Tillamook Headlight, March G, 1Ö13 HUMOROUS QUIPS of TiHcimook Ci tv Received INSURANCE SURVEYOR VISITS OUR TOWN. On Thursday C. P. Bandin, insurance surveyor of the Pacific Department of the ¡Sanborn Map Co. arrived in the city for the I purpose of making a complete revised map of Tillamook City, which will be the fore­ runner of a reduction in the insurance rates for Tillamook County, and will save thou­ sands of dollars annually to our citizens. Mr. Bandon, who will be here about three weeks, will make his headquarters at the office of Rollie W. Watson. Mr. Watson has been endeavoring for some time past to have the fire map of Tillamook City revised and it has been through the earnest solici­ tation of Mr. Watson that Mr. Bandin was sent to our relief. THE DETAILS OF THIS MAP. FIRE An up-to-date Fire Insurance Map of Tillamook City has been received at this office, The purpose of this map is to locate correctly all risks that Fire Insurance Com- panies assume, The map of this city con- tains 10 full page sections, shows all build- ings, giving data in each instance covering class of construction, location, height and outside plans, construction of flues and chimneys, exposures of buildings and dis­ tance between each. There is also complete information covering the water pipe lines, hydrants, stand-pipes, connected hose in buildings, location of Fire Apparatus, con* dition and character of the paratus. The source of water supply and etc. I Of (-very hundred emigrants from It­ aly eighty me males. I'm le Sam's anuual market bill 1» es- tiinnted at $8,tMMl.t)00,tl(X). Tlie I'nited States geological survey will expend $1,410.520 next year. The scabbards worn by Russian at Q< eis are made of papier mac he. Artiticial arms and legs, and even ears, me being made of aluminium. ‘ British Empire in the Antarctic rs- glon amounts to 1,500 square miles. Both the Chinese and Japanese man­ ufacture alcoholic beverages from rics. Meat is i heap hi Lima, Peru. Tjota ■ cuts of tbe best beef are only 12 cents a pound. ’• A woman living near London Is en- gaged in raising Eskimo dogs for alto , tic expeditions. American made shoes compete tn parts of Russia with “American" shoes made in Germany. Tortoises are cultivated for their shells In the Seychelles island, and the industry is a very extensive one. A new electric process for coating Iron or steel with lead has been brought out by nn English scientist. A power driven rotary hoof paref, tn take the place of the horseshoer’s tongs, knife and rasp, has been Invent­ TORN HENDERSON* ATTORNEY OuUNbEL- Ac L o R-AT-LAW, A Wasted Smile. 8he looked at me and sweetly smila< No fairer face I d ever As winsome as a little child. I'll bet she wasn't past eighteen Her hair was golden as the sun Her eyes were orbs of wondrous Ml She looked at me and smiled as one That I might well have spoaea te Tillamook Block, Tillamook,Or. Room No Hi. K-J . T. BOTTS, A x A ttornky - at -L aw . Complete set of Abstract Rook no fi.*». Tages ptrid forte- F «id ■ She sat alone, and so did 1, This damsel with the form dlvlaa. Her Ups were red as cherry pie. But only once her eyes met mine. Oh. there was glory In her face! Her cheeks were pink as any rone Her every move was one of grace. And Grecian waa, 1 think, her nos. TillatroGÌ Bi.ag. 1 do not know the maiden’s name Nor where she got upon the car. To tell the truth Is now my alm. I give the tacts just as they ar*. 