Tillamook: Headlight, April 17, 1013, il I How’s Thia? Bertha Gaschter vs. S. M. Wendt. ' Damages. Ac offer O nb H umdbbd D ollaji » R iwaib or any «a»« of Catarrh that cannot be cured docket E. F. Laughlin va. Tillamook by Hull's Catarrh Cure. City and P. W. Tood, Recorder of F. J CH BN BY It CO.. Tried o. O. I said City. Writ of review. We the uudersicmcd have known F. J. Frank Sr., administrator Cheney for the ltvM 15 years, and believe of estate in. Campbell, vs. 1 him perfectly honorable in nil burineae Pacific Railway St Navigation Co. tranaaetionB anti financially able to carry out any obHnations made by hi» firm. Damages. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMBRCB, F. R. Beals, et al . ye. Warren Toledo. O. The! April term of the Circuit Construction Company, a corpora­ Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally tion. Injunction. acting directly upon the blood and mu Courtlwill convene on Monday with cjus surfaces of the eystetn. Testimonial» J. D Dubach vs. G. R. Ridgway. I lent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Bold Judge Wm. Galloway on the bench, Action for money. ( by all Druggist». which will be the last term cf court Warren Construction Conpany, a Take Hall’» Family Pill» for constipation he will hold in Tillamook as the corporation, vs. Tillamook City, a judicial district has been changed, Municipal corporation. Action for Hides Wanted. for in July Webster Holmes will money. Will pay 16c. for Hides, Stephen Peter Byron, executor of the last becofne Circuit Judge of Tillamook, Michaud, Hide Dealer. Leave your will and testament of Bengtha Yemhill and Polk counties. There Byron, deceased, vs. Garibaldi hides at Honey A Pelz. are TO cases on file at this term of Beach Co., a copporation, Oregon court,' some of which involve large Fisheries Co., a corporation, and OIIN LELAND HENDERSON sums of money, including the Walter Ridehalgh. Foreclosure. Grace Johnson vs. J. C. Johnson breach of contract suit against Divorce. ATTORNEY 14 x 2-inch Brake Drums. Tills») look City by the Warren Con- | Thomas P. Johnson vs. Roxie Imported Annular and Hyatt Roll­ AND er Bearings. struct! Ion Company, which was the Ann Johnson. Divorce. COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. Aluminum Cast Crank and Trans ­ The Paige ‘36" design and causg of < so much agitation in this Margaret Bulger vs. William T. mission Cases. equipment includes such features city.I Following is the docket : T illamook B lock , Bulger. Divorce. Built in, Adjustable, Ventilating, as : Martha M. Bauer va. Helen Louise Msade Joseph vs. David Joseph Rain-vision Wincsheikl Tillamook ... Oregon. Left Side Drive, Center Control. Gilday and E. N. Crockett. Fore­ Divofce. Gasoline Tank under Shroud Dash. Gray & Davis Electric Starting and Room No. 261 • • Gas and Spark Controls on top of I of Oregon vs. J. H. Beach, closure. Lighting System. Steering Wheel. Central Door and Lumber Co. vs. element. Silent Chain Drive for Cam Shaft, Bi Dash Adjustment for Carburetor. Pump and Generator (all enclos­ lonald Potts vs. Rollie W. W. K. Lytle and W. B. Gordon. 18 inch Steering Wheel, Irreversible Action for money. ed. ) W*1 m. Action for money. H. T. BOTTS, Gear. Cork Insert Multiple Disc Clutch. Robert R. Stillwell vs. Will Will M. Ray vs. A. F. Garrison Rear Door 21 inches wide, Front 19 Bosch Magneto Goeres. Injunction. To Mt aside deed. ’ attorney - at - law . inches. 116-inch Wheel Base. Becka Caples vs. Frank Long, John Krebs vs. William G. Willett, 10-inch Upholstery. Deep Tilted 4x5 inch Motor, cast en bloc. Complete Set of Abstract Books in Sr., etal. Foreclosure. et al. Confirmation. Cushions. Enclosed Valves Office. J. H. Hathaway vs. B. N. Sproat Long, Clean Running Boards. 3. W. Thompson, etal. vs. Allen Three Bearing Crank Shaft. and Agnes C. Sproat. Foreclosure. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. All Dash Equipment, Speedmeter, H. Wilson, et al. Foreclosure Unit Bower Plant. Louie S, Phillips vs. James Chris­ Ammeter, Carburetor Adjust­ Selective Type Transmission. Otelia Hadley vs. C. E. Hadley, T illamook B lock , tensen, et al " Foreclosure. ment, Magneto and Lighting 34 x 4-inch Tires, Demountable et alj Injunction. Tillamook .... Oregon. Switches, etc., imbedded in Rims. El mon A. Geneste vs. Bay City, Paul Schrader vs. Srethna S. Auxiliary Dash, convenient to Both Phones. Floating Type Rear Axle. a Municipal Corporation. Action is, et al. Foreclosure. operator. Full Elliptic Scroll Rear Springs. for money. i J. Magarrell vs. Edwin Hooker, Warren Construction Company, a |e, et al. Confirmation. U corporation, vs. Tillamook City, a OMPARE the size of the Paige '‘36” with any other car. It isn’t a small car. but a big roomy QARI. HABERLACH, ^^iis G. Freeman vs. Lars John- Municipal Corporation. Damages. comfortable, easy-riding car. It has 116 inch wheel base, 34 x 4-inch tires, deep luxurious uphol •oeuO Confirmation In the matter of the petition of etery, full elliptic scroll rear springs and a perfectly balanced distribution of weight that make it as ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. M W. Harrison vs. Pacific Rail- Jekub Grazen to become a citizen comfortable as any car you ever saw. A Na vigation Company, a cor­ of the United States of America. The Paige ,- 36 ” clutch is not simply a steel disc clutch but a Cork Insert Multiple Disc Cluch T illamook B eock , poration. Suit for damages. In the matter ot the petition of running in oil This clutch is one feature of Paige cars that has never been equalled tor mechanical ;Tn the matter of a petition of Carl Henry Christensen to become efficiency, control or real service. Look for this type of clutch in other motor cars and then note Tillamook ... Oregon. Matthe Anserson Sanden tc become a citizen of the United States of the prices of those cars There is no better evidence of Paige ‘‘36” value than this clutch. a citizen of the U.S. of America. America. One or two other features of this great car are too good to pass over without mention here. The S. B. Hill vs. Frederic Briody, et In the matter of the petition of position of the gasoline tank is one instance of the many conveniences of thia car. It is carried under si. Foreclosure. Victor Leander Johnson to become the shroud of the dash and is filled from the outside. Tile break drums are so large that they insure ab­ QBORGE WILLETT, a citizen of the United States of Janes Walton, Jr. vs. School Dis- solute safety of break control, being 14 inches in diameter and unusually wide. trictKo 9, Tillamook County, Ore- America. Men who know motorcars recognize instantly that this Paige ‘‘36” is unequalled for value. And f oa, a Municipal Corporation, et a), In the matter of the petition of your most searching investigation must convince you likewise. Look at it from any angle—measure ATTORN E Y- AT-L A W njunction. Ernest Beelitz to become a citizen it by any known standard—ride in it—drive it—the answer is the same. Paige cars are designed and N. J. Myers vs. H Crehshaw. of the United States of America. built by men who know motor car values to the last detail—and the Paige ”36” is their expression of T illamook C ommercial B uildino , Damages. In the matter of the petition of extreme value. The Paige “ 36 ’ today enjoys the distinction of being the most remarkable motor car value of the year—an achievement we are naturally’ quite proud of because it so truly reflects Chris Hansen vs. J. M Vermilyea, David Forster Thompson to become Tillamook .... Oregon. a citizen of United States of Injunction. Paige policy. PRICE, $1,396 f.o.b. Portland. We also have the Paige 25 at $1,050. ■------------------------------------------------------ - M. S. Copeland vs. Nehalem Coal America. Company, a corporation, et al. Con-1 T. BO ALS, M.D. firmation. I Death of Chas. Johnson. C. M. Giddings vs. James C. Cox. Tax i oreclosure. At 12 o’clock Wednesday, April PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON C. M. Giddings vs. Kate Cox, 9, Chas. Johnson, a pioneer of the Tax foreclosure. T illamook B lock , George A. Strese vs. A. F. Garri- Nestucca Valley, passed away at I Administrator’s Notice of Hearing Summons. ■otm To set aside deed. the age of 67 years. Death was Tillamook Oregon. of Final Account. R. Hanenkratt vs. Thomas caused by paralysis and nervous IMftnden and Charles Hovenden. exhaustion. Mr. Johnson had not In the Circuit Court of the State of » NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Oregon fot Tillamook County. 1 os ure. been feeling in good health for ■ that the undersigned has filed his Martha M. Bauer. ) M. HERRON, Smith vs. Cora Smith. some time and was attacked with || final account as administrator of Plaintiff, | e. a the estate of Samuel Perren, De- vs y ** *.« a •- ■ ■ MI ■ IK IK • Silver vs. D. O. Kenagy and paralysis while in one of his build­ — |cei-<-re- the e state of Wm. J. Hughey, vs. W to said account, and the closing of you cause, on or before the 23rd day of was done for him. He regained W. C. Thun. Action for money. scriptions. C> hawk , said estate. ■ May, 1913, and if you fail so to ap iRttH's Hughey vs. F P. Thun and consciousness and remained so un­ Dated March 20, 1913. pear or answei the plaintiff will ap­ til his death. Our fresh, high grade A lfred P erken , W. C. Thun. Action for money. ply to the court for the relief prayed Administrator of the estate of for in the complaint, which is as Deceased was born in Finland :^K W Neilson vs. Joseph Kutcher, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, drugs will help to make Samuel Perren, deceased. et al Foreclosure. follows: For judgment and decree and left there at the age of 24. these remedies more effec­ against you for the sum of $850, to ­ te of Oregon vs. Bay City. following the life of a sailor for Buy City Oregon tive than ever. Order to Show Cause Against Sale. gether with interest thereon at the Warranto. five years. He came to the Nee i rate of ten per cent per annum from Bois Lumber Company, a cor­ tucca valley and took up a home- Right prices are also » In the County Court of the State of August 3, 1913, and for the further don, vs. The County Board of ■ num ot $85 attorney’s fees, and for tend in 1879, where he since lived Oregon for Tillamook County. lization for Tillamook County, assured. sarchrt the costs and disbursements of the a In the matter of the | n. Appeal from the Board of until death claimed him. He was plaintiff in this suit, anil for a de­ . The Fashionable Tailor. Estate of William I lization. buried in Union cemetery yesterday cree foreclosing that certain mort­ Graham Dean, an ( gon lagging and Timber ’ afternoon, Rev. Clark preaching gage executed by you to tfie plain insane person. j QN»pany. a corporation, vs. The the funeral sermon. He leaves a It appearing to this court from tiff under the name of Martha M Cleaning, Pressing and Rei ...ring ity Board of Equalization for the petition this day presented and Kunz, said mortgage being recorded mook County, Oregon. Appeal wife and three children to mourn ' a Specialty. filed by Thomas Coates, the guar at page 250 in Book Sol records of ¡his death.—Cloverdale Courier. the Board of Equalization, dian within the State of Oregon of mortgages of Tillamook County, k vs. The County the person and estate of William Oregon, and that the following real ization for Tilla Store in Heine Puotogi.q >. Graham Dean, an insane person, property, being the property des- Red Wheel General Repair The Oregon. Appeal praying for an order to convey cer­ cribed in said mortgage, towit: I Shop the Board of Equalization. Gallery, tain real property therein described The Southeast quarter of section ’ belonging to said ward, that it is thirty-one in township five South W Cochran vs. The County Summer is coming. Bring your necessary that such real estate of range ten West of Willamette d of Equalization, for Tilla- Meridian in Tillamook County, Ore­ should l>e conveyed: County, Oregon. Appeal bicycles and get them fixed with H. GOYNK. It is hereby ordered that the next gon, be sold as upon execution anil fawn the Board of Equalization. good material. Good work and of kin ot the said want and all that plaintiff has a firat lien on said Portland TimberCompany, a cor- promptness at “fair” prices. persons interested in the said premises for the payment of said pomtion, vs. The County Board of ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bicycles of all kinds for sale and e-tate, appear liefore this court on sums of money, and that you be mJBalization, for Tillamook County, iorever barred and foreclosed of all Monday, the 21st day of April, ^^mon. Appeal from the Board of rent. Guns and gunsmithing, fish­ 1913. at 2 o’clock p.m of said day, right, title and interest therein, save Office: O pposite C ovkt Hovsr, ing tackle repaired, etc. A 1 Dens­ BqBalization. in the Court Room of this Court the right of redemption as allow« d W. S. Cone va. E. M Rhodes and more typewriter for sale, $16.00.— Oregon. at the Court House in the City and by law, anil for such other and Tillamook . M. J Rhodes. Foreclosure. First St. West, Corner Firat Ave. County of Tillamook, State of Ore­ further relief as to the court may n Nicklas vs. S. L. Rathburn, gon, then and there to show canse seem just anil equitable. This num- ages. why an order should not be I ' mans is served upon you by p aubli- jy order of the Hon. II Homer ch cation . by Good White Wash granted for the conveyance of such hon Cacharelia vs. Tillamook J SHARP, Mason, judge of the above entitled real estate in the manner therein ” ity. Suit to quiet title. Slack half a bushel of fresh lime, court, which order in dated the 4th prayed for. y City Land Company, a cor by pouring over it boiling water RESIDENT DENTIST, And it is further ordered that a day of April, 1913. The date of the tion, vs. John S. Craig and H sufficient to cover it 4 or 5 inches copy of thia order lie published at , first publication of this summons Office : Commercial Block, shew. Injunction. deep ; stirring it until slacked. Add is tfie 10th day of April, 1913, and least once a week for four succes­ rriett M. Ford vs. Earl G. Ford, 2 lbs. of sulphste of zinc (white sive weeks before the said date of the last date of publication is the vi troll dissolved in water. Add rce Tillamook Oregon. hearing in the Tillamook Head 22nd day of May, 1913. water enough to bring all to the F rank S chlegel , > light, a weekly newspajier printed B N Sproat and Agnes C. Spront I consistence of thick whitewash. Attorney for Plaintiff. i and published in Tillamook I_J. H. Hathaway and Anna M. Apply with a whitewash brush, and City, Tillamook County, Oregon away. Rescission. Ixt us show you our get your I.IME from Lamb-Schrader J. CLAUSSEN, Dated March 18, 1913. Sf. S. Grout, et al., vs. John R. Co., Tel. M 177, who handle the s{>ecial display of attrac­ LAWYER, H omer M ason . To quiet title largest and freshest line of I.IME Found a Cure for Rheumatism. County Judge. tive new styles. We are DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. ns Clark vs Chas. H. Clark, H yiirated L imb and L and P laster ‘ I suffered with rheumatism for perfectly equipped for in the City. Prices always right. rce. two yearn and could not get my 213 T illamook B lock making group pictures right hand to my mouth for that A. Yager vs. W. R. Stubbs and will please you with Sarah I. Stubbs. Foreclosure. length of time, writes Lee L Chap­ Tillamook Dairy Ranch for Bale Oregon. man. Mapleton, Iowa. *'I nufferi-d the quality of our work. A. Y’ager va. Charles Hume terrible pain no 1 could not nleep or Rosa M Hume. Foreclosure. A dairy ranch, nicely located on he Mill at night. Five yearn ago I rrisSsfe andlxx-kCo , Limited, Tillamook Bay, at Garibaldi, which began lining Chamberlain's Lini­ J E. RKEDY, D.V M , contains W acres. Half of the land poration. va. William Hadley, ment and in two tnonthn I wan well is good river bottom, and the other on for money. Keeps both rider anil have net suffered with rlie im.i- Next to POST OFFICE. is fine rich tide land, with a VETERINARY a Marshall vs. Elmer G. Mar- half tism since.” For sale by all deal­ and saddle perfecthj drg. hill that contains fine hard blue Divorce. ers rock, connecting with the rock Both Phones. Hade for rough we«r and ter Byron vs. The Garibaldi quarry Good house and barn, two h Company, s corporation. creeks with fine spring water rnnn long service in the wettest Tillamook Oregon Look to Your Plumbing I os ure. through the place AH the cows and weather. You know what happens in a txs B. Pfaff vs. Frank Pfaff. ma' hinerv goes with the place. We house in which the plumbing is in rce will sell half or all of the place. For S atisfaction jx>or condition—everybody in the e French China Company va. further information call or write to G. McGKE, M.D. house i» liable to contract typhoid es Myer and A. M. Myer. the owner. or er me other fever. Tb~ digestive 4P F rank K. S tkcbbt . on for money. On your front porch cm tie lit organs |>erform the Same tent ti< na Garibaldi, Oregon. B. Saling vs Charles Chaffee. Of EttttLENU every night until midnight in the human laxly aa the plumbing on for money. and register not over does for the house, and they sho'ild PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Special Bargain. R. Bests and Clarence ________________ Tilden fifty cents per month lx- kept in first class condition all Alden L. Johnson, et si. Fore on the meter. the time. P you have any trouble For 30 days, will offer for sale Office : One Block East of with your digestion take Chamber I beat 92-> acre Dairy farm io Alaea Iain’s Tablets and you are certain Ellison and Ellen Ellison Valley. Improvements up to date. ■ LLAMooK E lectric L ight and F uel C ompany to get quick relief. For sale by ail. Post Office. man Royal in person and as Price. R5 per acre G. T. Vernon. «la a Lata- * W ill S tanding , Mai •¿~v. iniatratur Foreclosure. CUIT COURT The PAIGE “86.” Seventy Cases on File— The City Pavement ;Case to be Tried. The Paige “36” Auto. r i . J ' City along -ells leeler wait IF. kating ?as in a due order which ■client Tilla, irnitig r until intime le op- of th: Mimi, night, ■kage, being C A. H. HARRIS, Agent. A New Car on Display at Rd.’s Garage. I Family- Recipes. T CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist. . irne»! vanti- select e best h ami ind be .ricei leubb at jo« Co Bask 12)X P- Now is the time to have that group picture made rowER's F ish B rand Monk's Studio. A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp P ommel S ucker GuitArniD w