I Itti 11100k T Io. 3 q TILLAMOOK. OREGON. MARCH 20, 1913. | The first step in buying or uilding a home is the Savings Account. Everybody should have a Jbome of his own. | A savings account with this (bank, with regular deposits from the income, will provide the money for the first pay- hnent upon one. The sooner you begin, the [soouerfyou will live in your own home. LLAMOOK COUNTY BANK TILLAMOOK TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. J- t JOTTINGS f your sewer con- at Alex. Me­ lance at the opera • evening. Any kind, any Dr. Wendt. • tx. McNair*Co's, he market. erred Rock eggs Mrs. Viola Mills, itsy came in from .Daded on Satur- kberdeen, Wash., ig over saw mill nted at the Tilla- ny’a Market, 12c. ; aize petaluma, tor made King has opened den- '. R Beals’ office. for wood sawing, cited. Phone 1318 Engineer Lock- :ity on Saturday sale. 11.00 set- Lyater, R. D., I dig ditches by labor. W. Roen- poultry net ing cost ia email. Sale; also full Buff Orphing- oma Furniahed Parson, at the tens to the Tille­ y's Market We enkratt left on i Oregon on a Is. best grass seed. A air A Co’a. □at in. j was in from Wash , laat week relatives. piece with every it's Variety Store. around." f alab wood, the the city. Leave ransfer Co. C. Holden and lie morning fcr a San Francisco, teived a barrel of j direct from the Tillamook Feed CAPITA L _ SUPERVISION Buy a Ford car because they run 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline. W hen you get them your troubles are over. See Ed. Hadley, the local agent for the Ford auto. Bern, on Monday, to the wife of W. A. Williams, a son. And sure, it was on St. Patrick's day, too, that the harness maker was as happy a man as the eons of Erin. Hazel, little daughter of Alvens and Phebee Curl, after a few weeks suffering, died March 12, and was buried in Beaver Cemetry the next day, Rev. Dora Young, officiating. A new iron bridge arrived here the first of the week for Droughty Slough and the bridge carpenters are getting ready to put it in place. What remains good of the old bridge will be used in another place. Indian Runner Duck Kggs — Thorough-bred Cumberland. Eng­ lish penciled, pure white egg strain Indian Runner Duck eggs, $1 per setting delivered, Miss An na Roenicke, Woods, Oregon There was a dancing party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paul, south of town, Saturday night. At midnight a delicious lunch was served, the guests departing at a late hour reporting a most enjoy­ able time. What ever you buy from others if I One large fire-proof Hall’s safe you wunt the beat layers, get your for sale. Inquire Tillamook Title S. C. White leghorns hen and & Abstract Co., 216 lillamook Indian Runner Duck eggs if om Joe Block. Harrison. One Dollar per setting Embroidery patterns stamped to either kind. J M Harrison, Gari­ order, also perforated stamping baldi. Oregon. Mrs. George patterns for sale, An apron social will b? given in Willett. the Academy Hall on Monday Get in that early garden. Our evening. March 24, at eight o'clock line of garden tools cannot be beat p. m. A short program will be for quality and price. King i rendered before the social. All are Smith Co. cotdially invited to attend. Ladies Admission F. H. Haradon, of Astoria, was in kindly bring aprons. the city on Tuesday on business free. connected with the cannery at Did it ever appeal to you that a Garibaldi. coat of paint will improve tlie looks If you want seed oats you will of your residence or barn more I have to hurry as we are not going than any other thing you could do. to have enough to go round. See Should your property be for sale, it will sell at a better price, a great Slirode. E. L. Rector of Wheeler, was in deal quicker and easier King & the city on Monday and sent in his Smith Co John M. Scott, general pass$nger application 'or membership in the agent of the Southern Pacific, came Commercial Club. in on Tuesday with R. R. Howard, The weather on Wednesday had who will go over the county anti a wintry appearance, with the hills write a description of the county covered with snow and several for the booklet which will be issued heavy flutters of snow. by the County Court und the Com- Mrs. S. A. Blain has opened mercial Clubs. dressmaking parlors in the build­ Sale or exchange:—We have the ing previously occupied by the largest list of Portland property for Mutual Telephone office. sale or exchange of any firin in the For Sale,—Rubber Tire Buggy, city. What have you to exchange Harness, Robe and Whip, all in first for some of it? Want good im­ class condition Will not break the proved ranches of all sizes. Send outfit.