iilainonk ♦ V. -*■ " - - TILLAMOOK, OREGON, APRIL »4. 1913 Mrs. Louie Laboviteh leaves Fri- day morning for San Francisco to visit her mother. “Found, a bunch of keys, which the owner may recover by calling at the Headlight office. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kinnaman returned home Wednesday alter spending the winter in the South­ west. The new rural route is from Bay City, which is the second to be es- tabliehnd in this county, will have a compensation of $616 and the length will be 12is miles. The new proprietors of the Ram sey House, Messrs. M. J. Peterson and C. S. Barnes, since they obtain ed posseaaion'of the hotel,have been refurnishing it with new furuiture, making it comfortable and attrac­ tive for visitors. Both of these Determined effort to save develope gentlemen have had experience in or strengthens a valuable faculty, namelv, catering for the traveling public. the faculty of drawing the line between | The Ramsey House from now on will become a popular hotel, as well necessary and useless expenditure. , as a great improvement in hotel accomodations in this city. Think of it : Isn’t it usually the WM. G. TAIT, President A two acre snap in Tillamook thing one is better off without that takes City Thia is the John Hathaway the money he should save? J. G HOUDEht, Vice President property, and consists of two acres Father Van Clarenbeck left on of fine garden land near the Tilla­ Tuesday morning’s train for Port­ mook cheese factory, has a fine 10 Hence the.double benefit of the saving land for the purpose of making room house, a barn, chicken house habit: First, learning to deny one’s self plans for the erection of a new and several other buildings. The Interest Paid on Time and Catholic church in this city. harmful indulgence ; and second, acquir­ price of this is only $3500, $1200 Savings Deposits. An excursion has been arranged down. The party who gets it will ing a property through little triumphs for next Sunday to Bar View on the make $2000 this summer on his bar­ Under United States Government over self. Henrietta, for the benefit of the gain. We have an option on the baseball team. The launch leaves property. Address the Ralph Ack- Supervion. Ask yourself now if there is any reason Tillamook at 9; 15. I ley Land Co., 170-5th St. Portland, why you seould not become a money H. S. Soule, the well known piano Oregon, tuner from Portland, is now in saver at The religious cantata at the Pres- Tillamook for a few days only. 1 byterian Church on Sunday drew^a Orders may be left at either large congregation, which was Clough’s or Lamar's drug stores * admirably rendered. OLDEST;_ Mrs. F S. John Aschim, who has been in Whitehouse proved an excellent Eastern Oregon, returned to the city anil impressive reader, and she was COUNTY i TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. SUPERVISION oti Sunday. He expects to have well supported by the choir and charge of the tire wardens the com ♦*>e vocal soloists. Mis R. A. Moore ing summer, a position ¿which he and Mrs Emmet Bales. The can­ held last year. tata was “ The Man Who Spoiled illamook jottings One large fire-proof Hall’s safe The opening game of the base­ the Music,” and portrayed one of for sale. Inquire Tillamook Title those events in life where drink See Big Mack for your sewer con- A Abstract Co., 216 Tillamook ball season in this city will be Sun­ day, May 4th, when the Weonas, of brings misery and poverty in the Block. setions. * The Warren Construction Co. has Portland, will come here and play home when the head of the family Want to trade a piano for cows. commenced grading the street from Tillamook. This is expected to be is a drunkard. Address, Box 426 Under the auspices of the Ore the First National Bank to the an interesting game. Stylish City Photographs at the depot. Uncle James Ferry, who has bsen gon Holiness Association, begin­ Tillamook Studio. If you want seed oats you will making his home in this city with ning May 7th, evangelistic services ■ Attorney McCamant, of Portland, have to hurry as we are not going Rollie W. WatBon, left on Tuesday will be held ip Tillamook by Rev. (L CBme in on Wednesday. to have enough to go round. See morning for Elma, Wash., to dis­ James and Stella Crooks, field ®For Fine Photographs at popular Shrode. pose ol some property there, when evangelists for the association. . Rev. Crooks has had several years prices—Tillamook Studio. . The L. O. O. M. will give a dance he expects to return to this city. ■Glasses fitted. Any kind, any Saturday night. Everybody invit­ Attorney Gearin has rendered an experience as a missionary in EXCLUSIVE RIGHT ON BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE ■tyle Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. opinion in regard to the efforts to Seattle, Wash., having had charge ed. Tickets $1. PROPERTY AT A BIG BARGAIN. ^■.arge tent for sale. 14 x 24 ft. See of The Life Boat Mission at that Wanted, to buy, horses from 1200 cancel the contract with the War­ place. The holiness association Choice Vacant Lots in all Additions. Rollie Watson, at Todd Hotel. • to 1400 pounds, sound and in good ren Construction Co. to pave Fifth Good Buys are Easy Sold. Attorney A. E. Clark, of Portland, working condition. City Transfer Street. It is his opinion that the under which he labors at present is an inter-denominational move­ SEE ME FOR MONEY MAKERS. City Council cannot cancel the con ­ to attending the circuit court this Co. ment reaching all churches and The Big-4 says eat more vege­ tract. classes of people. The place of W, H. Harris and A. J. Rager meeting will be announced later. he Moose dance Saturday night tables and lees meat the Doctor at the opera house. Tickets $1. says you will soon find out where have boughtout the running Btock Field Worker for Industrial Fairs, of the Commercial Stables. They Everybody invited. to get them. * N. C. Maris, will spend the week, have also taken over the mail route Free, an elegant bevel edged stag fetave chickens wanted at the Tilla- Api.l 28 to May 3, in thie County. Book Meat Company's Market, 12c. handle hand mirror, containing between this city and Cloverdale, a He will visit the different localities but as the Attorney General took was a good wife and aikctio-a'e your photo with our folders.—Tilla­ motor truck for which will arrive per pound. with Supt. Duel, and an effort will the position that he could not hold mother and friend. this week. . wfcady cook wanted at once. In­ mook Studio. Marie Remer vh Peter Renier ia a be made to organize and thus in­ the office, Mr. Handley declined the quire at Rollie Watson’s, Todd Ho­ Major Mclndoe came in on Mon- Grass Seed. divorce suit filed in the circuit sure industrial exhibits with prizes appointment and so notified the tel Bldg. diy to condemn old property .be­ awarded to the winners, within governor. ____________ Prime Red Clover Seed., 22c. Father Le Miller came in on Tues­ longing to the governmer t. He left court. These parties were married the reach of every child in the Alsake . ”*c. » » in Australia on the 25th November, day with Francis Richter, the blind the next morning. county. Schools will be visited Death of Mrs. W. B. Honey. Tiinoth j » • 1897, and have three children. The pfanist. 1 in ported Orchard Grass Owing to a few cases of diphtheria 22c, • » and mass meetings called for even­ grounds for the divorce are person ­ We are sorry to announce the Domestic We have four articles on sale all in the city', the School Board de­ ings. Every citizen interested in al indignities. Imported Italiun Rye the time changing every three days, cided to close the school for the re­ the welfare of the boys and girls of death of Mrs. W. B. Honey, which English Hye ............. 11c. »• President W. J. Kerr of the Ore mainder of the week. the Big-4. • our county is asked to attend these took place Wednesday evening at Clean Muakete Seed............. 20c. • » gon Agricultural College, will be Dr. Wendt ’ s hospital. Mrs. Honey meetings and assist in making this All this is prime seed. Ray A Co. have a limited supply ■Dr. Tack Olson has opened den- in Tillamook City somewhere about undertaking a grand success. had been declining in health for A lex . M c N air a C o . parlors over F. R. Beals' office, of Alfalfa hay at $17 00 per ton ; some time and was taken to the timothy and clover, mixed, 21 00 ; the 12th May, when tlie