'Tillamook Headlight, May 1, 1013. HANDSOME $400 UPRIGHT PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Mason, Pennington & Co. and the Tillamook Headlight WILL GIVE AWAY, absolutely without cost, the CAXTON UPRIGHT PIANO shown below. This is open to anyone, and nomination blanks may be obtained at the Tillamook Headlight office, at Mason, Pen­ nington & Co.’s store, or cut from ihis ad. This will be the most interesting advertising proposition ever held in Till­ amook County, and everybody has an equal opportunity to secure this Beautiful Upright PARLOR GRAND PIANO. How to Get Vote Tickets. How to Get Vote Tickets. With every purchase made at MASON, PENNING­ TON & CO.’s STORE votes will be giveu—ioo votes FOR EVERY dollar ’ s worth PURCHASED. Votes in the same proportion will also be given to persons paying ac­ counts. If any of our friends need anything in Ladies’ Dress Goods, Suits, Underwear, Millinery, Shoes, etc., and Gent.’s Clothing and Furnishing, jBoots, Shoes, Rubber Goods, etc., or anythiug carried by an up-to-date General Merchandise Store, get them to patronize Mason, Penning­ ton & Co. and give you their votes. Now is the time to get busy. The earlier you start the more advantage you will have in final count. The date of the closing of the contest will be May i, 1913. Cut out Coupon below and present or mail to Mason, Pennington & Co. or the Tillamook Headlight. If they owe on account get them to pay it and secure votes. With every yearly subscription to The Tillamook Headlight accompanied by $1.50 in cash, 5,000 votes will be giveu. This applies to back subscription, and you can pay for as many as you desire. You can also get votes on job printing—100 votes for each dollar paid on either job advertising or printing. All leading merchants in Tilla­ mook, Oregon, patronize The Tillamook Headlight, and they will be glad to give you the votes when they pay any of their accounts. But the best way to get votes is to get subscriptions to the paper, as the schedule of votes is so much greater for subscription than for anything else. You will be surprised how easy it is to get subscriptions to the Headlight if you try. Closesjune 4, 1913. The Tillamook Headlight is the pioneer newspaper of Tillamook County, which for the past twenty five years have been boosting for the county, advocating good roads and other improvements. Claxton Upright Grand Piano Voting Contest, NOMINATION BLANK. Cut this Coupon out and bring to Mason, Pennington & Co. It will Count 100 Votes. Good for 2,000 Votes. No. 1 Name of Contestant will not be known. 2. No name of candidates will be pub­ lished. 3, Every Contestant gets 2,000 vote*to start with. 4, Every Contestant gets a number. 5, Standing by Numbers published weekly in The Tillamook Headlight. 6, All vote# must be brought in Wednesday for recording. 7, Votes must Not be writ­ ten on. 8. Tie votes in packages with Contestant's number and amount on top slip. 9, Color of Certificates will be changed each month anil must be recorded before change. 10 Votes are transferable only before recording 1 1. Contestant having the largest number of votes on Mav 1, 1913, wins Piano. THIS IS SURELY A PRESENT WORTH WORKING FOR. I hereby accept the nomination as a con­ testant on the Claxton Piano Contest. Please place these'2000 votes to my credit. Name................................. P.O............................... Also Two Gold Watches and a $25 Silver Toilet Set. Silver Wear Every Week to the contestants. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO SELL SPIRITUOUS. MALT ANU VINOUS LIQUORS, ETC. N otice is H briby G iven , — A petition has been fi'ed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook County a true copy and transcript thereof and of the whole thereof is in words, letters and figures as follows: to wit I i the County Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook County. In the matter of Application of i J. J McCormick for Hotel Li- / quor License in the Town of ) Garibaldi, Oregon. PETITION. To the Honorable County Court above named : We. the undersigned, your petitioners hereby allege and show to you the follow­ ing facts and petition you as follows : That we and each of us are residents and legal voters within Garibaldi Precinct, in Tillamook County. Oregon, and have been such for more than thirty days next preced­ ing the date of the signing and filing of this petition, having been, and now are actual residents and legal voters within said Precinct for more than thirty days next pre­ ceding 30th day of April. 1913. , That the said J. J. McCormick i « the own­ er of valuable real property in the town of Garibaldi. Oregon, and is the owner and proprietor of a hotel in said town and has been such for more than one year last past, and has heretofore conducted a barroom in said hotel and has at all times conducted a decent and orderly place and complied with the laws of the State of Oregon with refer­ ence to the conducting of said hotel and bar­ room in connection therewith. That said hotel will have, on the third day ot June 1 q 13. accommodations for not less than fifty guests and will have sufficient rooms for the accommodation of at least fifty guests, provided with beds in a suitable manner, and in conformity with the re­ quirements of the statutes of Oregon gov- ernoring the granting of bars to hotels. That said McCormick is a competent and suitable person to conduct a hotel with bar in connection therewith. That we hereby respectfully petition you to grant a license to said McCormick to sell, in said town of Garibaldi, and at his said hotel, spirituous, malt and vinous li­ quors, near beer, and fermented cider, com manly known as hard cider, and other in­ toxicating liquors, for a period of one year from the date of the granting of such license within said Garibaldi precinct, to the above named J. J. McCormick That said town of Garibaldi is an unincor­ porated town in Tillamook County, Ore­ gon. Dated this 30th day of April, i9i3- Peter Byrom, Garibaldi. John A. Nelson. Garibaldi. C. F. Alexander. Garibaldi C, M Alexander, Garibaldi. L. B Wing. Garibaldi. E Wing. Garibaldi. F. C. Robison. Bar View. Edward Erickson. Bar View. A. G. Krumlauf. Garibaldi. L. L. Smith. Garibaldi. Chas.T. Morgan Garibaldi Chas. R. Gatchet, Garibaldi. Geo. Russell. Garibaldi {oe Snetsinger. Garibaldi. 4rs. S. M Hawthorne. Bar View. Mrs. Mary E. Smith, Garibaldi. D. Johnston, Garibaldi O C. Hawthorne, Bar View. Geo S Young. Garibaldi. Paul Dowling. Garibaldi. Mrs. Jeff Flees. Garibaldi. eff Fleck, Garibaldi t. Beelitz. Garibaldi. M. F Robinson. Bar View. G W Phelps, Garibaldi P A Phelps. Garibaldi A E. McKune Garibaldi Wm Hartsell. Garibaldi G. H. Benson. Bar View W’m Kennedy. Garibaldi. W H Derby. Garibaldi S. E Derby, Garibaldi Alfred Johnson. Garibald». Mrs. A Johnson. Garibaldi. I. J. McCormick. Garibaldi. Mrs. J J McCormick. Garibaldi. Mrs M E Krumlauf Garibadi G Marshall. Garibaldi James Langley Garibaldi A xel W Andtr«' n H ’ nville. Henry lennings. Garibaldi M B. Shafer Manhattan Beach. Sarah B 8hafer Manhattan Beach. Martha E. Buchan Manhattan Beach R. J Buchan. Manhattan Beacfi M. Moroney, Rockaway. C. A A ns’in. Lake Lytle. FJva Austin. Lake Lytle. Peter Schram* Sea View Mrs Peter Schrams. Sea View Elmer J Hanby Lake Lytle. John Anderson. Lake I ytle Oscar Jordall, Lake Lytle Dan Gervais. Lake Lytle. Mary Gervais. Lake Lytle. L W Fowler. Rockaway Mrs. M A Fowler. Rockaway. Fd H Wood, Rockaway Mrs. Blanche Wnod. Rockaway H M Lavis Rockawav Mra H M Davie Rockaway. Mrs I. H Best Rockaway. Faal Schrader Rochawaj. i A. D. Wick, Rockaway. Mrs. G. H. Lalumiere, Tillamook Beach. Mr. Geo. Lalumiere, Tillamook Beach. Stephens, J. H., Tillamook Beach. A N. Bolting, Ocean Lake. N. K. Emery, Bar View. Arthur Davis. Rockaway. Frank Ekroth, Hobsonville. Frank Sheldon, Hobsonville. Mrs. Mell Mitchell. Garibaldi. Chas. L. Stedman, Jr., Bar View’. inhn D. Johnson, Hobsonville. Hie Patterson, Bar View. H S. Hewitt BarView. Miss Z. S. Shafer. Manhattan. Mark Hobson, Garibaldi. Miss Zada Shafer Manhattan. J. H. Smith, Bar View. S. Davis, Rockaway. M. F. Bowman. Garibaldi. Sam Johnson, Garibaidi. B. Chatterton. Bar View. J. S. McDonald. Garibaldi. Carl O. Shapen, Bar View. Lloyd C- Smith. Bar View. Mrs J. H. Smith. Bar View, M. Adamson, Bar View. A. L. Evans, Garibaldi. Katie Strueby. Garibaldi. Frank K. Strueby. Garibaldi. Mrs. Al Jurhs, Garibaldi. Ben Johnson, Garibaldi. Mrs. A. Anderson, Garibaldi. Frank Buckles, Garibaldi. John L. Aelig. Garibaldi. C. V'. Stoker, Rockaway. L W. Wilks. Rockaw'ay. E. H. Best, Rockaway. George Perry, Rockaway, E. F. Jackson, Bar View, Charles Bowers, BarView. Carl E. Loll Bar View. Bessie Bowers, Bar View, R. E Jackson, Bar View, J. R. Johnson, Garibaldi, Clyde Miller. Garibaldi, J. Hauxhurst, Garibaldi, E. Krumlauf. Garibaldi. Andrew Peterson. Garibaldi. Frank Illingworth, Garibaldi, Harry H, Hogen, Garibalbi. Mrs. Harry Hogen, Garibaldi. Mrs. R. B Kennedy Garibaldi, J. G. Balmer. Garibaldi, Mrs James Langley. Garibaldi. K B. Kennedy. Garibaldi, Al Juh’’«. Garibaldi, Andrew Hansen, Garibaldi. D. F. Trowbridge. Garibaldi. Caroline A. Smith, Garibaldi. N otice is F vethir H ereby G iven .— That said petition will be presented to the County Court of the State of Oregon for •aid Tillamook County on the fourth day of June at ten o’clock, A M O< said day, «aid date !>eing the first judicial day of the regu­ lar June term of said court for the year of 1913 and based thereon, said J. J. McCormick will at said time, place and date apply to said County Court for a license to be grant­ ed to him in accordance with said petition to sell within said Garibaldi precinct and at his hotel in the Town of Garibaldi in said Precinct, spiritous.malt, vinous and ferment­ ed liquors for a period of one year from the date of said license. Dated this 30th day of April. Itl3. J. J. M c C ormick . Petitioner. State of Oregon. lea’ . Countv of Tillamook, i I J. J McCormick, being first duly sworn sav, that I am one of the petitioners above n a med. and have read the foregoing petition that all the facts and statements therein contained are true as I verily believe, and that said petition contains an actual ma- jorit r of the legal voters of Garibaldi Pre cinct in said Tillamook County, Oregon. J. J. M c C ormick . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3Oth dav of April, 1»13. i seal i W ebster H olms », Notary Public for Oregon. Most Prompt «nd Effectual Cure for Bad Colds When you have a t>»d cold you want a remedy that will not only «ire relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy ihat con­ tains nothin« injurious. Chamber Iain’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts as nature’s plan, relieves the lun«s. aids expectoration, ojiene the ne iretions and restores the system to a perfectly healthy condit on This remedy has a world wide sale and use. and can always tie depended upon. Sold by all dealers Special Bargain. For 30 days, will offer for wale beat VZ't acre Dairy farm in Als-a Valley, Improvements up to date. Price Jflft per acre G. T. Vermn, Hearst Causes Surprise. and ship them. The teacher is not always qualified to do this work, Another notable attack on the and has about all he can do beside. Wilson regime at Washington (lur­ Then when school closes and per­ HE SENSE of luxury and comfort ing week past came from a source haps the teacher leaves the town afforded by modern plumbing is far in hitherto friendly and within the the children need help and encour­ excess of its cost. Democratic party. William R. agement which this committee car gi ve. Hearst, owner of nine daily news­ But that is not the only ad­ In every town and city are many papers, in a four column signed vantage of good plumbing. editorial, sharply criticises Wilson children who have little or nothing on several accounts, but chiefly be­ to do outside of school hours. No "¿tattdMHF guaranteed fixtures cause of his course in going in healthy child can be idle, and with­ installed by us insure a sanitary out some direction of his activities person to deliver his message to Congress. The significance of that. and some provision of a proper home and lasting service. Hearst thinks, has been over-look­ avenue through which to vent them, ed; that it lies in its revival of fed­ they are apt to be wasted. It is not eralistic tendencies and a dispose so much the fault of these children tion to underestimate our popular if they get into mischief and form Telephone Main 1314. form of government with a greater habits of idleness, and possibly admiration for the British system. viciousnese, as it is the fault of par- j Besides insinuating that Wilson's ent», guardians and others for not | course convicts him of having the providing interesting and profitable weakness of vanity and craving employment for them. To aid in and for newspaper notoriety, Hearst re providing this employment calls the circumstance that Wilson making it attractive and profitable in his essay on taking the d< ctor's is the object of tlie industrial con Sherry W ine ................................... 35c. Angelica Wine................................. 39c. degree contended tjiat the English test movement inaugurated last | Zenfendel Wine ... per quart 35c, form of government is superior to year. To make thia a perfect sue-1 Tokey............................. per quart 40c. in bond, the American. Also he cites a ct'ss it must have the co-operation Pebbleford, bottled per bottle .. ............. ......... 11 50 .Claret ............................. perquart 25c. statement made by Wilson that he of parents, teachers school boards Clarke's Pure Rye, bottled j White Grape Juice. ....................... 75c. in I . 3 bottles for 5Cs. got his news of the world from the and all public spirited citizens, and . 1.25 laical Beer, quart, bond, per bottle Domestic Beer, qt., 3bottlesfor 75c. ■ • in ■ bond, per weekly issue of tile London Times. we know of no better way in which Old Crow, I bottled ... 1 5ü bottle .......................... Finally Hearst charges that Wils n they can help than a» above »ng Hermitage, bottled in bond, per is essentially a free trader of the gented. Try it. Let the teacher or . . I ftO bottle .................................... English sort. Notwithstanding that president of the Parent-Teacher'a Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ......... . . 1.50 Keg Beer..................... 15 gallons »n the proposed placing of paper and j Circle call a meeting atjonce. effect O T. O , bottled in bond, per Keg Beer............... 10 gallons 4 00 . 1.25 laical liottle Beer, fldoz. quarts ;o on liottle............. cattle on the free list would be a an organization and report to the Kentucky Dew, Mi gal., bottled Local bottle Beer, 10 doz. pints ,uo vast benefit to himself (Hearst) in office of Superintendent of Public in bond . .. ... 2 15 Salem, Oregon, in Kentucky Dew, ful pint, bottled a business way, owing to his cattle Instruction, 75 in bond ........................................ lanches in Texas and his many order that he can put you on his Budwiser Beer, fl doz. quart» .t'".er gal. 2 25 ed by non residents and others who Port Wine .................. per «piart Me. Alcohol........... ................ |>er gal Garibaldi, Oregon. 4 erhape otherorgaiz.ations.and they colds and exposure. L. Poole, 2217 and the school board should get California l,< . Omaha write» “My WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER COR Island 1st AVENUE E together and from tlieir memlier- daughter liad a very severe cough ship ap|>oint a committee, whose and n. of sulphate of z.in< (white good material Good work and the ladies, for in our ex|>erirnce we der disease not beyond tlie rea< h of vitrol) dissolved in water Add have found them a« lepta at such medicine will yield to their use. Mr». water enough to bring all to the i promptnenn at “fair" prices. Bicycles of al) kind» for sale and thick whitewa»li. work It would also lie their duty Cordelia Co) eland, Ardrola, Mo., cannintence of says, “I had kidney and bladder | to plan and manage the local con trouble for over a year and and ft, Apply vzitli a whitewash brush, and rent. Guns and giinnrnithing. fish­ get y<*iir I.IME troni Lamb Schrader ing tackle repaired, etc. A I Dene- testa, provide prizes for same and boplesof Foley Kidney Pill» cured Co.. Tel. M 177, who handle the to select exhibits to Im forwarded me '' It 1» the same story from, largest and freshe-t line ot I.IMK more typewriter tor sale, 11 fl. I/). — All »ay, HvtiMATr.il LtMK and I.AMi Pl.A» I ■■ : Fir-t St Went, Corner First Ave. to the State Fair, and to show the every one who use» them r they cured me.” For sale at all 1 t> the City. Prices always right. children how to pack, mark, cuter dxuggcsla. T AS FAIR, BOTTLE GOODS. Special Prices for Family Trade. Domestic Beers WINES. WHISKEYS. BILLY STEPHENS, n