Tillamook Headlight, April 1U, 1913 Standing of the Contestants. No. «52- I Mohler MerCo E 1.Sanburn . Standing of contestants at Mason, Report of the Condition of the Effner The Board of County Commi» I 1 Clarence Pennington A C o’, up p to Wedues- G Krtimlauf . • ioner», composed of Coun’y Judge J Krtirnlauf day, ApriF9, for the u prigh’t parlor Mason and Commis»u>nsr» Farmer W M Walker grand piano : »nd Effner met last week and trans­ I W Kennedy.. 77 ' J. Liecht 1 ....... .. »21.07(1 acted the following business 2 .. 308,710 80 | H Anderson at Tillamook in the State of Oregon at In the matter of the bond of M. John Paquet. »3 3 .... .. 283,9.5 the close of business April 4. 1813. 30 50 M Mead A Son the same was ap L. Harmon 4 - • • ■ . 166,200 84 Dollars. 85 . RESOURCES. 7 50 D. foknson .. 5 . . .. 178,480 proved. 7 50 Loans and Discounts.............. 77,818.50 A. Peterson 6 ....... .. 192,000 87 . In the matter of the contract and F. Hobson 8» . F. Zaddach 8,024.50 17 .... . 191,31.) Ill . Board of County Road Viewers, I A. E. Rittenhouse. ................. 00 50 Bonds. Securities, etc............ 19 .... . 100,705 114 Banking House, Furniture, 116 3 25 . 164,780 tlie report being fa vorable and there I Wm. Brobet............................ 2,546 .15 20....... . 214,870 118 . and Fixtures ....................... 1 25 22 . . - tieiug no remonstrance, damages 1 E. Finley........................................ 5,825 45 10 00 Pay vie.............................. Other Real Estate owned... 23 ....... . 109,875 120 were assessed as follow«: Frank P Harry 11 25 Due from State and Private 2,940 123 Wm Hamilton................. ......... 25 ... Hobson, $100; James Tone estate. A J Zimmerman......................... 1 00 26 .... . 156,880 127 Banks and Bankers, Trust 2 00 2,025 129 $50; and Charles Johnson, $50. Mrs ' Harry Bell.................................... 27 ....... Companies, and Savings 4 no Z. Large, Peter Scenson Marie J Thompson................. . .......... Banks .................................... 29,528.82 28 .. •• 1.019.940 130 Furrer.................................. 11 25 Due from approved Reserve 29 ....... 2,018 425 131 . Murphy and Fred Paquet, no dam- J F M Emery........................................ 10 80 Agents.................................. 98,801.64 34 ....... . 2OU.37O 134 ap>-B allowed. J. S. McDonald and Arnil Larsen ............................ 14 70 42 45 35 . .. . 155,435 137 . (»■via Alley each filed claims for Geo Loerpabel ........................... 22 40 Checks and other Cash Items . 903 875 139 1,632.10 36 Exchanges for clearing house 00 1« Guy Loerpabel ........................... . 188,940 142 37 damages, which were diaalloweii. J B Lorn men ............................... 13 80 Notes of other National 38 ....... . 213,680 145 . The clerk was instructed to place 440.00 39 ....... 186000 147 Banks............... . ................... Work in R D No 2. the survey and plats on file and the 216,000 151 . 41 .... 80 00 Fractional Paper Currency, W B Aiderman ........................... supervisor to make the alterations. Wheeler Lumber Co............... 211 77 6S.10 43 .... . 374,760 152 Nickels, and Cents............. 46 . . 132 000 154 . 6 OO Lawful Money Reserve in In the matter of a petition of W. Jim Wilson .............................. 47 ... 1,633,495 159 Bank, viz: S. Cone for a county road, the Geo Sanders................................ 243 30 48 .... . 91,675 161 . W J Dye........................................ 25 00 Specie.................... 16,512.75 For Sale It is claimed that every appt same was continued. . 179,745 162 Alex McNair A Co ................. 100 52 Legal-tender Notes 130.00 16,642.75 49 . 