Tillamook Headlight, April 17, I9I3. JOHN LELANI) HENDÖstl New Jersey charters and to get SIDNEY E: HENDERSON, Watching the Cont of Living. Secretary.^1 President. an well as forcing the city inti ,latent« in other states, preferably The Democratic party has under expensive litigation, will balk Attorney-at-Law and Nnta« n Delaware or Maine, in both of l.EGAL At>VBKTIHBMENTS : when it comes to paying for the aken to prove that the price of foo< vhich the law« relating to corpora­ jPablic. First Insertion, per line .. f •an be reduced by lowering tarif* tion organizations are easy. It is 5 unmanly, disreputable, sneak- Each subsequent insertion, line ting system of business men in- lutite and treating tariff protection probable, however, that moat of its Business and professional cards, not only as a public injury, but a. business men as well as most of ... ICO vestigating one another. 1 month..................... policy that violates the conetitu 5 (Ml Ron>este».j Notices ts citizens dislike this turning . .. 10 «1 Tiiutier Claims ion. As the party that takes thif town of their state. It ia due 3 1.UC il* per line each insertion Beautify your homes, and in Hand is in full executive and lrgi» •hiefly to the rather harsh anticor- Disfdavadvertisement, an inch, doing so it will help beautify Istive control, and is at work on yoration laws which Wilson forced 50 1 month ................................. This is the time of the task it has courted, it must now through the Legislature at Trenton All R> solutions of Condolence «mi the city year for a general clean up and proceed to make good, or run just before he left that capital for Ixsl >e Notices, 5c. per line. t%rde of Thunks, 5c. per line. (INCORPORATED), a fresh coat of paint. And those against a failure, which will not be ■Vaehington. Notices, Ix>st, Strayed or Stolen, who have parkings should be its first. It must show at the atari The actiiity of the insurgents in etc. iiilnimini rate, 25c. not exceed­ busy preparing them for flowers that it is capable of a sufficient de ing five linee. half a dozen states of the Mexican and evergreens. To encourage gree of harmony to carry through a Republic shows that the sanguine this and help create enthusiasm tariff programe. Next must come predictions from the City of Mexico RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. along the lines of civic pride, it the lowering *of prices promised, from the new men in authority are (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) would not be out of place to give and without evil results that would One year........ .................... 1.1 sot being entirely realized. Eight ad prizes for the prettiest park more than counterbalance the Six months......................................... ' outbreaks in different parts ot the TILLAMOOK, OREGfli Three months.................................... 1 ing and flower gardens. Mr. vantages, whatever they might be. both phones , republic have just been reported ■ King bus the right idea about Consumera are looking on and are Entered as second class mail mat­ planting hemlock trees, as they in constant touch with the cost of m a single day. A large part of the ter July, 1888, at the post office at northern end of the country is ap­ They will know exactly Sherry Wine....................................... Tillamook, Ore., under the act of make a splendid shrubbery or living, parently hostile to Huerta and Diaz. ornamental trees and with the Angelica Wine............................. " j what happens in this respect. March 3, 1879. Notwithstanding the seeming ac ­ Zenfendel Wine per quart & dahlia, this makes a pretty com­ Supposing that the Democratic ceptance of the new order by Tokey................................ per quart ft bination. There is no reason partv will pass the tariff law its Pebbleford, bottled in bond, Claret.............................. per quarts. , whv Tillamook City, though leaders have framed, will it bring a Orozco, who commanded the rebels per bottle................................. ... .$1.50 White Grape Juice............. ......... somewhat backward in this re fulfillment of what is pledged to the in the Northern States during the Clarke’s Pure Rye, bottled in Local Beer, quart, 3 bottles for ft bond, per bottle.............................. 1.25 Domestic Beer, qt, 3 bottles for ifc spect, cannot be made as pretty people without any serious dis­ war against Madero, the insurrec­ and attractive as other progres­ turbance of industry, wages and tion against Huerta through that Old Crow, bottled in bond, per bottle ............................................... 1'50 quarter appear« to be gaining some sive towns. If all our citizens opportunities for employment? Hermitage, bottled in bond, per were taking the same interest W’ill general prosperity continue, ground. boitle ......................... ......... • • - • L50 If paving contracts can be in this as Mr. King and a few and consumeis rejoice in a lowered The president was quite felicitous Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ................ 