illamooli TILLAMOOK, OREGON, APRIL 17. 1913. Some of the business men are has had several years experience considering the matter of placing ' as a missionary in Seattle, Wash., | [cluster lights in front of their busi­ ’ having had charge of The Life Boat ness houses, which is greatly in Mission at that place. The holiness association tinder which he labors vogus in other up-to-date cities. Buy a Ford car because they run at present is an iuter-denomina- reaching all 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline tional movement When you get them your troubles i churches and classes of people. are over. See Ed. Hadley, the local The place of the meeting will be announced later. * | agent for the Ford auto I Mrs. Mary Etta Quick, aged 40 Arthur Thorn, who was in part­ nership with I. Parsons, suddenly years, died at her home on Hdlekle, Which is absolutely safe for everyone. took his departure from the city a few miles from Forest Grove, for parte unknown. He cashed a Ore., April 8, after an illness of WM. G. TAIT, President It never slumps in value. check on the firm signing Mr. Par­ several weeks. The funeral was held Thursday. Mrs. Quick was son’s name before he left for $10. Its integrity is unquestioned. J. C HObDEbt, Vise President. j What ever you buy from others if born in Summer County. Kansas, and came to Oregon with her par ­ The return is certain you want the beet layers, get your S. C. White leghorns hen and ents, who located in Tillamook Principal is always available on short notice, Interest Paid on Time and Indian Runner Duck eggs horn Joe County, in 1880. She is a daughter It has no element of speculation, Harrison. One Dollar per setting in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Savings Deposits. either kind. J. M Harrison, Gari­ Quick. At the age of 18 she be- I came the wife of D. B. Quick, and baldi, Oregon. , the couple moved to the ranch on Under United States Government Carl Haberlach returned to the Hillside, where Mrs. Quick died. | Supervion. city on Wednesday from a busi­ Besides the husband, she is sur- ' ness trip to Seattle and Portland in vived by four sons and two daugh­ the interest of the cheese industry ters, her father and mother and I of this country. He found things three brothers. in fairly good condition but not as W. C. King has planted small good as this time last year. hemlock trees in the parking in CAPITA L W. C. King will leave next week front of his property in this city, $30.000 00 for Southern Oregon to take care of STATE his aim being to have one of the his orchard. He will be gone about TV j TILLAMOOK CITY, OffE. SUPERVISION prettiest places in the city the com­ a month. Mr. King has been hard ■■tei ing summer,beautified with flowers, E mm ff at work the past few weeks, f ' fixing A» the hemlock makes a splendid s up his property, planting trees and ornamental tree, which keeps green Amateurs ! Better pay a small ' flowers, and he will have one of the the whole of the year, this makes charge and get good results from prettiest places this summer. ti tofl 1 it doubly valuable, and with no your kodaks. — Tillamook Studio . | Se« Biff Mack for your sewer con- Mrs. W. G. Tait gave another ^Gton«- One large fire-proof Hall’s safe luncheon at her home in this city litter in the autumn with leaves for sale. Inquire Tillamook Title on Saturday, when a dozen ladies falling, it is hoped that all our citi­ Grass ■eed, the beat, at Alex. Me- zens will adopt the hemlock for & Abstract Co., 216 Tillamook responded to the invitation. It ornamental trees. Mr. King will wi“traT8- Block. | proved a pleasant social event, also plant dahlias in the parking, itict Want to trade a piano for cows. Miss Ethelyn Crawford under- which was greatly enjoyed, especi­ and having a splendid assortment lm.ddre«*]Box 426 an operation in Portland on Mon­ ally the delightful lunched served of these beautiful flowers which ht ,9tylish|City Photographs at the day for a serious abcess of the ear. by the hostess. grow to perfection in Tillamook he If a Uamool Studio. If you want seed oats you will The gasoline schooner Anvil, is showing considerable energy in sytoDs Waine Stephens returned to have to hurry as we are not going which for a short time called at Til helping to beautify our city, and if lad llatn^k Sunday. to have enough to go round. See lamook, has gone ashore on the bar all our citizens would follow his ex­ " Dick I Price returned home on Shrode. . ! at Florence, with a possibility that ample it would surprise most '“■‘'■»day fr om the outside. Wanted, to buy, horses from 1200 she will be pulled off. She was in everybody what an attractive place J EXCLUSIVE RIGHT ON BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE For Fine Photographs at popular to 1400 pounds, sound and ia good command of Captain Snyder, who . Tillamook City can be made, fi PROPERTY AT A BIG BARGAIN. ice«-—Tillamook Studio. working condition. City Transfer commanded the Argo when she I : Choice Vacant Lots in all ¡Additions. let, ibaeses fitted. Any kind, any Co. was wrecked on Tillamook bar. THE HADEEY CASE. I ì GoocCBuys are Easy Sold. vie. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * The Shapespeare Club had its' County Clerk J. C. Holden and < SEE ME FOR MONEY MAKERS. nlf! |MHi«eil at Alex. McNair ACo’s. wife returned on Monday from a monthly meeting on Friday, when Attorney Nolan Alleges De- 't',,’^^HB»eed on the market. month's visit with friends iu Cali­ Mrs. C. I. Clough was the hostess fendants Conspired to on that occasion, anil as usual, the (-.j.Larffa tent for sale. 14 x 24 ft. See fornia. “X **/>7000 and that Clark and Ira D. Sankey, the renowned Notice Blds Wanted raising money to buy new uniforms. , Hadley and C. E. Hadley ia one in! h“’e four articles on sale all mook Studio. . musical evangelist. By means if They will have no subscription list and the same person, hut denies „ i time cl langing every three daya. Bids will be received for excavat a story and songs the spiritual e • ;-4. * I A series of revival meetings com­ this summer and everybody should each and every other allegation. menced on Sunday last al the M. E. ing the Basement for the I O. O. F. peiieuces of a twice-born mar ’• i'l Olsou has opened den- Church, conducted by Evangelist at least buy a ticket or two to help For further reply to the said sup­ Building until Wednesday, April be related. Tlie Sunday schoo.' • >il them along. A good time is as­ plemental answer Attorney Nolan over F. R. Beals’ office. E M. Van Marter. 23rd, 1913. Specifications cun be meet at 10, and the Yo1. ig sured. alleges that defendants intended to had at the office of S. A. Brodhead People’s meeting at 0:30 p.m. Ray aid on presentation. Inter­ stein bull». Price 1100 00 and hurch house. this meeting. In pursuance of the said conapir- est ceases after this date. If you haven't seen the latest in >125.00. Also 85 acre ranch. >4800.00. nt the best grass seed, A. H. G aylord , A two acre snap in Tillamook acy and in the execution thereof, the way of buggy improvement», terms to suit. B. B. Goff, Forest x. McNair 4 Co’», A City Treasurer. you can see it at the Tillamook City Thia is the John Hathaway ' D. J. Hadley called upon the de­ Grove, Ore. luality just in. property, and consists of two acre» fendant at her home in Tillamook Feed Company. Drop in and look of fine garden land near the Tills-1 and thereupon represented that ute will be established i. over. It’s a peach. For Sale. Preabytrerian Church. . mook cheeae factory, has a fine 101C. E Hadley was having some illy at Bay City, which A 1.50 each, r the Big-4 Grocery has goods that are not satisfactory so and several other buildings. The plaintiff very much and wanted ing at 11 o'clock. Theme of the also pure Barred Rock egg» >1.00 of green vegetables at you see we are doing the fair thing price of this is only >3500, $1200 to have her friendship; that plaint­ pastor's sermon: "The Relation of per setting. Frank Bester Money A Hathaway. * ! (That’s all there is to it) Honey & down. The party who gets it will iff could not recover and that'C. E. Civil Government to the Bible ” * make $2000 this summer on his bar­ Hadley would pay >7000 aa her «hare The evening service beginning at For Bale Quality of alab wood, the Hathaway. gain. We have an option on the of the estate and pay all costa of 7:30 p.m will be in charge of the ad in the city. Leave SO aerea of bottom land known aa Attorney C. W. Talmage returned property. Address the Ralph Ack the suit; that the offer must be ac­ choir, who with the assistance of the Peter Brant place. City Transfer Co . The pries to the city on Sunday after a ley Land Co., 170 5th St Portland. cepted and closed at once without Mrs. Whitehouse as reader, will pre- is >400 an acre. Vincents Jacob. . business trip out side in connection ret that Howard Wahlen, notice to plaintiff's attorney, or Oregon 11 put a mainspring in with the law suits brought against that C E. Hadley would refuse to Mrs. Jeff Harris assisted by Mr», the city and the conitruction com- for 50 cents. * Ernest Knight, entertained the make any settlement whatsoever; H. T. Botts, who was in piny. Birthday Club at the home of Mra. that if plaintiff refused the offer all iraeveral day* on busi the parties would give false testi­ The wife of C. Nelson was danger­ Harris on April 11th. Dainty re ned cn Wednesday. ously ill Saturday, and grave fears freshtneets were served. The mem- mony at the trial. Plaintiff it tn were. Mesdames alleged. dir have executed the said instru­ meeting will be with Mrs. Cha» ment if she had been given the lime to consider and consult tier Kunce on May 20th. : attorney. Under the auspices of the Oregon This is a i ase where the plaintiff, H oliness Association, beginning without consulting her attorney, May 1st, evangelistic services will a cepti-il an otter from the defend- be held in Tillamook by Rev. James a it whereby she was paid|7 and DOCKS : WAREHOUSE. and Stella Crooks, field evangelists n »w Attorney Nolan ta endeavoring FRONT *TRKKT, BKfWRKN «nd A Srd AVRMCK WEST for the association. Rev. Cr< oks * to obtain an attorn«) '» lee of here’s One Form of Investment First National Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. It is a Savings Account in the A^ ULLAMOOK COUNTY BANK .M lamook jottings Houses for Rent. Property Cared For. Rents Collected. A. C. EVERSON, LAND AND MERCHANDISE BROKER. Buys, Sells and Exchange. Large and Small Tracks. 0 B Room : No. 215 TILLAMOOK BLOCK. MAR’S VARIETY STORE, TiuunmooK- O regon . nop in and book Around " Coal, Cement, Lime, I Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Koof Paint LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY.