Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 06, 1913, Image 4

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Secret of Winter Eggs.
Frank T. O’Hair, Who De
feated Uncle Joe Cannon,
Playing Santa Claus.
Onf» Peter and Patty and Polly
Wen* >ut for a ride on the trolley.
A quarter and dime
Each had at tlie time
Mend on some sweet Christinas folly
Copyright. 1S1Î by Associated Lit­
erary Pres».
Russian Blouse Suit
Folding Bookcase or Closet
Made of Packing Boxes.
Illustrated here Is a suit of olive
• gas tell or twelve years ago when green velvet with a Russian blouse coat
li.tir melnlier of the legislacbur turned tastened with three diamond shaped
liiglii loooiishme whisky.
I "lli.it metani that somebody else
And ilit n-on the corner stood Molly,
iu bis place, and wbat
linusi be
*11, n. rugged and quite melancholy
lilid tlie pesky people around yere do
And sobbing aloud
In the hurrying crowd.
I imt cum to me aud want me to stand.
For she d fallen and broken her dolly
I I liey cum to tuy cabin a dozeu at a
time, ami they sbook hands and called
Such m poor little midget they thought her
'Inal right up between them they caught I me an honest muu nnd all that, and tbe
Imo’ I tiling liack the mo' they wanted
To a toy shop they went.
line to run Wbeu they got me luto •
Every penny they spent.
I tight co uer I say»:
And a lovely new dolly they bought her.
Two packing boxes binged as shown
•• 'I can't skassly read, and I can’t
and fitted with casters make a very
What a Christmas thing! and so Jolly,
That Peter and Patty and Polly.
convenient portable closet, aays Pop­
I emi t get up before that legislacbur
All out for good times
ular Meehan lea. it can be folded Bat
With their quarters and dimes.
laud speak teo words, and wbat good
against a wall or fitted into a cufMg.
Should have chosen to spend them on [could I do down to Nashville?’
If furnished with shelves it can be
"They portended to give in at that,
—St Nicholas
used us a bookcase or tool closet, and
but what did tlie critters do but pot
when fully opened it make» a bandy
me up to be voted fer when tbe tin»
Game of Occupations.
Each chooses some kind of work to
Two projecting strips are fitted on
do. < Mlllng it out so »11 cun bear Then was lected by 400 majority. When 1
tbe inside of one box bo as to fit tight­
the lender begins » story—for example heard the news 1 told it to tbe old w*
ly against tbe inner top and bottom
"I went out today, but Just as I catne | man and said:
surfaces of tbe other box to increase
through the kitchen I saw our cook”- | " 'W'.ial. what am 1 gwinetodo aboot
tbe rigidity of the box when closed.
Here the player who has chosen to I m ? a [it? I've either got to hunt fer a care
Tbe addition of casters makes the
cook steps forward and goes through | and bole
Farm Cheesemaking.
o|>ening, closing and pushing about
some cooking motions, saying. "What | "Yo'll go to Nashville,’ she says,
Ou a great many farms for various Ms
very easy. An ornamental hasp er lock
"'And what’ll yo’ de?*
was she doing?’’ If the leader timls
reasons butter is made instead of seil-
can be fitted if desired.
lug tlie crenin. On many such farm«
"Waal, we started off one day a
back to her place. If not she becomes
greater profit and satisfaction would
Rich Mincemeat,
leader and goes on with the story got alioard of the railroad kyars.
result from making the milk into
This recipe makes a rich mincemeat
That will, of course, be made to suit was a little narvous, and tbe old wo-
cheese. Small cheese outfits arc obtain­
and one that will keep all winter: Ta
inap braced her feet and hung on with
able Just as is equipment for milking
When last full tbe Democrats of the the occupations and may proceed
two cupfuls of chopped meat pnt six
butter. At most times of tlie year the Eight cent li Illinois district began cast- something like this: "I went down the tier hands, but we got along without
cupfuls of chopi>ed apple measured
steps mid walked to the corner, where any calamity. In about an hour, when
cheese would be more easily mid more
Ing about for a candidate to pit against there was a cariamter busy nt—, mid she dared to open her eyes and draw
after chopping, one-fourth pound each
profitably sold than butter. It is entire
of stewed and chopped dried peaches,
I.v pracl tical to make cheese In n »inali Joseph < 1. Cannon they found little en on a roof across tile street n plumber her breath, she says to me:
apricots and prunes, one-fourth pound
thusiiism among would be legislators was’’
“ 'Zeb. bow many houses have yo'
And so on Tbe breaks are
way on i tlie farm.—Kansas Farmer.
chopped citron, one-eigbtb pound of
to cross swords with that redoubtable tilled. U n previous described Most oc- seen since we left home?'
chopped candied lemon i>eel. one pound
" 'More'it a hundred.' says I.
campaigner Remembering Uncle Joe's ciipations are such that to perform
Deep Plowing Pay,.
raisins, one |H>und currant» one tv-
••'Ami how many people?*
Pew farmers plow deep enough. record of nineteen terms at Washing their duties requires many motions
bierful cranlierry Jelly, one teaspocc
"’More'u a thousand.’
