Tillamook Headlight, May 1. 1913« ORPHANS IN AUSTRALIA. A "MOVEMENT IN SCALPS. THE MAKING OF WORDS. Ij OHN LELAND HENDERSON, Curious Origin Some of Our Mo»t Common Expression». ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. QUEER WAYS Of THE ARAB. SECONDHAND ORANGE SKINS 6w.«plng. of Engbsh Th.st.rs Ara Sold to the Jsmmaker». His Msthuds »f Lit» «nd Hie Contempt Th»y Ar» All Wards of the State and Orw of Them, Though, For Good Roo- For Womankind. in the “Romance of Words," a pub­ •on, Wai Firmly Fixed. Carofully Protoctod. Now and then one sees In tbe Eng­ An Arab on entering a house re­ was One day when ITofesxur Powell T illamook B lock , lish papers advertisements anuouuciug lication by an English author, much There uo orphans in Australia. moves bls shoes, but uot bls hat. He 'll»«t is not because parents never die bearing tile class in anatomy be was mounts bls horse upon the right side, that Suund-so has a large stock of space Is devoted to "apbesis.” which niook - . . . Oregon, tl-ere. but because when they do tbe de* rl bi ng the manner in which the while bls wife milks tbe cow on the orange skins for sale. As a matter of means a gradual or unintentional loss of an unaccented vowel at tbe begin ­ Room No. 201. •lilt» ut vine steps in to the rescue of vurluus muscles of the scalp perform left side. In writing a letter be puts recommendation as to quality tbe ad­ their little one» Cldldreu who have I their several functions, says ex-Gorer- nearly all tbe compliments on tbe out­ vertisement concludes with the state­ ning of a word. This kind of word been robbed by death of their natural uur Theodore T Geer, reminiscent of side. His bead must be wrapped up ment that they are from such aud such shrinkage Is more common than one 1 might suppose. • T T ptuteclurs are practically adopted by bis acbuuldaya in “Fifty Years lu Ore- warm, eves In the summer, while his a music ball. T. BOTTS, gou.” To make tbe subject clearer tbe feet may well enough go naked tn win­ Sometimes tbe middle syllable of a L J tbe ip>veminent There 1« a big business In second- professor told tbe members of the class ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Unless some near relative manifests baud orange skins, lemon peel. etc., on word will be slurred to the point of ter. 4 deslíe to assume tbe responsibility to move their scalps by aid of the mus­ Every article of merchandise which the other side of the Atlantic. Most extinction. From Mary Magdalene. I >iul can demonstrate bls ability to du cles without moving tbe bend and pro- Is liquid lie weighs, but be measures of them Utt are srx»x» bought of - jams tearful and penitent, comes the word Complete Set of Abstract Books tn UI LUVILI 9*.x. by -W makers ------------- Office. So the child is committed to the chil­ i ceeded to lead tbe way by giving a per­ wheat, barley and a few other articles. and marmalade This was brought out maudlin. Sacristan is contracted Into dren’s council, which selects some sonal demonstration Taxes Paid for Non Residents. He reads and writes from right to left when there was an Investigation of the sexton: the old French word paralysie WVs. w. — | I He had a «baggy bead of balr and He eats scarcely anything for break­ preserving industry in Euglaud. becomes palsy; h.vdropisie becomes Louie among the ... farmers of .-w the ww conn- T illamook B lock , ’uMcr --------- Uu'm’es'ara blllfw“y fast. about as much for dinner, but cry. These '--------------- ------- ¿xatulued ----------- «»“W ,urn in certain portions of tbe theaters dropsy, and tbe word procurator be­ closely, und often two or three are round bls head. Tbe success that at­ after the work day Is done he sits and music balls of Loudon and other comes proctor in English. Bethlehem Tillamook .... Oregon. Both Phones. tried before one is found in which tbe tended his maiden effort was so aston- down to a hot meal swimming In oil large British cities tbe seats are not Hospital For Lunatics, established in | isbingly complete that it brought forth or. better yet. boiled butter. child finds cougetiial »urroundiugs London, came to be telescoped Into reserved. Admittance to the pit Is After thirteen tbe stute feels that its a roar of laughter, in which tbe pro­ His sons eat with him. but the fe­ generally sixpence. Once a person bedlam, much as Cholmondeley came ward should earn more than board und fessor heartily joined, although bls males of bls bouse wait till his lord­ leaves bls seat It Is immediately grab­ to be Chumley and Majoribanks ARI. HABERLACH, ' mouth was w here his right eye usually lodging. At that age, therefore, be is ship has done. He rides a donkey bed by some one else. In order to get Marshbanks. Peel is for appeal, mend i was and bls ears were under bis i bin. hired out. usunlly. however, to the fos­ when traveling, his wife walking be­ for amend, lone for alone, fender, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. When order was finally restored each hind. He laughs at tbe idea of walk­ a good seat one must come early. One whether before a fireplace or outside a ter parents wbo have been previously grows hungry as tbe hours go by be ­ taking care of him Tbree-fourtbs of □ieinl»er of tbe class tried It. with vary­ ing In tbe street with bis wife or of fore the performance ends. Tbe fa­ ship, is for defender; fence for defense, T illamook B eock , bls wages are deposited in saviuga ing degress of success But Torn Nik- eveu vacating bis seat for a woman. vorite sustenance of those wbo sit In taint for attaint I lln's effort was a hofieless failure, al- banks; the remainder la bls. When be If lie t>e an artisan he does work sit­ these cheap seats Is oranges. The word peach, commonly regarded Tillamook Oregon. tiecomes of age or if be wishes money | though hh» superhuman attempts to ting. perhaps using his feet to bold They consume them in large quanti­ as English thief slang, goes back to move bls scalp were as laughable as in order to leant a trade or to attend wliat Ills hands are engaged upon. ties and throw tbe sklus on the floor. the time of Shakespeare aud is relat­ I a more advanced school—or. in tbe Professor Powell’s grotesque success He drinks cold water with a spoon, After each performance tbe sklus are ed to Impeach, though used to indicate bad been Finally, after tbe poor fel ­ case of a girl, when sbe wishes to but never bathes In it unless bls borne carefully gathered up and sold to deal­ tnformlug against an accomplice. Tbe QBORGE WILLETT, ntarrv—the savings are turned over to low had made all the oblique grimaces be on tbe seashore. He is rarely seen ers.—New York Sun. word cad is for Scotch caddie, once an the class could endure, tbe professor drunk. Is deficient in affection for his the ward —New York World. errand boy. now familiar in connection ■ said: ATTORNEY-AT-LAW kindred, has little curiosity and no im­ with golf. Caddie is from tbe French "Thomas, what is the matter with itation. no wish to improve bls mind.— I FROZEN BY FISH POWER. word cadet, meaning a Junior or young­ T illamook C ommercial B uilding , FATE OF THE GRIZZLY. your head?” Everyday Life i er brother.—Indianapolis News. “I don’t know, sir." replied Tom, ‘un­ Truthful Tai« About Making lc« Cream Tillamook - Oregon. Th« TsndsHeot Wss Anxious to Get less 1 am the only one In tbe room in Nova Scotia. i 1 whose bend is so full of brains that the Full Particulars. FEEDS THE BRUTES. live in SURGERY ON THE SKULL I Not all tbe fish prevaricators An Idaho guide whose service» were they crowd bis scalp." ________ tbe United States, according to the retained by some wealthy young east­ London's Restaurant That Caters ta T. BO ALS, M.D. recent- Th» Operation of Trepanning Was Milliner's Advocate. An editor erners desirous of hunting in the north­ Domestic Animals Only. Common In Ancient Times. ly received tbe following letter: west evidently took them to be the SLEEP OF THE ELEPHANT. One of tbe most Interesting rests u- “I have read an interesting account While the tnedieal profession Is greenest of tenderfoots, since be un- rants In the world Is one in which the I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. dertook to chaff them «vltb a recltal What LUU» There Is Seems, as a Rul», only diners are domestic animals. The of singing fish in yonr paper. It re­ agreed that some rough form of sur­ to Be Taken Standing. called to me tbe memory of a rather gery must have existed from very an ­ something as follows: T illamook B lock , It is doubted whether, in the wild restaurant Is In Westminster. London. remarkable flsh we have in Nova cient times, it has always been a mat­ "It was my first grizzly, so 1 was The sign on the window reads: state, elephants ever lie down. Gordon Scotia. It is known as the 'frost fish, ’ ter of wonder that so complex and deli ­ Tillamook - Oregon. mighty proud to kill bint In a hand to' RESTAURANT FOR DOMESTIC AN­ because It may be frozen like a lump cate an operation as trepanning should hand struggle. We started to fight Cumming thought he Imd found evi­ IMALS. about sunrise When he finally gave dence In marks upon the ground that ENGLISH MEAT ONLY. FRESH I of ice, but If placed in water In that also be one of tbe oldest TWICE DAILY. condition it soon thaws out and swims There is authentic record of this op­ up the ghost tbe sun was going down.” tbe adult bulls did stretch themselves M. KERRON, At this point the guide paused to out at full length for a few hours' rest The restaurant Is arranged so that around as vigorously as ever. The na­ eration dating back to the time of Hip­ at about midnight, but be contended tives make use of this property to pocrates, who wrote treatises on frac ­ note the effect of i his story. Not a tbe domestic animals which patronize PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON word wns said by I the easterners, so that tbe young and the cows ulways it may be perfectly comfortable while make Ice cream. The fish Is caught, tures, dislocations and wounds of tbe the guide lidded very slowly, "for the reuialmd on their feet. they are getting their meals. Those frozen and placed In the cream. In head, wherein he described the method Another authority. Selous, has ex­ that wish to do so may sit down while thawing out It freezes the cream, and of procedure to be followed in the case T illamook B lock , ■econil time." ”1 gather, then," said one young gen­ pressed doubt whether even the old eating. Tbe women wbo serve the its movements at the same time beat of a fractured skull. His idea was to cut away a piece of bone so that the Tillamook • Oregon. tleman. h dapper little Bostonian, "that bulls lie down He tells of one herd diners are very fond of animals and tbe mixture, making it smooth.” Taking them by and large, from pressure on the brain might be relieved. it required a period of two days to that was known to have kept moving know the wants of each particular cus­ The annals of this era also show that enable you to diH|>OH» of that grizzly.” and fesdiug throughout the twenty- tomer. One of the regular callers at Moosebead lake to Puget sound and "Two days and a night,” said the four hour* "Except when rolling in the restaurant, a dog. prefer» having from tbe upper Mississippi to the gulf, a file was used for this purpose, which, guide, with a grin. "That grizzly died mud and water." he says. "It is likely bls meals In private, so instead of eat­ we have some very capable and in­ at a time when modern anaesthetics C. HAWK, that an African elephant never lies ing bls luncheon in the restaurant be dustrious flsh liars In this country. were unknown, must have been, to say mighty bard." “Choked to death?” asked tbe Bos­ down during Its whole life." But we hand the reel and rod over to the least, painful. walks from his borne to tbe place ev­ However this may be. the most com­ ery day. buys his luncheon and carries Nova Scotia. We have talent in this tonian. According to Holmes, the operation PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, petent authorities seem to agree that "Yes. sir." said the guide. It home. He pays bis own bill at tbe country, but Nova Scotia is tbe abode of removing pieces of bone was per­ “Pardon me,” continued the Hubbite, this animal sleeps less and more light­ end of each week, carrying tbe money of genius. formed long before historic times. The Oregon, "but what did you try to get blm to ly than any other. J. L Kipling, the tied in a little wallet around bls neck. effects on tbe skull are easily seen after Bay City father of the writer, estimated the pe­ »wallow'/’’—Lippincott's. Th« Apostl» of Greenland. Cats, canary birds, goldfish, parrot», death and are visible as long as the 1 riod of slutnlver taken standing up to monkeys, squirrels and goata are also The conversion of tbe Eskimo In that boues are preserved. From inspection average about four hours In the twen­ provided for In the restaurant. There remote and bleak dependency of Den­ of certain skulls of the later stone age In London Clublond. I ty-four, and this estimate has been em­ sarchet , lu some of the ultra exclusive clubs, is a branch of the establishment at 123 mark. Greenland, was agitated as early in ancient Britain there has been de­ • The fashionable Tailor says the Londou Taller, It Is a serious ployed by the son In an amusing pas­ York road, Battersea.—New York Her­ as 1710 by Hans Egade. who has be­ rived the conclusion that some of these breach of etiquette for one member to sage for one of his stories, "Motl GuJ," ald. come historic as the apostle of Green­ had undergone the operation, which ■peak to another without obtaining a wherein the sleep of the elephant Is land In that year he published as a must have been performed with a stone Cleaning-, Pressing and Repairing ceremonious Introduction beforehand. represented as consisting of an hour'» I Cloga. pamphlet “A Proposition For Green­ implement—Harper's Weekly. I A painful case Ims Just occurred In a fidgeting on one side and a similar a Specialty. Clogs, against which the Inncaahlre land's Conversion and Enlightenment.” I certain old aatabllabed and extremely period's fidgeting on the other, fol­ mill girls are rebelling, were at one This was welcomed with no great ► Origin of St. James’ Palace. resiMM-talile l’all Mall caravansary. It lowed throughout the rest of the night time worn by women of all classes. warmth by the clergy and was violent­ Henry VIII. when he built St. James’ appears that a newly Joined memla-r “by long. low. rumbling soliloquies."— The more refined variety of the clog ly opposed by mercantile interests. In palace designed it for a country resi­ Store in Heins Photographic In callous defiance of custom ventured Harper's Weekly. had a thin wooden sole, which was four years he had succeeded to such dence to take the place of the manor Gallery. the other afternixm to make a remark cut transversely In two pieces, attach­ an extent that he founded a training I of Leiinlngton, where he bad been in alxmt tile weather ton gentleman with I Bio Timber of Guiana. ed to each other by a hinge. Dainty college for missionaries in Copenhagen the habit of going for a change of air. Horn he was not |etrat<>r trees In the world. Of the three va­ Anne Bracegirdle, the most beautiful He was greatly disappointed to find to St. James the Less and on its site, “Did you presume to address me, rieties—yellow. black and maintop—all actress of her day, was a wearer of that the Norse colony, left for mauy as Holinshed tells us, “built a goodly ATTORNEY.AT LAW. sir?" lie demanded, with an awful are durable If cut at maturity and dogs. Horace Walpole relates in one years to Its own resources, had wholly manor and made a faire parke for his frown. grow to such dimensions that logs can of Ills letters that “Mrs. Bracegirdle vanished He turned, therefore, ail his greater comoditle and pleasure.” The Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , “Yea. | did." whs the defiant reply, l>e had from eighteen to twenty-four breakfasted with me this morning. As efforts to the conversion of the Eskimo palace stood in the midst of fields well "I said It was a flue day.” The other Inches square and seventy feet long. ahe went out and wanted her clogs she and met with marked success, becom­ 1 stocked with game, and these were Tillamook - Oregon. digested the observation thoughtfully. Greenheart Is one of the eight woods turned to me and said. 'I remember at ing bishop In 1740 In this office and inclosed as Its private demesne. Even while residing here Henry held bls Then, after nit Impressive |>ause. be esteemed ns first class by the Lloyds, the playhouse they »set! to call for Its trying duties he was succeeded by court first at Westminster and then at turned to Its ls>ld exponenL “Well, and admirable keelsons, piles and other Mrs Oldfield's chair, Mr». Barry's his sou. Paul.