1.50 Keg Beer...................... 15 gallons $52 Keg Beer...................... 10 gallons 4jz broken, those who have agreed others are doing it would not be cost of what they eat and wear, in explaining to Congress his ap­ I O T. O., bottled in bond, per bottle............................................... 1-25 I.ocal bottle Beer, 6doz. quarts lOjl to pay ten per cent of their as­ long before the city would pre­ with no impairment of their means pearance before it to deliver a mes­ i Kentucky Dew, (6 gal., bottled Local bottle Beer, 10 doz. pints 11,J sessment ought to be able to sent a pretty appearance. This to pay? Will placing an article on sage in person instead of sending i in bond ... ............................. 2 15 would meet with trie admiration Kentucky Dew, full pint, bottled break their contract. the free list surely reduce corre­ one to be read. He made it plain in bond ......................................... T5 Budwieer Beer, 6 doz. quarts >15.1 of visitors and would appeal to spondingly its price to the con that it was not a mere desire to be home seekers as a most suitable Sumer? These are questions about his own messenger boy which John Dewar & Sons, Old Scotch Budwieer Beer. 10 dozen pints 1814 Whiskey............................................ 1-56 Old There nre ten cases on the Cir­ style Lauger Beer, 10 doz pt Ur . place to locate. It is civic pride to be answered by practical events brought him there. “ I am very Black & White, Old Scotch cuit Court docket where mis- and the spirit of progress and Throughout the world the cost of glad to have this opportunity of 1.50 Whiskey ........................................ uiated couples are suing for the a pull together that helped turn living is high. A tariff revision in addressing the two houses di­ V.O.P., OldScotch Whiskey ... 1.75 marriage contracts to be dis-1 White Port, Old Monk Brand, many of the small, unprogres- the United States will not revolu­ rectly,” he said, " and to verify for Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch solved which is a large num-' $1 00 per gal I Whiskey......................................... 1.75 sive towns in Oregon into wide­ tionize world prices, nor radically myself the impression that the pre­ Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch Port Wine............. '.......... l OOpergal - her for thia county, and which [ awake business centers and de­ change world-causes, nor bring a sident of the United States is a 1 50 Whiskey ......................................... Sherry ... 1.00 per gad goes to show that marriagei sirable places to reside and world wide upheaval in the laws of person not a mere department of Canadian Club................................. 1.50 Claret ....................................75c. pergi. vows are lightly taken and are| 1.00 Angelica............................ 1 00 per git.' build homes. A rapid change supply and demand. The people the’government, hailing Congress I. W. Harper................................. . easily broken, especially by 1 00 is taking place in Tillamook of this country can only wait now from some isoloted island of jealous Harvester Old Style........................ 1 00 Zenfendel .................. . .1.25 per gall Monogram ................... ..................... those who marry in haste and Tokey.................................. 1.25 per gall City. Brick and concrete build­ for results. They will know exactly power, sending messages, not Kentuck Dew................................... 1.00 repeut at leisure. ings are taking the place of what these are when measured by speaking naturally and with his Billie Taylor, full quart .......... 1.25 Coronet Dry Gin per bottle 1.00 frame structures ; paved side­ own voice, that he is a human being A.V.H. Gin................... per bottle 1.75 Monogram...................... per gal. the promises. White Corn Whiskey. per gal. 4H The ill-fated German bark i walks ami streets have obliter­ trying to co optrate with other Gordon Sloe Gin... .per bottle 1.75 Harvester Old Style ..per gal. 40 Mimi broke up and disappeared ated ill-kept, muddy streets and 1.25 Gordon Dry Gin .... per bottle human beings in a common ser ­ Advocates of flood control can McBrayer, 13years old.per gal. t'l after being pounded for several plank walks in the business and sa'ely claim one thing. If success­ vice.” Rock and Rye.............. per bottle 1.00 Echo Spring ................ per gal 41« El Bart Gin ......................... .......... 1 25 Chestnut Grove Rye..per gal. 2' days by the breakers, thus add­ some parts of the residence dis­ ful, its value would be enormous. Continuing and now fast succeed­ Virginia Dare Wine . perbottle 75c. Kentuckey Dew.......... per gal. 2.h ing another marine disaster on tricts; the sewer system will Port Wine...................... per quart 35c. Alcohol.............................. per gal. 4.11 the I’ucific coast. Many of the rid the city of cesspools, with! The Turks have been wielding a ing fires, explosions and other dis­ Cornet Dry Gin............... per gal. <■ I their disease breaking germs ; '«cimiter for hundreds of years. turbances of the peace in England, vessels which have gone ashore on ground invariably found covered on thia coast could have been and this year some of the enter­ Hereafter they will have to exercise AT saved had there been proper ap-. prising citizens will help beau­ their muscles by swinging a pick with suffragette literature, convey tify the city with pretty flowers the impression that women in or agitating a hoe. plinncea at hand to float them, ) I themselves de­ but without these it is running and evergreens. Everybody get | Capt. Amundsen will take several England believe WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER. COR. 1st and 1st AVENUE prived of their natural rights. Such great risk, as was demonstrated the spirit of civic pride and help I hydro aeroplanes on his Artic ex- tactics cannot fail to convey such wben someone bungled and the good work along, pedition. Machines that promise to an impression. But they can not showed lack of experience in move equally well in water and air prove the case as clearly as does hauling so large, light and top are increasing in interest. There are a great many per- that of one James Wilks, an heavy a ship into the breakers. Several Democratic senators have Englishman now in jail because his sons who imagine they know how to run other person's busi­ made it known that they will oppose wife, a suffragette, refuses to pay Ask your Hull Moose, assist­ ness. That appeared to be the free sugar, free wool or free lum­ ant Democratic, friends how case at the wreck of the Mimi ber. To be logical they must ad­ her income tax. The case of James Wilks proves clearly enough that they like the proposition to at Nehalem when a large num- mit that they are protectionists. married women in England are de­ place milk and cream on the i her i.f persons thought that the It is stated that 10,000 miles of prived of their natural right to go free list. Anyone can see what 'life saving crew were not doing good roads were constructed in the to jail for penal offenses committed is going to happen before many i its duty Those who have hud United States last year. If the rural im nibs, but when the cheese 1 no experience with the breakers delivery carriers will say that they by them. market takes a decided drop, as in a small life boat are not in a Beginning last week and continu­ are able to find them the figures it attrely will, don't blame the , position to judge or criticise. will stand confirmed. ing for several days, St. Augustine, K’‘publicans who were denounc­ Some persons imagine that a life the oldest town in the United States, Missouri's prize cow that gave an will celebrate the 400th anniversary ed ns “stand patters'' at the last , boat can go anywhere and in eb-etion. A sh large proportion any kind of rough weather, but average of twelve gallons of milk a of the visit of Ponce de Leon, the of i itizens were not satisfied ¡this is where they show their day for six months ia dead, and is Spanish cavalier and adventurer, said to have been killed in the inter­ to Florida. Not only was he the v ilh the most prosperous times ignorance. As as illustration the Country ( ever enjoyed and ‘of this take the wreck of the ests of science. There may be a fatal discover of Florida, but the story of .„.I a .. “change," ------ o they will1 gift of championship as well as of North America began there and wanted Argo on Tillamook bar. The not have to wait long now be­ I life savers went to her assist­ beauty. then with his advent in the land of A GRANDMOTHER may not be as spry as she used to be, but fore the “change’’ will affect ance as promptly as possible. flowers. Columbus visited some is in close touch with her world for all that Six powers are combined in a I their pocket iiooks. But what happened ? The life nnval blockade of little Montenegro. outlying islands of the hemisphere, The telephone enables her to make as many calls as she plea«« boat was struck by a huge wave The triple alliance and the triple but he never saw the mainland. and was crippled, so much so entente have led to this sextuple Florida was the name given not and in all sorts of weather. The (. loverdule Courier feels that when she arrived alongside partnership, and as Montenegro only to the present state of that Formal gatherings have their place, but it is the manylitt'e intimrt happy over the prospect of th«' the sinking vessel only the wo has no navy the Mediterranean ia name, but to the whole region visits over the telephone that keep people young and interested. south part of the count' obtain­ northward as far as Spanish coast­ ’¡men passengers could tie taken reasonably safe ing ti rnilcoud. At the same Grandmother’s telephone visits do not stop with her own town. Thu ing vessels went. As used by oft. only to meet a more serious time it is optimistic in regard A Dayton millionaire who recently Spain, the name covered all the Long Distance Service of the Bell Telephoue takes her to other town* fate, f ir as the life boat appro- to the Nestucca Valley, wi n h gave 125,(100 to the Y. M. C. A. in Atlantic Coast up to the present and allows relatives and friends to chat with her although hundredsd | ached shore it was tossed in the bus « bright future before it, ' ’ air like a shuttlecock, throwing that city stood in line Ust week to Canadian line. As the original dis­ miles away. it says. get three loaves of bread and a coverers and explorers of the great­ ,tlie life savers and the women ' lirsily we have many tilings in ' small sack of potatoes. But it was er part part of the eastern coast of this valley to be thankf l far anil and the children into the break­ a matter of quick delivery, not of America, the Spaniards had a free amongst the moat important ta the ers, some of whom were drown­ cj operation »nd unaelfisli feelings ed. and probably all the women impaired credit. hand in giving names to moat of of out citizens Strifes and tin- would have been had it not been Included in the Democratic tariff it. turns are mi unknown quantity Turkey is crumbling under the here when compared with IV coni for tlie assistance of the life revision bill introduced in Congress Men do err in judg­ is an income tax section which advance of modern civilization, and munition out of n hundred. Once savers. Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System. in awhile a knocker »ill ta? discov­ ment. but farmers mid land­ would require every resident of the the foundation on which the empire ered in our midst but it doesn't lubbers are hardly competent to United States who earns more than ia built are found to be defective. t-.ke long before he is relegated to the rear and sinks into oblivion, pass judgment upon those who $4<>KJ a year to pay a tax of 1 per It is based on the idea that one par­ little hammer and all Men we have bad long experience with cent on hie earnings in excess of ticular religious faith ia supreme, have always maintained, have breakers and the undertow on the exemption. and that all who will not agree to it more to do with development ot this coast hi u small life boat, As a contribution to the woman’s are to be despised. Though the communities than nntual resources slid here in the Nestucca \ alley we The man who commands the wage pn.blem it may be remarked I Mohammedan dream of a conquest have both, then why should wr not lite boat is the best judge what that a New York department store of the world faded long ago, th»- lee' that with a railroad outlet ours , can and what cannot I m * done intolerance of the creed has con- ia the community, thr haven of 1, tinder ceitain weather condi- female employe, in getting ■ di­ vorce from her husband, asked the tinued, and the Turks make no con­ tuiufort. |ieace and proaoerity. lions. We do not want to be judge to allow him no alimony and cession in thia regard as they re­ !classed amongst those who are the decree was so made. This, treat from Europe before a line of 'criticising Captain Earlev, for however, may tie an exceptional bayonets and many cannon The \\ ill those who agreed to pnv having been raised on tin sen case. Turkish division of mankind has ten per cent of their nasessmeut for fat attorneys' fees have to coast we have experience some An inch of rainfall means 27,154 been between those who recognized of the dangers one meets when pa.' the detective« ns well ? Qr gallons of water per acre, or 113 Mohammed as the only divine inter- they get into the breakers and ton« per acre. The place of tbe I JTv’ *"’ “.** n’5rely will the detective plutocrats I knocked about by angry waves greatest recorded rainfall is Cherra part "* of a common herd fit only to foot the bill , Xu matter who in u small boat. Those who it is that p.ivs for that dirtv Punji, Assam, India, where the serve their betters. In their career have never t'eeu up against the boon ess, there was something average is about 500 inches a year. of conquest that once reached into difficulties of contending with e taken have liecti milriMided to the |>en- next time you w the — — in selecting a cough medicine ter the corn crop amounting to 318ft-, Cough Remedy o oney if Foley’« Howey and Tar itetiliury hi uust rupuloo detec children It should lie pleasant to 000 (XM4—United Stales W eather have a cough or cold There ia tio C ompound fails to cure your cough that A SINGLE DOSE of buckthorn bark, glycerine, e* reason so far as we can see why you tixrs employed bv (icmons who take, contain no harmful autistanee Bureau. r cold, John Bernet. Tell. Wit . should not do so. This preparation c »fates. W 'it tu »ho* their spleen on and tw most effectual. Chamber­ ae coin|K>unded in Adler-i -ka, “ I used Foley ’ s Honey and Possibly President Wilson will be by it« remarkable cures has gained other». \Vr certainly h<>|ie tluit lain a Cough Remedy meets these Tar Compound for five years, and German appendicitis remedy. ** plessed to lesrn by the newspapers a world wid* reputation and peep)« it always gives the bi«et of satis­ < ur citizens, huv mg tx-vii ropanl requirements and is a favorite with the mothers of young children that many of the larger corpora­ everywhere apeak of it in the high- faction acd always cures a cough lievea gas on the stomach • j ■hw pusing tut attorneys* lies every where For sale by all dealers. constipation AT ONCE. J- est terms of praise. For sale by all or cold. Refuse substitutes. Sold tion« are planning to give up their dealer*. * I Lamar, druggist • by sll druggists Advertising Rates. Tillamook Title and Abstract Company Law Abstracts : Real Estate Surveying ; Insurance. BOTTLE GOODS Editorial Snap Shots. Special Prioes for Family Trade. Domestic Beers. WINES. WHISKEYS. 1 BILLY STEPHENS, THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH I