Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 27, 1913, Image 1

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he Prime
Of every’ money earner
should be to lay up some­
thing for the future ; to
reach middle life with some­
thing substantial to show
>r the labor of years ; to have a home and property.
First National Bank,
THamook, Oregon
Then the inevitable emergency, or declining years
in be aproached without fliticing; trouble can be
>oked in the eye.
The world owes us all a living and more, too. The
more ” represents what we put aside in a good bank
riiere it may grow in safety.
Put your surplus in this bank.
ur ledger for YOUR account,
We have space on
A fine quality of elab wood, the
beat to be had in the city. Leave
order at the City Transfer Co
Owing to a small attendance at
the Commercial Club on Monday
evening, there was no meeting.
Sheriff Crenshaw is checking up
the tax collections and will be able
to make a statement next week.
We have just received a barrel of
genuine Sorghum direct from the
East, home made. Tillamook Feed
Attorney Webster Holmes left for
Portland this morning on business
connected with the suit against the
One large fire-proof Hall’s safe
for sale. Inquire Tillamook Title
A Abstract
Co., 216 Tillamook
t Big Mack for your sewer con-
>n’t miss "The Man Who Spoiled
ass seed, the best, at Alex. Mc-
■ A Co’s.
W. Hill left on Saturday for
ters, Calf.
lining soon “ The Man Who
¡led the Music."
ank Worthington was in from
rerdale on Thursday.
s. Alex. McNair left for Port
I on Tuesday morning.
ss Ruth Holtres came in for a
days to visit her parents.
asses fitted. Any kind, any
> Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt.
ass seed at Alex. McNair A Co's,
Get in that early garden. Our
bes seed on the market.
line of garden tools cannot be beat
rge tent for Bale. 14 x 24 ft. See for quality and price.
King A
Smith Co.
ie Watson, at Todd Hotel.
If you want seed oats you will
alter Churchill has rented the
Mills place at Pleasant Valley, have to hurry as we are not going
to have enough to go round. See
nest Knight sold his farm on
Trask river to Chas. Goeres.
The anual meeting of the mem­
le Tillamook Drug Co. will oc-
bers and friends of the First Pres­
y a store in the new bank build-
byterian Church will be hejd this
(Thursday) evening.
marriage license was issued to
For Sale,—Rubber Tire Buggy
3 D. Nash and Mary I. Row
Harness, Robe and Whip,all in first
class condition Will not break the
iss Nellie Hanenkratt returned outfit.—Inquire Chas. I. Clough. *
he city an Tuesday from Eastern
Honey A Petz will move their
stock of groceries and feed the first
C. Clement,
post office in- of the month to the building pre­
:tor, is in the couuty on official viously occupied by A Finley A Co.
When the Oddfellows Hall is
ve chickens wanted at the Tilla- removed W. M. Heaston will move
>k Meat Company’s Market, 12c. his barber shop in the small office
opposite the Tillamook Feed Co.’s
cubator 63 egg size petaluma, Store.
better incubator made King
Your lawn will soon take on its
mith Co.
spring look, so get after them with
r. Jack Olson has opened den- a good lawn mower. A large se-
parlors over F. R Beals' office lection to choose from. King A
h phones.
Smith Co.
hone Joe Lilly for wood sawing,
G. Misch, treasurer of the West
intry work solicited. Phone 1313 ern Mortgage A Title Co .wai in the
ific States.
city representing the Warren Con-
ct our prices on poultry netting struction Co. and left for Portland
the roll.
The cost is small. this morning
>g A Smith Co
If you haven't seen the latest in
iousekeeping Rooms Furnished the way of buggy improvements
Rent. See I. Parson, at the you can see it at the Tillamook
Feed Company. Drop in and look
tel Columbia.
ring your chickens to the Tilla- it over. It’s a peach.
Buy a Ford car because they run
ok Meat Company’s Market. We
120 miles on a gallon of gasoline.
r 12c. pej pound.
' When you get them your troubles
if you want the beet grass seed.
the local
A are over. See Ed. Hadley,
to Alex. McNair A Co’s
i agent for the Ford auto
lendid quality just in.
