9 TILLAMOOK. OREGON, APRIL 3, 1913 W. G. Tait, president of tbe Fiist National Bank, and Mrs. Tai*, re­ turned from a week's visit in Port­ land on business. While there they attended the grand opera. Mesdames D. L. Shrode and I.. L. Baker entertained a large company at the home of Mrs. Baker last week, when another delightful so­ cial time was enjoyed by all. Teach your boys and girls the Buy a Ford car because they run value of money Let leach child 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline. have its own savings account, and When you get them your troubles cultivate an interest on seeing it are over. See Kd. Hadley, the local grow. agent for the Ford auto H. V. Alley was in the city from There is no better way to lay Nehalem on Wednesday. We do the foundation for lives of thrift. A not wish to insinuate, but the ex­ good start and an early one will county commissioner's crop of h lir have a great influence on the child’s looked as if it had been mowed. future. Dr. Boals reports the following This bank has a Savings Depart­ births : To the wife of Charles ment. Cooper, a girl ; to the wife of Gut Ghopard, a boy ; to the wife of Jesse Davis, a girl ; to the wife of T. G. Cullen, a girl. What ever you buy from others if you want the beet layers, get your S. C, White leghorns hen and Indian Runner Duck eggs f om Joe CAPITA L Harrison. One Dollar per setting either kind. J. M. Harrison, Gari­ baldi, Oregon. -------------- TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. 1 SUPERVISION COUNTY JÏ Central Door and Lumber Co. vs W. K. Lytle and W. B. Gordon is a suit filed in the Circuit Court to re­ Alex McNair returned from Port­ cover $265.13 balance of a bill for land on Monday where Mrs McNair merchandise furnished the defend- Clark Hadley is in from Portland. had undergone an operation. dants when they were in partner­ A fine quality of slab wood, trte ship in this city. See Big Mack for your sewer con- best to be had in the city. Leave ections * J. J. McCormick was in the c ty Don’t miss "The Man Who Spoiled order at the City transfer Co. Thursday applying for a renewal axks ttie court to gi ve her ths cue- tody of the children. Thana« P. Johnson vs. Roxie Anna Johnson is a case filed in the circuit court for divorce. These parties were married the 3rd July 1991. and three children were born of this union. On the 1st January, 1912, the defendant, without any just cause, excuse or reason what­ soever, left the plaintiff, and since that time they have remained separate, the defendant refusing to live with plaintiff as his wife A two acre snap in Tillamook City This is the John Hathaway property, and consists of two acres of fine garden land near the Tilla­ mook cheese factory, has a fine 10 room house, a barn, chicken house and several other buildings. The price of this is only $3503, $1200 down The party who gets it will make $2000 this summer on his bar gain. We have an option on the property, Address the Ralph Ack ley Land Co., 170 5th St Portland, Oregon. Some malicious (>erson entered the barn of Janies Woodward, who resides near the Kilchis river, one night last week and put acid on the teats of three of his milk cows. The cows were discovered next morn­ ing by Mrs. Woodward in great (>ain, and the cows beingin such a serious condition that Dr. Reedy had to he sent for. He managed to milk the cows with tubes, but the hair had been burned off the Cows’ bags, and it is more than probable that they will co dry as a result of ths soreness of the teats. Attorney John Leland Henderson of his saloon license at Garibaldi. Mr. Woodward cannot account for will occupy a store in the new bank The court granted him a license for anyone doing such a cruel act as building, for his law and abstract two months, and when the new law that cn dumb animals. office. goes into effect he will have to up. The annual meeting of the Pres­ The mild weather of the past ply for» another license byter an Church was held on Wed­ week was beneficial for the dairy­ Did it ever appeal to you that a nesday evening, when the reports men, as it started the grast* to coat of paint will improve th • looks of the various organizations Bhoweil grow. of your residence or barn more that the church was in a most We have just received a barrel of than sny other thing you could do. healthy, progresjive condition witl genuine Sorghum direct from the Should your property be for sale an increased interest taken in all East, home made. Tillamook Feed it will sell at a better price, a great departments. As to the financial Co. deal quicker and easier King A condition of the church which is One large fire-proof Hall’s safe Smith Co self supporting, this proved to be tor sale Inquire Tillamook Title for all obligations Sale or exchange:—We have the gratifying, Co., 216 Tillamook largest list of Portland property fur had been promptly met with bal­ A Abstract Block. sale or exchange of any firm in the ances left in the different fuuds. The express office and the City city. What have you to exchange Rev. D. A. Mackenzie, the paster, Transfer Co. have been moved into for some of it? Want good im­ presided. Binmet Bales was added the Commercial block on Main proved ranches of all sizes. Send to the board of deacons and Carl descriptions to Chittenden A Neill, HaberJach and Thomas Harrison Street. were elected on the board of Dave Fitzpatrick came in from 310 Oak Street, Portland, Oregon. trustees been Portland on Saturday, having The firm of Mason, Pennington A A large addition has been built excused from serving on the Fed- Co. is making arrangements to dis- on the Maple Leaf Cheese Factory eral jury. sol ve partnership, A. A. Pennington to be used as a curing room , and Get in that early garden, Our taking over the ladies' goods and A. on Wednesday evening some of the J. Stillwell the gentlemen ’ s goods. line of garden tools cannot be beat young people of that section gave King & In the meantime there will be a for quality and price. a party there. It being a large, sale of the stock, where great bar­ Smith Co. roomy hall, many enjoyable games H. A. Franklin, of South Bend, gains will be offered. The sale com­ were played after wtiich refresh­ Wash., came in on Monday on a mences next Monday. ments were served, the party break The receipts at the Tillamook post ing up about midnight. visit and in connection with the Those office for the fiscal year ending present were: Mr and Mrs. Guy saw mill deal. A good manv people are taking March 31, was $7,357.11. Last year Ford, the Misses Daisy Goodape ad, advantage of this beautiful weather they were $6,273.79, which is a gain Elsi' Limit, Eliza Dawson, Lotto and beautifying their yards and of $1,083.32. The sale of parcel (tost Price, Alphia and Esther Swenson ; stamps at the office since the 1st and the Messrs. Alvin Wickland planting garden. January was $112 96. The increase Married on Thursday evening by of business at the post office the Oscar, Harry and Carl Swenson, Justice of the Peace E. W. Stanley, past year will give the (»ostmaster Ernest Ford, Erick Wilson, Tom Price, Edwin and Alfred Boqnist, in the justice office, Harry L. Mun- an increase of $100 in his salary. Cloyd Dawson, Lewin Anderson, aell and Cynthia F. Johnson. Sheriff Crenshaw reports that the I lenry and Eddie Beisel. For Sale,— Rubber Tire Buggv collection of taxes from the 15th » Mrs. Jacob Breeden anil Mien Harness, Robe and Whip all in first Feb., 1913, to the 29th of March, Ella 1 McCormick entertained the class condition. Will not break the amounted to $351,766.21, out of outfit.—Inquire Chas I. Clough. * I which there was collected $13,357.23 Birthday Club at Mrs. Breeden's home on Wednesday, March 26th, I. C. Rowe, who is now at Aloha, in first half payments Total amount Needlework and c< nverss ion oc­ Ore., has rented Mason's ranch on 19l2tax rolls was $416,714.80, leiv cupied the two pleasant hours until north of town, and until he returns ing a balance uncollected o'$04 93' dainty refreshments were served, the county judge is pumping cows. 59 Of the above »mulin' there was Thi*re were seventeen members Your lawn will soon take on its collected on the 15th $279,188 98 present, as follows: Mesdnmes Win. spring look, so get after them with Jacot J. B. Silver, proprietor of thr Maxwell, Arthur Mii(>e» a good lawn mower. A large se­ Vancouver Marble and Granite Breeden. Jeff Harris, Ernest Knight. lection to choose from. King A Works, in in the city and stopping Frank ¿(enter Cliis. Kunze, Albert Smith Co. ; at the Todd Hotel. Mr. Silver has Marolf, Wm Bosley, Jess Pang If you haven't seen the latest in erected several marble moniunents born, Oscar Tittle, |<>e Durrer, Jack the way of buggy improvements, in this county which have given Rupp. Rose Crawford, VernerHold you can see it at the Tillamook satisfaction, including the Holden. en. Cas|ier Swe fel and Miss Ella Mesdames Ernest Feed Company. Drop in and look I Wilt and Marolf monuments He McCormick will be at the Todd Hotel for several Shepard and Frank Pangborn wer< it over. It’s a peach. Martha M. Bauer vs. Helen Louise days and would tie glad to nee th *e invited guests. The next meeting will Ite held st Mrs. Jeff Harris' on Gilday and E. N. Crockell, is a case who want monuments erected. April 11th filed in the circuit court in which The government having asked for the plaintiff seeks to recover $K5O a guarantee that the Ports main­ Teachers Employed on a promissory note tain a nine foot channel at mean Arrangements have been entered high tide between Bay City and The School Board employed the into for the sale of the mill property Ti.lamook, where there is already following teachers : belonging to the Tillamook Lumber eleven feet, several members of the Principal—J, W. Buchanan, of Manufacturing Co to O. A. Scholtz. Port of Tillamook, including ,C. Chattaroy, Wash. for $35.000. The saw mill was started I. ( tough. M. F. Leach < W Assistant Principal — R. U. Moore a few years ago by several of our Talmage, P. W. Todd and W. G. High School—Mrs. II. C. Hannon. citizens to help give the city a pay Dwight went to Bay City last week Mi»» Parker tcommrrcial). and arranged with the Port of that roll. . 2nd Grade — Mrs. G. E. Irseli. city tor the guarantee. 3rd Grade-Mis» I Gladv* Beals. Fathers : ur 8i 6 dm S. ?re to bank to Pe ng uj WM. G. TAIT. President J. C HOLiDEtsI, Viee President. Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits. Under United States Government « Supervion. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK ILLAMOOK JOTTINGS the curl First National Bank, Tllamook, Oregon le Music.’’ Grass seed, the best, at Alex. Me air A Co's. Coming soon " The Man Who poiled the Music." Mrs. Hobsen of Garibaldi, was a illamook visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs W J. Stephens are siting in Portland this week Glasses fitted. Any kind, an5' tyle Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. Grasa-seedat Alex. McNairACo’s he best seed on the market. Full Blood Bard Plymouth ’’’ocks : Setting. Mrs. C. Camfortn. Large tent for sale. 14 x 24 ft. See ollie Watson, at Todd Hotel “ Live chickens wanted at the Tilla- ook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. r pound. Incubator 63 egg size petaluma, o better incubator made. King Smith Co. Attorney Webster Holmes re- rned to the city on Monday from ortland. The new Crystal Steam Laundry Monday mmenced operations orning. There hi.» been several cases of easles reported in the city and cinity lately. Dr. lack Olson has opened den- 1 parlors over F. R Beals’ office th phones. Phone Joe Lilly for wood sawing, ountry work solicited. Phone 1313 acific Staten. C. H. Waymire is in visiting at e home of his daughter, Mrs. rank Freeman. Banker Frank A. Rowe was derwn om Nehalem on Tuesday, also ttorney Gersoni. Get our prices on poultry net ing y the roll. The cost in small. ing A Smith Co Housekeeping Rooms Furnished r Rent. See I. Parson, at the otel Columbia. A marriage license was issued to meet Gilman and Elsie Miles, oth of Woods. Attorney Goyne and W. S. Cone, f Bay City, were in Salem on busi­ es* this week Bring your chickens to the Tilla- ook Meat Company’s Market. We av 12c. per pound * If you Want the best grass seed, o to Alex. McNair A Co’s A plendtd quality just in. The Board of County Commit- oners is in session this week st­ riding to county business. If you want seed oats you will ave to hurry as we are not going have enough to go round. See hrode. UAMRR’S VARIETY STORE TIUbAmOOK- preach '' If yon do I »ha .It.• was tber^p . |D ndannted by thia went to St Pen» rdney entered the--““ at the bsrooet s. a wonderful at of | Ar-cbls. Ar-rtUe. Ar-A nded In Mr AfcMbah» cseld not bsip a »odd* Ittoo.-Wllttam 8 W sk 3 00 OREGON L1OOK A POU Old Margaret Bplger vs \\ illiam T. Bulger is a divorce suit tiled in the circuit court The parties were married at Gardner, Ore. on the Sth April, 18H»;. ar.d two children have been born of this union. The grounds for the divorce is cruel and inhuman treatment on the part of the defendant to his wife, also that the defendant used profane langu­ age and vile epitnetn. So unbear­ able had the plaintiff's li e became that she now sues for divorce and 4lh Grade—Mi»» I Eva Wheeler. Sth Grade—Mi»» Elina Dawson. flth Grarle— Miss Blanche Lucas 7th Grade -Mi«e Miry White. »th Grade—Miss Georgia Sowers Primary -Mr» Clara I Burge and Mi»» Kathryn Burge. Card of Thank* I wish to thank my many friends who so kindly assisted me in secur trig the beautiful diamond ring given in the |*upularity contest. Miss Riat A. ximlmhon . 7c s Houses for Rent Properly Cared For Rents Collected. A. C. EVERSON, z : LAND AND MERCHANDISE BROKER Buys, Sells and Exchange. Large and Small Tracks EXCLUSIVE RIGHT ON BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY AT A BIG BARGAIN. Choice Vacant Lots in all ¡Additions. Good Buys are Easy Sold. SEE ME FOR MONEY MAKERS. Room: No 215 TILLAMOOK BLOCK. » Proposed New Railroad for Tillamook. C. E. Lytle, who was connected with the building of the P. R. A N., appeared before the Tillamook Commercial Club on Thursday evening and outlined a (tian which will give Tillamook County another railroad, and which will be of in­ estimable benefit to the South part o' the county for the proposed rail road will give that valuati'e section of Tillamook County railroad con­ nections. The (dan out'ined by *1r Lytle is to »tart the road ’rom some point in the W’illamette Valley and build to the Slilz branch to country and another Tillamook City, This will open up an extensive territory of country and bring into market vast timber resources The proposed new rail road, via the south part of the county, would be only five miles longer to Portl »nd than the I’ R. A N., but it would have the advantage of better grades, with luster time being made, it being stated that the time between t' is • it • and Poit land could be covered easily in four hours The Tillamook Commercial Club gave the |tr< position its endorse inent pledging itself to assist in every possible manner. lÀlO, A jr Motion Filed In City Case A motion was filed in the case of the Warren Construction Co. vs. Tillamook City, in which the de­ fend infs move that the plaintiffs make its complaint more definite and certain in the following partic­ ulars' 1st, That it lie required to show by its complaint upon what atree»« or portions of streets the plaintiff hue constructed curbs and bitulitic headers and has paved sa;d streets, or portions of streets, in accordance with the contract referred to in the complaint, nne finished work, upon that portion of said streets eaid work was done, and when said work became fin­ ished. Tl e above matters being a» tn Hie fire! eaiiae of action set out in plaintiff' < comp aln*. That the p'sirt tf lie further re. •(Hired to make i*n complaint more definite and certain as to the second cause of action set tin in its com. plaint by showing when the sani­ tary sewer mention« d therein was Ranch for Rent. < onntrm tcd and iri»ts)leH and when any portion thereof became finielied Ranch lor rent, with lb cows, close to Tillamook City. All implements and complete, and when any pay­ ment or payments therefor became and tools. Good houiie and barn Cheap rent. See Mollie W Wata< n dm* under the terms of the contract alleged in the complaint. at onc e. Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, _ Drain Plaster, Roof Paint LAMBSCIIRADEK COMPANY. FRONT DOCKS t WAREHOUSE. STREET, HEfWEKN Ind A 3rd AVENTE WEST,