106,410 165 . ment to office makes nine enei In tfie matter of the petition of Gust Poparonoy and 51 ... Bill Two choice young registered Hol­ Redemption fund with U. S. . 188.945 169 . Poppe» ............................ 20 00 T. Rolland Fraser fora county road, Treasurer (5 per cent of stein bulls. Price $100 00 and for the appointing power. No J . 194,870 171 . 54 . . 105 00 il B lohnson ........................... der President Wilson is proceed 1.250.00 the same was granted, but no dam circulation)........................... 173 . . 213,760 $125.00. Also 85 acre ranch. $4800.00, 58 ......... Roy Funk 100 00 ages allowed Peter Luthi. 178 . . 301.225 62 ....... A G Beale Lumber Co ........... 306 47 terms to suit. B. B. Goff, Forest with deliberation. Total........................... 273,444.32 64 ........ , 369,170 18) . In the matter of the Sandlake C S Wells...................................... 12 10 President Wilson is in a Grove, Ore. Dollars. 67 .... . LIABILITIES. 2,505 182 road, thin win continued. u5 00 Thad Lucas .............................. condition. The men he desire» 185 .. . 178,400 68 ....... 00 Capital stock paid in.............. 25,000.00 Straight at Xt. In the matter of the petition of Tom Edwards ............................. 40 fill the diplomatic offices will 69 ....... . 391 350 189 5 00 Surplus fund........................... J B Langley................................ 4,000.00 There is no use of our ‘ beating . 368,015 191 M. McMil an for a county F H Eggleston........................ 10 0) 70 around the bush.” We might as have them and those who will 71 ......... 471,810 193 .. road, and the claim of $8170 for CJ Delilen.................................... 12 00 Undivided Profits, less Ex­ well out with it first as last We cept he does not desire. 538.15 penses and Taxes paid.... 98.875 195 . . 72 ......... W E Noye».................................. 10 OO damage», was rejected. want you to try Chamberlain’s 2,3’25 198 .. 74 ....... A problem not yet satisfact 13 75 National Bank Notes Out ­ Ed Zimmerman ......................... Cough Remedy the next time you In the matter of the petition of Glen Zimmerman..................... 10 0O standing................................. 24.400.00 7.5 ......... 1,152.105 199 .. answered is why uupreeedeti have a cough or cold There is no J. J . Hollett for a county road, it Ed Hadley.................................. 63,000 76 ......... 20 40 Due to State and Private reason so far as we can see why von floods should be caused by rii was ordered that U. G. Jackson, A. Frank Dye..................... ........ 20 00 Contestants are illowe 10,000 for should not do so. This preparation when there is scarcely any acciij 9,922.41 Banksand Bankers............ 2 50 Individual deposits subject W. Bunn and M. Baker be appointed O Lucas.................................. every subscriptio n the or their by its remarkable cures has gained 5 U0 H J Eggleston............................ to check................................ 196,662.58 friends obtain for the Headlight. a world wide reputation, and people lated snow to melt and add totlu^^— u board of road viewers to meet Amos Vaughn............................ 3» 30 A men igerie destroyed by a April 14. Rustling for subscribers is now in everywhere speak of it in the high Warren Darby ..................... 39 75 Demand certificates of de­ 2,99142 est terms of praise. For sale by' all is one of the subjects ready fordr/®*’ posit ...................................... In the matter of bids on the Tory Hougan ............................. 17 25 order. ___________ dealers.________________ criptive writers. Possibly sort«] Grass Dolph road, the bids of Hick» and Asa Hougan ........................... 17 00 Time certificates of deposit.. 6,772.09 Cough Medicine for Children Archie Beebeheiser ..'.... 2 00 2,920.00 I the elephants escaped and Certified checks ..................... Making Farm Life Attractive. Reifenberg and Gerbliah and Joplin F Dye............................................. 14 10 Too much care cannot be taken 237.67 were rejected, the latter's bid being Frank Beater .............................. 14 23 Postal Savings Deposits .... A widespread movement of the in selecting a cough medicine for more than Jumbo’s reputation Want IJ Tucker........................................ 20 00 «38,268.00. Mr Bryan was not so much 273,444.32 day has for its object the popular­ children It should be pleasant to Total....................... 2 00 In the mutter of the petition of A ' R Luca» ...................................... izing of the idea that the drift of take, contain no harmful substance disarmament in 1898 that he fai«tylis A Myers...................................... 20 25 State of Oregon, and be most effectual. Chamber L. Mapes for a county road, the E Drake.......................................... population should be to the soil Iain’s Cough Remedy meets these to put on a uniform himself and iUaMc 8 00 County of Tillamook, •ume was continued. | Alvin Blum.................................. 20 35 and not to the cities. To this end requirements and is a favorite wi*h as far as Flor Lee Unr 2 OO chant. ........................ What is needed is more originality, not help feeling that a date on Chas. Ray, Cloverdale, farmer. disappointments when ordinary Bay City Livery ...................... 9 0O W Peacock................................ 9 co more breaking away from accepted eggs when they are put i A. O. Jackson, Beaver, farmer. B r Barrett, typewriting . . 11 5o Frank Schneltzer ............. prudence is consulted and reason 2 00 George W. Wallace, Hemlock, standards and more independence. cases would inspire more Beuxer Lumber Co ... 67 00 J D Reason . ......................... able energy shown. Ï O0 farmer. T B Hundley, rent ... .. 36 00 Mack Mattoon................. -Life. dence. 4 09 Farmers already established and T D. Lucas, Tillamook, farmer. U onumsport Wire Co 33 85 US Edward»........................ 0O 21 S. A. Brodhead, Tillamook, car ­ Coast Bridge Co, meh . classed as successful can see from .1.800 uo L T Edward» ............. ( 8 50 penter. l'aciflc Tel Co ....................... 24 00 U. Edwards ..................... experiments going on around them, 2 50 W. J, Gilbert, Beaver, merchant. Tillamook Herald, printing 29 25 I Riley ................. .................... 3 00 R. N. Henkle, Tillamook, under even in the boys’ corn clubs, that Jones A Knudson, meh .... 92 75 W Gage...................................... 16 00 taker. general labors on the soil are far fill unook Iron Works .......... 4 00 A A Imlah ........ ................. 28 50 C. A. Elliott, Tillamook, farmer lees productive than they might be. Tony Dalpiiz. lumber 47 (X) John Imlah ......................... 5 75 Frank A. Paul, Tillamook, farm­ In no nation in the world is it as easy Rollie W. Watson, fire insur-. Chas Baker............................ 3 (Ml er. mice .......................................... 25 (K) Ted Lyster........................ 5 00 King A Smith, meh ............... S. W. Mcllvaine, Bay City, farm­ as in the United States to become the 1 55 H J Tohl ............................ 10 (X) er. I-• '•»rSp owner of available farming land. Burroughs Add Meh Co... 50 00 Fred Affolter ....................... 5 75 Win. Goerea, Tillamook, farmer. But it takes definite knowledge to \i D Bodyfelt, work ............ 23 50 Walter Affolter...................... Kg» ¿ban ''. ' 3 25 K F. Zuciiman, work............ C. C. Jensen, Hebo, farmer. 9 30 John Affolter...................... improve the opportunity. Farm 1 50 1 iilumook Feed Co ........... Cha». W. Hogan, Cloverdale, 8 05 J E Cochran...... 