Tillamook Headlight, April 1O, 1013. nd Rudolph Rudolpl_______ Fred Goldman and Lesvik, ,_ re­ he could hardly move. He died How’8 This? Captain’s Statement fuse i to slay on ' board and came ashore. about an hour before the lifts »»era ATe offer O n « H undred L killo » R ewafo The day mail brought Blackman a made the rescue. During an interview last Monday letter from his bride, the first he had or any cate of Catarrh that caaaot be curc.1 by Hull s Catarrh Cure. Rescue Starts at Early Dawn. evening Captain Westphal said : received since they were married. P. J CHENtï * CO., Tried© O. With the first break of day thia —«—— “’When the wave struck the ship I We, the under willed have knon-n T* I. morning the lifesavera were ou was standing well forward. It caught Cheney* for the luSt IS '-eire ' <- hand and tile sea had subsided me and carried me aft, hurling me into WHISTLES ON BARK! him perfectly honorahk i transaction« and finaucia *.y a considerably and a rescue was the mizzen ratlines. Here I clung. oui any oblinations made by hi planned. It waa shortly niter day­ Captain Fisher and the cabin boy also SOUND DISASTER NATIONAL BANK OP GvM.MhrCF, break when the liieboat was placed had caught bold, while Captain Crowe T 1 uo, O. in the water and the Garibaldi crew and Koen were clinging to a lifeboat Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iwte*'mi ’/ started to shove her to the boat close to us. We lashed the boy fast, The Garibaldi Lifesaving acting directly upon the blood ano u'u cous surfaces of the system Teatlull « It was 5 o’clock before the crew, but within a few minutes Captain free. Price 75 cents per bottle. S I after a desperate a.ruggle with the Crowe’s hold had broken and he floated Crew Promptly on the eeat by all Druggists. waves, finally got alongside the off. We did not see him again. Koen Take Hall** Family Pills for constipât' >t| wrecked ship. The in. prisoned men I called to us that he was slipping and the Spot with Boat. were near the exit to tneir prison. , we got a rope und r his arms and tried Hides Wanted As the lifesavers, headed o by Cap­ pu" *1‘m up- raised him two or George Watt, President of the ----- ' ' three feet, but we were so numbed Brighton She went with a rush, with eveiy tain Farley, drew near i . e?i--*»?*!.« Will pay 16c. for Hides, Steph ju Mil s Company, whose every man on the upper deck work­ see two dead men lushed to the boat ....... , with cold and hampered by the waves plant is about a mile from where 1 Michaud, Hide Dealer. Leave your They pushed alongside and then ing with the lines und ropes con that we could do no more and lashed I KNOWN DEAD the Mimi was stranded, said that' hides at Honey A Pelx. necteii from various points. As she came the rescue. Mr Fish-r col­ 'him there. hie first intimation that there was sell Blackman Juliana put into deep water one of the lapsed in the arms of members of I “Although we shouted continually, trouble on the vessel waa when he _ . ... . ____ ________ _____ meats, Portland, secre­ cables either broke or gave way the life crew. Captain Westphal was 'our cries failed to attract attention for heard prolonged whistles from the T OMN LELAND HENDERSON unable to move and had to be carried tary of the Fisher Engineering and the boat turned broadside to a three hours or more, and after that it donkev engine on the bark, and ration. heavy sea. With a terrific crash out by the men, as did also the two was a dreary, hopeless wait until today, soon after Captain Harry Bell, of ATTORNEY tain Albert Crowe, Port- the waves swung the vessel high sailors, who are mere youths of 16 when we were removed. The boy died the launch Meta M., came to the AND into the air and dropped her to the I and 2U All were in a dazed condi-f within an hour. Koen lasted sometime mill for assistance. | ard O. Estes, formerly bottom of the ocean 800 feet out tion and were unable to speak. longer, I do not know how long. It COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW ‘ I called tbe Garibaldi lifesaving rtland, more recently of from shore. With 800 tons of ballast I They were rushed to the shore es was horrible. and they responded at once," ■ iton. in her bottom, the impact was ter fast ..o ____________ “Shortly after ihree o’clock Sunday crew T illamook B uxk , an possible and _ hurried into - a slid Mr. Watt, who was in Portland liam Sipp, North Plains, hmiao on ♦ tiie il Z* O s i ¡nil tl I I vitkif rifle. The deck forward was crushed buggy to » a house spit morning, as I was walking forward to yesterday Tillamook - . . . Oregon. “ They started down the R like so much cardboard, a shower ot be.onging to C. W. Atwood. AU tell the donkey engine man not to pull beach with their lifeboat, it being atrick, Brighton. broken and splintered wood, metal seemed paralvzed and unconscious. the Mimi further seaward, but to an­ Room No. ‘ ¿ til. , 1181 Kirby street, ' and pieces of the ship flying in Stimulants were administered and chor where she was, a sudden lurch on a wagon and drove it