Tillamook Headlight, April IO, lOl3. face that they are going to be Mayor Harter Heard From. “stung” for hobnobbliug with Ix, a Gatos, Cai., April 1, 1913. L aoal A dvertisement «■ the progressive and free trade 10 First Insertion, per line Mr. E ditor B aker : $ 5 partir-. Each subsequent insertion, line After spending a week on the Business and professional cards, Another phase in the pave- road we arrived here yesterday and I month.................................... 1 00 found a very fine residence town Homestead Notices................... 5 00 ment ruction, with Attorney Timber Claims ................. 10 00 Duniway to take part in the We stopped at several of the South Locals per line each insertion 5 scrap. William Ryan contends >-rn Oregon towns, and will saythat ¡lili! ¡lililí Disp'av advertisement, an inch, that it is the intention of some we found no place which shows the Iz: 1 month ............................ 50 1 hi 1? thrift and solid prosperity that Til ■>f the citizens, if possible, to ' -ÏK' All Resolutions of Condolence and w/à ,1 hold the city and uot the pro­ lamook shows. The low price of Lodge Notices. 5c. per line. perty owners for the street im­ apples has knocked the bottom out Lards of Thunks, 5c. per line. ____ r Strayed _ .rayed or stolen Notices, ¡»st, Stolen, provements. However that may of Southern Oregon investments. etc. iriinimun rute, Zk. not exceed be we do not know, but with Everybody is on the market and no ing five lines. One man I talked with more attorney's fees and with buyers Attorney Duniway putting a made a ten thousand dollar invest­ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. little spice into the tight, there ment three years ago and is now ’(STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) is every indication to believe trying to cash in for seven thous­ One year........................................... 1 5 q that it will be a long drawn out and after putting in a thousand dol­ 75 Xix month»............................ .......... 50 tight so as to make the attor­ lar’s worth of improvements. Three month»................................... 14 x 2 inch Brake Drums. This locality we are now in is a ney's fees as big as possible. The Paige “36” Auto. Imported Annular and Hyatt Roll­ Entered ua second class mail mat­ delightful country as far as climate er Bearings. ter July, 1888, at the poet office at Aluminum Cast Crank and Trans­ is concerned, but a poor place for The Paige “ 36 ” design and Tillamook. Ore., under the act of Wheeler appears to be on the business. The decline in the prune mission Cases, equipment includes such features March 3, 1879. boom, and from the look of Built in, Adjustable, Ventilating, market of about fifty per cent and as : Rain-vision Wincsheild things it is going to make a Left Side Drive, Center Control. also in about all other fruit lines, Gasoline Tank under Shroud Dash. Gray & Davis Electric Starting and thrifty city. Situated on the Gas and Spark Controls on top of b ^illniuooh Ijtaòligbt, South side of Nehalem bay, it put real estate on the bum here and Lighting System. Steering Wheel. about all the real estate men pre Silent Chain Drive for Cam Shaft, is admirably located with water Dash Adjustment for Carburetor. Pump and Generator (al! enclos­ tend to offer an intelligent buyer 18-inch Steering Wheel, Irreversible and railroad transportation. ed.) Gear. Editorial Snap Shots. We are glad to see that the is a piece of climate. Cork Insert Multiple Disc Clutch. Rear Door 21 inches wide, Front 19 Wages here are one dollar a day Bosch Magneto north part of the county is inches. and board, or a dollar and seventy- 116-inch Wheel Base. 10-inch Upholstery, Deep Tilted No one can be a booster and wide awake and progressive, five and board yourself. Wood is 4x5 inch Motor, cast en bloc. Cushions. with the people striving to de- Enclosed Valves. knocker at the »ante time. Long, Clean Running Boards. velope it, and we wish them ten dollars per cord. Three Bearing Crank Shaft. While the climate is more delight­ All Dash Equipment, Speedmeter, Unit Power Plant. success and hearty co-operation. Ammeter, Carburetor .Adjust Selective Type Transmission. One way to reduce the cost Wheeler has started to grow' ful the people are no healthier than ment, Magneto and Lighting- 34 x 4-inch Tires, Demountable of living—raise your own vege­ and no doubt before long it they are in Tillamook, and I can ■ imbedded Switches, etc., Rims. table. will be a c’ty of some import­ heartily advise any one that they f Floating Type Rear Axle. Auxiliary Dash, convenient can do no better than stay by , operatoi. Full Elliptic Scroll Rear Springe. ance on Nehalem Bay. Some persons are so consti­ Northern Oregon generally, and tuted that they have to "knock” Tillamook especially, unless they ! OMPARE the size of the Paige “36” with any other car. It isn’t a small car, but a big roomy, whenever some improvement is We extend the glad hand of have money to throw at the birds, j comfortable, easy-riding car. It has 116 inch wheel base, 34 x 4-inch tires, deep luxurious uphol proposed. welcome to the A. F. Coats If you will kindly forward the etery, full elliptic scroll rear springs and a perfectly balanced distribution of weight that make it as comfortable us any car you ever saw. Lumber Co., and wish the Headlight to L ob Gatos I will be 1 The Paige “36” clutch is not simply a steel disc clutch but a Cork Insert Multiple Disc Cluck The tariff on butter is to be new company success, with the Obliged as I think we will camp, running in oil This clutch is one feature of Paige cars that lias never been equalled for mechanical reduced from 6c. to 3c. per lb., hope that everybody in the city around here in thia vicinity for* efficiency, control or real service. Look for this type of clutch in other motor cars and then tutt and cheese from 6c. a pound to will help boost it and thereby several weeks. the prices of those cars There is no better evidence of Paige “36” value than this clutch make a bigger pay roll. And, Youre very truly. 