Tillamook Headlight, April 17, IOI3, — Dissolution Sale ------ W ™----------- - 1.ILO« NEWYORK SnO.S Al VIlCA BranötgceKinraiöjS'Co MARCAS Cf MOOCRN ”7 Z' CLOTHES CHIC ACO LJ PENNINGTON & CO. MASON, \ V e a ppreciated the well merited reputa- tion we have for carrying the Best Quality of Merchandise in Tillamook County. I m True to our reputation as Quality Merchants we are selling these high grade goods at less than others are asking for their cheap shoddy goods brought for the purpose of under pricing honest merchandise. Men’s Work Shirts tn Cotton. Every place else are sold for 50c., here 40c. Have you seen our All Wool Clothing for Men ? Men’s heavy Fleeced Lined knit underwear. These garments are full size, full weight. Cot­ ton underwear that are sold for 50c. the country over. We sell for . 40e. I* During this Sale you can get this If not why not ? Regular pender . line of high grade merchandise at a great sacrifice of of quality and style at the Prices we are offering are <>»1111111- J ! ' lillllH li1' ,<„ i, 'b ml uhi..Hin. iüimmim I il i li'ii H- ■ ni il ,i,‘ " 1 — 3 ■Mi F'.|i u¡ r.. “tu 75c. Don’t forget the Shoe Department. Just think of a $5.00 Packard Shoe for’...................................... $2 00 ■ 1 25c. $1.25 Shirts . indeed rare. tü>i>. Sus- Men’s Hose Suppor- ters .... 10c. Sox 19c Prices. You can easily find cheap goods. But göods t ’] 50c« “"f 'Hi lillllll ir ii ||| iiiiiii » ii U mii'iliijhiL r i....... HM llllill!ll|||||IHIInllll!l luminimi mini ininimllli Everthing in this Store Reduced to Prices that will surpise you. T """t Hl| '1111" ÌIM i;niii!iiii 01 h HI In our dress goods depart- ment we have no competi- e are tn a class by tion. ourselves. No place else has such quality been offered the public and at such aston­ ishing low prices. Have you seen our white goods ? There are dotted Swiss, bared Dimities, strip­ ed Dimities, Batise, Indian Linens and a host of others that are going at one half price. All our mixed silk are being sold at one half price- We can afford these prices because we are closing the business of the company and expect to sell at a loss. See otir 3’4c. table of lace9 and embroidery. Look at our remnant table. F ■ The Tillanoak l,cadliK|lt icn 1 We-lne«!.,, for rrwniin«. 7. Vote, mu.t Sot be writ- i. C *.r of W. «I'h C-tt««...-. ..nl», „rf .mount on top .lip. . '•» '■•runs »ten will h» ch.aunte«tant bavin* the • 3t,TH'wo?ic’fllt"eoi" 1/ ao j ipo With every yearly subscription to The Tillamook Headlight accompanied by $i 50 in cash, 5,000 votes will be given. This applies to back subscription, and you can pay for as many as you desire. You can also get votes on job printing—100 votes for each dollar paid on either job advertising or printing. All leading merchants in Tilla­ mook, Oregon, patronize The Tillamook Headlight, and they will be glad to give you the votes when they pay any of their accounts. But the best way to get votes is to get subscriptions to the paper, as the schedule of votes is so much greater for subscription than for anything else. You will be surprised how easy it is to get subscriptions to the Headlight if you try. Closesjune 4, 1913. 1 l,,J W'”rH1* !■* *' KI-.I.V A PKKSKSr I ry i hereby accept the nomination as a con- .t—-taut on the Claxton Piano Contest. Please place these 2000 votes to mv credit Name.... P.O... Gohl II atches and a S25 Silver roilet Set. Silver Wear Every Week to the contestants.