Tillamook Headlight, May 1," I9l3 BAGS THE QUESTION. GOOD ASSURANCE FOR BEAT SUGAR FACTORY. Disscasses Free Milk and Cream and Bushwhacks Dairymen Freely Sign Con­ Aronnd the Subject. tracts to Dispose cf Whey at 7c. per 100 Pounds. The Tillamook Herald, democratic commence until manufacturer shall have erected its plant fur the re­ ception and manufacture of ivtiey. Manufacturer agrees to have its building erected within six months alter this agreement becomes bind- ing. , I The manufacturer may cancel this agreement at eny time prior to the expiration of ten years from July 1st, 191 , if the market condi­ tions become such that manufac­ turer is unable to operate its factory and pay expenses, by giving ranch- 1 er written notice of its intention so , to do not less than ninety (90i days before the time for said cancellation to become effective. It ia further agre»<1 that manu­ facturer shall purchase all hogs that ranchers rnay have at the time this agreement becomes effective ' and shall pay therefor the market price prevailing at said time for said hogs, said market price to be «letermined by taking the average price quoted tor hogs by the Port- | land Daily Oregonian and Daily, Journal, published at Portland. I < »regon, for the hogs sold at Port- land, Oregon, for the week previous. . the concurrent week, and the week . succeeding the time this agreement becomes effective, deducting from such average price the cost of I freight on hogs from Tillamook. Oregon, to Portland, Oregon. ROYAL Baking Powder long the line, and he belie», should be a strong steady puJ interests for the demonstrxtjJ Geo. Williams, one of our jJ ranchers, made a few remarks J ing Mr. Kunze’s statements. ' Judge Galloway, who was was called upon fora talk and» ed, giving a very interesting s gist of which was to the effect« should get our house in order a pare for the opening of the | Canal. It is his belief that the coast will see and enjoy a gre# vancement during t!.e next ive than we have experienced duri past twentyfive years. After the regular busine«s evening the following office elected for the ensuing year. F. C. Baker, President. John Leland Henderson, First President. Russell Hawkins, Second Vice dent. F. H. Haradon, Third Vice-Pr« Frank A. Rowe, Fourth Vie, dent. Wm. R. Roy, Fifth Viee-Pre E. J. Claussen, Secretary. Will Spalding, Treasurer. Directors: Capt. John Groat, M. Kerron. Ira C. Smith, it Dwight, F. D. Small and B. C, organ and mouth piece for the I’ul William J Warner, of the Stand­ Mooeers. under’ook to “roast” the ard Milk Sugar Company has been e«btur of the Headlight because he visiting the dairymen in this vici­ had the audacity toconiment or: the nity for the purpose of ascertaining intentiou cf the democratic party to whether sufficient wh*y could be place mill and cream on the free contracted for to justify starting a bat. and what effect it will have on milk sugar factory in this county. the cheese market. This ia a mat­ It ia gratifying to know that Mr. ter that concern every dairyman in Warner is meeting with success and Tillamook County and, therefore, is th it the dairymen are freely sign­ a proper subject for discussion in ing the contracts, and Mr. Warner the newspapers. Surely if the wool assures us that it looks exceedingly growers are raising their protests, favorable for the factory and re­ aud the sugar raisers are doing the finery to be erected as soon as pas­ srur.e thing, against being placed sible. on the free list, every person in Till It will be remembered that the am oak County who have the dairy National Milk Sugar Company of interest at heart should be protest­ New York mads an effort to procure ing against free milk ar.d freecream sufficient whey to start a factory in being shipped in from Canada and »bis vicinity and they indicated that other countries. In fact, every they would be willing to pay 10c. co-operative association should per 100 pounds for whey, but when hold meetings and pass resolutions it came down to actual business 5c. protesting against the home pro­ was all that they would pay This duct being placed on the free list, caused quite a number of dairymen ho that the Oregon delegation at Club Elects Officers of Campbell being killed by a to become suspicious and they de- Washington may know the sover­ clined to contract their whey at that freight engine at