20 per cent ad valorem. One or two other features of this great car are too good to pass over without mention here. Tht also with the hope that other J ohn R. H arter . position of the gasoline tank is one instance of the many conveniences of this car. It is carried undei the shroud of the dash and is filled from the outside. The break drums are so large that they insure ab timbering concerns will locate I u city and county polities solute sufety of break control, being 14 inches in diameter and unusually wide. here. Instead of placing ob­ things are beginning to shape President Wilson has chosen a Men who know motor care recognize, instantly that this Paige “36” is unequalled for value. And stacles in the way of the new themselves into a Beals vs. anti- your most searching investigation must convince you likewise. Look at it from any angle—ineaeun lumber company, we hope it summer capital in New Hampshire, it by any known standard—ride in it--drive it—the answer is the same. Paige cars are designed and Beals tight. Which band wagon will meet with none of those but with a tariff-revising Congress built by men who know motor car values to the last detail—and the Paige “36” is their expressionol a;? you going to climb into, the on his hands the prospect of escap ­ discouraging and vexatious in­ extreme value. Hie Paige “ 36” today enjoys the distinction of being the most remarkable motor cat i unpopular or popular vehicle ? value of the year—an achievement we are naturally quite proud of because it so truly reflect! cidents which have cropped up ing dog days in Washington is Line up, boys. Paige policy. PRICE, $1,390 f.o.b. Portland. We also have the Paige 25 at $1,050. so frequently in the past. Help poor. boost the new lumber company. Things are reported to be quieting A. H- HARRIS, Agent. Some individuals may uot down in Mexico. The Mexicans, quite like our tactics, but will A New Car on Display at Rd.’s Garage. however, can not be depended up­ A large number of the citi someone please inform us for on, and next week there may come for what purpose the detectives Zens of this county are now a noise like of rolling a bureau over were sent to Bay City and who greatly interested in the free the attic floor. of our respected citizens have trade policy of the Democratic Notice of Final Account. .**.« *.*,*.■ a. Summons. Notwithstanding their long run of been roped in to help pay the party, and they are speculating N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That big crops and high prices it is what effect the change in the bill ? the undersigned, adiiiini ijisUalgr of ln the Circuit Court of the Suit tariff will have upon the two claimed that the farmers do not Oregon fot Tillaoioolr Ot.lssn the estate of Thomas F . Those who wanted a most important industries of i know how to market their products. ) has bled his final account Martha M. Bauer. Î deceased, 'change,” and were not satis Tillamook County. It will not The condition of the farmer is truly Plaintiff, as such administrator in the County vs r lied with the protective policy surprise us in the least to see a deplorable ■ ** ah ai a: a: .«r • • Court of Tillamook County, Stat ■ of Helen Louise Gilday | Oregon, and that the judge of said of the Republican party, will slum in the cheese market, for Somewhat after the style of some and K. N Crockett, | i court has appointed Monday, April The valued family re­ soon wake up to the fact that milk and cream are placed on Defendants. J 14th, 1913, at the hour of 10 o’clock cyclones, which hit churches and = cipes for co'ugh aud’cold tn-tariff have been slashed so • | the Democratic freelist. This To Helen Louise Gilday, a a.m. at the Court House in Tilla­ skip saloons, 'he Indiana floods, that farm products from other I will also cause a slum in the cute, liniments, tonics I mook City, Oregon, as the time and named defendant: lu the name though raging all around, never You State of Oregon: countries will come in almost j price of dairy farms and other and other remedies have I place for hearing of all objections the tou~hed the great American Monte to said final account and the settle hereby required to appear and itag Sai free of duty. property in the county, and for as careful attention here I me nt thereof. ewer the comp aint filed again’.; W Carlo at French Lick. that reason it is not surprising you in the above entitled court IW Ho Dated this March 7th, 1913. as the most intricate j»re- I 'that farms and other realestate ! One disaster of the storm and cause, on or before the 23rd day« C* JAMES