Tillamook Advertising Ratea. L egal A dvertisements ? 10 First Insertion, per line . $ 0 Each sut««equent insertion, line BnsinesH and professional cards, 1 month................................... 1 00 Homestead Notices................... 5 (JO Timber Claims ................. 10 00 Locals per line each insertion 5 Displayadvertisement, an inch, 1 month.................................... 50 All Resolutions of Condolence and Izvlge Notices, 5c. per line Cards of Thanks. 5c. per line. Notices, Ixiat, Strayed or Stolen, etc. imuiniun rate, 25c. not exceed­ ing five lines. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) One year......... .. .............................. SMx mouths......... .............................. Three month» .... . 1.S« 75 50 Entered as second class mail mat­ ter July, 1888, at the post office at Tillamook, Ore., under the act of March 3, 187V. '£bf ^illatnaoh Ijeabligbt, Editorial Snap Shots Say, Bro. Trombley, did you come across any foot prints of the detectives while you were in Bay City last week ? Morgan’s conscience seems to have troubled him, but when any person’s conscience trou­ bles them over crooked trans­ actions in this county, it seems to be the custom for them to pick up and leave. The county is out of debt and with a large amount of money in the road fund. This is a most satisfactory condition,and, no doubt, the county officials will endeavor to keep the coun­ ty out of debt in the future. For several years the county officials expended more money than was received, which created quite a large indebtedness, and to wipe this out and to continue mak­ ing improvements, it was de­ cided to pay tins off gradually every year. The wisdom of doing so is now seen in the county being in a fine condition financially, and with the idea of keeping expenditure below the receipts; the county is not lia­ ble to fall into debt again. This may not be satisfactory to those who like to see county warrants at a discount, but with plenty of money in the banks to the county's credit, no one will be in a position to throw discredit on the county's credit. J. The 1912 report of the United States Steel Corporation shows earnings of $117,926,402, but this is reduced by interest charges on bonds and mortgages to $108,174,- 673, or a gain of about $4,000,000 over the net earnings of the preceding year. The average number of em­ ployees in 1912 was 221,025 and the wage account ran up to $180,351,- 002, an increase of $28,000,000. There appears to tie very lit tie diffcrenvr between paving Companies in the Northwest ■ nd real estate agents, for they knock” one another» deals whenever they have an opi»>r I unity. Moot of uh cim call to mind instances where real vs tnte agents have "knocked ’ their competitor» m making a •.¡ade. even after deposits have Veen paid down, disgusting those who had done so to such .'in extent that they would not slay I ,¡íi ■ i i h il 1 MB iil! ¡¡I il III! I|l* H Ibi • P H J fi R 1 i II Ih yilir-"^ 14 x 2 inch Brake Drums. Imported Annular and Hyatt Roll­ er Hearings. Aluminum Cast Crank and Trans­ mission Cases. Built in, Adjustable, Ventilating, Rain-vision Wincsheild Gasoline Tank under Shroud Daeh. Gas and Spark Controls on top of Steering Wheel. Dash Adjustment for Carburetor. 18-inch Steering Wheel, Irreversible Gear. Rear Door 21 inches wide, Front 19 inches. 10-inch Upholstery, Deep Tilted Cushions. Long, Clean Running Boards. All Dash Equipment, Speedmeter, Ammeter, Carburetor Adjust ment, Magneto and Lighting Switches, etc., imbedded in Auxiliary Dash, convenient to operatoi. The Paige “36” Auto. The Paige ”36” design and equipment includes such features as : Left Side Drive, Center Control. Gray & Davis Electric Starting and Lighting System. Silent Chain Drive for Carn Shaft, Pump and Generator (all enclos­ ed.) Cork Insert Multiple Disc Clutch. Bosch Magneto 116-inch Wheel Base. 4x5 inch Motor, cast en bloc Enclosed Valves Three Bearing Crank Shaft. Unit Power Plant. Selective Type Transmission. 