Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 01, 1913, Image 2

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    Tillamook Headlight, Xi ay it 191
Pertinent Scraps.
Dairymens Associations visit
this city the coming fall, attend-
The Japanese should not talk
ed the meeting of the Commer-
of boycotting
cial Club on Monday evening.
| Mr Kut.ze asked for the co-op -I goods. They are needed on thei
1 eration and assistance of the inerita and a boycott is alwaya a
club in these matters, especially two-edged affair.
in the entertainment of the | Kan8a8 has undertaken to regu-
above nssov.He
associations. He advised
q)e ¡c(^rejiente of mines pies.
that the hatchet lie buried arid The Kansans are tired of biting on
TN OLDEN DAYS, when buy™
the dairymen and citizens pull peach »'ones, collar buttons and
1 a cook stove, people would buy
together, which met with ap­ damaged picture films.
the one they could get the cheap«,
proval if applause is taken as I The Democratic House, as occa­
that’s because there were only *
an indication of the sentiment sion ariees, is adopting rules that
few makes on the market and
of those present. To show that date back to SpeakerCannon. What
were all practically the
the heart of the club was in the used to be denounced as tryanny is
construction and material.
right place, Messrs. Clough and now embraced as parliamentary
Tait insisted that the club pay
horse sense.
part of Mr. Kunze’s expenses,
It’S ‘Different Now I There are close to a thousand different rang«
Secretary Bryan attracts so much
last year in the interest of the
on the market today—good, bad and indifferent. Wise people use a little
u.1|rv IIluuolJTi
industry, which met with
foresight in selecting their range, and they make no mistake in selecting
. We ad­ presidential party that he frequent­
Tur R ange W ith a R eputation —the range that is recommended by
mire the efforts of those who
• every user; the range that has stood the test—
Bryan’s temperament it will be
are interested in having an ex-
perimental farm established in irksome if he is restricted to per
this county and in inviting the functory addresses and laying cor­
dairy associations to come here, ner stones.
the range that is made of M alleable and C harcoal I ron —the ranre
They are singing war songs in
and to make these a success, as
that S aves F uel —L asts L onger —C osts P ractically N othing for
Mr. Kunze remarked on Mon- Tokio and printing in the papers
R epairs —H eats M ore W ater Q uicker and H otter , and G ives B kttee
G eneral S atisfaction T han A ny O ium
dav evening, is to pull together plans for capturing the Philippines
ange M ade —
with a friendlv spirit existing and the Hawaiian l8*8nd8^“’\°
amongst all classes.
and we can prove it!
feat of a pending law in one of our
sovereign states. If we have to .
fight to keep the Philippines, Mr. |
The Newspaper.
Bryan’s pet plank in the Baltimore,
The newspaper is a peculiar in- platform will be gone glimmering.
»titution, isn’t it? That is, fromthe,
Producers of the Southwest and .
standpoint of some people. A man
and all of the great
called at this office the other day
and insisted that we “go after” a agricultural, food-producing sec­
certain individual, alleging that tions which lies between, are taking
said individual was doing gome- active steps to get in closer touch
that should be exposed. It with the consumers of their pro­
so chummy with thesleuth, for,
was intimated that the way was ducts. A comparison of the prices
if seems, dirty work is his spe­
open for the disgruntled one to “go at which they sell, with those at I
after” him if he so desired. "Write which the consumers buy, has
your complaint, sign your name to made complete demonstration of!
and The Observer will print it,” the truth that the wide spread ia
Ex-Senator Jonathan Bourne,
he was told, Hardly. He couldn’t due to exorbitant tolls for mere SIDNEY E. HENDERSON,
jr., is having hard luck in '13,
Secreta ry-Treai
do that, on account of “business handling, collected by houses or-1
for he lost his seat in the sen­
ganized in aasociations, or com- j
Attorney-at-Law and Not’»
ate and now he has lost his wife
newspaper shoulder the burden bines, at points of destination. The
by divorce. But this does not
cost of railway transportation in I
prevent him from endeavoring
cudgel he was too cowardly to as­ large bulk is found to be almost j
to obtain another seat and ano­
sume. Many people appear to negligible, and wholly out of pro-j
ther wife under the Oregon
think that the newspaper is a sort portion with the costs of distribu­
I of personal organ to be used as the tion after the products are deliver­
8 common property of everybody ed to first consignees.
We lxdieve that the Port of credit.
The Japanese issue threatens to '
“ wi‘* a grouch.
