Tillamook Headlight, April 24-, 1©I3 JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, Ucited Stale« Civil Service E k - amination ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. I I hotts , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Books in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tills • nook ... - Oregon. Both Ptionea. ^ARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Oregon Til...moo )i Q^EOROK WILLETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW T illamook C ommercial B uilding , Tillamook Oregon. T. BO ALS, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. T illamook B lock , Tillamook Q M. • • Oregon KERRON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , TiP-irriook - • Oregon. C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 1 Bay City Oregon SARCHKT, The .Faahionuble Tailoi T * Cleaning, Pressing und Repairing a Specialty. Store in Hein* Ptiotograpbic Gallery. rP H. GO Y NE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Battl» »f Poitiers, RURAL CARRIER. T illamook B loc », Tillamook - - - - Oregon. Room No 2U1 SAVED A DOUGLAS. I Sir Willi»»" Ramsay'» Quiok Wit at th» In the battle of Poitiers (135«) a num- At’BAY C ity , O regon , for Tilla- incok County, Saturday, May 21th, her of Scottish soldiers fought on tbe 11913. side of tbe French, and several of them The United States Civil Serví e sere takeu prisoners by tbe English. Commission announce» an open Among them wsa Sir Archibald Doug­ rorn[>etitive examination on the date and at the places named ataive, las. Being dressed in a suit of splendid ax a result oí which it ia expected armor, tiie victors thought they bad to wake certification to till a va­ cup lured- as Indeed they had—some cancy in the position of rural car­ great nobleman. Several of tbe Eng­ rier at Bay City, Oregon, and other lish were about to atrip off bls armor ■ vacancies as they tnay occur on when Sir William Ramsay of Colluthie, rural route» at post office» in the who was also a prisoner, happening to above named county untes» it i» found to be in the interest of the catcb Sir Archibald’s eye, gave him a service to fill any vacancy by rein­ meaning look. Pretending to be very angry, he cried statement, transfer, or promotion. , The usual entrance salary for rural out: “You rascal, buw is it that you are I carrier» is from $o0u to $1,100 per wearing your master's armor? Come annum. here and pull off my boots!” Douglas, i Age. 18 to 55, on the date of the seemingly thoroughly cowed, went examination. The maximum age bumbly forward and drew off a boot, | i» waived in cases of persona hon­ orably discharged from the United with which Sir William began to beat him. The English onlookers at once State» military or naval service. An applicant must have his interfered on Douglas’ behalf, saying actual domicile in the territory »up- that he wus a person of great rank aud pulied by a poet office in the coun- a lord. ty for which ttie examination is ali­ “Wbatr shouted Ramsay. "He a nounced. lord? Why. be is a base knave aud, 1 to all The examination is open male citizens of the United State» suppose, has slain his master. Go, you who cun comply with the require­ villain, and search tbe field for the body of my cousin, your master, and ments. Application Form 1341. and full when you have found it let me know, information concerning the require that I may give it decent burial." inentH of the examination, can be All this was acted so naturally that secured from tbe secretary of the the English allowed Ramsay to ransom loca! examining hoard or the post- tiaster at any of the places above tbe pretended manservant for 40 shil­ named, or front the U. S. Civil Ser­ lings The money having been paid. vice Commission, Washington, Sir William gave Douglas another thrashing aud then bade blm begone. D. C. Eligible» on registers established Sir Archibald lost no time in effecting prior to March 1 1912, can be con­ his escape, which he owed solely to tbe sidered for appeintment only at the ingenuity of his friend. office for which they were examin­ ed. Such eligible» may be examin­ ed within one year from the date of their former examinations upon tiling applications showing that Welcome Sound That Che.rsd they meet the requirements of the Th. Lord Balfour of Burl.igh. new examination, their old eligibil­ ity for their home offices not being It would be bard to say wblcb of ca nceled. England's two bouses of legislature Applications should be properly •'takes tbe cake" for committing bowl­ executed and tiled with the Com­ ers. and still more difficult to pick out mission at Washington. Ax exam­ the member who has taken pride of ination papers are »hipped direct from the Commission to the places place in this respect during recent of examination, it is necessary that years. But perhaps for simple effec­ applications be received in ample i tiveness Lord Balfour of Burleigh time to arrange for ttie examination I would be bard to beat when be said, desired at the place indicated bjr "The noble lord shakes his bead, and I the applicant. The Commission | am glad to bear it!" w‘ll therefore arrange to examine Another noble lord during a debate any applicant whose application is i received in time to permit the ship- | on Indian affairs exclaimed: "Talk of this as a loan to India! It is a flea inent of the necessary papers. An eligible register for the posi­ bite In the ocean?’ Nevertheless it tion of rural letter carrier for each stands to reason that tbe lower bouse county will be maintained. A per­ is more prolific in quantity, if nut in son must be examined in the County . quality, in its stock of howlers than in the postoffice that supplies Ilia home i» situated. As a result of' tbe upper, seeing that it has so many such examination he may become more opportunities. eligible to appointment ax rural I Captain Craig, tbe fiery Ulsterman, carrier at any poet office in such j cooked the following oratorical stew: county. A letter carrier after one, "The naked sword is drawn for the year’s satisfactory service tnay lie fight, and uever again will tbe black transferred to the position of clerk 1 smoke of the Nationalists' tar barrels or carrier in a first or second class post office, to the position of railway drift on the home rule wind to darken mail clerk, or to other positions in tbe hearts of Englishmen." If any­ the classified service,subject to such thing could kill home rule one would examination as may be required by think that would. the civil service rules Sir W. Hart Dyke was criticising the J ohn C. B lack , standing order forbidding peers front President. speaking during general electiona Some one bad quoted I»rd Halsbury How’s This ? as doing so. and Sir William solemnly .Ve offer O n « H undmrd H ollars R bwair said. "I must admit that the honor­ or unv case of Catarrh that cannot be cure** able gentleman has gone to tbe top of by Hitll * Catarrh Cure. the tree and caught a very large fish.” I j CHBNB1 * CO., r. k.i.. <» —London Tit-Bits. BULLS IN PARLIAMENT. We, the uudvihave knowu F. i Cheney for the l.kM 15 vear«, and believ* him perfectly honorable in all bust new transaction» and fluanciully able to carry out unv oblinations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COM MERCK. Toledo, O. Hull'» Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly uuon the blood and ma coin surfaces of the •yttem. testimonial» ♦nt fit«- Price Tfi cent* pm bottle» Sold by all l>rug«istH Take Hal!*» Family Pills for constipation Easy. "Henry.” she said. ”1 wish I could organize a society of some kind. It Tillamook • seems to be tbe only way to secure Oregon. social recognition tn this town.” "Well, why don't you go ahead and organize one?” “1 can't think of anything that I'm R. P. J. SHARP, an authority on. If I should organize a drama club some other woman who Call for City Warrants RESIDENT DENTIST, knew more about tbe drama than I Office ; Commercial Block, All Warrants issiied on the Gen- would butt In and get herself elected eral Fund to and including Nit ili­ president It would be the same way Tillamook • Oregon tier 1319 Series "A,” endorsed on or with suffrage, ethical culture and child | study and music. I'm unfortunately before October 8th, 1912. ulso all not an authority on any of these I warrants issued on tiie Ruud Fund things, and If I got up a society I J. CLAUSSEN, endorsed prior to October 1st, 1910, should, of course, want to be the bead • LAWYER, wit! be paid on presentation. Inter­ of It.” est ceases utter this date. “Well, why not organize a Browning DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. club? You can pretend to know all A. H. G aylord , 21» T illamook B lock about Browning, and tbe other women City Treasurer. who pretend to know all about him TiHaiuovk OregoL. won’t know whether you’re fooling Eggs Duckings. them or not”—Chicago Record Herald. ocie«. • opposite Covar H ouse . E REEDY, d . v m ., English Penciled pure white egg ' Five Varieties of Salmon. strain Imliun Runner Duck eggs: Kamchatka baa Ove varieties of salm­ VETERINARY. fl per setting ot 11. White Indian on—chavltcha (king aalmoni. kraanaia Runner egg» $2 per setting. Five 1 (red aalmoni. keta* (dog aalmoni. gor Both Phones day old ducklings 25 cents each, I btmhH (humpback aalmoni and klsbutch ' (sockeye salmon). Tbe run of cbavltcba Tillamook ■ t.'regou. also muted stock for sale. Eggs . begius about .May 10 to 20 (old style) delivered free. Miss Anna Roenicke, during tbe period of spring rains aud Woods, Oregon. tbe overflow of muddy water. They run in large School», and tbe run con­ w O. McGKK, M.r tinues for several days. Tbe flsh, which weigh twenty to twenty-live pounds, le purely a Kamchatka flan HYSICIAN & SL'RGKON and la not found In tbe Okhotsk end I other dlitrt AS.—Consular aud Trad. Reports. Office : One Block East of A LV Post Office. • - H» Oidn’t Hu«h. ' Tillamook HARNESS Baker’s Bread Sold at Al) Grocers »ewer Pipe for »ale '"or Sale »II «uta of newer uni »«wet counactiuas McMahan "Slam ma.” queried little Willie, “what Is bush?’ ” “Why do you ask, dear?” said bls 1 mother • “Because.” explained the observing urchin. ’when 1 asked »l»ter whet made her balr all mussed after her bean was here this afternoon »be said. - 'Hush, dearChicago New*. with the problem of Luy ng Hnrness you will find it distinctly adveufa. geon* to come and do vour *eW?'t mg here. You wdl get tbe be»t qualities, the moat thorough and conscientious workmanship and be charged the moat reasonable price*. <• can supply «ingle or double "'eta or any «ingle article that you may l>e in need of W. A, Williams it Co. , Nrai tu r>Uaal Cate. In his book "Courts. Criminals aud the Camorra" Arthur Train, ones an assistant district attorney in York. t.)l* how Juries are <*r“wn for “ great "Could you lv»ru to love me?" set-Boston Transcript “I don’t kuow.” replied the girt, "What Is your partlculsr system of ln- M»awt It Kindly. stnicttoor-Washington Herald. Aunt iwtth her two nieces at a con cert) tlh. but this Is tedious! let m. It la alwaya easier to stand off and take vour fan. Ida. so 1 can bide my erlttctss than it ta to nub in and help »awning behind It Otga-Take mine —Sydney Smith. auntie, It’» bigger.-Fliegend» Better P CORK TREE BARK. If Carefully Removed a N»w Supply Grows In a Few Years. As most people know, cork Is the outer bark of an oak. This tree, known to tbe botanists us Quercus sober, is an evergreen, native to the Mediter­ ranean region, and is cultivated in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Moroc­ co, Tunis and Algiers. If carefully done removing tbe bark does uot in­ jure tbe tree, and a new supply may be obtained from tbe same specimen after a few years. We are so familiar with the use of cork for the stoppers of bottles that we seldom realize its manifold other uses, though its connection with bob- ties dates back only about 500 years. YVe so commonly speak of tbe stopper of a bottle as a cork that we see no Incongruity in the expression "a rub­ ber cork.” Just as our word for stopper has been derived from tbe word cork, so cork Itself has probably been derived from tbe Spanish corcho, which in turn Is derived from the Latin cortex, meaning rind. Some authors, however, would derive cork from quercus, the generic name of all oaks. Cork is present In the bark of all trees, though in quantities too small to make it useful in tbe many ways in which cork from the cork oak is em­ ployed. Tbe cork barked elm, tbe sweet gum and a few others have strongly developed cork. BURIED ALIVE FORTY DAYS. i Queer Test a Hindu Fakir Is Said to Have Survived. Dr. Konlgberger, a physician In tbe Punjab, doubting the frequently re­ peated stories of tbe Hindu fakirs who claimed to be able to sustain life fo.r a considerable time after burial in the earth by tbe process known as “swal­ lowing the tongue,” determined to make the most rigid tests and exclude all possible fraud. One of these Brahman fakirs allowed himself to be buried by the doctor aDd ids suspicious colleagues in a well fastened and sealed vault. The burial lasted 6ucb a long time—for forty days —that some corn planted upon the soil above the vault sprouted before the unhappy fellow was released. Then the Hindu was freed, subjected by the doctor to restoratives and lived happily ever afterward. Sir Henry Lawrence, an English sci­ entist who assisted the German savant, substantiated tbe account Tbe chest In wblcb the fakir was burled was firmly sealed, and when the fellow was brought out he was cold and apparent­ ly lifeless. Readers of Stevenson will recall the Master of Ballantrae’s fatal attempt to escape from his murderers by this trick.—London Family Herald. Burglars and the Law. Remarklug that many members of tbe public feel some doubt as to tbe precise extent to which the law will uphold them In using violence to defeat or capture a burglar, the Law Journal of London says: "A peaceful tres­ passer must be requested to depart In peace, and only on his refusal can force be used to remove him, but a violent or an armed trespasser can be removed without such a request As a general rule, however. It Is not law­ ful to kill even a person assaulting one or stealing one’s goods. Unless one's life Is I d danger such an act Is at best manslaughter. Possibly In tbe defense of one's home tbe use of firearms U Justifiable, even If no violence to tbe person Is threatened, but this is very doubtful." A Lost Chance. Years ago a man named Saltzmann owned an estate In Griqualand. South Africa, and adjoining his property was an old, rundown farm that bad not been worked on account of Its poor soil and lack of necessary water. The own­ er of the farm met Herr Saltzmann one day and offered to trade the farm for an old waistcoat he had seen him wear­ ing. As Saltzmann did not wish to burden himself with a piece of worth­ less land, be kindly refused the offer. A few years later big, clear diamonds were found on tills waste stretch, and now thousands of pounds could not purchase It—London Mall. Not Very Reassuring. He—Your father called me a timber wolf. What did he mean by that? She —Ob, that’s Just one of pa’s political expressions. He used to live out west, you know, and nothing ever pleased him so much as to shoot a timber wolf before breakfast Of course, be didn’t mean anything by It—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Papa’s Fault. Father—I have Just beard that that Incorrigible eon of mine baa Juat mar­ ried a well knowu actress. Daughter— Well, you have yourself to blame, fa­ ther. Father—How do you make that out? Daughter—Haven't you often told him to bitch hla wagon to a star? All Over. ’‘Well, dear, I guess the honeymoon la over." “Why do yon say that?" pouted tbe bride. “I bare been taking stock, and 1 flbd that I am down to *2 65."—Washington Herald. Wasted Advice. Father—My son. remember th’s—no man ever accomplished much who talked at bis work. Son— How about a lecturer, dad?—Boston Transcript The dread of ridicule eitlngulsbes ortgluaUty Ln its birth.—Black wood. , *