Attorney E. J. Clausen left last
Lttorney H. T. Botts was outside
week to interview Governor West
legal business this week and
in regard to the appointment of a
1 re.-.-rn this evening
! county attorney Mr. Claussen be
k e give you a 5c.piece with every
ing one of the aspirants.
purchase. Lamar's Variety Store,
j A new’firm to be established in
irop in and took around."
this city, the Tillamook Steel
I is expected that the trains on Metal Works, bought the Odd­
[ndays will have mail clerks in
fellows' hall and will move it to
Lre, which will give the poet
a lot opposite Larsen’s blacksmith
ices north of thia city Sunday
« •
Drop in and book Around ”
Look for "The Man Who Spoiled will lie another substantial addition
the Music.**
to the city.
It is reported that the P. R. A N
Watch for "The Mail Who Spoiled
will put on two trains between this the Music ”
city and Portland the coming sum­
The Gem Theatre wishes to thank
mer besides the motor service be­ eveiyone who took part or helped
tween this city and Mohler
in the contest of the ring and even­
The ladies’ guild of the Presby­ ing gowns to be given away April
terian Church will have dinner at 31st, at the Gem Theatre, and want
their rooms opposite the Allen to state further that they have with­
House, on Tuesday, April 1st, be­ drawn from the contest, consisting
tween the hours of 5 and 7 p.m.
of a $40 diamond ring and three $25
County Treasurer Beale will make evening gowns.
a call Monday next for all outstand­
The change in the weather, from
WM. G. TflIT, President
ing warrants on the general fund. the East wind which prevailed for
There are no outstanding warrants several weeks, was welcomed on
J. C HOuDEfci, Vise President.
on the road fund, as that fund is Wednesday, when the wind changed
out of debt.
to southwest.
This brought the
Bridge carpenters are at work usual warm showers of rain, which
Interest Paid on Time and
putting in the iron bridge across will cause the grass to grow, which
Doroughty slough. The new bridge was retarded on account of cold
Savings Deposits.
will be two feet lower than the pre­ frosty night the past few wrecks.
sent bridge and will be lined up to
G. W. Burge who is clerking in
Under United States Government
conform to the road.
Mills' grocery store, received a tele­
There will be a union service at gram cn Wednesday that his
the M.E. Church, on Sunday even­ brother John was missing, and it
ing, when address will be given by is supposed he is one of those who
Rev. D. A. Mackenzie, of the Pres­ were killed in a cyclone which
byterian Church ; and Rev. J. E. swept Omaha, Nebraska, on Sun­
day, when several hundred persons
Jope, of the Christian Church.
Henry Kiefer has been missing were killed and much property
since Saturday from John Childers’ damaged.
place on the Trask, and it is 'eared
Captain Paul Schrader lait on
that something has happened to Monday for Portland, where the
him, as he is advanced in yea's Elmore will be put into commis­
dred persona and damaged an ini up to that made the 10th of March,
and not in the beat of health.
sion again and will leave that city
tuetise amount of property, and on and were it not for the Küstern
The Tillamook County Holiness this (Thursday) for Tillamook with Tuesday, Ohio ami other state- situation, things would be much
Association will meet on Fri 'ay -».I freight. The Patsy, which has been were visited with heavy Storms, brighter for a good year than they
7:30 p.m.. at the home of II. W. R. running between Portland and this inundating a large section of the are .it present,
Holmes. The Nazerene class will city during the winter, will be used country. It is estimated that the
meet at 3 p.m., on Sunday A cor­ in carryin j supplies to the salmon deaths will go into the thousands
T. B Handley Made Good.
dial invitation is extended to all.
as a result of these storms uni
Or., March 20th:—In review
Henry Rogers will run a one ton floods.
At a meeting of the City Council
ing the work of the recent session of
on Saturday it was decided to em­ auto truck between this city and
the legislature, Speaker C. N. Mc­
ploy the law firm of Dolph, Mallory, Cloverdale the coming summer, to
Death of Stella Wallace.
Arthur today paid a high compliment
Simon A Gearin to represent the carry mail, passengers and freight.
city and a warrant for $500 was He expects to have the mail schedule
We are sorry to announce the to Representative T. B. Handley of
ordered drawn for a retaining fee
changed so that he can leave hete death of Miss Stella Wallace, which Tillamook and Yamhill Counties.