Wheeler. After Standing of the Contest! In the case of Virgil Kellow in ­ eign will of the people in this sec­ On Monday evening the Tillamook the accident it seems, Campbell price. dicted for arson, at Hebo, where he Standing of contestants atl tion of Oregon. The Herald does admitted that it was his fault. The Commercial Club rnet in regular ses­ It is estimated that over 30. <00.000 not say one word about free milk pounds of whey will be available set tire to Doc Lane’s barn and case has taken a long time to try sion with President Shrode in the Pennington & Co. up to W day, May 1st, for the upright anil freecream, which is what the the present year in this vicinity and destroyed hay and killed a horse, owing to the attorneys wrangling. chair. Headlight is condemned for draw­ the standard Milk Sugar Co , before the father of Kellow having paid in On motion a committee was appoint­ grand piano: 3. W. Thompson, et al. vs. Allen ... 821.070 ing attention to, but entirely avoids the contract ia binding, want 75 per cash the amount of the damages H. Wilson et al. Foreclosure. De­ ed to negotiate for the rental for anoth­ ... 308,710 mentioning one word about that ill- cent of the whey from Maple Leaf, caused by the fire. Judge Galloway fault entered. Decree of foreclosure er year, of present club quarters oi ... 283,905 important phase of democratic free Clover Leaf. Fairview, Elwood, Red though it would n~t be advisable granted Attorneys fees of $260 al- pnssijly new quarters. R. W. W atson, .. . 166,200 trade, which everybody knows who Clover, Tillamook. Long Prairie and to send the young man to the peni­ Ic^red ... 178,480 Will Spalding and Dr. Kerron were ... 192,000 R C Magarrell vs. Edwin Hooker, placed on this committee. possess any horse sense will have South Prairie factories. To handle tentiary apd suspended an inde­ ... 119,075 considerable to do with the price of the whey from these factories it is terminate sentence be passed upon trustee, et al Confirmation. Sale On motion a committee was appoint­ ... 193,940 butter and cheese. For that reason proposed to erect three crude sugar him. It seems that young Kellow confirmed ed to prepare an exhibit of Tillamook ... 215,150 Louis G. Freeman vs. Lars John ­ acted foolishly and thoughtlessly in we i.gairi raise a protest against free plants and one refinery. A crude . . 139,635 son. Confirmation. Sale confirmed. County products for display at Los An­ ... 122.000 milk and free cream, for the sr.ine sugar factory will be locateil at the setting fire to the barn, and as all geles, Cal., said display to be conducted S. B Hill vs. Frederic Briody, et ... 226,000 reason entirely that the wool men Maple l eaf factory, one at Fairview damages had been settled, it would under the auspices of the Sunset maga ­ al Foreclosure. Default as to all ... 41,295 and sugar men are protesting be­ and the third near the Tillatrook be far bet'er to give the young man defendants excepting defendant zine and the S. P. Ry. It is said that ... 177,340 cause their products are placed on factory No place is vet decided an opportunity to make good than Krebs. Decree as prayed for, Mo­ at least 10,000 people view daily the ... 191,300 to send him to the penitentiary tion to open up default filed. ... 100,705 the free list. We are wondering upon as to where the lefinery will displays that are cared for at the Los . . 164,780 why it is that the dairymen of this be located, but it will tie where rail B. W Neilson vs. Joseph Kutcher, Angeles depot by the S. P. Company. In the bootleg cases at Clover­ ... 214,870 county are so passive about their road facilities are available. This dale. where Mert Everest and Vi"k et al Foreclosure. Default entered. Chas. Kunze, E. J. Claussen, Wm. G. ... 558,795 own interest, for now is the time to is somewhat different arrangements Leonard were indicted for violating Decree of foreclosure granted. .... 2,940 Tait, E. T. Haltom, F. C. Baker and State of Oregon vs. Bay Citv. discuss and register a kick, not the National Milk Sugar Co. would the local option law also for selling .... 150,880 placed on this C. E. Trombley were ... 2,025 after thetariff bill is passed. But if, have made had it succeeded in lo liquor to minors, the defendants Quo Warranto. Decree for defendant committee. on appeal. .. 