Waymire Has the Floor. I •J ■» to. B aker : A s I atu iu our ie county once mere and have led up the Headlight, I want to a few things to relieve my mind, sorry our city has a law suit on 1. It in not a good advertise- t, as such things are all expense no propfit. I also note you think $10,000 could be used to good advantage this year advertising Let me suggest the beet mode of advertising that I know of. In­ stead of printing and destributing e amounts of descriptive litera- , let every body get busy end beautify hie own home, make it nice, and then the^eummer visitor scatter the news for you free of rge. What’e the use to tell on er the great reeourcee of our Cgunty and every thing out of re- p*ir, unpainted? You may get men to come in but they won’t stop. What uee is it to tell the world in books and papers bow prosperous and happy we are and when they come to see us, find us in numen (Mis law suits, cursing our county Officials and flourishing a tax re­ ceipt you think is a bit large ? The trouble I see is you have the best thing in the Pacific Northwest •nd quite a number of you don’t Ifbow it. You ought to hold a grand mass meeting and forgive each cither all hard speeches. shake Winds over all interference and put large sum of money in improve- ents and beautifying your own unes. You will have benefit of ■iK and the visitors will tell the story « and in a style that bring men ■I capital among you seeking one these beauty spots for a home. Take the cash spent for law suits, liquors and tobaccos and you will kve quite a sum to start with, and you leave these out you will be endly, sober and clean and you 11 find these the best advertise- ents obtainable, besides you will joy it when you get use to it. C. H. W aymire . Programme for Fairview Grange, April 10. Song by Grange. Each member to recite some fact about April. Which is of most benefit *o the farmer, fertile soil or good busi­ ness methods ? Discussd by Warren Chance, Albert Phelps, Henry Olds and Frank Bester. What can we do to make our home more beautiful —Ina Chance. Song—Oscor Tittle. To what extent are we under obliga­ tions to loan to our neighbors. — Will Maxwell. Song—A.- Smeltzer. Recitation—Mamie Tittle, Select Reading—Jennie Sheets. What would you buy for your home with 5 dollars—Lillie Anderson. With 25 dollars—Sabra Olds. With 100 dollars—Euna Phelps. Recitation—Cora Kinnainan. Song—Mrs. Maynard. Do you think the farmers outlook to day is as bright as it is painted—L. Maynard. Recitation—Ed Weston. Select Reading—S. Anderson. Song by Grange. John Losgcor Gets Government Reward. Luu.r 1>- ... > ii Apparently the conviction ot the McNamaras and the dynamite con­ spirators has not changed the minds of souie of the leaders of the 'movement." The foil, wing clu.ice thoughts from a labor attorney and “ Mother’ Jones show how thoroughly this idea has permeated the ranks of unionism as exempli tied by its officialdom. And the cowardly truckling of politicians to the "labor vote,” and the maud- tin sentimentality which has ex­ isted toward anything called the “ workingman” is responsible fot it and all the horrors that have fol lowed and will follow until “labor” is placed back on an equality with all other citizens before the law. Treason and anarchy should be suppressed. A rifle or a bomb is no argument, and murder is mur­ der—whether committed by a man with money or a “ wage slave.” We quote : Paint Creek Junction, W. Va., March 12 —Whether it is murder if a man kills another in war was the issue offered by the defense to the military court which is trying “Mother” Jones, the noted woman labor leader, and 49 miners here on a charge of conspiracy to commit murder. Defense Attorney F, M. Matheny asks : “ Was the battle of Gettys­ burg murder !” He claims that if the miners were killed, it was a war, and should not be charact­ erized as murder. Three proclama­ tions issued by Governor Glasscock calling the great industrial struggle in the Paint Creek district “ war,” have been introduced as evidence. These declared the district under martial law. “ Whatever violenae the miners may have resorted to,” save Math eny. “ was aimed at a system and not at individuals. Whatever hap­ pened were acts of war and cannot be judged by ordinary rules of law and morality.” \. 1 whiskey--------when ih.--’-, longer appeal to you—cut out ■ Ì < PNEY • * I Lol < ..... a )K-AT-LAW. - » T illamook B lock , Tillamook Cyrus Noble is pure, old and palatable- bottled at drinking strength. Costs no more than any other good whiskey. W. J Van Sohuyver Co.. Portland, Or ATTORNEY-AT LAW ‘ ampíete Set of V... . » ; n ». Office. Taxes Paid for Non Rendi i.;s. T illamook B lock . Till-atuuok . • • . OregoB, Both Phones *What is Good Plumbing? It is plumbing that com­ bines the three points of re­ liability, long service, and thorough sanitation. It is our aim to furnish plumbing service that will meet these requirements exactly. Ask us for prices on Strntdamr fixtures. QARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY.AT LAW. T illamook B bock , WILLETT, FAIR. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. John J. Longcor received a check Telephone Main 1314. T illamook C ommercial B uilding , for $200 Friday morning, the reward • Oregon. Tillamook * for the arrest and conviction of Ross, the man who robbed the Bay City postoffice about two years ago. This is the largest reward the post, T. BO ALS, M.D. Sherry Wine.......... office department pays for the ap­ Angelica Wine.... prehension of robbers and comes Zenfendel Wine .. per quart PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Tokey)....................... per quart as recognition of the good work Pebbleford, bottled in bond, Claret ....................... per quart Mr. Longcor did in finally running per bottle....................................... $1 50 White Grape Juice T illamook B lock , Clarke’s Pure Rye, bottled in down the man who did the job. Local Beer, quart, 3 bottles for 50c bond, per bottle ........ .1.25 Domestic Beer, qt., 3 bottles for 75c Tillamook Oregon. Longcor worked for a year on the Old Crow, bottled in bond, per case and finally found a clue which bottle ........................................... 1.50 lead to the Tillimook shuemaker. Hermitage, bottled in bond, per boitle .......................................... . 1.50 M. KERRON, Not only did he cause the arrest of Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ............... 1.50 Keg Beer..................... 15 gallons $5 75 the man, but he recovered the O T. O , bottled in bond, per Keg Beer............... 10 gallons 4 3? stamps taken from the office and PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON bottle................................................. 1.25 Local bottle Beer, 6doz. quarts 10.30 much evidence and papers. It will Kentucky Dew, M gal., bottled Local bottle Beer, 10 doz. pints 11. J? T illamook B lock , in bond . .................. 2 15 be remeitibered that the booty was Kentucky Dew, ful pint, bottled found, secreted under an old barn "5 in bond ........................................ “r Tillamook Oregon. Budwieer Beer, 6 doz. quarts $15 03 in the outskirts of Tillamook, where John liewar A Sons, Old Scotch To Tell Oleo .from Butter. Budwiser Beer, 10 dozen pints 18 00 it had laid since the robbery. Whiskey........................................ 1.56 Notice of Final Account. Old style Lauger Beer, 10 doz pt 11.00 Roes was sent to McNeil's Island Every housekeeper should know Black A White, Old Scotch 1.50 Whiskey ........................................ otice is H ereby G iven ,—That about nine months ago.—Bay City how to detect oleomargarine from V.O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey . 1.75 C. HAWK, e undersigned, administrator of Examiner. butter. Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch White Port, Old Monk Brand, estate of Thomas F. Williams, Draw the blade of a knife across Whiskey........................... '........... $1 00 per gal eased, has filed his final account Port Wine.......................... 1 00 per gal. the suspected butter. If it is mar Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch such administrator in the County Standing of the Contestants. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 1 50 Sherry ................................ 1.00 per gal. Whiskey ........................................ garine the place where the knife Canadian Club................................ 1.60 urt of Tillamook County, Stat* of Claret ................................. 75c. pergal. gon, and that the judge of said Standing of contestants at Mason, was pressed will look white, and I. W. Harper.................................... 1.00 Angelica..............................1.00 per gat. Bay City Oregon. urt has appointed Monday, April Harvester Old Style....................... 1 03 th, 1913, at the hour of 10 o’clock Pennington & Co. up to Wednes­ the track of the blade will be Monogram....................................... 1 0< I Zenfendel .......................... 1.25 per gal m. at the Court House in Tilla- day, April 2, for the upright parlor marked with little beads of water Kentuck Dew.................................. 1.00 Tokey................................... 1.25 per gal­ When the testis made with genuine Billie Taylor, full quart ......... l.M ook City, Oregon, as the time and grand piano : SARCHET ace for hearing of all objections butter the white look does not ap­ Coronet Dry Gin......... per bottle 1.00 .. .. 821,070 77 1 ... . 68,310 .................... pergal. $5 03 said final account and the settle ■ The Fashionable Tailor, 1.75 Monogram pear, but the butter holds its color A.V H. Gin................................. per bottle .... 