TILLAMOOK, Storing Energy WHi NOT itorei>ome of the abundant energy of youth, so that old age tnav enjoy’ its rightful share of it? YOU CAN put by some of your sur­ plus energy, in the shape of dollars you don’t need to spend IN THIS BANK, where it will immediately take on an energy of its own, and in time, double itself, Thoughtful, purposeful consideration of I this vita! subject NOW may mean the difference between peace and distress, dependence and independence, when | the working days are over. A SAVINGS ACCOUNT HERE, NOW, FOR YOU. « CAPITA L ?A?KT|fiL[AM00K COUNTY BAW^0“ COUNTY TILLA MOOK CITY, ORE. SUPERVISION OREGON, Peter Jenck, of Cioverda’e, is at the Hurns residence in this city ami is quite seriously sick with heart trouble and is not expected to if- cover. Your lawn will soon take on ita spring look, so get after them with a good lawn mower. A large se­ lection to choose from. King A Smith Co. Architect C. A. Burggraf, of Al­ bany, was in the city last week and he has been engaged to draw plans for tlut new building to be erected by the Oddfellows. For Sale by party leaving town, a good six room cottage with bath Small payment down, easy terms on balance. Must be sold by April 15th. Partly furnished. , Married, on Thursday afternoon, in thia city, Janies Everett Dean and Lida Mildred Bibby, the ceremony being performed by Justice of the Peace E. W. Stanley. Mrs. A. K. Case left Sunday morning for Portland, where she ’ will visit for a short time with her | daughter, Miss Ollie and friend, Mrs Florence Evens. If you haven't aeen the latest in the way of buggy improvements, you can see it at the Tillamook Feed Company. Drop in and look it over. It’s a peach. Buy a Ford car because they run If you want the best grass seed. 20 miles on a gallon oi gì «cline go to Alex. McNair A _______ _ & Co's, Co’s. A When you get them your trouble« splendid quality just in. ieautiful spring weather. are over. See Ed. Hadley, the local A fine quality of slab wood, the agent for the Ford auto ee Big Mack for your sewer con- best to be had in the city. Leave C. S Barnes and W. J. Peterson, lions. order at the City Transfer Co two experienced hotel men, from lon’t miss "The Man Who Spoiled Tile first raft of logs from the Portland, have bought the Ramsey Music.” logging camp in the Trask river, house and will make a large num­ rraas seed, the best, at Alex. Me­ reached the saw mill this week ber of improvements in the hotel. ir A Co’s. Amateurs ! Better pay a small Louise S. Phillips vs. James !. S. Atkinson left this week for charge and get good results from Christensen and wife, Tillamook stern Oregon. your kodaks.—Tillamook Studio . County Bank, trustee, J. Gove, F. Vant to trade a piano for cows, R Beals and G. H. Ward s a suit C laries Wooley left this week fo dress, Box 426 Alaska where he will be employed filed in the circuit court to recover ¡tylish City Photographs at the in a cannery, as will his son Emil. $2250. lamook Studio. A. H. Gaylord, the express agent, W. H. Chase, wife and daughter, , D. Edwards came in from Port of Halsey, Neb. are visiting at the . had the misfortune to get some lye id on Tuesday. 1 home of bis brother, W. O. Chase. 5 in his eye last week, which caused ’.oming soon " The Man Who We have just received a barrel of him some pain and anxiety for feat oiled the Music.” genuine Sorghum direct from the he might lose the sight of one of marie r-.-k Feed his eyes i ■'graphs a* Judge W. Galloway will be in Til Co. ces -Tillamook Studio. One large Hall ’s safe 1 lamook next Thursday for the pur- avirs. Eliza Evans is down from - fire-proof . ............ for sale Inquire Tillamook Title P°»« °f taking up motions previous Neb •. lem visiting relatives. Co., 216 Tillamook to the April term of the circuit ■.Glasses fitted Any kind, any & Abstract couit which convenes on Mondav, « Block. Style Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. April 21st. If you want seed oats you will Grass-seed at Alex. McNair A Co's Becka Caples vs. Frank Long, Sr., have to hurry as we are not going The beet seed on the market. to have enough to go round. See and others is a suit lied in the cir- Full Blood Bard Plymouth Rocks. | cuit court to recover $3000.00 being Shrode. 