Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 20, 1913, Image 2

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    President Wilson lets the office
seekers understand that the open
At several different places in the door at the White House is for cir­
business district of the City of Port- culation of air and not of candidates.
First Insertion, per line ..
land there are to be seen strong,
Each subsequent insertion, line
Inquiry into the conduct of the
Business and professional cards,
able-bodied men parading up and Washington police during the suf­
1 month..................................... 1
down in front of a building carry­ frage parade is lending strength to
Homestead Notices...................
ing a sign on which appears in the idea that there should be some
Timber Claims........................... 10
large letters "Unfair to Organized women police.
lox's Is per line each insertion
Display advertisement, an inch,
Vice President Marshall remarks
1 month . ...................... ...
are paid $4.00 to $5.00 per day
the room aseigned him ia like
AU Resolutions of Condolence and
out of the funds of the patieular
TN OLDEN DAYS, when buvfn,
a monkey cage without the peanuts.
I vd rr Notices, 5c. per line.
A a cook stove, people would buy
Car'ts of Thanks. 5c. per line.
Mr. Marshall has not promised to
fairly" by somebody at sometime.
the one they could get the chcapeg.
Notices, fxist, Strayed or Stolen,
be silent unofficially.
etc. ininimun rate, 25c. not exceed­
that’s because there were only «
Adolph Melzer a retired soap
do not always tell the exact truth,
ing five lines.
few makes on die market and
much as it pains the writer to ad­
were all practically the «anw a
mit it, and are put in front of a has offered to nine states $1000each,
(.obstruction and material.
man’s place-“ of business not to to be held in trust for 250 years,
One year........
right a wrong, but rather to show
Il's ‘Different Now! There arc close to a thousand different ran<^>
Six month»....
the unfortunate victim that the 4 per cent interest, for the relief and
on the market today—good, bad r ad indifferent. Wise people use a little
Three month»
juggernaut of labor ia a strictly
foresight in selecting their range, and they make no mistake in selecting
impersonal affair, and will crush far New York, Illinois. Indiana and
Entered as secondclass mail mat­
T he R ange W ith a R eputation —-t.ic range that is recommended by
ter July, 1888, ut the post office at
It is now up to the courts to one who wants to be friendly as
every user; the range that has stood the test—
TilL.inook, Ore., under the act of decidethe pavement controversy quickly as a real enemy.
The French ministry, in submit­
March 3, 187«.
For instance: A man who al­ ting to the chamber of deputies,
on its merits, free from personal
considerations, and as it could ways has paid the union scale and Thursday, the new three-year mili­
^be ^illamook ìjfaùligbt, not be settled satisfactorily in hired union men in his own busi tary service bill, made an appeal to
any other way, we are glad that ness has occasion to erect a build­ the nation to support that policy,
something has been done to ing. He enters into a contract with •’not only for the security of France,
stop the continual bickering the architect stipulating in the but also for the peace of Europe
Editorial Snap Shots
anil to bring the matter *0 a specifications that all work must which depends upon the maintain-
final settlement. It is going to be done by union labor. The build­ ance of the equilibrium of the great
Let the slogan tie "More set­ be a sanguinary legal fight on ing is started. All goes well until nations of Europe.”
tlers for Tillamook County.”
both sides, and it is up to the at last, as the finishing touches are
In the People’s Hospital of New
Warren Construction
Co. to about to’beput upon the structure, York Thursday under the eyes of a
It seems that some of our prove that the pavement is o.k. it is discovered that the cement number of American physicians
citizens have the impression mid for the opposite side to which was used in the basement and state officials, Dr. Friedmann
The mat­ and foundation was “unfair” and of Berlin began his first American
that they will not have to pay prove the contrary.
ter was first thrown into court did not bear the “label.”
The test of his turtle serum treatment
for the sewer and paving.
Monday. A complaint was filed Building Trades Council immed­ for consumption, which he injected
by a number of property owners iately notifies the architect that the
Wliut a blessing it will be to to enjoin the city council from unfair cement must be removed into three patients, a woman and
Tillamook City when the pave­ making an assessment, and the from the building. Of course, this three men. He said that the first
ment ruction is disposed of and city council failing to do this, ia impossible, but that makes no reaction might be looked for in
everybody can get together in the Warren Construction Co. great difference to the B. T. C. three weeks, when a second injec­
harmony to help boost the city. also commenced action on Tues­ That ia a matter that is up to the tion would be made. The doctors
who saw the operation made ad­
day to recover 80 per cent, of boss. When notified that the de­
verse comments, saying his method
For a consumate perverter of the contract price.
manda cannot be complied with, in unsanitary and that he bungled
the truth, the detective who
the building is “fined,” Bay $1000. the operations.
came here nnd said he had $10,-
Tlie good rouds advocates iti In vain the owner plead9 his good
On hie way to Washington Mr.