8 50 farmer. demonstrators who are multiplying, Beall A Co, inch ..................... 901 50 E J Cochran .. ................... 1 50 and agricultural courses that are W. H. Moon, Bay City, farmer. County Poor. ! Frank Worthington............ 4 80 S. W Elliot, Bay City, farmer. widening out, are a pactical recog­ Geo Heilmeyer .. Tillamook Feed Co, meh ... 13 4 00 J. H. Dunstan, Tillamook, farm nition of the need of instruction to R B McClay........... ... ’ Dr. S M Wendt ..................... 99 4 00 er. -■•errece Raker — absolutely dependable, every day. year E Landingham .......... 2 50 W D Gladwell. meh ............. 2 year out. Built on honor, of the best materials. those who can see that farming is W. L. Provoost, Bay City, farmer. Roy Trout i'illamook Meat Co, meh ft 97 60 the best vocation if rightly compre­ J. H. Hicks, Bay City, farmer. Outwears Three Ordinary Range» Lee Lyster .................... \ «2 75 Cost Bill». |. M. Harrison, Garibaldi, farm- hended and followed up. Crops in on{vl ronr’e entirely of charcoal and, malleable if Jim Imlah ............................. m 25 er. MaKcable iron can’t break—charcoal iron won’t rustlike* Wm Powell, Bailey Case .... 4 'JO Fred Murphy 2 (KI this country per acre might he li W Stun ley, ditto..................... Carl Wallin, Tillamook farmer. 4 70 J Kiley . doubled or trebled. Workers on Economical In Fuel 21 25 E W Stanley, Miner case 6 8<) Oscar 'Taggart...................... J, W. |en-nngs, Tillamook, farm­ The reams of the Majestic are riveted (not put t/xrether 7 the soil could be similarly increased E W Stanley, Cullen case er. 5 70 Will Gage.................................. •i 50 I .-sand stove putt y)—they will always remain air* U Powell, ditto 1 20 J. Baker, Bea ver. farmer. if they are wisely guided and mas­ because neither heat n«r cold affects them. The Miscellaneous Roads. < « 1 i; lined throughout with pure asbestos W 1’owell, Snyder case 1 20 Fuller Publishing Co Alva Finley, Mohler, merchant. ter the fundamental principles of 91 09 h- Id in place by an open iron grating you can K W Stanley, ditto.... . 4 70 B Mapes et al................. I). Billings. Tillamook, farmer. it stays there always. Air tight joints and pure how to make farming pay, and in ­ 52 40 N. G. Boquist, Tillamook, farmer. lining assure an even baking h ^at, saving one-half th* Salaries. King A Smith Co merch 120 «2 sure at the same time an enjoyable All doors drop to form rigid shelves. No Andrew Anderson, Tillamook, \\ heeler Lumber Co . . B I. Beals, extra collecting 275 79 farmer. Malleable iron oven racks slide out automatically» life. The farm demonstrators taxes................... Security Vault and Metil ing whatever they contain. 114 A. M. Hare, Tillamoqk. farmer. \\ orks .................. ......... 1553 37 on the right road to modify an K I Claussen, ditto........... IH J C Holden, freight S H Whitehouse, ditto 99 cessive movement of population ......... 35 56 R L Shreve................... M M Mead A Son. fuel ......... 500 00 75 the cities. Vote of Condolence. D F Thompuon W 1> Body felt 45 ............ 94 IM) I E Reedy ................. 33 Whereas it has pleased our A Card. II M Farmer ................ 