WILLIAMS, 1’ree wool, free lumlier, free scriptions. I flood period which seems to have Administrator of 'he Estate of May, 1913, and if you fail so to I milk and freecream. How does in this county are not changing pear or answer the plaintiff willk^ L V Thomas F. Williams, been overlooked is that the South­ Our fresh, high grade « that strike you ? As the snap hands like they used to when ply to the court for the relief pra; Deceased western cyclones and the floods for in the complaint, which is drugs will help to make shot mail is a tea boozer we | the price of butter fat was on have forced strawberry buyers in r’s No ice of Hearing follows: For judgment and d hope there will be free ten as the upward jump. Now that it these remedies more effec­ Î Administrât Chicago to puy $1 a quart. of Final Account. against you for the sum of $85Q well, but what about the Demo­ is liable to be oi. the downward tive than ever. gether with interest thereon at jump our citizens are anxiously ; Turkey, Bulgaria and other crats playing politics and go in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rate of ten per cent per annum I waiting to see the results of parties to the Balkan struggle are that the undersigned has filed his August 3. 1913, and for the ‘u Right prices are also tor free beer ? free milk and free cream. ■ final account as administrator of sum ot $85 attorney’s fees, and reported to be short of money, food assured. I the estate of Samuel Perren, De­ the costs and disbursements of and clothing. When diplomacy ceased, and that the County Court plaintiff in this suit, and for a No one knows what the fee fails Providence always finds a way aa.a ata a»»»»»«N of the State of Oregon for Tillamook cree foreclosing that certain will lie for the Fortland law Don't be too hasty in criticis­ County has appointed Wednesday, gage executed by you to the p firm, but it is sure to go into ing Captain Farley and the life to terminate a war. the 23rd day of April, 1913, at 10 tiff under the name of Martha A new system of spelling allows thousands of dollars, which nil saving crew. o’clock a.m. at the court room of Kunz, said mortgage beingreco The captain, nt said court in the county court at page 250 in Book S of records >. the property owners in the city the wreck of the Argo, showed each individual a wide range of house in Tillamook City, Oregon, mortgages of Tillamook Cou will huve to pay. This comes that he was no coward, for with choice Something of this kind has ■ as the time and place for the hear, Oregon, and that the following91; hard on property owners who a broken arm he struggled in existed a long time, but somehow ing of objections if any there are, property, being the property 3 have no street pavement abut the breakers for over an hour has not been considered a desirable to said account, and the closing of cribed in said mortgage, tc« 'J ting their property to have to and saved the life of Mrs. W. C. accomplishment. said estate. • I The Southeast quarter of sed» J Dated March 20, 191?. help pay for high priced attor King thirty-one in township five S The snap shot man is of Speaking of what was done by A lfred P erren , of range ten West of XVillafl neys. What about the poor the opinion that Captain Farley the last Missouri Legislature it Administrator of the estate of Meridian in Tillamook County.-^ SID1 widows and orphans ? is the beat judge of what the must be said that the woman Samuel Perren, deceased. gon, be sold as upon execution M I small lifeboat was capable of suffrage cause was treated eva- that plaintiff has a first lien on ty Order to Show Cause Against Sale. premises for the payment off Dodging the feminine It wns u penny wise policy doing when the breakers rose lively sums of money, and that you 1 never that is uccountHble for the loss thirty feet over the unfortunate powers of perception has In the County Court of the State cf forever barred and foreclosed I <" been a successful policy. vessel, with strong under cur ­ Oregon for Tillamook County. <>f life attending the effort to right, title and interest therein, ¡Í In the matter of the) the right of redemption as ail-^^_ float the German bark Mimi. rents and wreckage to contend Agitation for the judicial recall, Estate of William i by law, and for such other • It is easy enough for It may lie nil summed up in a with. Graham Dean, an i which has already forced constitu ­ further relief as to the court * few words. The ballast should those on shore to crieicise, but tional amendments in a number of insane person. -oom just and equitable, 'i'hi»*9 It appearing to thia court from mans is served upon you by pw never have been removed until we cannot believe that Captain states, may be responsible for a the petition thia day presented and cation by order of the Hon. Hw the ship wiia entirely disman­ Earley an 1 his gallant little movement in other states to make filed by Thomas Coates, the guar­ Mason, judge of the above entin Had the frail tled. This was not done, and crew lost heart judicial candidacies and elections dian within the State of Oregon of court, which order is dated the ■ ft is no surprise to a great little life boat met a like fate nonpartisan the person and estate of William day of April, 1913. The date of - Kansas has just Graham Dean, an insane person, first publication of this su«n* uiany persons, what happened that happened to the life boat adopted a law under which candi­ praying for an order to convey cer is the 10th day of April, 191S * to the vessel, with so great kiss that was crippled with a wave dates for judge will hereafter run tain real property therein described the last date of publication is striking it when it went to the of life. belonging to said ward, tha' it is 22nd day of May, 1913. assistance of the Argo, it would on nonpartisan petitions, and non- necessary that such real estate F rank S chlegel , partisan ballots in the primaries, Thanks, Bro. Henle, for the have added another catastrophe should be conveyed: Attorney for Plaintiff- and tie listed together on the official Let us show you our to the deplorable accident on It is hereby ordered that the next tree adveitising you are giving of kin of the said ward and all Under the circum­ ballots at the election polls not as special display of attrac­ the snap shot man, for we are Sunday. party candidates but as nonpar­ persons interested in the said tive new styles. We are awfully delighted when unpop­ stances, do not be too ready to tisan candidates. Found a Cure for Rheuniati»» g estate, appear before this court on criticise Captain Farley and the perfectly equipped for ular individuals jump onto us. Monday, the 21st day of April, "I suffered with rheum.itiem _ making group pictures \^e can assure the hon. gentle, life saving crew until an inves­ 1913 at 2 o’clock p.m of said day, two years and could not JB Some one has conservatively es­ in the Court Room of this Court right hand to mi mouth tot and will please you with men that we are in no hurry to tigation is held by those who timated that around 6.060,000 calves at the Court House in the City and length f time, writes Lee I. \ the quality of our work. cnine hack,” for we reserve are well informed bv experience are annually slaughtered in this | County of Tillamook. Slate of Ore­ man, Mapleton, Iowa. “I what n small life boat can do tbnt right when the opportune country, including those slaugh­ gon. then and there to show canse terrible pain so I could not sleep time comes. Those who live under certain weather condi­ tered on the farm. There thousands i why an order should not be lie still at night Five year»» tions. t hose who are respon ­ . granted for the conveyance of such began using Chamberlain » in glass houses ought to have of calves are unnually slaughtered estate in the manner therein ment and in two months I wai 1 little more sense than to throw sible for the Lais of life and the that are of good beef type. Their N«xt to POST OFFICE. I real prayed for. and have net Buffered with rhe» loss of the vessel and the suf stones nt the simp shot num. owners slaughter and market them And it is further ordered ............. tisrn since.” For sale by all ferings of those who were res­ | copy of thia order be published at at a tender age to rid tlie cow of her ers _____ cued are those who undertook least once a week for four succes­ bree wool J. Don’t blame to haul a large vessel, light and charge and put her into the dairy sive weeks before the said date of ’Jl* *' who atexxi pal with the top heavy, right into the break service aghin. The dairy cow is a Look to Your Plumbing- hearing in the Tillamook Head Iwpublicnn |M»rty, but the so- or* in the dead of the night, short road to profit, but ber steer light, a weekly newspaper printed You know what happen* * ■nd published in Tillamook house in which the plumbing* called Progressives. When the with no precautions taken to cnlf?if kept on the farm until he City, Tillamook Counts Oregon poof condition—everybody 19 Democrats knock the twittom save life if anything miscarried. hud attained the yearling age and Dated March 18, 1913. house is liable to contract V out of farm products then, and In proof of this the three mates th/n sold to a l»eef cattle feeder, t'n your front porch can be lit H omer M ason . or acme other fever. Tta< should in the long run net more every night until midnight probably not before, will the who would not stay with the County Judge. organs perform the same and register not over dairymen of this county realise vessel, but went ashore on the profit. It might not all be repre­ in the human body astherl'*( fifty cents per month sented in dollars and cents, bu» that does for the house, and they *"*' Special Bargain. that they allowed a lot of dis- stern line showed that they saw calf, having the ran of the farm for on the meter be kept in first class conditJWj gruntled polith'MUM to fool them what was going to happen ns 1 For 30 days, wi'i offer for s )e ! a year, would help enrich the eoil ( ixamook E lectric L ioht and best 92^» acre Dairy farm in Alsea th" time. I you have any to such an extent that it is as with your digestion take ChsJ siHin as the vessel reached the fertility enough to well pay its F vkl C ompany piaiu as the nose vu a uiuu's breakers. \ alley. Improvements up to date. Iain's Tablet» and you are ve W ill SPALPLXü, Manager. keep. Price. k>5 per acre G. T. Vernon, to get quick relief. For sale ■» dealers. Advertising Rates £| C I Family Recipes. ® CLOUGH, Z Reliable Druggist. | Now is the time} to have that group picture made Monk's Studio. < A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp