Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 20, 1913, Image 6

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Offer Made to Guarantee
Warren Construction Co Pavement for 10 Years—
The Roy Report.
Sues for 80 Per Cent for
btreet and Sewer Im­
On Monday nforning u special
of the City Council was
provements in City.
held for the purpose of hearing a
standard specifications.
Absorption 1.46
Sample Number Fiva. Taken from
Size of Sample: -12x10 inches.
TreatmentThis sample was treat­
ed in a manner identical with the ,fore-
going, except that as it was one solid
piece of bitumenous concrete, no sep­
arate analysis of the “Sand Course
was made.
ObservationsThis sample appeared
to consist of one solid course of bitum-
enaus concrete, well mixed and uni­
formly laid, and of an average thick­
ness of 3J inches coated on the top
with a “flush coat” of basalt chips.
The sample was free from cracks and
laminations, and had every appearance
of being a well-laid “Standard Bitu­
lithic” pavement.
• '
The rock used was crushed basalt of
proper quality.
Analysis showed a proper amount of
asphalt of good quality and consist­
i'he proportions of rock, chips, sand
and asphalt seem to be proper for a
good pavement.
On the whole this is a good pave­
ment and should give good satisfac­
tion wherever such a pavement is
Absorption 0.23 per cent
Sample Number Six. Taken from
Stillwell Avenue.
Size of sample 19x11 inches.
TreatmentThis sample was sub-
jected to the same treatment ¡as num!
ber one.
Observations:—This sample
peared to consist of two distinct eour-
3es:—a bitumenous sand course of
• an
average depth of 2j inches, foverlaid a
bitumenous sand course of an average
thickness of J inch. The concrete
course showed some signs of segrega­
tion, and the sample showed a number
of what weie evidently ol i cracks, in­
asmuch as the dirt has percolated
Jown into them almost to the base. It
looked somewhat as though the con­
crete had been laid too cold.
Conclusions:—This is the poorest
sample submitted, showing the great­
est absorbing power, the lowest den ■
sity, and the least careful work.
Sample Number Seven. Taken from
Size of sample 11x11 inches.
Treatment:—This sample was treat­
ed in the same manner as the pre­
ceding ones.
Observations:— This sample ap­
peared to be one solid course of bitu-
•nenous concrete, well mixed, properly
proportioned and uniformly laid. No
cracks, laminations, or segregation
was in evidence. The average thick
ness was 3J inches. The rock used
was crushed basalt of proper quality,
and the sample seemed properly pro­
portioned and dense.
Conclusions:—The analysis as given
showed the sample to
be prop-
erly proportioned mixture of rocks,
chips, sand and asphalt, to be of far
density and non absorbant. This is a
true “Bitulithic” pavement according
to the standard specifications.
Absorption 0.47 percent.
Robbers In Europe Who Drees Like
Grand Opera Ballet Girls.
There ale places ill the world where
wmiieli dress ill ineu's clotbiui: uud
meu d>«ii women s apparel
Even in Paris there are women
<1 lessen I ill cheap, coarse. tnaseulin,
attire, working ns teamsters mid jay
lalsitei-s. While it Is against the law,
tile poll«*e wink nt the tact and ullow
them to emu peaceably tbetr UaUj
In Persia In Home of the Interior
F. R. Beu I a et al vs. Warren Con­ statement from Mr. A. J. Hill, of
struction Co. i« a suit filed in the the Warren Construction Co., who
Circuit Court to restrain the Com was wanting the council to make
parts tile women wear the strangest
mon Council of the City of Tilla an assessment. To show his faith
oddest trouser garmeuta They -eem
mork from passing any resolution in the street pavement, fie agreed
to like them. too. from the fact that
whatever assessing upon the pro to enter into an agreement with the
they cling t<> them in spite of all ef.
perty of the plaintiff!« any auni or city council to the effect that after
forts to muke them don feminine at­
amount whatever for street im­
provement« constructed adjacent or
Then there are tbe Alpine dairy
abutting upon the property of the tract to maintain it for another
maids, who dress as men when tbey
plaintiffs, and that the defendants
go about their work and look pretty,
be restrained and enjoined, pend­ ;>er annum for five years and at the
if we are inclined to take evidence
from tbe numbers of men who yearly
ing final decree herein, or until end of the 10 year» turn the pave
persuade them to cast off tbelr mascu­
th< further order of the court, from ment over to the city in good cun­
line dress and put on more clinging
io any manner entering in thr dition.