1 only know she smiled at me And that she smiled at me In vain. 1 u> married, and, though fair was she, I never looked her way again. —Detroit Free Preee. Both phones. CARL HABERLACH, ATTORN BY- AT-LAW, Couldn’t Multiply. Little Willie's father found his youth­ Tillamook Block ful sou holding up oue of his rabbits by tbe ears and saying. "How mueb la 7 times 7, now?” Ç^EORGE WILLETT, "Pah." the father heard him say; “I knew you couldn't! Here's another A ttounky - at -L aw . one. Six times (1 is how much?" "Why. Willie, what In the world are rillaniook Commercial Buildir g you doing with your rabbit?" Willie threw down the rabbit lu dis gust “I knew our teacher was lying T illamook ÜREGC" to us." was all lie said. "Why, liow?” asked his father. "Why. she told 11s this morning that T. Bo ALS, M.IL rabbits were the greatest multipliem In the world. '—Ladies' Home Journal. ed. Merida. Yucatan, boasts 1U3 private automobiles mid four garages, Tbe streets are paved with asphalt and : brick. ' South of the equator Buenos Ayres. (Editorial from TILLAMOOK. HERALD, i Rio de Janeiro and Sydney are the October iSth. three largest cities, according to |>opu- i lation. Better Left Unaaid. Here Is a case of misplaced verier I Newfoundland has eleven separate cable lines, belonging to four compa­ oslty. Tlie guilty party meant well We will be pleased to show you this new map and explain any other nies. which connect Europe with North but tier manner of showing it wasn't wliat you might call tactful, It WM America. • detail in regard to Insurance. Inclosing one asbestos box within an at a bridge party. Ice cream ■ud wa ¡other, with an air space between. • fers were served. “Miss Ghyoans.” urged tlie hostese ( Frenchman has iuveuted a tireproof "do have some more ice cream.” . Jewel ease. "No. really. I”— I A new occupation for women han "Oh. don't be so dainty or I'll think Jnst been started in Germany, that of I aids in laboratories mid other selentiflc yon don't like it.” "Well. Just a mouthful." i institutions. "Ah. that's right. Jane. Uli Miss In France 21.24 per eent of the pop ­ ÍÍ 9 ulation are employed In agricultural Gliyuin's plate for lier!”—Cleveland pursuits, lu the I'nited Kingdom ths Pla in Dealer. percentage is 5.5S. Her Own Idea. Bombay gets its water supply from TODD HOTEL BUILDING. Both Phones Two little girls became involved tn a Both Phones three artiticial lakes that depend upon quarrel tlie other day which culiulnat the rainfall In the monsoon season for ed In physical violence. One of the their replenishment. mothers took her little daughter to Of hops worth $2.970.000 I nported task very severely. Wishing to emptia James Irwin. White Slave Law Is Declared Ending a Vice Trust. Into Great Britain In the first six size the enormity of her offense, tbe months of 1912 $2,290.000 worth came mother sakl. "It's the devil who tells Valid Jatnes Irwin, who last Friday, from the United States. I If there ia auch a thing- as an or you to do such naughty things On the theory that traffic in wo­ The Jerusalem municipality Is com Iganized “ white slave” traffic in February 21, was laid to rest in the The little girl replied between soba, this country, the decision of the A. F. and A. M. cemetery, was', men in interstate commerce may lie posed of ten members, only oue of "lie may have told me to pull her bkir. regulated by legislation as well us whom, the president, receives a sal­ but I thought of kicking her stilus all Parish of S uited States Supreme Court on born in Fermanagh, the traffic in drtigs or cattle, the ary—about $04 a month. by myself.”—McCall's Magazine. felonday will arm the officers of the Aughalaugher, Ireland, in 1851. Supreme Court of the United States Success has attended the experiment ■aw with full powers to soon extir­ At tbe age of 14, with his parents His Present. pate it, if such powers are vigor­ he came to America and located in upheld the validity of the federal of transplanting rubber trees In Brazil, "1 don’t know what to buy for my where groves are being raised at more white slave traffic law of 1910. It ously used. The court decided, in Canada, near Marmora, Ontario. accessible points than tbe existing husband's birthday. He bua alaci» at e case coming up from the New There he acquired an academic has been contended that this ques­ ones. neckties.” fclrleans Circuit, that the interstate education, being especially pro­ tion of morality was reserved for “Cigars?" The consular district of Madras oc action by the states. Justice Mc ­ Bommeree law applies to such a ficient in mathematics. "He gives them