matter will h phones. * A special car, containing L. R. be discussed as to the advisability hospital to undergo an operation The Red Wheel General Repair * r. Speaker’s dog was poisoned straight timothy, $22 00. and ways and means to establish Fields, T. W. Younger, H. A. Hin­ with the hope of saving her life. Shop Owing to the large produ-tion an industrial farm for Tillamook shaw and S. A. Siefer, officials of morning by a man who gave For several days she appeared to and the condition of the cheese Southern Pacific Co., came in the trychnine. County. Summer is coming. Bring your on Wednesday. They were over be improving and it was thought bicycles and get them fixed with hone Joe Lilly for wood sawing, market, cheese dropped to 15!4c. to she would recover, her husband The carpenters who have been the road for the purpose of making ntry work solicited. Phone 1313 wholesalers on Saturday. employed building the new depot an inspection with a view of mak- and family being greatly encour. good material. Good work and W. C. King left Monday for Tai- ific States. promptness at “fair** prices. finished on Monday and left for ing some improvements They aged, but ahe passed quietly away Bicycles of all kinds for sale and J. P. Worrel, who is building the lant, where he has gone to^cultivate | Timber, where they will build a log spent part of the evening at the last night. new hotel, left cor Portland on a his fruit ranch. He will be away ; cabin depot on the P. R. A N. It Tillamook Commercial C ub ar.d The funeral will take place to­ rent. Guns and gunsmithing, fish­ from the city for over a month. business trip. morrow (Friday) afternoon at two ing tackle repaired, etc. A 1 Dens­ ia expected that the new depot will On account of leaving town, I will be ready for occupancy by the 1st left next morning. Although Mr. o’clock, the religious service being more typewriter for sale, $16.00.— I The Loyal Order of Moose will Scott was not with the party, they First St, West, Corner First Ave. Myifre a dance at the opera house on sell my India Runner Ducks at May. expect that two trains will be run in the Presbyterian Church, con­ half price. All laving. Mrs. Grace ducted by the pastor, Rev. D. A. U Saturday night, Dairy Ranch for Sale Cornforth, at Rosenberg house. * | A. T. Dolan is constructing ce between this city and Portland, one Mackenzie. She was a member of ■ If our work does not suit you tell m»nt walks around the School leaving in tlie morning and the Lost, a pocket book, containing that church and was an active work A dairy ranch, nicely located on ug; if it does tell your friends. City ground I All materials used are other in the afternoon. notes and other papers belonging er in the Ladies’ Guild. Duiing Tillamook Bay, at Garibaldi, which Transfer Company • the best on the market, The gravel The annual meeting of the contains 9J acres. Half of the land Finder will her residence in this city she made .^Howard Wahlen, Leading Jewel­ to James Hughey. is screened and free from dirt and lamook Commercial Club will is good river bottom, and the other please return same to the owner. * many friends, and she was a wo­ half is fine rich tide land, with a ’ is being mixed with a concrete held on Monday evening nt the club er, will put a mainspring in your man highly respected and beloved hill that contains tine hard blue Agent C. L. Howe, of the P. R. A mixer. He is receiving 12c. per «Mtch for 60 cents. * rooms, when officers for the ensn- by all who had made her acquaint­ rock, connecting with tlie rock N., has been transferred to Oregon square foot foi hia work. l^pring your chickens to the Tilla- ing- year will he elected, Thoae ance. quarry. Good house and barn, two City, and Ray Grate took hie place creeks with fine spring water runs We on Thursday as agent in thia city ■MB. ok Meat Company’s Market Mrs. W. E. Hutchinson, of Port­ nominated are as follows: Her maiden name waa Effie through the place All the cows «nd President Fred C. Baker, » C. ’ 12c. per pound * land,ha« leased both the hotels and Lamb Blanch Bond, and she was born in machinery goes with the pluce. We and C. I. Clough. If you haven’t seen the latest in Ira. A. A Pennington left Mon- the way of buggy improvements, tent city at Bayocean. She will 1st Vice President John Leland Iowa in 1884 She married W. If. will sell half or all of the place. For Honey in Iowa in 1801, and had further information call or write to to visit relatives at McMinn- you can see it at the Tillamook take charge the 1st May. About 25 Henderson. 