74 Free Gold Fish Free. Heavenly Father, in his wise provi­ This ia to certify that all drufir- W S Buel......................... Kt J C Holden ..................... gists are authorized to refund your L<3 Starting next Friday, we will give dence. on March 24th, 1913, to call money if Foley’s Honey and Tar K Mills.................... ......... •75 to her eternal home the beloved with each 56c. purchase of Rexall Compound fails to cure your cough Vida Rogers..................... ftl J C Bewley Remedies < or Rexall Merchandise daughter jf Br. G W’. Wallace. Be or cold, John Bernet. Tell, W’is , 3 it resolved. That we, the members states. "I used Foley’s Honey and V A Johnson ................. KV the following Two Gold Fish, , One 11 Crenshsw ................. of Beaver Rebekah Lodge, No. 200, Tar Compound for five years, and 1 13 Globe. One Box Fish Food. l>G Swensou Sea I.O.O.F.. extend to our bereaved it always gives the beet of satis­ 73 Mo»» and Asst. Pebble». All free H L Beals ... ........... faction and always cures a cough N —has rer-rrair which hents like a tea k-'tle, ’ Sold i«n*.i only unr outfit to each party. brothers and sisters, and the entire or cold. Refuse substitutes, ?°JPpi'r stamped from one p <*ce of copper, w’ Surveying Etc. family out deepest sympathy, and by all druggists. 1, it . nd i, ng of tire box. It bo .s I'» gallons of water Chat. 1. Clough. lew m ut« s and by turning a ¡ever the frame an $ away xt h shoveling ashes infinite love be their comfort and pis prevents floor from catching five—ash cup caVW Pre»bytr< rian Church. W B Alderinsn .... For Sale. Ask us to sh.no you the greatest i help. U il Iloskius put in a . | Morning worship at 11 a. m., with Don’t buy the rang** you expect to »J, A *ew •ew pure bred barred Ply Andrew Anderson Be it further resolved. That a time "unaigbt, unseen,” or you’d be -ureJ* - II sermon by the pastor. moufli Rock Cockerals $1 50 appointed. Come to ovr store, an-i -•** ® J Suctsingvr mjrnic each, Evening copy of these resolutions be re M ^stic — have its many exchwn • also pure Barred Rock eggs il 00 - W lute service p'amed -find out why the Matesttc n ut 7:80 p. m Sermon corded in the minutes of this lodge, per setting. Frank Bester than all other range« where moat range« R Fiaase.............. It is the be At i*ange at any price ana • subject “The Special 1‘rovi- a copy sent to the bereaved family E II Gary ............. bo in juur kzteben. deuce U atchiug oxer the Training and one to a county ps»>er. GJ Pwy»kx FOR SALE BY W H Cone ‘ „ BIG SURPRISE TO MANY of the \postle Psnl.” Bible m hool Safely, safely gathered in. (•ilbyrt Zaddach •if 1 .i in and Christian E adcuvor Far from sorrow, fsr from «in ; IN TILLAMOOK CITY. 1 M NcKiiuenu •ff6 Al p.m. Topic at the Voting God lias saved from weary strife, Geo J Pox »Ry , ln.its dawn, this fresh^voung life. I-ocsl people are surprised at the L -4» Jacksou ”1 can do all 162 10 People's Meeting Now waits for us above. QUICK results received from things m Christ that strengthened» Resting in the Savionr’s love, Work in R D No I simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, me " Jesus, grant that we may meet. George Willett 12 •W etc., as mixed in Adler l-ka. the Ger Nelson A Co A cordial imitation ia extended to There adoring at thy feet. 13 50 man appendicitis remedy. J. S. Ole Droiuue« attend the service« of thia church S arah K. B ayks , 1 25 (U h G Ihtxi» D A. M ax KKXXIK. B D,. M ima H kilmkykw , Counu ■ ttee Lamar suites that this simple 00 N iiii Bat tier W m J G ilhkkt ' Pastor. remedy antisepticiaes the digestive 4ft (II I ohl A Andeisoa 10 Ml system and draw* off the impurities «♦wet Pipe for Sale. I-*tnb Sx’lirader Co <1 >1 For Sale so thoroughly that A SINGLE DOSE Geo IV Phelii» JB *4 For Sale all sizes of sewer pips II I. Provoost sctvw of bottom land known as relieves sour stomach, gas on the 11 45 in i »ewer couuecti ons 8«»» I. H the Peter Brant place. Tilden A Lauib The price etentsch 0l> MMalidL and constipation IN ■ • J*V an acre Vincents J «cab STANTLY County Business First National Bank of Tillamook ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Economizes Butter, Flour, Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar 1 t t. ARepijtat on Trie Great M aj esti R ang Charcoal and Malleable Inf* Alex. McNair Co*g