Bay City erred in judgment in
Occanaionally we hear some one give more trouble to the Wilson ad- ¡
deciding to take over the dock upon as risky in vest ment at pnr declafe that the ncw8l)aper should ministration than any other ques­
of the Bay City Land Company, I but money in abundance can be I
‘ take a stand” and expose this or tion which ia now before it. This'is
which is a local and not a Port found to buy them when they i
that wrong. They want an *‘un- one of those races which always ex- !
mutter. As we pointed out last go below par. Persons who are
trammelled press,” they say, yet if cite rancor in the parties involved. ,
week, this is sure to jeopardize unable to holdorsell their war­
the press should really become The Japanese interpret the antialien
the effort to create one Port for I rants at par are those who have
measure now before the California
the water shed of Tillamook to suffer on account of the curb “untrammelled” and happened to
I expose some of the questionable Legislature as being
stone agitators. •
policies in which those who are so against themselves, and iti this as-'
insistent about it, are interested, sumption they arecorrect, although boj ;; PHONES,
It is gratifying to know that
The Co - ( )per;iti ve Supply they would suddenly discover that the government of Italy, too, finds
Oregon has progressed to such
an extent that no hogs have House of Portland was a con- they had no use lor the “blackmail- fault with it, and has made a mild ,
been shipped, into the State eern organized to catch "suck- i ing sheet ” The trouble with most protest againBt it. Italy is un-
They ’ people is that they want the papers doubtedly exempt and from at-
since last August.
Pork and era” amongst farmers,
bacon continues to lx* shipped did so. including some of the to be "untrammelled” only to such tack, as the expressions of many
_____ that
___ it # juuipa
__ r__________
this county, who an extent
on to the members of the California Legisla -
in. however, and with the home dairymen of
product shutting out the live "bit ” only to be surprised that other fellow, but permits them to ture show. No color or religious
hog in a few years the cured hog they had been bilked. This is exist in peace. That is their idea line can be drawn against the Ital- .
iana. They set forth plainly that
only one case out of many where'of the press.
will meet a like fate.
i farmers have ■ lost considerable | Occasionally something appears foreigners and foreign corporations
money trading with strangers in the newspaper that a subscriber controlled by persons eligible to
in preference to reliable home doesn’t like. He gets real angry citizenship of the United States are
merchants, AI though the news anil hustles into the office and stops not to be discriminated against.
papers report these swindling his paper, He does it with the air
A serious trouble in Mexico is the
schemes, there appears to be of one who is administering a se absence among the people of any
plenty of farmers who allow vere reprimand to the editor for clearly defined, well organized,
themselves to lx- imposed upon thus going contrary to his ideas. powerful movement among the
by the get-rich-quick sharks. If He seems to think that because he people for settled conditions of
farmers would place more con­ has removed hia name from the government. The nation is drifting
fidence in home merchants and list everybody in the office, from along from year to year with a suc­
distrust strangers
are the editor down to the devil, will cession ’of violent changes at the
smooth, persuasive talkers they gather around the office towel and capital, and scattered centers of
would not be trapped so often, ! weep great tears of grief. He revolutionary leadership in several
vet it does look surprising
., that shouldn't fool himself. Nine times of the states. Recognition is with­
farmers, as they did in this out of ten when this happens, the held from the present regime on
instance, mortgage
_ _ their farms editor grabs the money and goes account of deeds connected with its
Because it’s pure—because it’s palatable—
for $5000 and throw aw
.ray their out and buys a ten-cent cigar, and beginning. The finances of the
because you don’t have to dilute it with
life's work to keep crooks in a shine, and deludes himself with country are disturbed, government
water to be able to swallow it.
luxury and idleness.
the tielief thut he is prosperous be- loans can not be obtained, fluctua. |
It costs no more than any other good whiskey.
| cause some fellow who owed two or tions in exchange cause busniss
embarrassment, and resident for­
l'he new president of the Till­
amook Commerci.il Club will didn't expect to get. grew wrathy eigners continue to leave in large
devote considerable time to the over something in the paper and numbers, though they would glad­
ly remain if they felt safe to carry
publicity work of the club and paid up and stopped his paper.
Bill Jones makes a trip away from on ordinary vocations. Losses to
endeavor to create a boosting,
pull together spirit amongst its home. When he returns he grabs everybody in Mexico under such
members for the up-building of the local newspaper and looks for circumstances are extremely heavy,
the city and county And at the hia name. He fails to find it and yet no road out ia seen. The situa­
same time place the club on a immediately hia wrath against the tion in effect is chaotic.
Cloverdale bootleggers have good financial basis, free from editor overflows. He says he is
An armistice has been concluded
Iteen doing a land office busi debt.
The new president asks "as much importance as the other
lies» for n long time, and ns they th<‘ co-operation of the business fellow,” whose goings andcomiugs directly between Bulgaria and Tur­
were "stung*' for $0L0, that did men nod members, so that the are always chronicled. He takes the key, and fighting on the land side
not amount to much lifter so club will become a real live, omission of his name as a personal is probably over for the present.
large quantities of liquor had wide a-wake, boosting und pull I affront, and thinks the editor “has The Turks will have to live next
been sliippe.l to that part of the together organization.
There it in for him” and omitted hia the Bulgarians and are wise to
county to satisfy n long thirst in will tx* a large number of visi­ name as the result ot a deep-laid realize the fact, In fact, the Bui-
11 ’dry” precinct.