308,710 80 843,480 2 ... White Corn Whiskey, per gal 4 00 tnt thereof. . 65,000 3 ... .... 283.9C5 83 Another test is to drop a piece of Gordon Sloe Gin . .per bottle 1.75 Harvester Old Style ..pergal. 4 25 Dated this March 7th, 1913. . 70,440 the suspected butter into a well Gordon Dry Gin .... per bottle 1.25 McBrayer, 13years old.per gal. 4 ... . . 166,200 84 JAMES WILLIAMS, ® 1 Cleaning, Pressing and [Repairing Rock and Rye............. per bottle 1.00 Echo Spring .... 178,480 85 5 . 450,766 .............. per gal Administrator of ‘he Estate of . 43,700 heated frying pan. If’it is spurious El Bart Gin .................................... 1 25 Chestnut Grove Rye .per gal. ¿751 6 ... .... 192,000 87 a Specialty. Thomas F. Williams, 88 . 359,875 it will sputter, because of the water Virginia Dare Wine . per bottle 75c. Kentuckey Dew ........ per gal. 2.25 1 7 .. .... U9.675 Deceased, . 171,875 in it ; if it is genuine it will melt Port Wine..................... per quart 35c. Alcohol.................... ...per gal. 4.00 8 ... ... 193,940 91 94 . 2,365 and bubble or boil, but not sputter. 9 ... .... 215.150 Cornet Dry Gin............... per gal. 400 Store in Heins Photographic . 451,810 lministrat'>r’s No' ice of Hearing 10 ... . . 139,635 95 . 188,475 12 ... . ... 122,060 98 of Final Account, Gallery. : at I In the House of Commons, Col 14 . . .... 2'26,000 99 . 410,620 Seeley, the war minister made the . 407,505 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 15 ... .... 41,295 101 . 368,790 important announcement that the »at the undersigned has filed his 16 ... .... 177,340 105 .... 191,360 111 , 187,740 British Army had evolved the beat WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, COR. 1st and 1st AVENUE K| JT R BEALS, nal account as administrator of 17 .. .. . 100,706 114 . 360,250 le estate of Samuel Perren, De­ 19 ... . 154,160 aeroplane airship in the world, one rased, and that the County Court 20 ... .. . 164,780 116 REAL ESTATE . 402,770 that can be flown at the high speed . . . 214,870 118 ' the State of Oregon for Tillamook 22 .... 107,860 . 169,435 120 23 .. of ninety miles an hour or slewed ounty has appointed Wednesday, FINANCIAL AGENI , 33,135 down to forty miles an hour. He 2.940 123 le 23rd day of April, 1913, at 10 25 .. .... . ... 156,880 127 . 406,040 26 ... clock a. m. at the court room of T >llumook 2,025 129 . 439,760 said they would have 148 of these lid court in the county court 27 ... . 2.000 ships in a year, and that they had >uee in Tillamook City, Oregon. 28 . . .. 1,049.940 1») .1,856 515 131 . 121 360 definitely rejected the Ng, rigid air­ I the time and olace for the hear- 29 . 264,370 ships of the German type. 34 .. .. .. 200,370 134 ig of objections if any there are, . 2Ü2.06O . .. 155 435 137 GOYNK, i said account, and the closing of 35 ... The Ways and Means Committee . 134,680 .903 875 139 36 sid estate. .. . 188,940 142 . 207,000 37 of the House has begun the final Dated March 20, 1913. . 125,765 consideration of the tariff changes ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 38 ...___ 213,680 145 A lfred P erren , ... 186,000 . 207 500 147 39 . . Administrator of the estate of which it will recommend to the ex ­ . 322,120 41 ... ... 216,000 151 Office: O ppositb C ourt H oc sb , lemuel Perren, deceased. . 122,120 tra session. Among the early de­ 43 . ....... 374,760 152 . 165,880 cisions were free raw cotton goods, . 132 000 154 46 Tillamook • Oregon. derto Show Cause Against Sale. 47 . 249,635 sharp reductions in the cheaper L 295,615 159 414,145 48 .. .... 91,675 161 . 142,300 grides of woolen goods, free lum­ .... 179,745 162 In the County Court of the State of 4» 1,081,205 ber, free sugar, high rates on 51 ... .. 106,410 165 Oregon for Tillamook County. R P. J. SHARP, . 199,380 tobacco and other luxuries such as .... 188.945 169 52 In the matter of the) 138,360 silks, free wood pulp bnd print . 194,870 171 54 Estate of William ! . 99 285 58 .......... 213,760 173 Graham Dean, an | RESIDENT DENTIST, . 187,760 paper, iron and steel the same sub 62 ......... 301,225 178 insane person. J .... 369,170 180 . 217,050 stantially, raw wool reduced 56 per Office : CninmerciHl Block, [ It appearing to thia court from 64 . 218,800 cent or at the rate of 20 per cent ad T'HK City and the Country are bound together by the tele 2,505 182 he petition this day presented and 67 .. ... . . 198,340 valorem. * phone line. lied by Thomas Coates, the guar- 68 ..... . 178,400 185 Tillamook Oregon, . 182,705 jian within the State of Oregon of (Ml . . . 391,350 189 The farmer and his family use the rural telephone constantly call­ From the office of J. P. Morgan . 250,5011 . . 368,015 191 he person and estate of William 70 . 184,790 A Co., New York, after a conference ing up each other and the market town on all sorts of matters and for nil 471,810 1W3 sraham Dean, an insane person, 71 137 960 of the banking interests in the six- soris of supplies and information . .. . 98,875 195 CLAUSSEN, »raying for an order to convey cer- 72 . 67,975 power loan offer to China, the an City |>eople also find the rural telephone of the great advantage. A ....... 2,3-25 198 ain real property therein described 74 LAWYER, . 231,045 . 1,152.105 190 »elonging to said ward, that it is 75 traveler from his room in the hotel talks with the farm folk miles awry. nouneement was made that "defer ­ 76 ....... 63,000 DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. Jecessary that such real estate Without the telephone he could not reach them. jhould be conveyed: Contestant» are allowed 10,000 for ring to the policy now declared" The farmer himself may travel far and still talk home over the Ixiog 213 T illamook B lock [ It is hereby ordered that the next every subscription they or their by the Wilson ad ministration they Distance Lines of the Bell System. if kin of the said ward and all would withdraw from the negotia Tillamook - • Oregon. persons interested in the said friends obtain for the Headlight »state, appear before this court on Rustling for subscribers is now in tioas. It was said they had so noti­ fied European bankers concerned. Monday, the 21st day of April, order. 1913 at 2 o’clock p.m. cf said day, The statement tells how the group J E. REEDY, D.V.M., n the Court Room of this Court of American bankers was formed Straight at It. tt the Court House in the City and VETERINARY. There is no use of our ‘beating on the express request of the State County of Tillamook, State of Ore- Jon, then and there to show canse around the bush.” We might as Department and that the move was well out with it first as last e Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System. Both Phones. irhy an order should not be not made primarily for profit. [ranted for the conveyance of such want you to try Chamberlain's real estate in the manner therein Cough Remedy the next time yau Tillamook Oregon have a cough or cold. There is no Cough Medicine for Children prayed for. SIDNEY E. HENDERSON. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON And it is further ordered that a reason ao far as we can see why you Too much care cannot be taken President, Secretary-Trena. topy of this order be published at should not do so. Thia preparation in selecting a cough medicine for G. McGKE, M.D. least once a week for four succes- by its remarkable cures has gained children. It should be pleasant to Attorne) at-I.aw anil Not«rv live weeks before the said date of a world wide reputation, and people take, contain no harmful substance public. hearing, in the Tillamook Head­ everywhere apeak of it in the high and be most effectual. Chamber light, a weekly newspaper printed eat terms of praise. For sale by all Iain's Cough Reined) meets these PHYSICIAN A SURGEON ind published in Tillamook dealers. requirements and is a favorite with City, Tillamook County, Oregon the mothers of young children Dated March 18, 1913. The Wilson administration has everywhere For sale by all dealers. Office : One Block East of H omer M ason , inaugurated the open-door policy County Judge. Look to Your Plumbing toward newspaper men and the Port Office, You know what hippeni in a public in general. Secretary Tu­ Found a Cure for Rheumatism. ST" multy, for the president, announced bouse in which the plumbing is in poor condition—everybody in the “I suffered with rheumatism for that hereafter newspiper men might APPENDICITIS - - house is liable to contract typh nd two years and could not get my (INCORPORATILA right hand to my mouth for that enter his room at any time without or some other fever. The digestive BOOK FREE I length ef time, writes Lee L Chap­ formality, end similar rules are in organa perform the aame functions The Adler-i ka booh, telling how in the human iiody as the plumbing man. Mapleton. Iowa, “I suffered force in ail the departments. does for the house, and they should terrible pain so I could not sleep or you ran EASILY guard against lie still at night Fire years ago I If Speaker Clark thinks that Mr tie kept in first class condition all ap|>enou are certain free this week by J. 9 Lamar, tism since." For aale by all deal- not one that can be carried to the to get quick relief. For aale by all BOTH PHONES. White House for aid andeympethy- dealers. TILLAMOOK. OREGON .druggist BOTTLE GOODS. Special Prioes for Family Trade. s Domestic Beers. T E.’ 9 ■zl a BP es* 30 3 itesi lefjl Tfl it, 4 iy i to I :s » to 51 K. Ä THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TRI.Rf.B4PW f.fi Tillamook Title and Abstract Company Abstracts on- X» I1 «y BILLY STEPHENS. 1 Oregon. Tillamook WHISKEYS. ). «... Oregon. Room No. 261. T. BOTTS, WINES. le 1 Fl AND HENDERSON HN I ’'“OOT. St-''’ '. < Real Estate Surveying ; Insurance i