—Inquire Chas. I. Clough. • descriptions to Chittenden A Neill, The rock crusher will be erected 310 Oak Street, Portland, Oregon. on the Wilson river at the Donald­ I A special meeting of the school son place and the boulders in the district was called for Wednesday river will be taken out and crushed. to instruct the school board as to A case was filed in the circuit what action the district should take court by J. D. Duback "against C. with regard to the street improve R. Ridgeway, to recover $343.91 for ment opposite the school property, goods and wares furnished the de- when it was decided that the dis­ t fendant. trict pay its share of the expense of Your lawn will soon take on ita the litigation. spring look, so get after them with J. Paulson, of the Paulson-Inman a good lawn mower. A large se­ 1 Aimher Company, has been visit­ lection to choose from. King A ing at Bayocean with his fami'y. Mr. Paulson exjiended $6tMM) on a Smith Co. Next Monday evening will be the bungalow and the lot has been monthy meeting of the Tillamook sodded down. He will build two Commercial Club, when nomina­ more bungalows this spring, which tions will be made for officers for will make hie investment there amount to $30,000. the ensuing year. ♦ Frank Long, administrator of the At a meeting of the city council on Saturday it was decided to em­ estate of William Campbell, vs. ploy Attorney John Gearin to look Pacific Railwav A Navigation Co. after the city’s interest in the pave­ is a suit filed in the Circuit Court in which $7500 damages are claimed. ment controversy. If you haven't seen the latest in Thia case grew out Of the death of the way of buggy improvements, William Campbell, who was killed at Wheeler by a freight train, the you can see it at the Tillamook plaintiff claiming that the death Feed Company. Drop in and look was caused through the company's it over. It’s a peach. agents carelessly and negligently Mayor Harter and wife left on operating a locomotive with freight Wednesday for California and no cars attached. doubt was glad to get away from A two acre anap in Tillamook the strife over the pavement. They City This ia the John Hathaway will be gone about two months. property, and conaista of two acres Mrs. Fred Zsddach wss iu the of fine garden land near the Tilla­ city from Nehalem on Tuesday. mook cheese factory, has a fine 10 Mrs. Zsddach has made a specialty room house, a barn, chicken house of growing dahlias and she has a and several other . buildings. The splendid variety? and is selling the price of this is only $3500, $l2t»l bulbs at one half the price they are down.' The party who gets it will being sold for at the nurseries. ma ke $3K«' this summer on his bar gain. We have an option on the projierty Address the Ralph Ack ley I-and Co., 170 5th St Portland. R S VARIETY STORE, UHCnOOK, OREGON. in and book Around ” Oregon The Oregon Manufacturers' Asso­ ciation has recently inaugurated a amp-sign throughout the state for the betterment and extension of home industries, and for the advo- cscy of the use of home made goods As a chief apostle to rarry tl is doctrine to the people. Edyth Toz­ ier Westherreii is cow visiting Hie various localities of Western Ore- gon and interesting the people in the home industry movement, the 4 } » movement that gives employment to cur own people and keeps the dollars atjhome. MWJ Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock John Borba, of Beaver, and A M Borba of Tillamook, with two friends from the latter city, were caught on a sandspit in Tillamook Bay by the rising tide, while dig- ging clams. The tide carried off J. C. olden their boat and left them in a dan- gerous situation until E. T. Heas, B. C. amb of Hobsonville, in a rowboat, took them off. The powerboat from the m G. ai lifesaving station at Goribaldi, under command of Captain Axel C. W. almage Anderson, also arrived on the acene, but the men already had aul chrader beeu taken away. George W. Coffman, 67 years ’old, We have just installed some modern Safe De- who died March 11, at his home in Ti lamook, crossed the plans in 1852 posit Boxes where your valuable papers will be safe with his parents, who settled in Oregon. Later he secured a farm from fire. We will be pleased to show theu to you in L'pper Willamina where he re­ mained until 1893, moving to Tilla­ mook. One of Mr. Coffman’s char­ 3= acteristics was his friendship with the Indians, who soon learned to Under U.S. Government Supervion. trust him He was always in their confidence. Three daughters, Mrs. Interest Paid on Time Deposits J. A. Gray and Mrs. John Pike, Port- land, and Mrs. Alva Johnson, Barton Ore., two brothers, Nathan and Levi, Seaside, and a sister, Mrs. “arah Donaldson, Vancouver, In the matter of improvement of ' Hemlock and Agnes Allen and Wash., survive him. Attorney Gemral Crawford has county rords, the bid ol the Wa r- Donna MaeKenzie of Tillamook, Misses Allen and MaeKenzie ac­ rendered an opinion that st te ren Construction Co was accep’ed for the improvement of the road companied Miss Hell home Friday legislators cannot be appointed to running East from tlie city limits evening and returned to Tillamook an elective office, and if Governor to the R R. A N. railroad ami tha* Sunday afternoon. West is ruled by that decision he running North of the city on tile will not be able to appoint Attorney Notice of Final Account. Bav City road. T. B. Handley county attorney. N otice is H ereby G iven , Tl..,t There is a difference of opinion the undersigned, administrator of Presbyterian Church. amonst the attorneys whether the the estate of Thomas F. Williams, attorney general is right Governor The following order of services deceased, has filed his final account West, however, advised Mr. Hand- will be observed at the Presbyterian as such administrator in the County Court of Tillamook County, Slut? oi ley that he would appoint him, but Church on Easter Sunday : Oregon, and that liu i .In of said under the circumstances the latter 10 a. m. — Bible School, with court lias appointed 5 . ■ 1 feels that he should be governed by classes and teachers for all ages. 14th, 1913, nt the hour of 1 a.m. at the Court Hou - ■ , ■ the Attorney General's opinion anil 11 a.m.—Morning worship, with he advised the governor to that sermon by the pastor on the theme. mook City, Oregon aa the 'i tie place for hearing ol all o .j -1 effect. This will leave the field open "The Immortal Life ” The choir to said tinnì account ami the ► le forn-.-pirants, the names of Attor- 1 will render three s|>ecial musical ini nt thereof. Dated this March "Hi, 1913 neys Willett, Claussen and Goyne numbers JAMES WILLIAMS, being recommended. 6:30 p. m.—Christian Endeavor. Administrator of (he Kate of The St. Patrick social and dance Leader, Mias Ruby McGhee. Topic, Thomas F. William ', Deceased. The Lesson of al the Commercial Club on Monday “Vital Living" evening was a success, both from a Easter, II. Cor. iv., 8 18. 7:30 p. in —Easter Vesper servil e, Administrât r’sNoiceof Hearin ' social function as well aa fiancially. of Final Account The amount of cash taken in was with sermon by the pastor on the $99 50 for baskets and $38 for dance subject, ‘The Resurrection Body." ! NOTICE IS HEREBY Gl V EN. The following musical program that the undersigned has filed b a tickets, which will net the club over final account as administrator .4 $100 after the expenses have been will be rendered by the choir : the esta e of Sum”"' >’■ Anthem, " Awake Glad Soul," paid. County Clerk Holden was e 1 •> * .tin' «: • the most spirit'd bidder, for he (Adams). of tile t ite <»i Oreg» to " ilia. Duet and Chorus. "The Light County has appointed Weill paid $10 50 for hts basket, while the 23rd day