"Mr. Handley was one of our Lest
A four months old Guernsey bull after the train arrives and return took place on Monday at the home
men,” Baid the Speaker. "He was an
of Al Bunn at Beaver
Her age
was received by express on Wed­
earnest and sincere worker in 'he
nesday from the stock farm of D. the outgoing mail from the south was 17 years, 4 months tn<124dnys.
cause of many meritorious men arcs
H. Looney, of Jefferson, Ore., for
before the house, and his services upon
A H. Harris lias his demonstra­ about three months, but it was not
John Naegeli, who is on the Henry
the judiciary committee were parti-'i-
Kunze iarm. He paid $125 for the tion car, the Paige “36" on exhibi­ until about two or three weeks ago
larly valuable. Mr. Handlev showed
tion, which is greatly admired by
himself to be a big, broad-gauged legis­
What ever you buy from others if those who underatargl automobiles. At that time she had gone to Al lator and the people of his district will
you want the beat layers, get your It embraces all the inventions and Bunn’s for a rest, but was taken do well to re-elect him if he desires
S. C. White leghorns
hen and is a swell looking car for the sick and died there, the cause be another term."
fndian Runner Duck eggs from Joe money. Those who have the amo ing tuberclosis. The remains were
Speaker McArthur also stated that
Harrison. One Dollar per setting fever should give this car some buried on Wednesday at B -aver, the recent session enacted more con­
either kind. J M Harrison, Gari­ consideration, and Eddy will be the Rev. Dora Young, of the U. B. structive legislation than any ot,'«*r
baldi, Oregon.
. . too pleased to show all its good Church, conducting the religious session in the history of the state, and
services, which were attended by ..
Did it ever appeal to you that a qualities.
large number of the residents in that the sum total of the app^o-jris'Lis
Owing to the decision in the Port
coat of paint will improve the looks
part of the county, where the wap $350,000 less than the amount ap­
of your residence or barn more of Bay City case, it has been decided
young woman was highly propriated in 1911.
than any other thing you could do. < ; to appeal to Port of Bayocean case
and believed by a large
Should your property be for sale to the Supreme Court. When the number of friends. Many beautiful
Presbyterian Churcu.
it will sell at a better price, a great , case was tried in tlie Circuit Court floral offerings were sent as a token
in —Bible School. Tw or
deal quicker and easier King A I ,
of respect. The deceased leaves a ganized Bible Claeses, und cl j-tn
adverse to the Port and as the judge
Smith Co
father, five brothers and two sisters for all ages under 10.
A sheet and pillow case social ruled one way and the Supreme She was the daughter of Bud Wal­
11 a m. —Bible worship an t ser­
will take place on Saturday even­ Court différé it in the Port of Bay lace.
mon, ‘The Winning Power of a
ing, at Finley store given by the
Women’s Relief Corps. Ladies will the attorneys that the Supreme
Tillamook attd Wisconsin New
6:30 p.m.—Christian Endeavor.
bring boxes which will be auctioned Court will reverse the decision.
Cheese Markets.
Topic, " The Value of a Christian
A two acre snap in Tillamook
off by C. E. Reynolde. There will
is moving off faiily well Education.**—Acta xviii, 7-11.
City This is the John Hathaway
be a short program at 8 p m.
1 at 16 cents Portland or 15). cents
7:30 p.in. Union service at the
Sale or exchange:—We have the property, and consists of two acres | Tillamook, with indications of mar­ Methodist Church.
Topics, “ The
of tine garden land near the Tilla­
largest list of Portland property for
mook cheese factory, lias a fine 10 ket being lower soon. Wisconsin Wmld's Christian Citizenship Con-
sale or exchange of any firm in the
roam house, a barn, chicken house is offering Twt s at 13 cents and ‘e.-ence at Portland, June 29 th to
city. What have you to exchange
and several other buildings. The Daisies at 13cents, witli about a July 6th, 1913, ‘ by D. A Mackenzie
for some of it? Want good im­
price of this is only $3500, $‘2iAl two cent freight rate to the Coast ■ "The Temperance Outlook from
proved ranches of all sizes. Send
Tillamook I the National Capital," Rev. J. E.
down. The party who gets it will markets
descriptions to Chittenden A Neill,
, make $2001 thin summer on hjs bar stocks are still too small to cut . Jope 1) A. M ackenzik , "aster.
310 Oak Street, Portland, Oregon.
! gain. We have an option on the much of a figure in the market and ’
The yacht Bayocean, belonging property Address the Ralph Ack should the local market be ediic- I The Red Wheel General Rep; r
to the T. B Potter Realty Co., has ley Land Co., 170-5th St Portland, it might not stop Eastern cheese
been sold to the Bayocean Com­
Bring your
pany of San Francisco and will be
market was 18 cents, s -veral buyers bicycles and get them fixed with
1 The Kill Kare Klub met March
used for excursions at that |M>rt
went to Wisconsin ar.d bought go-id
material. Good work and
tith and 20th at the homes of Mrs.
She is now tied up at Bayocean and
cheese that cost them 19 cents ami promptness at "fair" prices.
Altiert Plank and Mrs. Fred Small,
will be taken to Sun Francisco in a
afterwards got sore because the
Bicycl*. of all kinds for mile and
respectively. The usual good times
few weeks.
local market was reduced and they rent Guns and gunsuiithing, etc.
were experienced, Mrs. F
Merchants buyng A. 1.. L’ensinore typewriter for sale.
On Wednesday evening
the i Christensen and Mrs. Sirchet fur­ lost money.
neighbors of Ernest Knight anil nished the papers on the Gran I Eastern Cheese Will probably 1, ,-te $p,oo > First St Weal Corner Ave.
family gave them a surprise party, Canyon and San Francise. , i which money again if tney buy now. as
it being their last evening on the were greatly enjoyed by all. . The our market will probab y go down
A Roumanian prince visiting tills
if tney tiring in Eastern goods, for country who says the women of Lu-
farm, having sold out. They all hostesses
brought well filled baskets, ami bincneons and suitable games, our cheese lias to be sold regard- rope r.o not work must have con-
Had the fined his observation at home to n
after several enjoyable games, The Klub will meet with Mrs. less of Eastern prices
Wisconsin dealers done what the palace Americans who go abroad
a bountiful lunch was served. An Ssrchet next Thursday.
local factories did, and reduced 'he are surprised to see so many men
enjoyable time is reported by all
Grace Johnson vs. J. C. Johnson,
Peter Byrom, as executor of the is a divorce suit filed in the Circuit prices a couple of months ago, they marching around in uniforms and
Isst will and testament of B ngtha Court. These parties were married would now be facing a clean mar so ninny women engaged in hard
Byrom, deceased vs. The Garibaldi I in Tillamook County on the 2nd of ket All Tillamook cheese is sold toil even in the fields.
Beach Co , The Oregon Fisheries November, 1910, ami lived together
Co. and Walter W. Ridehalgh, is a until the 12th of February, 1913.
suit filed in the Circuit Court to re The grounds, as set out in the
cover $10,000 growing out of the
complaint, for the divorce, is cruel
deal made in the purchase of the
and irftiiimaii treatment, the de­
plaintiff's property at Garibaldi.
fendant having failed to contribute
A wedding took place on Sunday, anything to her support or their
March 23rd. at 4 p m., the contract­ minor children. It Is also alleged
ing parties being Mr. FredD. Nash that defendant is an habitual gross
and Miss Mary I. Rowland, at the drunkard. Two children were born
home of the bride a. at Blaine. Ore­ to the union.
gon Ajwedding ¡dinner was served
Although weather conditions in
immediately after the ceremony,
Tillamook County have been a little
which was performed by Rev. C
colder than usual at the spring of
H Barker of Heaver, Ore.
the year, this county has not ex­
The I. O. O F. Lodge in thia city perienced any of the severe weather
are making arrangements to erect wo uh prevailed in the East and the
a new $25,000 building on their Middle West the past few weeks,
Tbev have sold the where cyclones and blizzards have
building occupied as a lodge room killed thousands of (lersons Easter
and are calling for bids to sell the Sunday. Omaha. Neb., and neigh­
other building on the property oc­ boring towns were swept by a
cupied by Honey A Petz. This cyclone winch killed several bun-
Coal, Cement, Lime,
Biick, Shingles,
Drain Tile,
Plaster, Roof Paint