to bls friends.” cuples the southern portion of tbe In ­ Kenna delivered the court’s opinion. “Suspenders?" ■raffic as fully as to any other, dian peninsula, extending over 2(15,000 After finishing school James ‘‘Our dual form of government “He wears 11 belt. 1 know what I'll to lien it can be shown that it is or- I taught a number of terms in the square miles, and has a total popula­ do. I'll buy him a ball rug and a pair Lanized for profit and uses inter­ public schools of hia adopted coun- has its perplexities,” said he, I tion of «5,559,294. The food consumed by New York of bedroom curtains.”— New York state lines of travel and communi­ , try.giving universal satisfaction and “state and nation having different spheres of jurisdiction, but it must city costs nt the railroad and steamer Journal. sation to further its ends. ■ displaying the rare thoroughness I The case grew out of the transpor­ i which was such a striking char- be kept in mind that we are one terminals »350,000.000 a year, but when Startling. tation of a number of women for al - acterihtic of his whole life. There people and the powers reserved to it gets to the consumers' kitchens it Manager (of the Breegy Burlesque the states and those conferred in costs $500,000,000 u year. Barnstormers!— Isn't there some ariiaa leged immoral purposes, from New was no faltering nor hesitating in A Judge of the Wellington (New Zea­ tlonal stunt we could pull off here In lOrleans to Beaumont, Tex The anything he understood. Like the the nation are adopted to be exei- cised, whether independently or > land) court pro|M»ses to petition the your town, some original advertiae- r state rights” contention had been Old Guard at Waterloo, he never legislature to make the custom of set up by the defendants, but the acknowledged defeat, but, when re concurrently, to promote the gen­ “shouting" (Australlmi for treating) In ment that would get talked alsmt and cat' ll the crowd? Rural Lamllonl— eral welfare, material and moral. [court, in the opinion delivered by i verses came he sprang undaunted public houses mi offense. Yes; you might try paying your board ¡Justice McKenna, is evidently of into the fray and pressed on to This is the effect of the decisions, In 1907 the average outlay for food In advance.-Satire and surely if the facility of inter ­ ^opinion that state wrongs, masking final victory. per encli American family was $375. as state rights, can not be made | After his experience in teaching state tranportation can he taken while ten years before It was a trille Fairy Tales. away from the demoralization paramount to public decency. The he and his brother George engaged less tllilll $300. At tile present time “Why don't pupa ever tell me fnlry tales, innimna?" sold tbe little* boy decision seems to rest more upon a in farming in Canada. An August of lotteries, the debasement of oh- this figure Inis reiicbed $410. Children in the public schools of Htn- whose mother had just told him one basis of public policy than upon frost killed their grain and left scene literature, th* contagion < f diseased cattle or persons, the fa­ vanger. Norway, are treated with tlie "Ob. my son.’’ replied tbe mot tier. any interpretation of the interstate ,them penniless. Disappointed, commerce law's meaning and but not discouraged, they turned cility can be taken away from the' aid of American dental apparatus by a “It keeps your fattier busy telling systematic debauchery of women I dentist who received his postgrnduate them to me."—Yonkers Stntesuuiu. intent ________________ their faces to the west, locating in and more insistently, of girls.” 