of April, 1013, . W. G Tait, C. I. Clough. B. W. of Easter Morning,” (Creswell). a. m. at the court room ot Bass Solo and Chorus, " Praise to o'clock Gorden and C. E. Reed ran theirs said court in the county court up to $5.00. There was a "joker,” Our Risen King,” (Hine). house in Tillamook City, Oregon, Anthem, " Be Joyful All Ye as the time and place for the hear­ however, amongst the basket, for ing of objections, if any there are, one, which was profusely covered Lands," (Adams). to said account, and the closing of Easter Chorus, ' He Joyful in the said estate. with green, contained four large potatoes ra’pped in tissue paper. It Lord," (Woodworth). Dated March 20, 191% Al.FKKU PKRRBN, Violin Solo by Mr. E. E Koch. was knocked down by Sheriff Cren­ Adminiatratjr of the estate of Soprano Solo, " Reilem p ion," shaw, who acted as auctioneer, tor Samuel Perren, deceased. $1 50 Mrs. Evelyn Rhodes and Miss (Stults), by Mrs. Mackenzie. Florence Evans entertained the au­ Report of District No 57. dience with vocal solos and E. K. Birthday Party. For the month of February. K ch with a violin solo. The com Laat Saturday, on March fifteenth Number of days taught 20. ■nittee was composed of Rollie W I Miss Elva Hall entertained a party Number of day" -ttendance 452. Watson S. M. Kerron, R. Cady, B. of friends who s|>enl tlie day at tier Number of days absence 12. Mendenhall and Dr. Perkins. home at Hemlock, the ocuaion be- Number of pupils tardy 0 mg her eighteenth birthday, Mr. Number of pupils absent H. Shakespeare Club Ed Blum's birthday, wliii h o< < urred Names of pupils neither absent The March meeting of the Shake­ the proceeding Wednes lay, was nor lardy: Agnes Hunter. Charles speare Club was held at the home also celebrated at the s me time I- etcher, Ivan Knight, Ollie Miner, of Mis F S. Whitehouse, when and place, Several nice and usel I Theodore l.iisberg, Esther Miner, about twenty ladies were present. presents were received, also num Lather I'aul, Ernest Gienger, Earl According to the usual custom a eroue regards and good wishes Miner, Jimmie Tone, Johnnie Tlie house was decorated wi’li i iienger, Asbury Miner und Pauline social hour followed the reading, At noon a < iienger. and as this was the season for the cedar anil daffodils. D aisy L. A li . knuem , celebration of St Patrick's Day, sumptuous dinner was served. Teacher. al! the appointments were in bar The day passed very pleasantly walk with a buggy ride, a long munv with the legend oLtlie Emer­ For Sale throughout the woods, games, cou- ald Isle A Gw pure bred barred Ply­ A group of Irish songs by Mrs. versation etc. mouth Rock ( is kerals $1 50 each, The guests present were: Mr. also pure Barred Rock eggs $1 00 Mackenzie, ’My father and mother were Irish,” atrio by Mrs. Willett, and Mrs. Elmer Hal . Mr. and I Mrs. per setting. Frank Hester Mrs. Mackenzie and Mrs White­ Ed Blum, Masteis Lloyd E iigene Sewer Pipe for Sale house, were most heartily encored. and Elton Hall, Ralph Alwin aii>l The tables were tieautifully dec­ Claud Blum, Misses Evelyn, Elva, For Sale all sizes of se wer orated with daffodils and greenery, Marie and Eunice Hall, Esther, and sewer connections. See and to each place card was attached Rosie, Florence and Edna Blum ol McMahan a tiny green flag decorated with harp and shamrock and * Erin go tiragli. ” In addition to the club members the gurst list included Mesdames llsberlach, Haltoni. Kiger, Lamar Todd, Hayes. Tait. Barrett and Everson. First National n AA AS Tillamook. Creaon. DIRECTORS H L W , P . T T. T S . Coal, Cement, Lime, Biick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint, Coauty Business In tbs matter of the deed from Ella Huniple, the same was ac­ cepted. X In the matter of the purchase of a track of lard in sec. 21, Ip I N R. 10 W . for a county tool house a warrant was ordered drawn in fi^v^ of Geo W. Phelps for $500. The claim of Will Goers for $175.111 was allowed. A warrant was ordered drawn in favor of M. M Mend A Son for |3I4 91 lor tlie Scholhneyer fill. LAMB SCHRADER COMPANY, DIM KS : WARRHOU^K FRONT STEHET, BETWEEN Ind A 3rd AVKMt K WEST 4 •r