—New York Sun. Whitehall after he had taken the lat- pray don't let It occur again.” he re­ ship limiter, as well as submerged pil­ clogs and Mrs Bracegirdle's pattens.'" ter palace from Wolsey. It was not 12)R p- J- SHARP, marked as be hurled hluiself one» mor» ing. dock gates, etc., are made from It —London Spectator. The Harmony of Colors, until 1697. wlieu Whitehall was do­ In hl» pu|>er Owing to the great demand for the The principle that tile sensation of stroyed by tire, that St James’ pa I- RESIDENT DENTIST, white > timbers and the reckless destruction results from the equal excite I A Study In Arithmetio. ace became the I-ondon residence of I A Kneohar That Meant Lila. of trees, the government has put a ban “1 don't wonder.” said a twelve-year- tueut of sensations produced by the I monarchs.—London Standard. Office : Coin mereiai Block, So cruel were aome of the punish- on cutting any which will not produce old to Ills dud. "that people come to three fundamental radiations is de merits nu-ted out to criminals In Eng­ timbers eleven Inches square.—Boston the United States from these outland- duced naturally from an unalysls of i i Tillamook - Oregon. An Odd Legacy. land centuries ago that It was small Globe. Isb reglons beyond the seas, where the rules of the harmony of colors. Thomas Jefferson, the founder of the Wonder the p<»>r wretches claimed the folks use the Boman system of numer­ Colored lights do not focus at the same Jefferson family of actors, was remem­ Balloonists a Bonanza. Tight of sanctuary." If they reached poiltL Therefore the eye must seize "Is It true that you farmers are hos­ ation Just Imagine a kid going to ditto rent distances at the same time in bered curiously In the will of Weston, a church or some other privileged place J. CLAUSSEN, school there and being given this kind the law could not touch them. A curi­ tile to balloonists?" ventured the young • LAWYER. order to see when different colored I who was biurself an esteemed member of problem: MDV1X Is divided by Cl ous relic In connection with this cus­ aeronaut who had descended In the surfaces touch. The difference of re- of Garrick's company. Weston's wf!l how many times? Or. X multiplied by DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. tom exists today In the form of the barnyard. fritngiblllty of the different colored contained this Item: qualut knocker <»n the door of Durham "Why. no. stranger " laughed the old VII minus XIX equals how much? Or. rays causes some colors to stand out “I have played under the manage­ 213 T illamook B lock cnt’Kilral The applicant having ham­ farmer as he came forward with a CIV and MVI and DXIX minus MC and others to stand back. Ited is the ment of Mr. Jefferson at Richmond and equals — Say. arithmetic Is going to mered at the portal, one of the persons pitchfork. "We are always glad to received from him every politeness. I Tillamook - Oregon. look like a simple one and one are two most "flying" or "ta|>erlng" of the col Inside would lna|>ect him through the have a balloon land on our place." ora. a red object always appearing to I therefore leave him all my stock of for me after this!" — New York Tribune. eyes of the eop|>er mask above the "I'm certainly glad to hear IL” t>e farther away than a blue object prudence, it being the only good qual­ knucker and after due parley would Yes. the last one that landed here though It Is seen on the same plane ity I think he stands tn need of.” J E. REEDY, D.V.M., Ths Real Villain. admit the frightened criminal. came In handy I used the ropes to tie and in the same light—Harper'*. "Are you the villain lu thia troupe T' the steers, packed corn In tbe basket Wallington and Waterloo. VETERINARY. and cut the gas bag up and made over­ asked the baggageman wbo was han­ ( Natural Twtaitrs Manufacturing the Truth, Heine. In speaking of Wellington's dling thewtrlcal trunks. Indian tweeaers are simply a ■mall alls for all the farm bands. Welcome, A gentleman was staying at an Eng- good luck at Waterloo, says: “This Both Phones. "No." replied the youth with black, pair of clamshells, with edges clean stranger, welcome!"—Chicago New». curly hair. "I used to be. hut the real llsb country house, when, hen ring a man has the bad fortune to meet with and bluge unbroken "Tbe old time Oregon. villain la the treasurer of the company, great clatter Itelow one morning, he good fortune when tbe greatest man of Tillamook ■ Indiana.” writes Ernest Thompson Se­ Rsaaauring Him. looked out and saw a couple of grooms the world Is unfortunate. We see In and by thia time he must be about 500 ton In "Tbe Book of Woodcraft and “1 thought I told you not to eat any holding one of the servant-maids on a him the victory of stupidity over genius Indian I.ore." “had occasionally a porterhouse steak without my permis­ miles on bls way to somewhere else.” horse, which they led with difficulty -Arthur Wellington triumphant when — Washington Star. straggly beard They bad no razor, sion." G. McGEE, M.D. once round the yard He asked them Napoleon Bonaparte was overwhelmed. w but they managed to do without one. "So you did. doc: so you did " what it all meanl 1 Wellington and Napoleon! It Is a won­ Educating the Heathen. As a |>art of their toilet for *|>eclal oc­ “Then why are you disobeying my "Well, you see. sir." said they, "we're derful phenomenon that the human “Brother Hardeaty. can’t you make casion» they pulled out each hair by order I" going to take the horse to market to be mind can at the same time think of PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. your contribution for the education of means of the clamshell ulpiiera." "This won’t delay the paying of your sold, and we want to tie able to say both these uames.” bill, doe; this steak Is Iwtng paid for by the heathen a little larger than usual that he has caroled a lady.” this year?" Her Help. my friend here Houston Post I Office : Otie Block East of Good Excusa. “Dr Goodman. Um more than dou­ "Tbe fact of tbe matter la. I never Didn't Car» For th» Money. bling Il | have Just started that “Why do you keep me waiting on •mounted to anything la-for» I was Th» Modern Cmdsralla. "You advertised for a young lady to this corner two hours?" demanded the Post Office. youngest boy of mine to college.”— nutrrled." One day the fw-hrr during recess Chicago Tribune. be married In a cage of lions." Irate husband. “You said yon were •'Then you give your wife credit for told the children the story of Clndrelln. t "That's right Fifty plunks. Where’s merely going to step lu to see how awaking your ambition?" rite ne«t day. to tent their memory, your young man?" Mrs. Gabble was.’* Not the Right Way. "No. for making It necessary foe me •he asknl them I "Don't you provide the man? What “Well, she Inalated on telling me.”— "Hare you hot and cold water In t« net out agd hustle."—Ublcagv Ker- "M hy.- dt'l Cinderella ha m to leave do you supfsme was my object In go­ Washington Herald. your bonseF ’ <>H llareld the l>all promptly nt I2F ing Into thia affair?"—Pittsburgh Post "Too nfuch of both " A bright little maid answered: "So i '------------------- "llow'a thatT* Mad» a H>L His Preference. Vite cvrtihl catch the last car."-8t. Ixvuls Too Bright. ”1’1d you make • Mt with yonr Republic "My wife la always pouring mid ( “Oh. for the wings of a dove!” cried “Didn't you win anything in your the poet with the unbarbered hair ■fans h at th» banquet last nighty water <»n my plana or keeping mo In « •nit for damages?" "I gowns au I f..r».q what I Intend hot water "—Baltimore American. Gravitation, "Order what you like." answered the "No" rd to any sad »aid what I ought not F.vamlnvr W hat do yon know about prosaic |>erson with a clean shave, "hut "Why didn't you engage • bright tell the waiter to bring me the breast tu have Mid -Itetcott Free 1‘reaa the power of the earth'» attraction? A Grast Think»». lawyer to take yonr part?" Candidate-It la the smngest at about W|gg>-Young Sereecher 1» » graat of a chicken.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer "I did. but he took my »IL"—Phila­ 2 • clock In the morning. Fllegettd« thinker Wsgg» - Indeed' Wiggs- - - -------- A delphia Press I-sad Io rd Fir th» other tenante will Blatter Vra. he thinks be ran »Ing-Phllade«- Inquisitive not Stay In the fiat If you Insist on phla Inquirer Willie — Paw. do you know every- 1 playing tbe cortnH. Mr. Toot»-I'm The hlgbrat and moat profitable 1rs < Riserve the fact of tbe wife to know Sewer Pipe for Sale thing? Paw-Yea. mv »on. Why do g'od of that They were v»ry annoy­ tbe Misbaud» character. — Spanish The fault la always aa great aa ba •on la the true knowledge and k>w you a»k? Willie-Well.