« Vol. xxv. ' No. 45 TIL1AMOOK, OREGON. Double Your Dollars. Every dollar you earn is capable of doubling itself in time, without any effort on your part except to hang on to it. The dollar that slips away will eventually get into the hands of some­ one who will set it at work fortune building for himself. The dollars you save, whose earning power you appropriate, will make the sum of your fortune. The sooner you begin to save at this bank, the sooner your will see your fortune expressed in large figures. We receive savings deposits from a dollar up. OLDEST^ COUNTY ! CAPITAL TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. To Subscribers As weekly newspapers are not permitted to extend credit to subscribers more then twelve months, it is our intention to place subscriptions on a prepaid basis, and with this object in view we must ask our subscri­ bers to settle up immediately. These are only small amounts, but considering the missionary work of the newspapers and the large amount of boosting they do, the citizens should support the home newspapers and en­ courage them as much as possi­ ble. A good way right now to do this is to see that your sub­ scription is paid in advance, and in doing this at once it will be greatly appreciated by the editor and encourage him that much more to work with more zeal for the upbuilding of all I parts of Tillamook county. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS SUPERVISION To Rent, —a furnished house, four rooms and pantry. Apply to W. T. Newcombe. If our work does not suit you tell us; if it does tell your friends. City Transfer Company • Howard Wahlen, Leading Jewel­ er, will put a mainspring in your watch for 60 cents. * Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ mook Meat Company’s Market. We pay 12c. per pound • Lost,—a log chain between the county machine shed and my resi­ dence. T. D. Lucas. * Don’t forget that Howard Wahlen, Jeweler, will put a mainspring in your watch for 50 cents. • A fine quality of slab wood, the best to be had in the city. I.c..ve order at the City Transfer Co, The road north of the city will be closed for about a week, while the old bridges are being torn out. Amateurs ! Better pay a small charge and get good results from your kodaks.—Tillamook Studio. . I Frank Worthington and wife were Miss Ollie Case has returned to in from Cloverdale this week. They the city. are interested in the piano contest. See Big Mack for your sewer con- We guarantee all goods that I n ections. leave our store because we buy on­ Want to trade a piano for town, ly that class of goods. The BIG 4. Address, Box 426 We have just received a barrel of Stylish City Photographs at the genuine Sorghum direct from the Tillamook Studio. East, home made. Tillamook Feed The BIG 4 has one of the nicest Co. lines of candy in town. One large fire-proof Hall’s safe M R Hanenkratt left for Port­ for sale. Inquire Tillamook Title land Tuesday morning. & Abstract Co., 216 Tillamook ' . Born, on Sunday, to the wife of Block. A B. Freeberg. a son. If you want seed oats you will For Fine Photographs at popular have to hurry as we are not going to have enough to go round. See prices-—Tillamook Studio. The daisy is beginning to enroach Shrode. Wanted, to buy, horses from 1200 on some of the bottom lands. Glasses fitted. Any kind, any to 1400 pounds, sound and io good style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * working condition. City Transfer Co. Large tent for sale. 14 x 24 ft. See Morrison Mills has gone to Rollie Watson, at Todd Hotel. * Scappoose for the purpose of pur­ The pupil schools resumed Mon­ chasing Jersey cows from a stock day after being closed several days. farm there. Chicken wanted at the Spanish Free, an elegant bevel edged stag Kitchen. Will pay highest market handle hand mirror, containing price. your photo with our folders.—Tilla­ Attorney R. R. Duniway is in the mook Studio. . city from Portland attending circuit We have a new kind of coffee in court. now that satisfies everybody. The Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. kind that makes you want more. The BIG 4. per pound. * A Snap,--The furnitnre and leaee Lady cook wanted at once. In­ quire at Rollie Watson’s, Todd Ho­ of a rooming house for sale, over Williams’ harness shop. Call on tel Bldg. the premises. . Clint King came in from Portland on Sunday to spend Sunday with K. E. Koch left for Portland on his parents Monday on account of the serious Dr. Jack Olson has opened den­ illness of his mother, who died on tal parlors over F. R. Beals’ office. Tuesday morning. Both phones. * I Andy Commons, who had pur­ Phone Joe Lilly for wood aawfng. chased full blood Holstein stock