34 x 4-inch Tires, Demountable Rims. Floating Type Rear Axle. Full Elliptic Scroll Rear Springs. Spring has arrived officially. The two cold wives that are buffeting each other other around the coun­ try may be treated, with the aid of an ulster, as astronomically non­ existent. Senator Tillman once eaid that the Democratic party had lost the seed corn of statesmanship, and he adds the party ie a mob. Testi- money on these pointe will continue to be taken. mind the engine. C. H. Waymire has taken is­ sue with the strip shot mini in regard to advertising the coun­ ty. The rev. gentleman is of the opinion law suits ure not the proper stunt to advertise a City, and we are heartily in ac­ cord with him there, and as bis suggestion as to beautifying the Imines is in line with a progres­ sive. up-to-date coinmunitv, w e wish to cull the gentleman's attention that it requires de­ scriptive matter liefore home seekers urthe East can tie ad­ vised of the advantage» of this county, and an increasing de- numd for sample copies of the loc<) news|Hipers is |>toof that they are needing literary mat­ ter to give them some idea of the sections they intend to visit before they leave We also co- incule witli Bro. Wavmire that if all the money s)>eiit foi law »nits, liquor and tobacco would be quite a sum to go on if this 3, I9l3. The PAIGE Mr. Olney declines the mission to England and Mr. McCombs that to France. President Wilson should try home post offices on a silver platter. Another American soldier has been wounded by a Mexican bullet from combatants across the border. But Uncle Sam is looking for peace, not pretexts to mix in. OMPARE the size of the Paige "36” with any other car. It isn’t a small car, but a big root I comfortable, easy-riding car. It has 116 inch wheel base, 34 x 4-inch tires, deep luxurious uphl etery, full elliptic scroll rear springs and a perfectly balanced distribution of weight that make it I comfortable as any car you ever saw. The Paige ”36” clutch is not simply a steel disc clutch but a Cork Insert Multiple Disc Cl«I running in oil This clutch is one feature of Paige cars that has never been equalled for mechanS efficiency, control or real service. Look for this type of clutch in other motor cars and then til the prices of those cars There is no better evidence of Paige “36” value than this clutch One or two other features of this great car are too good to pass over without mention here. M position of the gasoline tank is one instance of the many conveniences of this car. It is carried uni® the shroud of the dash and is filled from the outside. The break drums «re so large that they insured9 solute safety of break control, being 14 inches in diameter and unusually wide. Men who know motorcars recognize instantly that this Paige ”36” is unequalled for value. Afl your moat searching investigation must convince you likewise. Look at it from any angle—meat«® it by any known standard—ride in it--drive it—the answer is the same. Paige cars are designed al built by men who know motor car values to the last detail—and the Paige ”36” is their expreseioilj extreme value. The Paige ” 30 ’ today enjoys the distinction of being the most remarkable motor tfl value of the year—an achievement we are naturally ---- ----------------------- J of ' •------------ -- ■ truly ' rei quite proud because " it so Paige policy. PRICE, $1,390 f.o.b. Portland. We also have the Paige 25 at $1,050, C A. H. HARRIS, Agent. A New Car on Display at Rd.’s Garage. Family Recip (i w a. * : : ! bight, with sleepers attached, it would save two days' time I * <• \\ illium-tte vnllt v is M|> t lining that kind of service and Tillnm<»ok people are anxious to enjoy some of the timesaveta when traveling. W hat a trims formation from the old mode of traveling by stage when one i in take a birth on a train leav­ ing thia city at night ami wiike up the next mornig in Portland ready to do business. April were spent to beautify homes, but this seems almost impossi­ ble as long as there is a tendency to rush into law, the appetite for strong drink and the habit of chewing and smoking tobac­ co. These are conditions that confront us and it may be a good thing to talk theoretically once in a while about them, but as long as the practice, appetite and habit are so prevalent, we do not expect tosee much improve­ ment for some timp. Pierpont Morgan, financial king of the United States, died on Monday, and he passed away like all human mortals. He left an immense fortune behind Once more Germany’s monetary for others to enjoy. In the ac­ cumulation of this fortune it troubles create alarm thronghout The fear ie not quite as cannot be said that money was the world Morgan’s god, who aspired to acute as it was two years ago, when make a