Tillamook Headlight, May 1, IÖI3. 1MB" —------------- -H DIBTY BUSINESS those recently hired by certain STORIES OF SHERIDAN. | members of the county gang to' live Who Was tvail the editor of The News in an Ths Great Writer Had a Hard Time Detective V te endeavor to get something on him ? Dodging Hia Creditors. yed to Investigate “ Which also was a waste of per­ imook Citizens. Like many a brilliant man before fectly good money ” and since bis time, Richard Brinslev irtland News exposed i Sheridan bad a habit of restlug on bis fix juries in Portland Much Bitulithic Pavement oars a bit too long when be thought himself tired. Then, finding himself Mitchell, of the Coast Being Laid in Montana short of money, lie would borrow. This e Agebcy. Tins is the Town. habit increased with bis years, and. iividtinl who was eui- I Bozeman, Montana, is busy mak­ moreover, his efforts to discharge bis ■ investigate Tillamook obligations grew less aud less. His w for the rest of it. by the cost of living experts, tend, 10 inch Upholstery, Deep Tilted "D’ye think so?” 4x5 inch Motor, cast en bloc. ae plot was executed by W. J. ed to unduly inflate prices by with­ Cushions. Enclosed Valves “Yes, indeed. How does she trot?” Long, Clean Running Boards. ell, of the Coast Detective holding products at critical periods Three Bearing Crank Shaft. The creditor was pleased—even flat­ Unit Power Plant. All Dash Equipment, Speedmeter, < fey, ae the chief fixer. The plot of the year. tered. He told Sheridan he should see Selective Type Transmission. Ammeter, Carburetor Adjust to form a secret organization and Immediately urged the mare to do The latest entry in the great in­ 34 x 4-inch Tires, Demountable ment. Magneto and Lighting le clerks in the county clerk e her prettiest. But long before the Rims. imbedded in Switches, etc., ternational race for the biggest and ce that would insure the eelec- i animal's best pace was reached, Sher­ Floating Type Rear Axle. Auxiliary Dash, convenient to strongest navy is France. Her new idan bad turned again into Pall Mall Full Elliptic Scroll Rear Springs. operator i of jtories that would do just I at thel interest behind the plot minister of finance, M. Baudin, has and was lost In the crowd.—Exchange brought in a scheme of naval in­ OMPARE the size of the Paige “36” with any other car. It isn’t a small car, but a big roomy •ited them to do. It was planned crease that ia estimated to cost comfortable, easy-riding car. It has 110 inch wheel base, 34 x 4-inch tires, deep luxurious uphol make a directory so that the NEATNESS IN ATTIRE. $100,000,000, Despite this new de-' etery, full elliptic scroll rear springs and a perfectly balanced distribution of weight that make it as en with corporation leanings, the mand of the government, the labor­ comfortable us any car you ever saw. en who could be fixed, the men ing masses of Paris and other cen­ It Not Only Impresses Others, but Is a The Paige “36” clutch is not simply a steel disc clutch but a Cork Insert Multiple I»i--<- < J Factor In Self Respect. ho could be used, would be ters on Sunday last came out and running in oil This clutch is one feature of Paige cars that has never been equalled lor me, I > il The fixed habit of presenting always nown. This was to cover the made a great public demonstration efficiency, control or real service. Look for this type of clutch in other motor car and tlu-n a neat and cleanly appearance to the he prices of those cars. There is no better evidence of Paige ”3t>” value than this clutch ountyl; from this directory the against the proposed military ser­ world Is sure of a double reward. It One or two other features of this great car are too good to pass over without mention here. The uries were to be picked and then vice increase. not only creates a favorable Impres position of the gasoline tank is one instance of the many conveniences of this car. It is carried un ter iy using the open style box the slon. but begets a sustaining self re the shroud of the dash and is filled from the outside The break drums are so large that they insure ab­ Secretary Bryan’s project to ar­ lerk could pick out the names at solute safety of break control, being 14 inches in diameter and unusually wide. range arbitration treaties with the spect It Is scarcely reasonable of a win. ■ man who does not respect himself to Men who know