Another stormy meeting was
costumes But then their, eyes are so
docket of city liens of the City of
bright and tbelr cheeks so red that
Tillamook any assessment upon held on Monday night at the city
they couldn't really look homely in
the property of the plaintiffs, for hall, when the matter of making
anything they might choose to wear.
auy street improvements made an assessment came up. A motion
Aguih. tar in tbe north, where it is
upon the streets and avenues ad­ was made by Councilman Sapping­
freezing cold most of the' time and
jacent and abutting upon the real ton that the assessment tie made, ; such major factors in the life of any ard bitulithic, as it is deficient in sand
people dress to lie comfortable and not
which brought forth protests from , pavement that we cannot hops to and fine materia), lacks density, is laid
property of the plaintiffs.
in two courses instead of one properly
to look pretty, tbe women are actually
For a decree, that an unlawful . citizens who were present, when of those submitted, but we can say mixed one, and is not uniform in thick­
forced into trousers to keep warm.
monopoly,contrary to public policy, | »noth** wordy warfare ensued, so that samples five and six will probably ness, thereby indicating a poorly laid
The uncient women warriors alwayi
existed at the inception of the pro­ much so that Mayor Harter was outlast the others by many years.
wore trousers. But their reasons were
purely military
Besides, they were
ceeding in this complaint, uml called a liar. Another ruction en­
per cent.
The C. M. Fassett Co.
half masculine in manner and appear­
existed through the entire time of sued when the city council endeav­
Sample Number Two. Taken from
ance and dressed to accentuate their
Sample Number One. Taken from
nil of said proceedings up to the ored to go into executive session,
near dope’s residence.
qualities They had to make them­
actual signing of said contract and and it was nearly midnight when it ' near Feed < '.o. Store.
Size of sample—19x11 inches.
selves into tierce looking creatures to
was decided not to make an assess- ' ' Size of Sample—about 19x11 inches.
has ever since existed.
Treatment:—This sample was treat­
I The sample was first broken as near-
terrify the men on the opposing side,
That it be adjudged anil decreed ment at that time.
: )y as possible through the center line, ed in a manner identical with that of
and from all accounts they succeeded
th - an unlawful combination exists I The Roy report was submitted and the fresh fractured faces photographed number one. The differences between
and carefully examined. The samples it and number one were so slight as to
lie I ween the Warren Brothers Co., read, as follows :
be negligable. It had a slightly light­
As for the stronger sex. there still
W.-tren Construction Co , Clark
seem to tie men In existence who wear
sorption, and a granular metric analy­ er density and a consequently higher
Mr. Wm. R. Roy,
Henry Co. arid Elwood Wiles, in
sis made both of the entire wearing water absorbtion.
women's garb and enjoy it In certain
Tillamook, Ore.
Conclusions:—Everything that was
reference to the bids submitted for Dear Sir.—
surface and of the sand course alone,
parts of Greece. Spain nnd Albania
We have subjected the samples of the results of which are given below to this sample. It is not a standard
th-* improveinens in this complaint
there are bunds of desperate brigands
and that said bids and contract paving you left with us to a very thor­ composed of two distinct courses ; first, bitulithic pavement.
who. when tbey are decked out for at­
ough examination »nd analysis, the de­
tacks on strangers or neighbors, look
Absorbtion 1.29 per cent.
based thereon are void and in re tails of which we attach hereto. In a bitumenous concrete course which
for all the world like grand opera bal-
strain! of competition and consti­ general we would say that samples was overlaid with a bitumenous sand
Sample Number Three. Taken from
let girls in their short, brightly color-
Five and Seven were good specimens course, thus resembling a sheet of as­ Park Street.
tutes a monopoly.
ed skirts, which are made very full
of the wearing surface of what is phalt wearing surface more clearly
Size of sample—19x11 inches.