But will it tors to this city the coming scheme to ignore him entirely. He gariana and the Turke are of the
The citizens should is wrong, The newspaper that ia same ancient Turanian stock. The
'dry” ofliciully,
but summer.
aw fulls
wet" unoftieinily ? It help the club extern! the glad worthy the name, prints the news Bulgarians yielded to Christian in­
was about time that the "lid” hand and show their hospitality of the community without relation fluences, a matter in which the
w as put oil, for Cloverdale w as in entertaining organizations to friend or foe. It must do that if Turks are intractable. Bulgaria was
w ide open” for a long time, that may come to this city. A it is to fulfill its mission. No self- practically unknown in Europe in
NO useless trips to town for the progressive farmer-
and it did not need any detec­ little lilxTality in this direction, respecting editor fails to mention 187ft, but with the aid of Russia be- 1
tives to obtain the guilt of the with the citizens extiding the the doings of his fees merely be­ came a principality.in 1878, paying
great advantages this county cause they are hia foes. If it did, nominal tribute to Turkey. Russia His Bell Telephone saves him all that.
offending parties.
I offers to the manufacturer and it would degenerate into a personal has since cultivated some quarrels
The latest market quotations are tl is, and he waits till niarto
We can’t say that we ivrl home seeker, there is every rea­ organ and would mighty soon lose with Bulgaria, and the latter has conditions are right before »hipping produce
pleased with tliesiir of the new son to believe that the city and its prestige in the community. It had a warlike existence from the
The Bell Telephone is as necessary to the up to-minute farmer»*
ruilroad depot, for the reason county will continue to increase is the dream of every newspaper start. Its statesmen have contend­ are modern agricultural implements. He must have both.
that it is tin* «inali even at the in population and wealth. It man to cover hie field completely - ed against both Russia and Turk­
Consult our local management and join the ever increasing ho**
piesent time to handle freight will do so if our citizens will to print every worthy newa item ish control and yet the little Nation
and provide accommixlntion for get the right Issvsting spirit and every personal of his city, and has steadily advanced. Before its of farmers who are Bell Telephone subscribers.
the traveling public
The only and what few “knockers'* there all energies are exerted in that di­ latest campaign it had 4.100,000 in­
rection But it is impossible to habitants and as area of
redeeming feature atxuit it is are will hold their whist.
accomplish thia result ami many square miles. It will be larger here­
that it Ian great improvement
names are omitted from each issue,
over the present make »Nift de­
merely because they are not known. after, having just shown a military I
Personal animus enters
enter« into the vigor seldom equaled in so small a
pot and we fee! grateful forthat,
business matter in no way, what­ state, and one whose full declara­
but it won't tx- long before the
tion of inde|>endence dates only
railroad officiala will have to
__________ _____ ...... I But
the newspaper r gets
thr blame. from 19i»*
Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System.
admit that they made a mistake having the Butter Makers' and anyway.—l’olk County Observer"
in constructing such a small
building with poor protection
L egal A dvertisements :
bv way over-head covering from
First Insertion, per line
r the heavy rain storms.
Each subsequent insertion, line
RtiaineM and professional < aid-*.
1 month ....... .......................... 1 CO
Astoria is waking up to the
5 00
Homestead Notice»..................
Timber Claims
................. 10 (XJ fact that it must be up-and-
Loca is per line each insertion
5 doing if Clatsop County is to
Display advertisement, an inch,
improve and develop. It is big
50 business that our neighbor on
1 mouth .............................
All Resolutions of Condolerne and tr.e north is after and with this
Lodge Notices. 5c. per line.
I object in view a committee of
Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line.
Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, '800 citizens will look after the
etc. minimun rate, 25c. not exceed­ promotion and publicity work
* of that county.
With such a
ing live lines.
large num her of prominent men
RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, ‘pulling together lor a common
(object we look for great results
One year........
£o to follow their efforts, for it
75 is concentrated efforts like this
Six months....
Three months
which have caused cities and
Entered us second class mail mat­ counties to grow mid prosper.
ter July, 1888, at the. post office at
Tillamook, Ore., under the act of
Four million pounds of cheese
March 3, 1879.
were manufactured in Tilla­
mook County last year.
looks a large amount now. but
it is not when compared with
what can and will be produced
in this county.
Perhaps some
Editorial Snap Shots
of our citizens have never given
I this much thought, but it will
No one ought to go hungry not surprise us in the least that
in Oregon with potato» down in the near future Tillamook
I County will be producing the
below 25c. a sack.
enormous amount of 20,1X10,(100
pounds of cheese annually. Tell
The self - righteous, Simon
the visitors this,especially those
pure, individuals who hobnob-
who want to improve some of
bled with the detective who
the idle land which is waiting
came here to investigate mem­
to be turned into valuable dairy
bers of the city council probably
wished now they had not been farms.
Advertising Ratea.
Keep Abreast
of the Times
The Great Majestic Range
Alex. McNair Co
Tillamook Title and
Real Estate
Surveying ; Insurance.
If you drink because of a craving for
stimulants—if you’ve reached the stage
where nothing will satisfy excepting
rough, high-proof, strong whiskey
our story is not for you.
But if it’s mellowness, age and flavor
you’re looking for—you’ll like Cyrus
W. J Van Schuyver Co., Portland, Or
Post the Farmer on
Market Conditions