2nd Vice President—Russell Haw­ two sons, J B and I. T. Honey. the owner. men have lieen put to work on the and Willamina. FkANK K. S tkubby , Feed Company. Drop in and look pavement, and workmen have com kins Garibaldi, Oregon. won't forget that How ard Wahlen, it over. It’s a peach. 3rd Vice President—Frank A Her father, sister and brother re­ . menced the construction of two side in Iowa, and another brother Rowe. jHgeler. will put a mainspring in The Big 4 wants you to return all new cottages for J. Poulson, of 4th Vice President-F. If. Hana- is in Colorado. For Sale' your watch for 50 cents. * goods that are not satisfactory so Portland. don. The bereaved family have the SO acres of bottom land known us fine quality of slab wood, the you see we are doing the fair thing 5th Vice President—Wm Roy. Secretary Will SpauMmg and sympathy of the citisens in this the Peter Brant place. The price Secretary Olcott will make the to be had in the city. Leave (That's all there is to it) Honey A hour of sorrow and parting, for she I is $400 an acre. Vincents Jacsb . annual appropriation, equal to one- K. A. Claussen. r at the City Transfer Co Hathaway. * Treasurer—W. G. Tait. twentieth of a mill ti|>on the tax ­ emember the Big-4 Grocery has Three Directors—Dr S. M. Ker Mrs. Erwin Harrison was operat­ ue line of green vegetables at ed upon in Portland on Monday able property, for the support ren, B. C. Lamb, Ira Smith, of county fairs, which, for Tilla­ John Groat, W. G. Dwight and F. imes. Honey A Hathaway. * and Dr. Boals, who returned on mook. will amount to $MS9 from D. Small, mateurs I Better pay a small Tuesday, reported that she was get- Governor West has appointed M. state funds If this is not used for _ ting along nicely. ge and get good results from that purpose it is to lie placed in J. Gersoni, of Nehalem, County At­ r kodaks.—Tillamook Studio. ■ . 1 Buy a Ford car because they run Attorneys the road fund. If no county fair torney for Tillamook. e have just received a barrel of 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline organization it in existence County Goyne Willett and Claussen were al­ mine Sorghum direct from the When you get them your troubles Court is authorized to appoint a so aspirants for thia office, but as the governor and Mr. Gersoni were ad ■■<, home made. Tillamook Feed are over. See Kd. Hadley, the local county fair board. agent for the Ford auto. mitted to the bar together, he had Francis Richter, the blind pianist, tlie advantage of personal acquaint­ gave two recitals at the Gem The­ ance with th^ governor. District atre on Tuesday night to large and Attorney Hill fnforms us that he appreciative audience«. Mr. Rich­ has been notified by letter that a ter showed that he had mastered party in Eastern Oregon will en-1 the piano, and that he possessed voke the referendum on thie law, | remarkable ability. Throughout who claims that it is an additional the two recitals the audience by expense on the taxpayers to give their enthusiasm waa thrilled with each county a posecuting attorney. admiration as the fingers of the Governor West offered the ap- « « DOCKS : WAREHOUSE, jierformer flew over the keys of tlie laiintment to Representative T. B. FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd f ’•«4 'VR.ÇK "T.SÏ, pianG and peeled out beautiful Handley in recognition of his vain- music. able service in Uic state legislature, A Valuable Faculty First National Bank Tillamook, Oregon ' ¡TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK|~ ■______ ■ T & Houses for Rent. Property Cared For Rents Collected A. C. EVERSON w LAND AND MERCHANDISE BROKER Buys, Sells and Exchange. Large and Small Tracks Room : No. 215 TILLAMOOK BLOCK Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint ■ UA|WHR’S VARIETY STORE, TlbUAOlOOK. OREGON- LAMB SCHRADER COMPANY. Drop in and book flround ” J I I *