000 on deposit in this city to Jackson County are agitating record, his ignorance of the fact
Bryan halted at Raleigh to deliver
buy a furniture store must have the question of bon.ling to the that the wicked cement was unfair
been an expert deceiver. Hut amount of $750,000for hard sur­ and in vain he point« to the fact a Sunday address on “Peace,”
who put up the money for the facing the main thoroughfares that he abaolutly insisted on all having accepted an invitation from
the North Carolina Peace Confer­
detective to lie ?
of that county. That is a large work being done by union men ence in session there. Mr. Bryan
amount of money for one coun­
had an unusually large audience,
Another outside attorney em­ ty to expend for hard surfaced in a case of th*s kind. The owner, as might have been expected from
ployed in the puvement ruction.
Cyrus Noble is pure, old and palatable-
the fact that he was about to become
What’s the use, anyway, for the zens of Jackson County realize and a drop or so of blood contain­ secretary of state, the head of the
at drinking strength.
home newspapers to advocate that it is imperative to have ing rich, red corpuscle«, deeplyL
feel, the injustice being worked department dealing directly with
over the world
the citizens to patronize home good roads for the purpose of
international relations. He argued
industry when they hike off to inducing new settlers to locate against him—and frankly tells the at Raleigh that it is the imperative
From a business and “business agent’’ of the B. T. C.
Portland or some other town for there.
business. duty of the United States to co­
It-,"Hl advice when there are just financial standpoint, good roads his opinion of the whole that
$iooo|°l,erate *n ever>’ wa>’ with other
1 Sherry Wine................................. M
as good attorneys iri this city ? and plenty of them will help The B. A coldly replies t----
, I world-powers to further the world"
I Angelica Wine..............................3ic.
settle up the county, and, no is tbe only thing that will allay the
I Zenfendel Wine
per quart 35ci
C. by the , I campaign for peace. The adminis
doubt, before many years, there anguish caused the B.
Tokeyf............................. per quart tfcj
, I tration just closed was active iu Pebbleford, bottled in bond,
A. J. Hill, of the Warren Con­
will be a demand fora hard sur­ unfair cement. The owner refuses
perquart &
per bottle....................................... $1 50
,I this direction, even beyond the
struction Co., certainly made a
' White Grape Juice..............
faced highway the entire length to be plucked, and then comes the
I average sentiment of the country.
fair proposition to maintain the
of this county
However, this banner.
bond, per bottle.........
. 1.25 ' laical Beer, quart, 3 bottles for 50t
pavement for ten years mid nt
i Domestic Beer, qt, 3 bottles for 75c
Reader, do you think this story But Mr. Bryan went further by pro- Old Crow, bottled in bond, pet­
county can afford to go slow in
the end of that time turn it over
I posing that the United States
laying hard surfaced pavement.
to the city in good condition.
I should “set a shining example of Hermitage, bottled in bond, per
A few experiments will be a VI estigate a few of these banners,
boitle ..................... .................... 1.50
That ought to satisfy anyone
I disarmament ” and declared that
good thing, especially on pieces in nd you will doubt no more.
Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ................ 1.50
who imagines that the pave­
Keg Beer..................... 15 gallons
O T. O , bottled in bond, per
As a matter of fact, to have one
of road where there is heavy
10 gallons H
ment is going to peter out in ti
bottle ...............................
. 1.25 Keg Beer .....
travel ami which is expensive of these men parading up and I standing and location to take this
laical bottle Beer, 6doz. quarts 101'
R*w months oryeurs.
Kentucky Dew,
gal., bottled
I stand boldly.”
to keep up, and will continue to down the street by your place of
in bond
2 15 Local bottle Beer, 10 doz. pints lli
Presiilent Wilson in hie inaugural Kentucky Dew, fill pint, bottled
I m * until something is done to business is a sign to tbe informed
The stunt nt the Commercial make a substantial road. The you are a free man, and putting up Isays: “We shall restore, not des-
in bond ........................................
Rudwiser Beer, 6 doz. quarts $1511
party John Dewar & Sons, Old Scotch
Commercial Club on Monday taxpayers will be given an op­ a fight against one of the worst Itroy.”
Whiskey..................... ................ 1.50 Budwiser Beer, 10 dozen pints 1ST
evening was a success, and it portunity to see bow hard sur­ forms of organized tyranny—labor I would express it differently: “We
Black & White, Old Scotch
Old style Lauger Beer, 10 doz pt 11 II
shows that the citizens are tak­ faced pavement will do where unionism as now
conducted.— I are constructive, not destructive.”
Whiskey ........................................ 1.50
ing a lively interest in the club. it has been costly to maintain Weekly News Letter.
V.O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey
A .few more stunts like that a good road north of town on
I has favored many things that it no Sandy Macdonald s Old Scotch
White Port, Old Monk Brand,
Whiskey........................................ 1.75
$1 00 per pl I
would soon put the club in easy account of the wash in winter
At the very moment that Presi­ I longer mentions. Does it propose
Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch
Port Wine.......................... l.OOpergil,
“•rvet financially.
Those who and heavy teaming.
dent Wilson was receiving ap­ Ito lestore anv of the old conditions
1 50 Sherry ................................ 1.00 per gaL’
helped to mil)«* the stunt a sac-
plause for his address at the Cap­ I that it r»nce defended in vain, or Canadian Club............ ....
1.60 Claret ................................. 75c. perplI
<•<•«« are entitled to u great deal
1 OD Angelica............................ 1.00 per pl
ital some in the crowd set up a
Mr. Brynti would not have men­
1 00 Zenfendel ...................... .1.25 per pl '
of credit.
shout for Bryan, who stood near have rejected? Every champion Harvester Old Style..........
tioned a brief tenure for himself in
1.00 Tokey................................... 1.25 per pl
the front, and later all along the I of wrong who regains power is
The Commercial Club of Bay the cabinet by accident. He has route wave upon wave of cheers I ready to restore. But the capacity Kentuck Dew.....................
Billie Taylor, full quart
ocean is making nil effort to been boss of the party am! free greeted the appearance of the Ito build, to originate wisely is far Coronet Dry Gin........ per bottle 1.00
Monogram .....................per gal.
raise money from among the lot
I more rare than the desire to restore. A. V.H. Gin................... per bottle 1.75 White Corn Whiskey, per gal 4»l
owners to go towards building tains tlie old latchkey.
After all of the effort to restrain I The Republican party has been a Gordon Dry Gin
per bottle 1.25 Harvester Old Style ..per gal
i wagon road to that resort. It
To a delegation of State Depart­
immigration there are signs that I builder, with so many achievements Rock and R. ye............. per bottle 1.00 McBrayer. 13 years eld.per gal. I«'
is to lie hoped that $10,000 will ment official« who called on him
1 25 Echo Spring ................. per gal 13
immigration will soon begin to re­ I to its credit that to name the most E! Bart Gin ’ .
Chestnut Grove Rye. per gal
K raised in thia way, and with Wednesday, Secretary of
strain itself. A falling off has long
Kentuckey Dew .... per gal. l>
the same amount appropriated Bryan said
* I am not prepared
I “We build, we do not destroy,” is Port Wine..................... per quart 35c. Alcohol......................... ;>er gal i®
by the county, this should mean to discuss tenure of office, My own been noticeable from countries in I the Republican version, and as the
Cornet Dry Gin............... per gal. fl
the starting of this needed but tenure is brief, but my tenure is Western and Nothern Europe, and American people are highly con­
since German colonization began
long neglected improvement.
not even begun. I am »are your
the surplus population of that em­ structive it is safe to predict that
tenure is, therefore, KlOt more an- pire has, to u marked degree, been they will not change to the merely
Tell every visitor who comes certain th in mine ”
influenced by the imperial policy of restorative unless they feel that
In the District Court nt New York colonization. There is now but they have lost something of value. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, COR 1st and 1st AVEN £ I
here that Tillamook County pro­
duced 30,500,000 pounds of milk the Federal Government has started , small surplus population in Scsndi-1 Mr. Wilson has given a broader
4,000 000 suits against the Corn Products I navian lands, tbe amelioration of I interpretation of hie first order ex­
pounds of cheese lust ye-tr, and Refining Company mid its several ¡the condition of tbe Irish peasantry I cluding office seekers from his
that the dairymen were paid on allies on the charge that they have bus checked the movement of that I office except upon hie personal in­
in average ot $l.tll per 100 lbs conspired to monopolize the pro­ country, and the comparatively I vitation than the public was at first
for milk and 41 3c per lb. tor duction and sale of corn products small English and Scottish immi-l disposed to put upon it. Starting
butter fat. That is the kind of and sirups in thia country and gration formerly coming here haslas it seemed, even wheu under-
Ivi ■ R
advertising dope which w ill abroad.
E. T. Bedford, hra.l tieen diverted to British America I stood to mean only the exclusion of
bring thousands of new settlers of the parent company and other under the wise and energetic I •be office seekers themselves, it be-
into the county it our citizens officials are named.
policies of the Dominion Govern-1 comes
will cultivate the habit of talk
The Illinois White Slave Coin- mrnt.
I when seen to mean that the preai-
ing and writing about the splen mission hue now att.o ked the llocj
In making its formal report to the Il,ent ** nJt ,o ** «pproachel by
did opportunities there are in ial evil at its real source, namely,
T *• JI
House, the Pujo Money Trust ln. senators ®r representatives in seek
this county for home seekers.
low wages of the women and
girls vestigation Committee found that |inH to l,rKe °®ee seekers' claims
in the industry It li.culleil upon II small group of men surrounding I "u* •bat was the understanding of
P. Morgan do monoplize the I “• “’«“’«ng and purpose which the
It ia an tiodecidnl question heads ot tug Chicago stores to tes­ J
whether marriage of an alien tify ns to labor conditions and on great financial transactions and President left in the minds of Sen-
woman to h United Stille« citi­ girls to tell how they manage to dictate the credit« for the
Bryan «nd Fletcher of Florid«,
The enterprise, of the nation. By way I whc‘ httd
zen confers on her the right of live on what they receive.
the White House
It seems that in the commission rejiorted to tlir gov ot remedy, the committee submits I *° urge appointment of a district
' O uselee
■8s trips to town for the progressive
and a district attorney in the
event of her coming to thia •rnm that .Vl.tkW women in Chicago two bills. Dae provides for the I
or less » week federal control of the bank clearing I s”u,hprn ‘•'•«rict of their state.
farmer. His Bell Telephone saves him ¡all tint.
cuuntry mid her father tieciime alone receive only
Ileuses, forbidding ot loans to I I ’’ey were informed by tlie presi-
naturalised prior to her liccom for full-time work.
ing of age, she is now a citiseli,
combinations. I ‘I*’*** in person that they ynust make
A new type of storage battery trade reatraining
The latest market quotat.ors are his. and he waits till market '<*
lb IS is nn answer given by the car. designed lor suburban use on forbidding of interlocking director I’heir recommendations to the at ditious are right before shipping- produce.
Oregonian to a correspondent, the New \ork c entral system, was atea under heavy |*enalities of I tomey general. Tlie dispatches re­
The Bell Telephone is as necessary to the up o-the-minute fii'®R
and as the «111110 question w m tried mt on Thursday when a Am fines and imprisonment
The other I lx>r’ that this was done “courte
as the modern agricultural implements He must have both.
asked several times here since ».11 11 ole from New York to Boa. provides for the regulation of stock
*'‘° doubt it was. There
I onault our local management and join the ever increasing
the iMissoge of the woman suft ton 111 less time than lixal trains exchange» and fixes heavy penal. I ’•
the slightest reason for suit-
rage law, it still leaves in doubt require. It is supplied with new ties A minority report by the Re _ ! posing Uiat th» president ever does oí farmers who are Be!) Telephone subscribers.
whether marriage of an aheu high power Edison batteries and publicans denies tlie existance of 1 I anythmg discourteously Hot this
1 Ql a sort of cuurtesy ia not of thè “court-
woman to a citizen confers on the power is applied by chain gear money trust, but admits a da i^er
,___ |esy
. of thè
___ _____
Senate." The
oer the right to vote.
directly to the wheels which are on» concentration of credit in the | V* •*** Ornate baa become traditional
tree on the axles. The coat ot op. big banks of New York. Boston and tor thè manner of ita enforvement
.... ik agxx
1 by all sena torà, agamat anv in
R’,l,«hhcana f«»o»| fringement of seastxial power* or
< lue of the <iux< a
out in eration ia much lower than the Linniu,,
iby th?àt.teZU‘ ***** lO*,,ri'neU d‘Knities. by any co ordinate branch
the injunction proceeding» ie average steam coach
I vy >ue sisiea.
i^j goveruxuent.
Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System.
Advertising Rates.
that the Warren Construction
Co. obtained the contract thro­
ugh "some artful, subtle or
secret means,” or in other words
it accuses the city officials of
"grafting,” the extent of which
the plaintiffs are unable to de­
termine. This is a most seri­
ous allegation to make against
the officials, and going on the
presumption tnat they are inno­
cent of wrong doing until they
are proven guilty, the citizens
who have l>een made parties to
the suit have placed themselves
in a position where they snould
tie made to prove their accusa­
tion, If they fail in this, then
they have done the officials a
great injustice and should be
made to pay damages.
Banner Carrying.
Reep Abreast
of the Times
ana v.re
The stronger and rougher whiskey tastes—the more
harm it will do.
Why take chances with your nerves, your stomach,
your general health.
Wr. J Van Sohuyver Co. Po tland. Or.
Special Prices far
Family Trade.
Domestio Beers.
Posts the Farmer
on Market Conditions.