1,049.940 according the Herald, it is wrong eating ( agreed to plead guilty on the boot! « n here for it was intended to .. .2,830,775 Chas. Kunze was called upon to W. er S. ^quiefSdie V8D^nurrei leg cases provided the other cases H'\ for the Headlight to discuss this j ,... 200,370 haul the way to one factory and Harter. - make some remarks and he responded question, then it must be equally ( send rhe crude sugar East to be re­ were «trapped. ... 155,435 J'-dge Galloway sustained. Plaintiff given ten days by giving a talk upon the proposed de­ .... 903,875 wrong for the dairymen to protest, fined. ( sentenced them to pay a fine of $300 to file an amended complaint, monstration farm for Tillamook Coun­ .... 188,940 and discuss what effect free milk each and 30 days in o R. Ridgway, jail, and in | j. D Dubach vs. G. R The contract for whey is as fol­ .... 213,680 ty. It was Mr. Kunze’s opinion that anil free milk will have upon the doing so the judge gave e the young Action for money. Dismissed on ... 186,000 lows : a demonstration farm would aid in cheese market directly the Under­ suspended . motion of plaintiff. ... 278,810 1 1. Rancher agrees to delivei for men a good lecture He doubling the present output of our . 374,760 wood tariff bill goes into effect. We the period of ten years from on or the jail sentence pending good be „ „ Thomas P. Johnson vs. Roxie dairy ranches. Mr. Kunze is very . 132,000 Default notice that in Eastern Oregon the before August 1st, 191 , all the milk havior but should it be known that Ann Johnson. Divorce. 1 •-» ♦ ororl T^zar't-« 2,536 670 much in favor of advancement all a- newspapers freely discuss as well produced from the farm cr farms they are bootlegging again they i entered. Decree asj»rayed for. . 91,675 owned or operated by him now cr ¡is protest against free wool, yet no at any time hereafter during the will have to goto jail . 179,745 . 106,410 one is wrongfully accusing them of continuance of this agreement, to B N. Sproat and Agnes C. Sproat . 188,945 ..u.7 ” the locate«! at .... or to “causing distrust and uncertainty vs. J. H. Hathaway and Anna H. . 194,870 Moose Riveted, Our democratic ane, field, 111., where he was warn mg to ptevent Canadian milk be without expense to manufacturer. ing nliipped in and manufactured Madgaline Berns in 1875. In 6. Manufacturer agrees to na <' to cheeae in thia country. 1888 they came to Oregon and • the price abue stipulated for whe on the 15th «lay of the second mont on a homestead in the Nestucca” following the delivery for all whey Eight children were born 1» March Batter Fat Prices. , delivere«!. that is January deliver» union, two girls and six boys, the , iea shall be paid for on March 15th. Maple Leaf ......... ... .W'K. and so on Deposit of checks in and one son having died. He » Tillamook ........... Alive. ¡the United States mail b> manufac- Fairview............... vived by a loving wife and five Atijc. I tarer ahull be payment. South Prairie....... Martin, John, Peter, Tony and J* | 7. It is understood and agreed Three Rivera 88,- Deceased served in the French that if the manulactiirer ’ H epera Clover Leaf........... *»>»«•. turns cease st any time «luring the for seven years and fought » Mohler................... ... 3NJtc. continuance of this agreement by Central ............ ... 38c. Franco-Prussian war of 1870—71 ream'll of strike, fire cr any other Cold Springe ... :«c. caune beyond its control then, dur­ East {leaver ... 35c. ing the peril'll of said interruptipn, Presbyterian Church. Neskowin ............. ... 3tU»c manufacturer »hall lie released Oretown .... ;«c. from ita obligation to receive or pay Every man needs help fro® ! KI wood ................. ... ;wc for uny whey, but it is iin cia’irw, I good spiritually, but yon •*“ Chatv tier lain • belter than Chamberlain'a Luu Elwood C're niery Ci'inpany. way* be greeted with a ■uent Sold by all «Iriderà. i Re«l Clover Creamery (. ompany, Welcome. The Pastor’s ,n I illsmook Creamery, theme: "The Sin of Going D® Long Prairie l resmery Company, Egypt for Help.” Evening S> Uli Prairie Creamery ject: “How Saul of Tarsus g* For ■ 30 day*, will oiler for Hale > during the moi th ot Mai. 1912. shall B. A. degree.” Bible achoo' I eat t WH _ acre Dairy farm in Alsea \ alley, Jnipn-veiiient» up to date I have exexute«! stxt ielnered to a. tn. and Christian Endear* manufacturer agreements »nntliar Piiie, f