost of living by that |
Old Crow, bottled in bond, per
The valued family re­
bottle ............................................ 1.50 Special Prices for
view («range and the Tillamook Commercial Club to get toge­ time, without impairing the means
Hermitage, bottled in bond, per
cipes for cough and cold
Commercial Club expects that ther and each appoint a live of living, their excuses will not be
boitle ................................. . ... 1.50
Family Trade.
cute, liniments, tonics
Hie S'ate Grange will hold its commitiee. Then 11 stm'k show worth much.
Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ............... 1.50 Keg Beer.................... 15 gallons $5f
aud other remedies have
iimuial convention in this city is assured. Hut the initiative' A final decision has been made 1
O T. O , bottled in bond, per
Keg Beer.................... 10 gallons (*!
1.25 Ix>cal tiottle Beer, 6dox. quarts W1
next year
The Grangers who should t»e taken by the Grange, by the Senate Finance Committee !|
as careful attention here
Kentucky Dew, 14 gal., bottled
attend the State («range next for no matter how enthusiastic ,hrt‘ no public hearing shall be giv- « as the most intricate ^pre­
■ - bond - ....................................... g15 Local bottle Beer, 10 doz. pints ID I
■ I. in
week will carry with them let­ tlie Commercial Chib mav take en ,he "ew «»riff bill, The Demo­
i Kentucky Dew, full pint, bottled
Domestic Beers.
I I in bond ....................................... 75
ters of invitation, and we can hold of a stock show in connec­ crats believe more in free trade
Beer. 6 doz. quarts $25 •
assure the State Grange if the tion with the Grange, it cannot . than in free speech.
Our fresh, high grade | John Dewar A Sons. Old Scotch
Whiskey......... .......................... 1.5C Budwiser Beer, 10 dozen pints M*
invitation is accepted the liest tie made a success unless the I If the Republican secretary of
drugs will help to make I Black
Old style Lauger Beer, 10doz pt llu;
A White, Old Scotch
dairying section of the North duiryinen as a Imdv co-operate. state hud gone to California to co­
these remedies more effec­ II Whiskey ........-............................ 1.50
vest will offer the glad hand We urt* assured that they will .operate with the Legislature in
| VO. P., Old Scotch Whiskey ... 1.75
tive than ever.
and show its hospitality.
Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch
do so, on the understanding framing a bill there would have
White Port, Old Monk Brand,
Whiskey....................................... 1.75
$1 (X) per p
Right prices are also
that the show will not be turn been a shrill outcry from states I
Port Wine.................................... 1.00 parf"
Free trade, to a limited ex ed into a fakir's fair. The new rights Democrats throughout the I « assured.
1.00 per
Canadian Club............ .................
tent, works satisfactorily in slogan of the Commercial Club country.
Claret .................................. 75c. peril* ‘
Angelica.......................... I 00 per IP- '
England, because that country is "Get busy! Do something
No doubt prompted by^the wish
Harvester Old Style...................... '
Zenfendel .’.................. 1.25 per
bits to depend upon other couti for the upbuildingpf Tillamook that is father to the thought, stories
1 Monogram...........
.................................. 1.25 ;>er IP-
If the Fair­ of severe fighting between the Bui-
tries for food ami raw material city and county.”
1 Kentuck Dew ...
for manufacturing purposes It view (»range will get busy and garians and the Greeks and the Bul­
• Billie Taylor, full quart
¡Coronet Dry Gin. ....per liottle
is different in the United States help make it a success, we can garians and the Servians are being
..................... per gal.
' A.V.H. Gin........... .... per bottle
where there is a surplus of food vouch that the chib will do like­ sent out from Bucharest The Rou­
White Corn Whiskey.. per gal-
Gordon Sloe Gin .. per bottle
Harvester Old Style ..per gal. iJ
stuffs anil n large amount of raw wise. The county will receive manians have been hostile to the
Gordon Dry Gin . ... per bottle
13 years cld. per gal. 6J
material, which, with a free a I »out $7UO from the State for
Rock and Rye ... .... per bottle
Balkan alliance from the begin­
................ jier gal ii
El Bart Gin .........
trade policy, places the products fair purposes, which will help
Rye. .per gat
Virginia Dare Wine . per bottle ’
of this country on a par with to defray the expenses.
with threats of attack upon the
Port Wine ...................per quart 35c. Kentuckey Dew......... j>er gal.
that of other countries. This
Alcohol............................. per gal-
.. 1
rear, as to compel Bulgaria to give
• per “
T i» ’ I
Cornet Dry Gin.......... ...
can la* better illustrate d by re­
The great calamity 111 Omaha was Roumania a slice of the territory
ferring to free milk and fret­ quickly overshadowed bv the ter
cream. As noon ns the Demo­ ribly disastrous floods in Ohio. conquered from Turkey, if not a
cratic tariff bill goes into effect Great suffering and sickness from • mall part of Bulgaria also Bucha­
a«i euoritiou» h mount of mill mid olds a ad espvriure l„ I’oolc. 2217 rest is no point from which correct
California l.i . Omaha writes "My news of what is going on among
cream will tie shipi»ed into tile daughter had a very severe cough
Eastern Suites from Canada, and cold but Foley’s Honey and the allies may be expected. It is as
which will immediately demur- Tur Compound knocked it out in no colored by prejudice as that which
formerly came from Vienna. Never­
alixe the price of butter iiih I time. Retuse substitutes. ’ For
•ale by all druggists
theless. there a|»|»ears to be some
cheese mid tile Canadians will
among the allies as to the
gloat over such a splendid mar
F' ley Kidney Pills repay rourcon- exact division of the conquered ter­ with the problem of buy ng Harness
ket living thrown open to them. tidenev
in their healing and cura­ ritory, which is proving to be some­ you will find it distinctly advanta­
tive qualities Any kidney or blad
geous to come and do vonr select
<ler disease not bevnnd the reach of what less than was anticipated.
An opportunity will I m * given inedi me a ill y i, ¡,| to tlisir use. Mrs. Apparently both Greece and Bui- i ng here You will get the best
qualities, the most thorough and
«>» Monday to hear President (ordelia Coy eland, Ardeola, Mo., gar-a want Salomhi. and both have conscientious workmanship and be
of occupation there, thought
\V J. Kerr, of the ( Irvgon kgri •ays. "1 had kidney and bladder armies
the town appears to t»e ruled by ihe ‘di.irged the most reasonable prices.
Cyrus Noble, pure, old and palatable—«
< qlturnl College, talk on the •rouble for over a y ear and and 5 '•reeks. The town was formerly a We can supply single or double
• ••tries uf Foley Kidney Pills cured |»ar1 of Greece. Was captured by the • ■sets or any single article that you
at drinking strength.
ildi'lniic h me
M 'sabi.it, <>l .
It is the saute story from
may be in need of
Sold everywhere—and costs no more than
nt . r demount ratini every one who uses them All say, Greeks, and would seem naturalh 1
to belong to the Greeks. But Bui-1
^kTill.imitok County
they cured me.” For «ale at ali garia
•ny other good whiskey.
wants a seaport.
President of the Oregon Agricultural
College, and
E. SHROCK, Deputy Dairy and Food
Commissioner, will talk on
Dem onstration F arms !
Tillamook City, on
13, at 1 P.M.
This is a matter that interests all
• Reliable Druggist
Get this idea of rough, high-proof, strong whiskey
out of your head—or it will get you—play the
devil with your nerves—ruin your digestion.
Why punish yourself.
W.A, Williams At Co.
Coasty aiag W. J. Van Schuyver Co., Fortland>