motorcars recognize instantly that this Paige ”36” is unequalled for value. And principal nations, and to make the Plenty of Money. your most searching investigation must convince you likewise. Look at it from any angle—measure look for much consideration from promotion of world peace the larg ­ »is, lind the scenes probably the it by any known standard—ride in it--drive it the answer is the same. Paige cars are designed and others. It Is not the cost of clothing, built by men who know motor car values to the last detail—and the Paige “36” ia their expression of detect! Ives had connected with cor­ est question with which he or the but the scrupulous care of It Hint extreme value. The Paige “ 36' today enjoys the distinction of being the most remarkable motor car poratjons that wanted juries ; an y- national administration will be counts. The man of slender means value of the year—an achievement we are naturally quite proud of because it so truly reflects how, Tlitchell. who approached the identified. is a laudable ambition, should be neither “toppy" nor "sloppy," Paige policy. PRICE, $1,390 f.o.b. Portland. We also have the l’aige 25 at $1,050. clerks, was liberal with his pro­ It will be remembered that Mr. j but always tidy and neat in his attire, seeing himself with the coldly critical Taft had an ambition of this sort, mise^ of money to the men he want­ which fell somewhat short of suc- eye of a possible employer to whom ed to; control. cess. It is understood that Presi- an applicant's dress may mean much “That sort of scheme could easily more tbau bls address or polltest de­ have been organized and executed dent Wilson heartily favors the sec- 1 portment. so that every case of importance retary's purpose, as does every Style lu writing, as defined by the would have been selected before the other well-regulated American. Mr. fastidious Chesterfield, Is the dress of ■■ ■ * * * * «■ » * ■ * * . Deafness Cannot Be Cured Summons. j-ry was even settled, and in these Bryan intends, too, to keep in con­ thoughts, so the true style of the aver­ By local application«, as they cannot reach days when $10,000 damage verdicts stant consultation with the Senate, age man may be correctly surmised 1 the cli sc a set I portion of the car. There is In the Circuit Court of the State of only one wav to cure deafness, and that is H^frominon it would be worth real to see just how much that chamber from the care be takes of his personal Oregon fot Tillamook County. by constitutional remedies. Deafness is M caused 1 bigm oney to some corporation to will stand in the way of concessions appearance. He needs not be finicky, by fin inflamed condition of the Martha M. Bauer. lining of the Eustachian Tube. Plaintiff, | I niuccons of its power over treaties, and thus but should always be free of grease put lover a thing like this. When this tube is inflamed vou have a vs j- spots and dust He aiiould like his sound or imperfect hearing, and to avoid Mr. Taft’s failure. One Man Talks. l**| rumbling when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the Helen Louise Gilday bath even if it lias to be taken by ■ ■’IK * * * * * * * >■ * result, and unless the inflammation can be Where happened to be one clerk In a speech at the Jefferson din­ means of a bucket He should never Crockett, | « The valued family re­ ■ taken out and this tube restored to its and K. N. Defendants. J in Cjoffey’s office who was honest ; ner of the National Democratic Club neglect to brush his hair, bls shoes, normal cohdition, hearing will destroyed N To Helen Louise Gilday, '.hove cipes for cough aud cold forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by ha Wai only one of several seen by of New York, Vice President Mar­ his teeth, his coat, trousers and hat. Catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed named defendant: In tile name of B cute, liniments, tonics condition of the mucous surfaces. Mitchell. Hut he was the first to shall paid a glowing tribute to If he can't afford a pressing Iron be the State of Oregon: You are We will give One Hundred Dollars for any and other remedies have I case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that hereby required to appear ana an­ talk. President Wilson as a “God-sent should put coat and trousers under the be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. swer the complaint filed •<- inst ^^■Immediately Mr. Coffey got man,“ and predicted disaster to mattress and sleep upon them. If as careful attention here ■ connot Send for circulars, tree. you in the above entitled covit und CHUNKY At CO., Toledo, Ohio busy ; he went to the district at- the party if it failed to support Wil­ laundry is a serious item, be should as the most intricatejpre- W Sold F by .1. Druggists, cause, on or before the 23rd day of 75c. turney, who also had heard some son and to the country if it failed to wash bls own handkerchiefs, dry them scriptions. 