to the Portland I every direction. One or two of the they were given every care possible. took the vessel and 1 was pinned to the mouth of the Nehalem River and A. Vergt, cook on the Mimi. ■ heavy stesl masts snapped like Mr. Fisher, who is 61 years of age, forward deckhouse by"a fallen top spar. after crossing the stream they drew the boat by hand to the acene, O. I Fischer, ship carpen­ matches. was probably in worse condition This lurch immediately prsc ded the about two miles. When it wa < day­ H. T. BOTTS, ter. capsizing of the Mimi. I distinctly Those Aboard Swept to Sea. than any of the others. He was uu Behrens, engineer. remember hearing Captain Crowe light we decided to send to the life­ ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. At the time of the wreck all of unable to speak for hours Amooti speaking, but whei we reached there saving station for the amall gun B. Meyer, sailmaker, and those aboard were dashed into the the men were recovering and later no one was to be seen nor were there used to shoot a line to a ship, as omplete Set of Abstract Books in sailors W. Birchendin. H. they were able to eat. Tonight they sea excepting about eight, who was lying in the breakers and nsen N. Jorgensen. H signs of life on the forward part of she Office. managed to grab the rail on the were sufficiently recovered to ie any a high sea was running. •n, W. Kruachert and H. the ship at all. able to be taken by boat from the side of the vessel and clung fast. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. The only means ot getting the s, all of Germany. “The donkev engine, mounted there, Gradually these men worked their sand spit to Brighton, a distance ot ha! slid into the sea. After a two-hour weapon there was by rail and when T illamook B lock , a mile. They are being well cared way to the stairs leading into the SAVED. endeavor to prevent sailors from leap­ we asked the Pacific Railway A hold and got beneath the deck As for and, if possible, will be sent to ing overboard and telling them that Navigation Company for a special Tillamook .... Oregon. S. Fisher, of Port- to the number who succeeded in Portland tomorrow morning. Both Phones. their best course was to stay by the train for that purpose they- agreed McMinnville It is expected all will recover, as ship, my efforts proved all for naught immediately escaping in this manner there is When it reached 1. Westphal, of the considerable doubt, but there were medical attention has been secured by their plunging overboard. Brighton we placed the gun nbour I M|B>- residence Germany.^ at least six, including the four who and it is reported no serious results “Had it not been tor the seven-foot a launch and c*an«ported it acroB« A, Ludwig and Yohon Kus- were rescued and the two whose are expected. The life crew had board that ran around the ship we the bay, then by means uf a team ARI. HABKRLACH, cber, German sailor boys, ot bodies were secured fast to the been on the beach since Sunday would have all been washed away. To got it to the beac'l. Thia shows how ^^pikfurt. morniug and after the rescue went these alone we owe our escape. Until the place is, I de k. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. With the sea dashing over the to get dry. At 4 o’clock this after­ we reached the extreme aft part of the Attempt to Reach Wreck Falls I KX « S SI ■ * ■ * boat with a roar that almost deaf­ noon they again launched a uoat vessel no -ign of life was to be seen, T illamook B lock , “Meanwhile the lifesaving crew ened the men, they worked them­ and fought their way to the scene although we searched all that part of ■ (From the Oregonian). made an unsuccessful attempt o line selves through the darkness, feeling of the wreck, recovering on After hanging to a steel bar waist the vessel that was out of water. Here, reach the wreck and the terrific Tillamook Oregon. deep in water for 29 hours, part of their way by inches, until they got trip the bodies of the two men clinging to a lifeboat lashed to the aft power of the waves caused us to be­ in where it was dry and where there lashed to the boat. which were in pitch darkness. deck, we Lund Captain Fisher and Tom lieve that there couid be uu living Cbectrs S. Fisher, of Portland, and was a chance of die water failing to Koen. No More Bodies Visible. person aboard and, as the tide was dMkin J. Westphal, of Germany, reach them. “Grasping for a lifeboat which was rising, further work was discon­ BORGE WILLETT. and No other bodies were visible Imprisoned Men at Loss. S k K to German sailor boys were lashed round to the aft deck, we stayed tinued. The wreck was lying en lifesavers removed their equip till daybreak, when we discovered that one side with file deck toward the 1 this morning by life savers Every light on the boat was out the le German bark Mimi, which and die imprisoned men hardly ment and returned to Garibaldi to­ one had slipped down inti the water beach mid it was continuously swept ATTORNEY AT I.AW. id early Sunday after being realized where they were. They night. No further attempt will be and was nearly submerged, Here we by gigantic waves, some of them off the sands of Nehalem stood there waiting for death. Grad­ made to reach the ship, tne bodies, heard Koen call f »r help We hastened 3me pigs and a vast amount of current and that was the last. man. second mate, and Rudolph scene at the boat this morning it.” :kage from the ship has come DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. Mr. Fisher was greeted this after­ ilagga, third mate of the Mimi nil Night began falling again and w.oen the rescue was effected as lore. Mr Koen and the German sailor the moat horrible it is possible noon by hi» son from McMinnville, who of whom made their way to the 213 T illamook H uk k le suffering» of the men who boy Kruachert said ‘.hey “could not to imagine. rushed to the scene, believing his fath­ shore by means of a line from the ! beneath the deck of the ship stand it any longer.” Sunfiended in the air by ropes er to be dead. It was not until the bark when it was definitely decid­ They had • Oregon. ■ 2 o'clock Sunday morning. I had nothing to eat or drink and were the two dead men, while back Portland train reached here this after­ ed !■> make » pull and haul her in Tillamook n the accident occurred, until were (aligned from the exposure in a place where it would not seem noon at3uH> P. M. that he learned that to deep water, they were among clock Monday morning, is al- It was then that they naked Captim poaaible for any person to survive his father was safe in the cabin. There the fir-t ti volunteer to go to the t beyond description That any Westphal and Mr Fisher and the were the pale, almost un< onsci u» was a joyous meeting between father rescue of the men on the overturn J E RKEDY. D.V M., efl »hip when tfte hies iving crew le four held last to the rigid two German hoys, who were all re­ men who were still alive It was ami »on. l and kept their heads above the maining of the imprisoned party, with great difficulty that they were failed 1e carried and they made any attempt to pull her off, sisteil that without other n«»i»tan< e Both I’hmi**». water in the boat and drowning. the boat was pitching up and down but we were held back by the captain they could reach th ■ marooned Tale of Wreck is Told ________________ He threatened crew. le statement« of the persons res Pieces of rope were rtaced abcut at bounds of about 15 or twenty at the point of a gun. to shoot the first m”- thst left the ship. Tillamook Oregon. I as to what actually took place their bodies and they were sue feet. After the strugg'e to get those W e boys saved the captain's life jvhen Recommended for a G-*o1 R-aa n practically the same. Tne boat, (»ended in the air with the water h*- wax waa pinned down wn by the fallen fur- eh struck the sand February 13 waist deep The other* got hold of who were alive on the boa . Captain Ik* C II Grail '¿H Waverly St., been worked by means of tke steel bare and held on as tightly Farley ordered the 1» at rdf intend­ ward yard. We fell no ill will toward» Peoria, Illa . *.i)" (>. It < ka< tie and MvGKE, M.D. ing to rush the victims to shore him, as it wm hi» duty to prevent de­ key engines until -he win ready as they could. kidney* made me suffer They suffered the most terrible and return lat«r for th«- dead x-i •ertion an-i it wax our duty to help congested oat into the sea S-nday morn- intense pains, Was always tiled The erel tunes on the trip from the boat him.” st high tide. All the men who agonies during the night. Mate Fredrick Flagz h»d a dream aid floating -|>e ks leitfcreit me | been working with her, except- only light they bad waa an occa­ to the shore it seemed as though Took Foley Kidney Pills anil saw PHYSICIAN & SURGE'’N some of the crew including the sional dim flash from the monster the lifet»oat would ca,size and Friday night that the Mimi wm • dead bi ' improvement after third day. They were dump its load of humanity into the min i hotel at the bottom of the aea, I kept on until entirely freed of all' e mates and some of the able- campfire ob thi ahore. the crew, with the exception *>f led aailcrs. were aboard at 2 cnly able to hold on by theatrength water, in which even tne four r»-a that < Hfice : Our Block East oi trouble anti sulf-ring That s why 1 when high tide came, and of tape that they would be rescued cued would have beer drowned. the captain and two of the boy», wore 1 rrcommend “oley Kid lev Pills. 1 head dreeaea of aeaweed and that their On reaching shore the four were in the morning. Morning found i a chugging of donkey engine» Putt Office. fate« were cowered by »cloud. Owing They cured me " Sold by a I drug- cables were drawn and the boat Mr. Koen dead and the other man unconscious and remained a > for to hie dream toe thrae mates, , Flagg. grata. almost an hour who waa laahed to the ship so weak ved to sea. THE GERMAN BARK MIMI TURNS OVER. 16 Persons Drowned--4 Saved fter Terrible Sufferings on the Ill-Fated Ship. • I I * * i ■ I s. I