success—and did so—of the Morocco dispute carried a por­ tent of war with France and Eng are objecting to an honest in­ making large deals involving land, but it is great enough to at­ enormous sums of money, and vestigation of the pavement, tract the attention of the interna­ but they have a right to criti­ like a great many other men in tional bankers everywhere, and to cise the motives, the employ­ large and small transactions, have some effect on every bourse ' Morgan ’ s interests were always ment of dirty detectives and the from Berlin to New York For the large amount of money that it most carefully looked after. past two days it has affected prices There is, however, something is going to take to pay the high adversely on the New York Stock pathetic in the sickness and priced attorneys. .'death of Mr. Morgan, for it is Exchange. I reported that he had a nervous Dr. Simon Flexner, director of the The blatherskite in the Beals breakdown on account of the Rockfeller Institute, made an an­ organ, who is ashamed to sign investigation of the money trust nouncement at the John« Hopkins’ his name, accuses the snap shot at Washington, which goes to Hospital, Baltimore, on the 15th, | of a grent many things which show that his conscience trou- that the organism which causes the ' are certainly enough to make a I bled him, for he feared public diseases known as infantile paraly-j monkey laugh, for only a man exposure of the money trust and who is half luney would write I the part he played in some of sis had been defined and thatit was ‘ and publish such rot. But it the deals which added immense one of the smallest germs ever gives us a whole lot of material amounts of money to his pocket found. He explained that in the i cultivation of this germ he had | . for snap shot subjects. i book. Morgan's conscience found it necessary to use a medium troubled him in his declining freed from oxygen and that because No doubt, Bro. Trombley, the days and, no doubt, caused bis it would grow only in the absence snap shot man is a pretty bad premature death. of oxygen it would never be found kind of man because he would in blood or any cavity containing not omit from the Headlight As a result of the terrible oxygen. Dr. Flexner said he had C irl Knudson’s account of the cyclones and floods in the East not been able to establish the fact dirty, low-down methods used and Middle West, there is no of infection from the bite of the I to incriminate some of our best doubt whatever that large num­ stable fly or other insects, the dia- citizens, and we are sorry that bers of home seekers will come covery made by Dr. Rosenau of our esteemed Bro. should allow to the Northwest the coming Washington, D. C., but he did not himself to Iteróme the little summer. Tillamook County doubt the truth of the Rosenau dis­ poodle to bark for those who should make an effort to obtain covery. are ashamed of their names. some of these home seekers, for That a machine has been per­ there is plenty of room in this fected which will enable the farm­ Bro. Trombley, if the snap county for them and thousands er hereafter to thresh his grain uiati is such a bud citizen and of acres of idle land that can be direct from its stand in the field, disreputable character, please turned into valuable dairy without reaping procs«», 1» claimed prnv for him. Publishing a lot farms. Nothing is gained by by Frank Morse in- th» March of lies about him won’t make inducing new settlers to come Technical World Magazine of Chi­ him a lietter man. It is one of here for the purpose of buying cago in describing the invention of the Christian graces, Bro. not a farm, and the parties who sold Curtis C. Baldwin of Kansas. Last to indulge in scandal, but as out to move away. The real fall thia machine made a record of you have painted him a terri­ estate man is the only person threshing twenty-five acres of stand­ ble sinner who has fallen from benefit. Whereas, if some of ing grain in ten hours A strong grace, we hope your prayers the large farms were cut up and blast of air from a revolv­ will tie long and sincere in his sold and the idle land disposed fan ia directed against t*ehalf, and nt the same time of, it would mean hundreds of ing the standing a« to force the tope put in II few words for those self new settlers this year. Any* against a toothed cyclinder, which righteous individuals who im­ way, we think this an oppor- agine themselves the most holy tune time to sell land in this threshes off the grain into a trough and elevated to another thresher, of holv persons in the citv. county, for there is some specu­ the chaff being blown out and the lation what the government in­ clean kernels falling into sacks as with the tariff, From a business man's point tends doing the machine moves forward, pull­ of view, if the P.R. * R , in and should there be a general ed by fours. Only two meo are re­ changing the summer schedule decline in agricultural products quired to operate it, one to drive would put on trains to leave it will also have some effect on and the other to tie the sacks and Portland and Tillamook late nt the cheese market. No cyclones, no blizzards, no drought, no excessive heat, no zero weather and no crop fail­ ures in Tillamook County. Put these facts before home seekers and it won’t be long before the i county will till up. I ! N'i one, ns for as we know, ; * in the county after coming ben­ to locate. It was “knockers" who had something to do with the Sea Port enterprise falling through, which would have been a great acquisition to this city, but, alas, "knockers" are a dangerous class in anv com­ munity. Now we have a pave ment tight in this city, and the paving companies which failed to obtain the contract are get­ ting out their little hammers, the same as some real estate agents have done. Headlight, "Mai«».!-- Kanges ataad the tast And C&ok and Bake aad ara iba baaL* * a...n ■ The valued family re­ cipes for cough aud’cold cuie, liniments, tonics and other remedies have as careful attention here as the most intricate’pre- scriptions. Our fresh, high grade drugs will help to make these remedies more effec­ tive than ever. Right prices are also assured. CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist Keep Abreadl of the Times. I : I TN OLDEN DAYS, when buyisjI * a cook stove, people would bo I the one they could get the cheapen tliat’s because there were only I few makes on the market lad were all practically the same ii construction and material. ^Different It S Now! There are close to a thousand different rantfi on the market today—good, bad and indifferent. Wise people use a little foresight in selecting their range, and they make no mistake in selector T he R ange W ith a R eputation —the range that is recommended bj • every user; the range that has stood the test— The Great Majestic Range the range that is made of M alleable and C harcoal I ron —the najt that S aves F url —L asts L onger —C osts P ractically N othing rot R epairs —H eats M ore W ater Q uicker and H otter , and G ives B etto G eneral S atisfaction T han A ny O ther R ance M ade — and we can prove it! Alex. McNair Co "R ib >a earn« Now if the time} Bat with you THE majestic . to have that group picture made. Whatever may be the immediate consequence» of the refusal of Presi­ Let us show you our dent Wilson to show the United special display of attrac­ States bankers to receive govern­ tive new styles. We are ment sanction as members of the perfectly equipped for six power groups, the recognition making group pictures by us of the Republic of China is and wi|l please you with inevitable st sn early day At the the quality of our work. outset it was considered by the other pawers in the bankers' |>ool— England, Germany, France. Russia and Japan—that our participation in the big loan which was to be Next to POST OFFICE made to China would be of «qxcial advantage to us. and would retain tor us the influence which we had gained in our previous acta of friendship forthat country. By get- Ung out of the country promptly on the rescue of our embassy in the Boxer rebellion of 18UI and in re tin your front porch can be lit every niglit until midnight doting our bill of damages to her. and register not over we set an example for the other fifty cent» per month power» who were with us in the on the meter. march on Pekin. an example I LLANooK E lectric L ight A.xn which affected the course of all of F vkl C ompany . them except Russia. W ILL S palding . Manager. THORN & PARSONS Are now open for Business Monk’s Studio. A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp SIGNS—SHOW CARDS- V * DECORATING HOUSE PAINTING ---- Ke»a< ' ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY G _____ h»ecta. thourti * ot tar practical «