Tillamook Headlight, April 1O. IÖI3, Standing of the Contestants. No. 85 Ji. 19 51 i Mohler Mer Co 138 I» E LSanburn ... Report of the Condition of the Standing of contestants at Mason, 63 m The Hoard of County Commie I ! Clarence Edner Pennington A Co', up to Wednes­ .r> 75 ' G Krumlailf . •toners, com|>osed of Coun’y Judge J Krumlauf 75 day, ApriTO, for the upright parlor 51 50 Mason and Commissioners Farmer W M Walker grand piano: 14 40 and Edner met last week and trans­ W Kennedy. .. 77 . ... . <»,310 .55 (M) 1 1 .. ....... 821,070 I. Liecht ......... acted the following business: 343.480 80 . ....... 308,710 29 00 at Tillamook in the Stats of Oregon •* 2 H Anderson ... .. <ß,000 83 .. In the matter of the bond of M. John Paquet.... 10 !«• 1 3 .. .... 283,905 the close of business April 4. 1913. 30 50 4 • ... . 166,2C0 84 . . .. . 71,440 M Mead A Son the same was ap L. Harmon Dollars. 85 .. ....... 450,765 RESOURCES. 7 50 .5 . . .. 178.480 D. Johnson ... . pro veil. .. 192,000 87 .......... 43,700 7 .50 Loans and Discounts.............. 77,918.50 6 .. A. Peterson 88 .......... 359,875 In the matter of the contract and F. Ilubson ....... 139,675 23 oo Overdrafts, secured and un­ ! 8 7 .. ....... 193,940 01 .......... 171.875 12 50 bend of J. W. Thompson, the same W. Archie ......... 128.86 secured ........ ......................... 2.365 94 • • ... 14 75 9 ..,....... 215.130 I *' Gunderson was approved and accepted. U. S. Bonds to secure circu ­ I 10 .. ___ 139,635 95 ... .... 451,810 7 50 Langley ....... lation..................................... 26,000.06 1 12 ... . .. 122.060 98 ... ... 188,475 It) the matter of the application 'Geo. Wilks.............................. 10 U0 1 11 48 00 Other Bonds to secure Postal .. 226, < XX) 99 ... .... 410,620 of J M Harrison and others for the Cheater Wilks .......... 38 00 Savings ................................ 6,000.00 I 15 ... .... 41,295 101 .. .... 407,505 .......... alteration and straightening of a John Wall......... . 368,790 37 25 Premiums on U. S. Bonds... 100.00 16 ... .... 177.340 103 ... P. Caasiday ........................ county road, upon the report of the IF. 20 00 Zaddach .......................... 8,024.50 ! Ì7 .. .... 191.31)0 Ill ... ..., 187,740 Bonds, Securities, etc ............ Board of County Road Viewers, 1 A. E. Rittenhouse................ (JU 50 19 ... .... 10), 705 114 .. .... 360,250 3 25 Banking House, Furniture, the report being favorable and there W tn. Brobet .......................... 20 ... .. . 164,780 116 . . .... 154,160 2,546 15 and Fixtures....... ............... 1 25 i 22 .. ... 214,870 118 ... . . 402,770 tieing no remonstrance, damages ' E. Finley................................... 10 00 Other Real Estate owned... 5,325 45 1 23 ..• . ... 109,875 120 .. .. . 169,435 Harry Pay vie.......................... were assessed as follows: Frank P Wm 11 25 Due from State and Private 2,940 123 . . . , 33,135 H amilton . ..................... 25 .. .... Hobson, $100; James Tone estate. A J Zimmerman.................... 1 00 26 .. .... 156,880 127 ... .... 406,040 Banks and Bankers, Trust 2 00 . .... 439,760 2,025 129 1 27 ... $50; and Charles Johnson, $50. Mrs 1 Harry Bell............................... Companies, and Savings 2,000 4 00 Banks .................................... 29,528.82 28 .. . 1,019.940 130 ... .... Z. Large, Peter Scenson Marie J Thompson............................ 11 25 Due from approved Reserve J M Furrer .............................. ...2,018 425 131 ... . . 121 360 29 ... Murphy and Fred Paquet, no dam­ F Emery................................... 16 80 Agents................................... 98,801.64 34 .. . . .. 200,370 134 -. .... 264,370 ages allowed. J. S. McDonald and Amil Larsen ........................ 202,050 14 70 15 .. . .. 155.435 137 ... , 42’45 Checks and other Cash Items The only Baking Powder made .... 134,680 22 40 ..903 875 139 Olivia Alley each filed claims for (Jeo Loerpabel .................... 36 1,632.10 Exchanges for clearing house 00 16 . 207,000 Guy LoerpaLel ...................... lrom Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar .. . 188,940 142 ... 37 . damages, which were disallowed. 13 50 Notes of other National J B Loui men . ...................... 38 ... .... 213,680 145 ... .. . 125,765 The clerk was instructed to place 440.00 39 ... ... 186,000 147 .. ... 207 500 Banks............... . ................... Work in R D No 2. the survey and plats on tile and the 41 ... . . 216,000 151 ... .... 322.1'20 80 00 Fractional Paper Currency, W B Aiderman......... ............ Supervisor to make the alterations. Wheeler Lumber Co............. . .... 122,120 öS. 10 43 .. .... 374,760 152 Nickels, and Cents............. 211 77 .132 000 154 ... .... 165,880 46 .. 6 00 Lawful Money Reserve in In the matter of a petition of W. Jim Wilson ................. . 249,635 47 .. ...1,633,495 159 243 30 Bank, viz: S. Cone for n county road, the Geo Sanders ............... 48 ... .... 91,675 161 ... . . 414,145 25 00 W | Dye.......................... Specie.................... 16,512.75 .... 142,300 same was continued. For Sale 100 52 It is claimed that every apJ Alex McNair 3c Co ... Legal-tender Notes 130.00 16.642.75 4» . .... 179,745 162 51 ... .. 106,410 165 ... . .1,299,640 In the matter of the petition of Gust Poparonoy and Bill ment to office makes nine eJ Redemption fund with U. S. ... 199,380 Two choice young registered Hol ­ 169 ... 52 ... . ... 188,945 20 00 Poppes ........... T. Rolland Fraser fora county road, Treasurer (5 per cent of . . 194,870 171 ....,... 138,360 Price $100 00 and for the appointing power. N,i 105 00 1,250.00 54 . . .... 213,760 173 ........ 99 285 stein bulls. the same was granted, but no dam H B Johnson ............... circulation)........................... der President Wilson is pro«] 58 .... 1 ID Pennon ................. standards and more independence. cases would inspire more c« 00 Ï able energy shown. T B Handley, rent .... .... 30 (X) Mack Mattoon............... farmer. deuce. 4 0) \\ ..uunisport Wire Co Farmers already established and —Life. T D. Lucas, TUIamook, farmer, 33 85 I' S Edwards ....... ... 21 01) Coast Bridge Co, meh........... l.HC'O IX) I. S. A. Brodhead, Tillamook, car­ classed as successful can see from T Edwards ............ 8 50 penter. I’uciflc Tel Cu .......................... 24 • K) U. Edwards ................. 2 50 experiments going on around them, J ill.ituook Herald, printing 29 25 J Riley................. ........... W. J, Gilbert, Beaver, merchant. 3 oo Jones A Knudson, inch ......... 92 75 W Gage............. ............... R. N. Henkle, Tillamook, under even in the boys’ corn clubs, that ie uo taker. fill imook Iron Works ....... general labors on the Soil are far 4 95 A A Imlah ..................... 28 50 Tony Diilpaz, lumber C. A. Elliott. Tillamook, farmer. lees productive than they might be. 47 ecar Taggart......... . ... 7 <4 er. E W Stanley, Cullen case the soil could be similarly increased The r-am« of the Majestic are riveted ^not put 5 Will Gage .............................. 2 W I’owell, ilitto , . .'■0 1 its and stovo putty)—they will always for iMtt* 1 J. Baker, Beaver, farmer. if they are wisely guided and mas­ L.cause neither he>v an open iron srratinK you can — 4 D. Billings, Tillamook, farmer. B Mapes et si..................... it lays there always. .Air tight joint« and pure 52 40 N. G. Boquist, Tillamook, fanner. how to make farming pay, and in­ Salaries. King A Smith Co merch lining a-sure an even baking heat, saving one*»« 120 62 Andrew Anderson, Tillamook, sure at the same time an enjoyable AH loots drop to form rieid shelves. rw B I. Beals, extru collecting \\ heeler Lumber Co 275 79 farmer. Malleable iron oven racks slide out automat*«**» £ taxes.................. life. The farm demonstrators Security Vault und Metil 114 in»r whatever they contain. A. M. Hare. Tillamoqk, farmer. K I Claussen, ditto........ .. Works ............................ 1553 37 on the right road to modify an 94 S li Whitehouse, ditto J C Holden, freight Ml 35 56 cessive movement of population R L Shreve................... '' A Son, fuel 75 .500 00 the cities. i W D Bodytrit Vote of Condolence. D F Thompson ............... .. 45 IH 00 i I E Needy <3 rural I Where*« it haa pleased our H M Farmer A Card. 74 Free Gold Fish Free. W S Buel.............. . ;;.. Heavenly Father, in his wise provi­ This is to certify that all drug­ 83 I C Holden ......... dence. on March 24th, 1913, to call gists are authorized to refund your Ll3 Starting next Friday, we will give K Mills ■75 to her eternal home the beloved money if Foley’s Honey and Tar Villa Rogers............... with each 5Uc. purchase of Rexnll Compound fails to cure your cough M daughter of Hr. G W. Wallace. Be or cold, John Bernet. Tell, Wis , I C Hew ley Remedies or Rexall Merchandise t. A Johnson . ................. it resolved. That we. the member» states "I use«! Foley’s Honey anil Ito the following Two Gold Fish, One II Crenshaw ........... I <3 Globe. One Box Fish Food, Sea of Beaver Rebekah Lodge, No. 200. Tar Compound for five years, and <• G Swensou 75 I.O.O.F., extend to our bereaved it always gives the best of satis- H L Beals......... . Moss and Asst Pebbles. All tree 83 brothers and aiatera. and the entire faction and always cures a cough and only one outfit to each party. or cold. Refuse substitutes, Sold Surveying Etc. family out deepest aympatby. und by all druggists. «■th L Chas. 1 Clough. Blaine lia)s ................... til •TO Pur. pray that the sustaining grace of Stanley Coates Aab««toe 130 I infinite love be their comfort and \\ H Alderman ..., Presbytr. rian Church. O 00 For Sale help. W H Hoskins 12 On Moming worship at 11 a.ni., Andrew Anderson with Be it further resolved. That a A few pure bred barred 4 uo 0 (' ■ * 'N 1 J Siiiieitiget 20 00 a sermon by the pastor, Evening copy of these resolutions be re­ mouth Rock Cockerale $1 5») each, 1 Mijrsnc .1 ! ¿ a*, t — White |< ______ Ji at 7:30 p. m 10 tu •ervice also pure Barre«1 Ro* k eggs $1 00 Sermon corded in the minutes of this kslge K H i ass« ........... _ Ht?' 5 I» •ubjevt "Tlie Special l*rovi. a copy sent to the bereaved family per setting Frank Beater h' II Gary ..... 44 70 deuce \\ atchiuK over the Tn G J Puyskv Arning and one to a county paper. I <1 11) W S Cone . 36 00 of the \|H*etle Pent.’* Hitile school big surprise to many ’•ilbett Zaddach 17 45 at 10 a tti., i and Christian Endeavor Safely, safely gathered in, Far from sorrow, far from sin ; 1 M NvKiiuene IN TILLAMOOK CITY. 4 13 Topic at the Young God lias saved lrom weary strife •» 85 at 6:30 p. m People'« Meeting ’ ___ U 4» Jacksou . ;........ In.its dawn, this treahtvoung life ’ I ak - h I people are surprised at the "I can «|o H || 162 101 thing, in Christ that sire ngthenelh Now i| waits for us above. QUICK results received from Work in R D No 1 Resting in the Saviour*a love. iue ” simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, Georg* Willett Jesus, grant that we inav meet. 12 50 Nelson A Co A cordial invitation ia extended to There adoring at thy feet. etc., as mixed in Adler i-ka, the Ger 13 50 tile Droiuues attend Ute •ervu-ea of th,. churvh man appendicitis remedy. J. S. . 25 (U S akxh E B ayks . 1 h G Davie D A M a « kb . nxib , B D.. 25 tu HstLMiiVBg. Committee Lamar states that this simple Sam Bai tier ■ il> U M J. GILBBKT. I Paet4»r. remedy antisepticizes the digestive 1 will A Atideisoa . 16 30 lamb-Schrader Co Sewer Pipe fo r Bale system and draws «iff the impurities a a For Sale Ge«i W Phelps so thoroughly that A SINGLE DOSE ■ M HL 1‘ruvoost For Sale all me. ol .rw