ilíaniüolí Jtaòligljt TIEEAMOOK, OREGON, MAY 8, 1913 A Saving Plan Just about the best plan for saving money is to set a mark a certain sum to save in a certain time. Then strive with grim determina­ tion to reach it. Deposit this money in our Savings Department or on our Certificates of Deposit which we issue any time in any sum from a dollar up. Then when you have reached your goal you will have won a thousand battles. You will repeat your achieve­ ment in less time and with less effort. You will probably set your next mark higher. Adopt this plan now, and bring in your first deposit. Lost, a pocket book, containing notes and other papers belonging to James Hughey. Finder will - please return same to the owner. * I The nice fresh vegetables at the BIG 4 are moving fast, that’s what makes them good. We said long ago there would be something do­ ing at this store. . the court will put the rock crush­ ing plant there and give Blaine a good graveled road, which it is en­ titled to. Following the dedicatory services at the Christian Church, Evange­ list Gaylor, assisted by C. H. Alteide, will commence a serie» of revival meetings in the new church building on Sunday. i Attorney M. J. Gersoni has open­ ed a law office in the offices occu­ pied by Attorney Holmes in the Tilla mook Block. He will devote two days, Saturday and Sunday to Nehalem, Mr. Gersoni baa been appointed county attorney, but there is some probability that this law will be referred to the people, in which event. Attorney T. B. Handley will continue to act as deputy assistant prosecuting at- torney. First National Bank, Tillamook, Oregon If you haven't seen the latest in the way of buggy improvements, you can see it at the Tillamook Feed Company. Drop in and look WM. G. TAIT, President it over. It’s a peach. , Buy a Ford car because they run J. C HOUDEhi, Viee President. 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline. When you get them your troubles are over. See Ed. Hadley, the local i agent for the Ford auto. Interest Paid on Time and I The County Court took up the Savings Deposits. petition of the citizens at Wheeler to call a special election to incorpo­ Under United States Government rate that town, which was granted State Dairy and Food Commie- and the election will be held on Supervion. sinner J. D. Mickle, writes : 'All the 29th. The mail service on the P. R. & dairy butter offered or exposed for N. will in future be seven days in­ sale will l>e considered misbranded stead of six days a week on all if it does not have plainly marked points on the read, it having been on each roll or square the words, decided to place mail clerks on the "Dairy Butter," "16 ounces full CAPITA L weight,” or "32ounces full weigl t." Sunday trains next Sunday. and the name anil address of the John Imbluni will start a res- manufacturer. Any person offer­ TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE SUPERVISION CQUNTY turatit at Bar View on Saturday ing or exposing for sale dairy but and he invites all his Tillamook ter not branded in compliance with friends to dine there when at the this ruling will be prosecuted •in beach. He promisee to give them "Tliaru Bodyfelt ha» quit his job der the statutes provided for • he __ ______ _ as janitor at the court house and a good square meal. branding of food products. At a meeting of the city council ee Big Mack for your »ewer con- w- H Hoskins has taken his place. Price $5,000. Fine place on • he Itlona._________________________ * ' We guarantee all goods that on Monday a resolution was pass Siletz River for sale, On tidewater, ed authorizing the improvement of tyliah City Photographs at the [eave our store because we buy on- more side walks. Mayor Harter 30 acres of timber and 60 acres of Iff lamook Studio. . i ly that class of goods. The BIG 4. was granted a continuance of leave bottom land. Owner offered $3,000 We have just received a barrel of for timber alone. Good house and he BIG 4 has one of the nicest of absence until the 15th June. new barn. Enough land cleared •s of candy in town. . . genuine Sorghum direct from the William Maxwell will leave Mon East, home made. Tillamook Feed to make a living dairying; also fine or Fine Photographs at popular day to attend the State Grange and Co. location for a cheese factory. School (L :es.—Tillamook Studio. . j he will carry an invitation from the house on the place. Another piece lasses fitted. Any kind, any | One large fire-proof Hall’s safe Tillamook Comtnerial Club for the of land to rent adjoining. Thia is for sale. Inquire Tillamook Title Grange to hold its next annual le. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * a splendid buy and will make the 216 Tillamook meeting in 1914 in Tillamook. & Abstract Co., arge tent for sale. 14 x 24 ft. See y buyer rich in a few years. Reason Block. EXCLUSIVE RIGHT ON BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE Morrison Mills returned last week, for selling is debts. lie Watson, at Todd Hotel. * Inquire ot If you want seed oats you will having gone to a stock sale at the PROPERTY AT A BIG BARGAIN. hicken wanted at the Spanish have to hurry as we are not going West stock farm at Scappoose, Chas. Goyne, Kernville, Oregon. . Choice Vacant Lots in iill'Additions. chen. Will pay highest market to have enough to go round. See The unidentified body of a man- Good.Buys are Easy Sold. where he purchased a full blood :e. i Shrode. . SEE ME FOR MONEY MAKERS. « Jersey cow and heifer. Mr. Mid» was found by Henry Ties, of Port lias Inez De Lillies has gone to Wanted, to buy, horses from 1200 was delighted with the stock he saw laud, at milepost 6!1,», near the Hand to study French and to 1400 pounds, sound and in good mouth of Salmonberry River. The at the stock farm. lie. presumption is that it hail been working condition. City Transfer Machinery for the whey sugar marriage Iicense.xvas issued to Co. buried there two years. There was factory to be erected near the Maple Carl Commons and Hazel Scher- no clothing except a blue shirt. The Free, an elegant bevel edged stag Leaf Cheese Factory has been jer. handle hand mirror, containing shipped. Mr, Warner obtained con­ opinion expressed by those who idy cook xvanted at once. In- your photo with our folders.—Tilla­ tracts for 95 per cent of the whey saw the body was that the man was CHRISTIAN CHURCH Solo—C. 11. Altheide. about 35 years old, had weighed 175 re ax Rollie Watson’s, Todd Ho- mook Studio. from Maple Leaf and it is the in­ DEDICATED SUNDAY Dedicatory Service—S. R. Haw­ pounds and was live feet, ten inches 31dg. kins. We have a new kind of coffee in tention of the factory to sign up tall. Coroner Hawk summoned a ’, D. Stillwell left on Tuesday now that satisfies everybody. The Dedicatory Prayer—J. E. Jope. Frank A. Rowe was in the city on jury, and from the fact that the Other Denominations Will Hymn. a visit with friends in Eastern kind that makes you want more. Wednesday. He is the promoter of grave was quite shallow deduced gon. Take Part in Services. Benediction. The BIG 4. the new town of Wheeler on the there had been foul play, and re­ ren Burton will take a trip out­ Basket Lunch in dining room at south side of Nehalem bay. and be A Snap,—The furnitnre and lease turned a verdict in accordance The new and handsome Christian close of morning service. • to-moirow to be gone for a of a rooming house for sale, over extended an invitation to the editors therewith. Church, which is a credit to the k or so. 3 p m —Y. P. S C. E. Williams’ harness shop, Call on of the county to visit that growing The weather the past week was city, will he dedicated on Sunday 7:55 p.m —Evening Service. Bap- Ive chickens wanted at the Tilla- the premises. section of the county, promising to morning, when the other Protest­ beautifully fine, and considerable >k Meat Company’s Maiket, 12c. service and sermon by Evangelist dine and wine them. progress was made in some of the ant denominations will take part The new depot east of •he city pound. It is expected that the new bridge improvements which are going on the services. It was expected thut Gaylor. was occupied this week aud «he r. Jack Olson has opened den- passenger train started from there north of town will be finished on in this progressive city. The build­ the building would have been fin­ Stockholders’ Meeting, parlors over F. R. Beals’ office, Saturday so that travel can be re­ ings having been removed from the ished before this, but, ns is usual this morning. h phones. sumed on that road. The contrac­ Oddfellows’ property, the basement in Tillamook, unavoidable incidents The regular annual meeting of Mrs. Frank Taylor and daughter hone Joe Lilly for wood sawing, Erma, wife and daughter of Editor tors took advantage of the tine is being excavate I for another two- happen, which go a long way to the stockholders of the Tillamook weather and carted a large amount mtry work solicited. Phone 1313 Taylor, left the first part of the week story building which will be an- retard the progress of building Hotel Company will lie held on Mon­ of dirt, fixing it so that the road I other permanent improvement to operations in winter, yet consider ific States. day, June 2nd, 1918. at 1:30p.m., at for Tacoma. Wash. roller can be used. the city. The Oddfellows have ing eveytliing, the church was the oflh e of the company in Tilla­ 5 Rent.— a furnished house, four District Superintendent Moore, of Prof. W. J. Kerr, president of the been fortunate in renting the built in good time, and the pastor, mook City, Oregon, office of II. T. me and pantry. Apply to W. the Salem District of the M.E I who'e of the stores and offices lie Rev. J E. Jope and the members of Botts, at which time n Board of Oregon Agricultural College, and iewcombe. Church, held quarterly meeting in E. Shrock, deputy dairy and food fore work is even commenced on the church are to lie congratulated Directors will be elected, also to 1 our work does not suit you tel) this city on Monday. 1 commissioner, will discuss the the building. On the ground floor that the woik is compli t -d The de­ receive n full statement of the if it does tell your friends. City On account of the death of his matter of a demonstration farm for the First National Bank, will oc dicatory services will commence at assets and liabilities of the com­ nsfer Company, • grandfather, John Rhodes, at this county at the Court House, on . ciipy the corner, and Arthur Still- eleven o'clock on Sunday morning, pany. loward Wahlen, Leading Jewel­ Dallas, Frank Rhodes left on Tues­ Dated, Tillamook, Ore., May 7, Monday afternoon, at 1 p.m., when 1 well and the City Transfer Co will conducted by the pastor, anil the will put a mainspring in your day to attend the funeral. dedicatory sermon will lie 1913 a large attendance of dairymen is • occupy the other two stores By order, ”h for 60 cents. preached by the Rev. S. R. Haw­ Several persons came near mis­ expected to be present. P J. WoitkALl., Preaident. There appears to be a general kins. ot Portland. Evangelist Gay­ le graduating exercises of the sing the train this morning owing U T. B otts , Secretary. The new auto truck belonging to sentiment in favor of a stock show amook High School will take to not knowing the train would lor, with C. H. Altheide and n SB the Commercial Stal les was put on 1 in Tillamook City this sum large choir will lake part, the solo­ :e on June 13th. start from the new depot. the run between this city and Clo­ ' mer, and from the look of things Dairy Farm to Rent. ring your chickens to the Tilla- Since the Oddfellows’ building has verdale on Tuesday, carrying the this will soon lie decided upon. ists being Mrs. Jennie Roy Romeyn and C. II. Altheide >k Meat Company's Market We been moved Hilma Johnson has mail. As soon as the summer For rent a dairy farm in the Ne- I There 1» no reason why this should Following is the program for the 12c. per pound. * moved opposite the Jones-Knud­ schedule on the railroad goes into ; not tie an annual affair and a credit canicum Valley, about seven miles services of dedicatory day: >st,— a log chain between the son Furniture Co’s, store. effect, it is probable that the able showing made of blooded from Seaside, Oregon, on milk route, 9. 45 a.m Bible School. nty machine shed and my resi- Gust Wicklund, Albert Marolf and schedule on the South mail roots stock. We feel sure if the dairy­ to the cheese factory. Milk wagon 11 a. m. Voluntary. ce. T. D. Lucas. Guy .Vaughn left on Monday, for will tie change so as to make the men will take a lively interest in a goes every day. Terms casl. or Coronation. shares. Address O”'r< lohrsou, on’t forget that Howard Wahlen, Portland, having been summoned return trip the same evening. stock show it will not only be a Invocation. Seaside, Oregon. Route No I eler. will put a mainspring in on the Federal Grand Jury. General Passenger Agent J. M »11 < ess, but will stimulate the de Hymn—I love Thy Kingdom Lord. ir watch for 50 cents. * Wm. G. Tait, president of the Scott, of the Southern Pacific, is sire to obtain the beat grades of Scripture l.esson — Responsive For Sale he Board of County Commie- First National Bank, and Mrs. expected in to make final arrange­ cattle. It may be a good opportun Reading. ners is in session this week Tait, left Sunday for Portland, to be ments for the summer schedule on ity to decide this at the meeting Prayer—Evangelist Gaylor. RO acre» of bottom land known an gone about a week or ten Jays. isacting county business. the P. R. A N. Besides the local next Monday »4 the Court House, Solo—Mrs. Jennie Roy Rome) n. • he Peter Brant place. The price when President Kerr, of the Ore is $400 an acre Vincenti Jaceb. . Announcements. Born, to the wife of Fred Poorman train between Tillamook City and i fine quality of slab wood, the gon Agricultural College, will ad- t to be had in the city. Leave on the 30th, a eon. We welcome Mohler, it is expected that two will leave this city for drrss the dairymen on the »pies Mr. and Mrs. W. B Aiderman into trains er at the City Transfer Co. Portland as soon as the summer tion of demonstration farms. mateurs ! Better pay a small the grandpa and grandma class. travel opens up. A s(iecial meeting of the Tilla rge and get good results from Capt. Dodge returned in the gaso­ Married, on Saturday, at Clover­ mook Commercial Club was held ir kodaks.—Tillamook Studio. . line launch Olive this week from a I will be too bad to wear an old trip south He took two loads one dale, by the» Rev S. L. Clark, pas on Wednesday evening, with a good tor of the Cloverdale Presbyterian attendance r.f memtiers to take in­ at the dedication service of the from here and the other from New­ Church, W. Carl Commons and to consideration the matter of club istian Church. The occasion port. The csptain was the first to lands ladies to look as nice as go into Salmon river with a load of Miss Hazel Scherxinger. The happy rooms. Several suggestions were; couple are well known and popular offered, one of which was to incor­ freight by water. • ible. Hilma Johnson young |>eople of the south part of porate and for the club to build and the county, and their many friends own its own quarter, but as the | extend to them their congratula present quarters were offered for •ions and best wishes for their $«¡50 a year it was agreed to rent i these for the coming year. Several , future happiness. J. J. Hollett was in the city at­ ' other matters were taken up and. referred to different committees, I tending the meeting of the co in •y one of which was to hold a straw- | court in regard to improving the l>erry social and dance next month road to Blaine The enterprising to help defray some of the indebt settlers in that part of the county DOCKSt WARRH>U3K I * of the club, it being the in- , hive done considerable volunteer ednes « < FRONT STRBET, BKTWRKN »nd A »rd AV RM CM WKST. tention of the newly elected officers work and now that the court has permanently located tlir-road it will to wipe this off as quickly as pos be graded, aud probably next year siblc. TILLAMOOKCOUÑTYWlS0“ LLAMOOK JOTTINGS Bj Houses for Rent Property Cared For Rents Collected. A. C. EVERSON, LAND AND MERCHANDISE BROKER. Buys, Sells and Exchange. Large and Small Tracks. Room: No. 215 TILLAMOOK BLOCK. UHMHR'S variety store TiuunmooK' O regon Drop in and Look Around ” Coal, Cement, Lime, Biick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Koof Paint LAMB SCHRADER COMPANY.