Country work solicited. Phone 1313 from the Goff stock farm near Pacific States. . Forest Grove, brought them in on The frost early Monday morning * Friday on the railroad and drove was not good for those who have | them to his farm at < »retown. It early gardens. I was a good bunch of animals. I LAMAR'S VARIETY STORE. TlUUAmOOK- * « OREGON. Drop in and book Around-” MAY 1, 1913. Howard Drew has teen re-em A two acre snap in Tillamook ployed as superintendent of the City. This is the John Hathaway city schools at Athens. Oregon, at property, and consists of two acres of tine gardpti land, near the Tilla­ a salary of $1800 a year. «Ray A Co. have a limited supply mook cheese factory, lias a fine 10 of Alfalfa hay at $17.00 per ton ; room house, a barn, chicken house timothy anil clover, mixed. 21 I CURIOUS METHODS TiUamookere Had in Settling Their Debts. Some time previous to October, 1888 Minny V. Stillwell owed G. W. Blackwell a small amount of money, the exact umount neither of whom knew, but Stillwell gave his note for $30, and this is how the note waa settled, which uppeared in The Headlight of Nov. 2, 1888: S tatk of OKKG o N, I County of Tillamook, f I, Geo. W. Blackwell, being first duly Hworn, depose and say T Hill II resident and Tax payer of said County and State and an old hand at the business. that I am unmar­ ried, and have no children living to .ny knowledge, anil that I hereby release all my right, title and inter- e»’ in and to a certain promissory note of mi ancient date, give i by one Minny V. Stillwell, anil made payable to me, said note was for the sum of thirty dollar«, said note has this date been paid in full, arid I hereby acknowledge the re­ ceipt of said sum, anil w.irn and abjure any son of a gun from ever trying to collect said note or any portion thereof. In Testimony Wheieof I have here unto set my hand and seal tlii .’6th greatly in of a different character during the road had first been used there was tile Hid ami sorrowful hours that day, a program of which will be over five feet of piaterial on top of came on to iih ho suddenly in losing the brush. It is hard to tell how our beloved wife and mother. given later. many times that piece of road was W. If H oney and «one, The friends of Mr. Earl II. Con- graveled and what it co»k the coun­ J ay anle well as prove that more than eno­ been chosen Cashier of the new ugh money have been expended on For Sale' Two choice young registered Hol­ Paisley National Bank at Paisley, some pieces of road than it would stein bulla. Price $100 00 and Oregon. Mr. Conser is now con- 80 acre» of bottom land kn wn n« $125 <10. Also H5 acre ranch. $4800,00, cost to hard finish them. nected with the Trust De pa rtrnent The price terms to suit. B. B. Goff, Forest the Peter Brant place. Earl Stanley, writing fromCheno, is $400 an acre Vincen i Jacab . of the Security Saving* A T rust Grove, < >re. Cal , says: "I have sold iny ranch Company of Portland. Married, on April 2nd, in Tilla- here and don’t know where I will m9ok City, by the Rev. D. L. locate yet. I will take a trip back Shrode, Mr. Elie Musselman to the Atlantic coast in a few weeks. and Miss Theresa Elliott. The 1 have done well here. I bought bride is the daughter of T. R. El­ my land five years ago for $125 an acre and sold for $500 an acre. In liott. and the happy couple are well the last two years I have sold $4500 and favorably known in the county worth of hay off the ranch. I have with a nunilier of friends, who wish them much happiness throughout la-en a subscrilier to the Headlight since 1*0«». and loosing the weekly their married life. visit of the Headlight will l»e like I The Supreme Court held that the loosing nn old friend.” Earl Stan- incorjioration of Bay City is legal, Stanley is well known in this coun­ The high court sustained a decision ty, «nd his friends will tie glad to of Circuit Judge Galloway, of Tills , know that he has done so well and mook County. W. E. Proctor, of wish him success in the future, Bay City, brought the suit as rela­ He has been a subscriber to the tor in the name of the state to have Headlight 24 years, taking it one determined the legal status of the year after it waa first issued municipality. The lioundary line» The Port of Bay City took over DOCKS : WAREHOU?«. in the petitions for the election and FRONT STREET, BETWEEN Ind A 3rd AVEMi E WEST those given in the* < ourt re ords the present dock of the Bay City were not the same, and it wa- fear« <1 Land Company at the me-ting last the discrepancy invalidated the Friday evening and will iiumediate- $ • i election. Coal, Cement, Lime, Biick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint LAMB SCIIRADEK COMPANY. X.