30c Setting. Mrs. C. Cornforth. Get in that early garden. Our ' . balance on a promissory note in Lmge tent for sale 14 x 24 ft See line of garden tools cannot be beat | connection with the purchase of Rollie Watson, at Todd Hotel * for quality and price. King A the Yellow Fir Saw Mill. Clyde Clemente has disposed of Smith Co. J. H Hathaway vs. B. N. Sproat his saloon business to G. H. Cauff- Attorney J. M. Gearin, who is one ana wife is a suit filed in the circuit 111 of the attorneys engaged inj the court to recover the sum of$16,032 4ve chickens wanted at the Til la­ street and newer case, came in on growing out of a real estate deal, wk Meat Company's Market, 12c. Tuesday. and that the court appoint a re t pound. • Free, an elegant bevel edged stag ceiver to collect the rents ncubator 63 egg size petaluma, handle hand mirror, containing What ever you buy from others if better incubator made. King your photo with our folders —Tilla­ you want the beat layers, get your ini it h Co. S. C. White leghorns hen and mook Studio. h-. Jack Olson has opened den- Ray A Co. have a limited supply Indian Runner Duck eggs f 0111 Joe tel parlors over F. R. Beals' office. of Alfalfa hay at $17.00 per ton ; Harrison. One Dollar per setting th phones. • timothy and clover, mixed, 21.0) ; either kind. J M Harrison, Gari- baldi, Oregon. * ’hone Joe Lilly for wood sawing. straight timothy, $22 00. Did it ever appeal to you that a Untry work solicited. Phone 1313 The firm of Pelz & Honey ia tific States. changed U> Honey A Hathaway, coat of paint will improve the looks frank Hannenkratt has sold the John Hathaway taking Mr. Pelz’s of your residence or barn more than any other.thing you couler furniture cisco on Sunday, on the Bayocean. ISred R. Beale left for Portland on He intends to stay permanently, able criticism that they did not res Tuesday ; W. G. Dwight is aleo in getting a position in the music line. cue those on the ill fated vessel the morning she capsized tife metropolis. C. A. Cornforth will move the Carl Haberlsch leaves for Port­ good house broom for 25c. at Spanish Kitchen from its present Knar't Variety Store. Drop in quarters to that occupied by the land and Seattle on Friday morn J$d look around. Central Oyster House on Main i lg to size up the cheese market. The market il liable to slum at any ^Bet our prices on poultry netting Street. Ralph Cady, who haa been clerk­ time, for it is practically decided by the roll. The cost is small. 3Hng A Smith Co ing at Clough's Drug Store, will by the Democratic party to admit milk and cream free. The last time ^Housekeeping Rooms Furnished leave the first of the mouth for that Mr. Haberlach attempted to go *B Rent See I. Parson, at the Wheeler, where he will open a drug outside in the interest of the cheese store. ^■tel Columbia. industry he was on the train that ^Dring your chickens to the Tilla Mrs. II. A. Franklin and son, of was wrecked. ^Bok Meat Company's Market We South Bend, Wash., came in on Mrs W. G. Tait gave a delightful 12c. per pound. Monday to join her husband. She luncheon to a number of friends on ^Brs W. S Hue! who was in the was accompanied by Mra. Ernest Wednesday, which was served in ^■sls hospital for treatment, was Goodwin, who will visit relatives excellent style, the guests enjoying here. ^Ben home on Sunday. the delicious repast. The afternoon was apent in a social way inter­ spersed with games There were twelve ladies present, all of whom gave Mrs. Tait great < redit for be- .ing an excellent hostess Mr*. Tait has leaned invitations for another luncheon on Saturday. Elmon A. Geaeste vs. Bay City 1* a suit filed in the circuit court to te < < cover fee. for professional services l>erformed for Hay City between the 1st September. 1912. and the loth February, 191), in connection XLAMOOK JOTTINGS LAMAR’S VARIETY STORE, TlbUACnOOK. OREGON Drop in and book Around ” APRIL 10, 1913 with the validity of the incorpora­ tion and holding a special election for this service Attorney Geneate thinks he is entitled to $1400, which the city council ot Bay City refuse to pay. Thursday last the Kill Kare Klub enjoyed another pleasant a f ter noon st the home of Mrs. Sarchet whe proved herself a most capable hostess. Mrs. Alderman was reader and Mra. Lamar presented an in strnctive paper on Washington, which was much enjoyed by all WM. G. TAIT, President The guests of the afternoon were Mrs. Mackenzie and Mrs Groat. J. C HOuDEht, Viee President The Klub adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs. Shrode. Two city council meetings were Interest Paid on Time and held this week, one on Monday and the other Wednesday evenings. A Savings Deposits. remonstrance was filed against the paving of Fifth Street, which was Under United States Government turned over to Attorney Gearin to see whether the contract is binding * Supervion. The matter of side walk paving was continued until the next regular meeting. A saloon license was granted Barns & Peterson, who have purchased the Ramsey House. Mrs. R. B. Hays, assisted by her mother, Mra. P. W. Todd, enter­ tained the Swastika Club at their home, Friday, March 28th. The afternoon was spent in needle worl <7> \(f, ML and games The after dinner I) A speeches were marvels of poeti< grandeur and clearly showed the literary ability of the members and their guests The e nests of thi afternoon were > esdames King, C renshaw. Myers, Todd, White house ard Mason A two acre snap in Tillamook City This is the John Hathaway property, and consists of two acres of finedfarden land near the Tilla­ mook cheese factory, has a fine 10 room house, 11 barn, chicken house and several other buildings. The price of this is only $3500, $1200 >! ; EXCLUSIVE RIGHT ON BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE down. The party who gets it will PROPERTY AT A BIG BARGAIN. make $2060 this summer on his bar Choice Vacant Lots in all ¡Additions. gain. We have an option on the Good Buys are Easy Sold. property, Address the Ralph Ack SEE ME FOR MONEY MAKERS. ley Land Co., 170 5th St Portland, Oregon Will •’ Robert R. StîllwrH vx ZZ=^ 7«x Z/SX > Goeres is a suit filed in the Circuit K<> Court for the purpose of restraining X- the defendant from interferring wi’h the plaintiff. It seems that last July defendant leased to plaintiff Trask River Literary Society. was dismissed. Sidney Paul wua his farm for one year, placing the then called, who testified that he Last Saturday night was the last had not aeen defendant spit. The real and personal property in pos session of the plaintiff. The de­ meeting of the Trask River Literary attorney for the defense snd the fendant has notified the plaintiff to Society for this season. Owing to ■argant at arms weresenl toexamine quit the possession of the property weather conditions a good many of the evidence. When they returned ami threatens to forceably trke the members were absent, but a the luwyer for defendant rna^e a possession unless restrained by the I jolly time was had by those present. plea that there were only V »me ! Everyone seemed bent on making dark stains on the floor -hi h court the program 11 success and a num­ could not prove to be anli/t.. . <• < ber of excellent recitations and Judge then dismissed the < n ANOTHER CASE FILED song* wen- rendered and the news­ lack of evidence. This cnee . * 1 AGAINST CITY paper, The Trask River Trumpet, much merriment by the comical was lull oi jokes on the members. questions and answers. Warren Construction Co. Sues The question for debate was "Re­ The president was called upon t > solved that tl • Indiana of America make a speech anil he spoke on the For Breach of Contract. were treated unfairly by the Eng­ benefit this “□< iety hail tieen anil Another suit was filed against lish.’* The negative won unani­ be Imped the members would tske the city on Thursday by the W«" eii 1 mously. Sargeant At Arms George an active part next fall. Construction Co. on a breach of Ethal then arre ted Lewis Nelson centred growing out o' the citv re­ who Was accused of spitting on the Good White Wash. fusing to pay irr the sewer system floor. When asked by President Slack half a buxhel of 'reali lime, nnd pavement constructed by the I.loyod Kays to come forward «nil plaintiff. The complaint comprises answer to the charge, he said he by jxiuring over it bo ling water sufficient to cover it 4 or 5 inches 53 pages and demands judgment hail to spit, but when the by laws k Bayocean to Pave Four Miles the stand and hia answers coi e- Summer is coming. Bri-g your The paving of two to four miles ■ponded with the first witne-s bicycles and get them fixed with of streets is among the improve* Tht presillent took the part of J in -e go >d material. Good wotk amt nients to lie made at I Bayocean thia and he told defendant he could < ill promptness at ‘‘fair" prices. season Two miles > already have any witnesea for hia defense if he Bicycle« of all kinds for sale anil been arranged for, Thia will l>e wished. Arthur Kays was culled, rent Guns anil gunsmithing. fish­ laid principally on I Bay boulevard who testified that another | arty w aa ing tackle repaired, etc. A 1 Dens­ and High street, It ia expected mixed up in it, and not wishing to more typewriter for sale, $16.00.— also to extend the paving on other make another arrest, the witness First St. West, Corner First Ave. I streets where cottages are located, bringing the total paviog for the season to about four miles Ef­ forts will lie made to get the greater part of this work finished and out of the way by July I. so as not to interfere with the convenience of cf summer visitors. First National Bank Tillamook, Oregon Houses for Rent. Property Cared For Rents Collected. A. C. EVERSON, LAND AND MERCHANDISE BROKER. Buys, Sells and Exchange. Large and Small Tracks Room : No. 215 TILLAMOOK BLOCK. Dairy Ranch for Sale A dairy ranch, nicely located on Tillamook Bay, at Garibaldi, which contain* ft) ac res. Half of the i* good river liottom. and the other half ia fine rich title land, with a hill that contain« fine hard blue nx-k. com,e. ting with the r