1913, und if you fail so to ap I Take Hall's Family Pill's for constipation. May, r stories floating about. To- stand for Jeffersonian principles, on the window panes and never by any pear or answer the plaintiff will ap­ chance be seen with a soiled one. — Our fresh, high grade I GIVES INSTANT ACTION. ply to the court for the relief p" (yed er theee two ran the thing for the securing of equal opportuni­ Philadelphia Press. for in the complaint, which >s us drugs will help to make I J. S. Lamar, druggist, reports that (follows: 1 as well as they could and ties for all, else he feared that so­ For judgment und decree vered that the plot had been cialism w’ould sweep all before it. these remedies more effec ­ ■ A SINGLE DOSE of sini| le buck­ against you for the sum of $850, to­ A One Time Literary Mystery. I thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as com gether with interest thereon nt the _ ned as outlined above and I.ater, in an interview at Washing­ I In the Newry Telegraph, an Ulster ■ tive than ever. clerks had been approached, ton. Marshall elaborated hie view (Ireland) triweekly, on April 19, 1817 pounded in Adier-i-ka, the German rate of ten per cent per annum from Right prioes are also I appendicitis remedy, slops consti­ August 3, 1913, and for the further that money had been offered, and of socialism. He also shocked under the simple head of “Poetry” ap­ ■ sum ot $85 attorney's fees, and for i pation or gas on the stomach IN ! 1 the the agency named had worked some of hie hearers by asserting peared what Byron called "the most assured. costs and disbursements of the STANTLY Many Tillamook people plaintiff in this suit, and for a de­ the scheme. It was found, that “the right to inherit and the perfect ode in the language”—“The cree foreclosing that certain mort­ ever, that no law had been right to devise are neither inherent Burial of Sir John Moore." Byron oi a a ■ * i* * • * * '■ * » * • are being helped. gage cxei-uted by you to the plain ited ae yet, and that no indict- nor constitutional, but are simply Campbell or any of the others to whom i lilt under the name of Murtha M this |>oem was variously ascribed would ts could be returned, so Mr. privileges given by the state io the Kunz, said mortgage being recorded doubtless have been proud to claim it. at page 250 in Book Sof tecorils of y ordered a new type of jury nation ’* But the author was the obscure curate , mortgages of Tillamook County, where the clerk picking the At thia stage of tariff revision the of Ballyclog. lu Tyrone. Rev. Charles Oregon, and that the following real es cannot see what name he ** property, being the property des­ vote in the Democratic caucus on Wolfe, ami the fame of the piece was * • • * **• • • until it is taken from the box, but a posthumous fame for him. Not cribed in suid mortgage towit: free wool is significent The pro­ until bis death of consumption tn 18211 The Southeast quarter of section care will be taken to see that posed removal of the duty was ap­ thirty-one in township five South presentative jury list is named proved in the caucus by a vote of at the early age of thirty-two did th» of range ten West of Willamette authorship become known to the world 1 time I Meridian in Tillamook County, Ore­ 190 to 12, after Chairman Under­ Aud Wolfe, who wrote much other Fine for the Gang. gon, be sold as upon execution and wood made an appeal, stating that verse of merit, is remembered only by that plaintiff bus a first lien on said “ V ouldn’t it have been a fine the president had asked only for that one poem which sprang from the premises ior the payment ol -aid thing for the gang that is robbing free wool and free sugar, aud that columns of a provincial newspaper to sums of money, mid that y<.u be mutts and that this paper is 1 these requests should not be denied. universal recognition in the big world | forever barred and foreclosed ■ t all bghting to have fixed the juries, As these concessions involve the ( of letters.—London Chronicle. i right title and inteicst ttieri ii , ave I (lie right of redemption ud allowed id and petit ? Wouldn’t it have free-trade principle they are not as tiy law, and for such other mid Larvae Neats. I fine for big business, since simple as Mr. Underwood pro-| I further relief as to the court may By breaking ojieu rotten logs one can •suits are unpopular, to have seem just and equitable. This tun nounced them. Such was the find In midwinter the grubs or larvae juries who wou'd return small . imns in served up m you by :bb opinion of the 42 Democratic mem of many of the wood boring beetles, cation order oi the lion. I met onal injury verdicts ? hers who voted in the negative, a , and beneath logs and stones near the I Manon, judge of the above entitled The News isn’t guessing about strong minority, and likely to be margins of ponds and brooks hordes of court, which order is date 1 the 4th ; go and ask District Attorney i day of April, 1913. The date of the heard from again. The 190 who the maggots or larvae of certain kinds ns ; go and ask County Clerk I first publication of this sumn ns voted in the affirmative are less of files may often lie found huddled ' Connoisseurs /» l in the 10th day of April, 1913, *-id ey ; go on down and ask together In great masses. The larvae than half the total membership of the lent date of publication is the lhell, if you want to. And so know that its delicious flavor the House, whi-h is 435. There of a few butterflies also live over win­ i 22nd duy of May, 1913. being true, and The News the ter beneath chljia or bunches of leaves I* RANK SCHI.EOBL is beyond companion. Find were 59 Democrats who did not , ’ paper in town that dared ex- near the roots of their food plant or In Attorney for Plaintiff. oat for yourself. Order from vote on the question, another sign I webs of tbelr own construction, which • it don't you think maybe aS of caucus disaffection. Several are woven on the stems close to the I,et us show you our LAUGHLIN. od citizen you owe something Democratic members who are buds whose expanding leaves will fur­ R(>ecial display of attrac­ he News for what it has saved against free wool ventured toepeak nish them their first meal In spring. tive new styles. We are i? I perfectly ¿equipped for plainly on the subject of presiden­ Publicity Only Safeguard. The Perverse Sex. tial dictation, and there will be making group pictures ■And don't you ever believe that “I thought you bad sueb a good maid curiosity to see how far they have and will please you with little plot would have been consequently compromised their coming?” tne quality of our work. ped in the nose so quickly if I “I did. But when she called up on patronage claims at the White News, by its agitation and its tbe phone my busband answered her." House, ______________ tiny of the gang, hadn't put "Well?” Y om don't know how much raai <*mh.n /OM can teke out oi a r*oy * rticbse will* rtw Isww I 1«. ;y probably would never have these tablets Sold by all dealers. “The doctor made me show him my «te iota and register not over just wondering, if Coffey when they are constipated. We can supply single or r any «ingle article Hint you Itjwurs I’t gone after the thing ; it constipation you will find nothing on the meter Maud-Are you engaged to Jack for may tie in need of. all a matter of publicity and quite so good asChambertain's Tab­ lets. They not only move the bow- good? Ethel—It looks that way. I T illamook E lec raw L ight amp I WArra tant hammering. I C AM«*OV els but improve the appetite and don't think he'll ever bo In a position F oal C ompanv Bt *»- A» The News also wonders if the strengthen the digestion They are le marry me.— Boston TraancripL I Bea; to TiUaoKMX Coeety ¡Jack W ill S palmxo , Mai «¿" l t Detective agency waan t one sold by all dealers ■mu ------ The PAIGE ‘‘36.” The Paige “36” Auto. C A. H, HARRIS, Agent. A New Car on Display at Ed.’s Garage. I Family Recipes. ■ CLOUGH, Z 4 Reliable Druggist. • Now is the time] to have that group picture made. Monk ’s Studio, •'V KEEPS OUT ALL THE RAIN A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp W.A, Williams Mr Co.