Thnt it be decreed that the pro known under specifications as “Bitu- ■ than a bitulithic. There appeared to
Treatment:—This sample was treat­
and sometimes even ruffled a bit
reedings will cast n cloud upon the lithic” pavement. The other samples be no ........
flush coat of stone chips. The ed in a manner identical with that of
They seem tremendously proud of
title of the plaintiffs in and to the were all in th<\ same class, showing | average thickness of the concrete the preceding numbers.
their attire, and rival bands strive to
slight variations among themselves in course was If inches, but it was of
Observations The only detectible
real property.
surpass each other in vividness of pat­
minor details, hut none of which could | very uneven thickness, due evidently differences between this sample and
That upon final hearing the de be said to be Standard Bitulithic, nor to the uneven character of the surface
terns and newness ot styles. — Ex­
the preceding samples were :—
fendunts be enjoined and rest ruined were any of them nearly us good pave­ i of the base which in places protruded
One:—The density was decidedly
from in any manner assessing or ments as ttie standard. Most of them nearly into the sand course. The en- lighter than either, and the absorp­
levying the cost of any improve­ showed signs of improperly prepared ; ti«-e sample appeared free from cracks tion consequently higher.
base, in fact both number one and num­ ‘ and laminations and each course ap­
Two:—The concrete layer was of
ment« upon the streets and uvenues ber two looked as though the upper of peared to have been evenly mixed.
Ease With Which These Coast Defense
of the City of Tillamook adjacent “Sand” course had been put on some­ i The rock used was crushed basalt of more uniform thickness.
Conclusions:—This sample, like the
Monsters Are Operated.
«nd abutting upon the real property time after that part which we refer to I proper quality.
preceding, lacks density, is not a “Bit-
The mineral aggregate in the sand uliihic
kinds of big guns are used on
of ttie plaintiffs hereinbefore des­ as the “Concrete” course (which in a
” pavement according to stand­
properly laid Bitulithic should be the : course proved to be composed of basalt ard specifications,
tbe coasts to defend us from hostile
and shows deficiency
cribed, end for ever enjoined and only wearing surface course) possibly I rock screenings and sand.
invaders. When a gun Is tired over
rnstrtiined .from in any manner to endeavot to overcome faults of the
An analysis of the asphalt content in fine material.
an embankment or parapet it is called
proved it to be of good grade and con­ | Absorption 1.66 per cent.
docketing any Hens against the concrete course.
a barbette Tile earliest guns were at
As to the probabilities of these pav­ sistency.
| Sample Number Four. From near
property of.the plaintiffs.
Standing of the Contestants.
this order The parapets were notch-
ings proving satisfactory and of reas­ I A mechanical analysis of the pave­ ■ livery barn.
The complaint contained 91 pages onably long life, this is controlled Jby ment as given below, sh«wed it to, Size of sample—19x11 inches.
ed so that the tiring could be done
of closely written matter. Some of so many other factors that it is diffi­ have the proper proportion of asphalt,
Standing of contestants at Mason, over tlielr top. When tile gun is die
Treatment: —Same as preceding.
cult to say, although the absorption of but
to be deficient
in the finer _________
materials , 1 Observations: Except for the slight Pennington Ac Co. up to Wednes­ charged through a port or hole in the
Hi** main pointe use as follows
__ __________
water by all of them might not be without which a dense, impervious differences in voids, density and ab- day. March 19, for the upright parlor embankment it is called a casemate.
That on the
—duy of April, harmful
in a warm dry climate, it pavement cannot be made.___________ | sorbtion, this sample is difficult to dif-
The newest kind of heavy artillery Is
1142, the defendant, Warren Con might tend to early destruction in a
On the whole, while this should ferentiate from samples, one, two and grand piano:
Him-tiun Co, through its officer«, very wet climate or one subject to prove to be a fair pavement and should three.
1 ... .... 821,070 76 ... ... 63,030 tbe disappearing gun. which drops
u» ents and attorneys, for the pur­ frosts and severe weather. The condi­ give fair satisfaction under light traffic | Conclusious :— Everything that
2 ... .... 308,710 77 ..
. 68,310 back behind its wall as soon us It Is
________ ,________
___ ___
_ two
it is not a ________
bitulithic f pave-
been _________
said about __________
numbers one,
3 ... .... 283,905 80 ... . 340,480 disebn rged
poses hereinafter set forth, by and tions of the sul base and of the base • conditions,
itself; the conditions of truffle and the me.it according to the standard speci- three applies to this sample, . It is
The man who alms the gun has a
4 .. .. . 166,200 83 ... ... 65,000
through some artful, subtle or er care taken of the pavement are all 1 fications, nor is it as good as a stand-, a “ ‘ Bitulithic ” pavement . ‘ according
.... 178,480 84 . . . . 7c, 440 little platform, to one side of the ma­
ejet means, the exact character of
6 ... .... 192,000 85 ... ... 450,765 chine. Things are arranged so that be
which is unknown to the plaintiffs.
7 ... .... 139,675
87 ... ... 43,700 can control all operatious of the gun
s ...
But which the plaintiffs believe se­
. 193,940 88 ... ... 359,875 from where be stands. Electricity la
9 .
. 215,150 01 . .. ... 171,875 used for bringing the gun up and get­
cured to the members of said Coun
10 .
. 139.635 94
cil and the Mayor of the City ot
12 ... . .. 122,060 95 ... ... 451,810 ting It Into position, and all the mech­
Tillamook some benefit other than
15 ... .... 41,295 98
... 188,475 anism can be regulated by tbe gun­
the benefit iieeruing to other citiz­
16 ... .... 177,340 99
... 410,620 ner. So wonderfully is the big machine
17 .. .... 191,360 101
. . .‘407,505 under control that it cannot be tired
ens and projierty owners of the City
18 . . ... 231,645 105 ...
. 368,790 by any person whomsoever unless It la
of Tillamook induced and per-
. . 100,705 108 .. . .. 302,775 raised up uml In tiring position. When
alluded mid pro« ured the said City
20 . . . 164,780 Ill . .
187.740 it is not in tiring position It is called
Council of the City of Tillamook to
22 .. ... 214,870 114
... 177,530 “out of liattery."
... 76,830
Utlopt n resolution selecting and
... 154,160
So nicely is the gun mounted that all
25 .. ... 2,940 118 ... . . 402,710
requiring ths use of bitulithic pav­
26 ... ... 156,880 120
. 169,435 its great mass cun be bandied by two
ing U|M)ii the streets and avenues
27 ...
2,025 123
. . 33,135 men. From the time tbey start load­
ol the City of Tillamook to further
28 ..
1,049.940 127
. . 406,040 ing it until tbe gun is mounted and
and in pursuance of the conspir­
. 1.609 315 129
. .. 433,7t50 ready to tire only six seconds Inter­
. . . 226,000 130 . ... 2^000 vene. One of the big guns can die­
acy confederacy and monoply here
. .. 190,405 131 ... ... 121 300 charge a thousand pound projectile
i after set forth mid alleged
34 ... ... 200,370 134
. 264,370
That the said defendant, Warren
35 ... .. 155 435 137 . . ... 292,050 every fifty two seconds %ud put a bat­
Con dilu tion Co, a corporation
. .. 903 875 139
. 134,680 tleship out of commission six miles
. . . 188,940 142
. 207,000 away.—Exchange.
wilfully knowing mid intentionally
... 213,680 145 . . . . 125,765
tailed and neglected to construct
180 0OO 147
.. 297 500
The Fastest Growing Tree.
said streets anil avenues abutting
41 ...