1 dental education In the 1'nltwl Stnte*. Strang«. The Supieme Court had several I A stemiiHlilp comiiany 1« lieing form­ A concentration of troops at Gal this state in 1N83. They first en­ "Thers goes Blffels He's ■ good I gaged in tile logging business in ed for trnttle on tbe rivers Tigris mid cases before it in which the consti ­ veston can have no other meaning friend of mine You have never heard I Tillamook county, after which they Euphrates. The first contract covers tutionality of the Mann act was at than the one officially expressed at the transportation of building material bim sii.i anything unkind alsmt me" Washington. The movement was purchased Meadow Green farm, tacked, hut made its decision orv for tbe Bagdad railway from Bassorah. "I never have. Ami. strange to say. He three miles above Seaside on the I the case of Effie Hoke of Beaumont, made in anticipation of the early Since bread I h the staff of life, and knows you quite well."— Birmingham Necanicutn river. Tex., and Basilo Economi 'es, a coming- of a new administration to bread to the All"','i,'!IIIH mesns wheat Age Herald Ths only persons present at the New Orlean'a saloon keepor, sec almost exclusively. It Is perhaps not lie charged with the duty the Taft 8ardonic Glee- relinquished on 'funeral who knew James Irwin in fenced to six years each for illegal Hiirprislng that we consumed approxi­ administration I ‘*rve got it new Rttacliinent for th* Tuesday last It was a part of the this early life were his brother transportation of women from New mately 507,000.000 bushels of wheat family pl«no." *ale is the country as the Demo­ gone home to I'eking, where he con­ ami I f shows a large excess of revenue Light Laseh glass ainounta to much is in a yellow package with bee­ forty years. Chamberlain’x Cough Nr Eskimo What, are we to have At this time All average of 1M0 earthquakes s hive on carton. • Refuse substitutes Remedy was first offered to the over expenditures «■nd 1rs again today for lunch? Mra Lamar's Drug Store. public in 1872. From a small tie- the treasury re,»orl s a current sur­ year has lx*en recorded at tlie aelsrao ■-irning it has grown in favor and plus, and it will lie mm li ai.g logical oliservatory of B<»-ca di Papa, ■ablmo light lunch, my dear, Habt popularity until it has attained ■ men ted >. tteit« jear» of thia number forty-four have Anger. should be barmlees. It sboi ld be find nothing better for a cough or Financially, the change of p.irtira originated within a d lata nee of sixty "Why you destroy Algy'a let i'leasaut to take. Jt should I e e<- cold Try it and you will under- five ndlea. largely near tbe extinct vol el >nd why it is a favorite after a nuts eo burden whatever on the ectnal. Chamberlain's C. ugh I cam» . ,,f tlie region, while eighty-five Remedy ia all of thia end is the — [*' -nod of more than forty years. fn< oming party, In all re«(»e<'tM the had their soun e mor« than .'ijaio miles Jt nut only gives relief — it cures. tre-sury is in eirellent runningi mothers' favorite everywhere For H For «ale by all dealers. • «a». order. sale by all dealers I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TILLAMOOK. Tillamook Block M. Fire Insurance Rates on Application. I KER RON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Tillaiuuok Block, ROLLIE W. WATSON, The Insurance Man.’ 1 1. Tillamook, * irrEon- c - uawk . PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, BAY CITY, OREGON R. BEALS, •A» • REAL ESTATE, F inancial A ghnt , Tillamook, Oregon I H. GOYNK, a A ttobnky - at -L aw Office : Opposite Court He «e, T illamook O rf -- on R. P. J. SHAT..' RESIDENT DENTIS r, Office acrosa the street froir the Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. p «ARCHET, . The Fushionable Tailor C.‘-a'->ing, I’resBing-»nd Rep.ai . •?'g a Site: JtY t>t >rr in Heins Photcgr>phi< Gal’ery. 5 J. • < UAUSSEN., LAWYER, Çi-iitoclur ^.buchet. »13 Tiliamook Block, T1LLAMCOK REEDY, E. J OkRGON D.V.M., VET IAIN AR Y (H».th Phone«).J Tillamoo Oregon i I t I v. .sc v. 't.i >* rwi.n, • h r It", uti,. winch r«MU- »1 't y« •tv.-je Jn 1. _*i a 1 • I >r.. i u oui,. <■ to ror' I .. it t'or.: u 'icthtr.g st. j a c’ aortirxud a>tovmvc? i.k - ttberlnit’e htotnach aod « t»r ' Oifl»*. < • > •»'x» e. •" •'* I / ho It,» svvtem, aaaM’ r.-tars <^».« >< n»»4„ •«>/{ h I «i*-n t} >t o v »••»•«O’' • •• • • AAUMjnt *t»l «n. ibi i* r • Mt riAs a)«