216,000 151 . . ... 322.120
Hard, tine grained, durable wood
upon mill udini ent to the real plop
43* .. ... 374,760 152
... 122,120
14 x 2-inch Brake Drums.
The Paige “36” Auto.
... 132 000 154 ... ... 165,880 usdhlly grows slowly. A most remstkx-
eity of the plaintiffs und wrongfully
Imported Annular and Hyatt Roll­
. 249,635 ble exception Is the eucalyptus sod
and wholly departed from the spec
er Bearings.
. . 91.675 162
. .. 142,300 this it Is that gives the tree its crest
iiicutions mid provisions of thecuii-
Tile Puige *39” design a
Aluminum Cast Crank and Trans­
. 179,745 165 ... . .1,079,595 value as a means of reforestation. It
equipment includes eiu-li features
mission Cases.
true! entered into tietween the War-
51 ... .. 106,410 109 . ... 199,380 Is said that the eucalyptus grows five
ten Construction Co. und the City
52 ... ... 188,945 171 .... .. 138 360 times as rapidly as any other tree.
Left Side Drive, Center Control.
Ruin-vision Wincsheild
. . 194.870 173 ... ... 99.285
of Tillamook in a number of parttc
Gray A Dnvis Electric Starting und
Gasoline Tank under Shroud Dash.
58 ... ... 213,760 178 ... . . 187,760 Seedlings have l>een observed to tnatt
That it neglected to elimi­
Lighting System
Gas and Spark Controls on top of
«2 ... ... 301.225 180 . . . . . 217,050 an average growth of six Inches In
Silent Chain Drive for Cum Shaft.
nate .ill soft anil spongy places
Steering Wheel.
369 170 182
. 218,8<X) height a day. and one tree In CalifTDi*
Pump und Generator tall enclos­
Dash Adjustment for Carburetor.
n- -.;' i te<l to la v three inch drain
67 .. . . 2,565 185 .... . 198,340 attained 11 height of 125 feet and •
ed. )
17-inch Steering Wheel. Irreversible
68 . . . . 178,400 189 . . ... 182,705 diameter of thirty-six inches in nine
Inc ; neglected to use gravel und
Cork Insert Multiple Disc Clutch.
. 391 350 191
... 250,500 years The eucalyptus will not thrive
rock, or suitable material ; used
Boscli Magneto
Rear Door 21 Inches wide. Front 19
70 ... . . 368,015 193 . .. . ... 184,790 where there are frosts, but In the soott
116-inch \\ tiecl Rase.
nn inferior mid low grade of aeph
71 ... ... 471.810 195
137 950
4x5 inch Motor, cast en bloc
10-inch Upholstery, Deep Tilted
nit . not complying with contract as
■72 ... ... 98.875 19H .. ... 67.975 it promises to go a long way toward
Encioaeil Valves.
74 .. ... 2,325 199 .... . . 231,045 filling the place once occupied by . tbet
to thickness of the pavement, tailed
Three Bearing Crunk Shaft.
Long, Clean Running Boards
hardwoods, which have been great#
75 ..
. 998,650
to provide proper extension joints
Unit Power Plant.
All Dash Equipment, Speedmeter.
reduced by demands for furniture car
omitted placing in the curb rings
Selective Type Transmission.
Ammeter, Carburetor Adj
riage and cooperage stock. — Harper's.
34 x 4 inch Tires, Demountable
with proper bolts, used inferior
and Lighting
Switches. etc.,
friends obtain for the Headlight.
imbedded in
iron und woikmanwhip tor rings
Flouting Type Rear Axle.
Gave Himself Away.
convenient to
Rustling for subscribers is now in
and manhole«, used only from 7 to
Full Elliptic Scroll Rear Springs.
During a football match in the north
13 per cent ol asphalt. or bttuman
of England a spectator persisted In
/^’t'MPARE the sue ot the Paige
that ttie paxeuient is soft und the
W with any other car. It isn't a small car, but a big roomy,
making loud remarks about tbe con­
Hides Wanted.
«—z comfortable, eusy-riding car. It hue 11« inch wheel base. 34 x 4-inch
wearing surface is crumbling and
duct of the referee At Inst the • ■ffld»1
tires, deep luxurious uphol-
diaiiitergiatlng amt does not run.
-nd “
’“•«ribution of weight■ t’h.t’
Will pay ltie for Hides, Stephen went up to him and «aid. “Look off*
tain an) hard ffiuty crushed stone
Michaud, Hide Dealer. Leave your my mau; I've lieen watching you ft*
to the base and does not comply
about the Inst fifteen minutes!" "A*
hides at Honey A Pelx.
thort so*“ enme thr scathing rep#-
with the S|«qyiticatioii».
"Aw timet sot Aw knew very <rfd
the pui.-s of those-U.S Ther« .. no Isrtter evulence of Pulge
A. value than this clm’h
Special Bargain.
M rren Construction Co.
thou wasn't watching C gamer-lA*-
.Hisro'rn of U.e
u ¿^n'.^‘ce"i toe
!...... ” ‘"T Th'
uns >k City, is a suit tiled
don Tatler
For 30 days, will offer for sale
— »-.« a_____ a
Cibruit Court to recover
toe shroud of to« dash and is filled from the outside Tiie break drum.
^“r- J* «• curried under
solute safety of break control, being 14 .n’toei to d.am««in^Hi*e
beat WV» acre Dairy farm m Alsea
Equal to the Emergency.
being kb par cent on account of
\ alley, Improvements up to date.
Indiirnant Wife I wonder what ye*
'lew who know motor curs recognize instantlv th -t «>«,. P,...» «■
gmdiug paving, curies and bitu.
your <«>o«t searching invewtiK. lion must coiiMnce i. o likewis? ij^k 11 "."ta*"''
ffi5 per acre G. T. Vernon, Would nave done If you had lived "b*
lithic beaders and lor 037. Ito 72, t>e
it t.) a«y know., standard ride to it drive it the answer
toe s-m? I*. *r“ra *"> «"«'‘‘-measure
Alsea, Oregon.
men «ere tir«t compelled to earn th**
• - k i»!|»er» rnt tor the sanitary sewer
«•mil by men «Im know motor car xallies to the I ist detail Li.l n" o
bread hy file -went of thetr brow« I*
avalent, making in all that the
extreme x,due 1 he Paige »• todav enioxa to.
>* «heir expression of
doient Husband I should have »turn*
xahR. Ol the ye
tcluexemeniT we are
,n;‘«'•■'f '*«- m.iat remark.bl. motor car
Notice To Water Consumera
«impuni demanda HU, Z7< 31. The
n little n«tfton More and sold
Paige jmhey PRICK, «„to. I... b Portl.mi
W e alJo' ¿rather. .<«‘r“’y "*"*'**
diM-uiueut embrace« 43 pages
N otre is H emkh ) G ivkn ,—That chief« -Cbli sgo Tribune.
water rente must be |>ai<1 by the
çhlinga,-! will nun tSkeorder«
A. H. HARRIS, Agent.
10th ot each month at the office of
Light and Speed.
1<M tike du) old English peti, il».t
the Water Commission. and if not
Many a young man today burns ti»
Indian kunurt Ihu kliiign A r.u h
A New Car on Display at Ed. s Garage.
Miss Auua Roent« ke \\ ,H|» th.
midnight naoline that bls old
burned the midnight oil to pay f’*"
h I). H oag , Su pt
A bsolutely P ure
The only Baking Powder made from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Makes delicious home-baked foods
of maximum quality at minimum
cost Makes home baking
pleasant and profitable
Florida TUues Luiuo.