Deep plowing increases the depth of ton. broken only in 1890, when he was I’lie cook can he kneading bread or
ful cloves, two teaspoonfuls each of
"•Shoo: Then we must her got clear
the seed bed and consequently the defeated for tlie Fifty seeoud congress, grinding coffee For this reason three
allspice and mace (or nutmeg), four
around the world and back borne
feeding area or risits. Increasing the aspirants grew faint hearted. Finally guesses are necessary.
teaspoonfuls cinnamon, one-half taa-
deptli of plowing can be done more Frank T. O'llair of Paris, Edgar coun­
spoonful ginger, one teaspoonfnl Mack
satisfactorily in the full than in the ty, was induced to enter the race. At
|H>p|>er. five tablespoonfuls salt, oue
The Yule log is a great log of wood, I tiiiir was so many people and so many
spring. Tbe subsoil that Is turned up first he was reluctant; but. once in the
collar and cuffs nre of quince chopped, live cupfuls sweet ri­
In the full will lie incorporated with tight, lie began n campaign that result­ sometimes tlie risit of a tree, brought
the surface soil Dy the process of freez ed In the downfall of Mr. Cannon. He Into I lie house w ith great ceremony on II got the old woman behind me and white velours de laine bordered with der. one cupful vinegar, three cupfuls
molasses, four cupfuls brown augur
Ing and thawing, which ara excellent proclaimed himself a progressive Dem- I'lirlstnias eve. laid in the fireplace mid [prepared to fight to tbe death, but not vel set
the Juice and grated rind of one toman
a critter laid hands on us. Some of
agents In pulverizing the soil
o-riit and started in with no strings
and one orange. Mix In a large pa*,
| 'em laughed at my cowhide boots, and with white plumes.
tied to him
WbBt he did to Uncle log While It lasts there are great sing
aud let it simmer slowly for a day.
|some ot ’em grinned nt the old Wo­
Joe is now a matter of history. For- Ing drinking and telling of tales
Sometimes It is accompanied with lman's puke bonnet, but everything was
■ getting tbe prestige of his illustri­
New England Boded Dinner.
t'hrlstliiiis candles, but in the cottages Igisul nntured. We went to a tavern to
Take two ami one ba If pounds bee*
farmers of the district and told them tlie only light Is from the glow of the git is nird. n .d when the old woman
[sees the enr|iets on tlie floors, the stuff
anti two pounds lean and fat pork
why Uncle .1 >e should be retired and a log The Yule log Is burned all the
Put meat on to tsiil at 3'30 o'clock SBo
new man sent to represent the district night, mid If It dies out It la considered L beers standin’ around and the lookln
prepare the following vegetables: O:
a sign of great III luck The Yule log glasses ns big ns a tablecloth she turns
In congress And he wou.
medium head of cabbage cut In four
Frank T. O'Hair Is n native of Edgar Is yet burned In many farmhouses of pare and tints her arms around me and
pieces, eight medium else potato ' <
county, where he was born forty-two England, particularly In the north, mid aays:
" "Zeb. I kin see now why thnr ar'
pared, four turnips pared, cat In qu
years ago In a log cabin. He Is of Irish there are many superstitions connected
tern, four parsnips cut length w -.
pai'i'iitage. and Ills boyhood days were with It If n squinting person comes ■o many sinners In this world. If a
four carrots cut tbe same way I’ut j
spent on a farm Iu a remote country Into the house while It is burning or a critter kin hev all these things, be
the cabbage at 4:1ft. turnips at &:>Q,
district. After a course in the public person barefooted It Is considered a Boli't keer a pesky drat about gwfne
carrots at 5:29. iiotatoes at 5:30. pars­
schools he entered Purdue university, bad omen. The brand remaining from to heaven. I'm afeared we’ll be bad
nips at 5:40 and keep steadily belling.
where lie took the law course, aud on the Yule log Is carefully put away for '»ufi to steal hawgs in a week.'
"At the end of three days tbe legls-
Some French milliners are empha­ Following this schedule all tbe vege­
admittance to the bar Isqpin practice next year's Christmas fire.
tachiir opened, and 1 had to go up to sizing the seal brown color in milli­ tables will is* done at tbe sum ti ns
Iu Paris. Force of character nnd abili­
the statehouse. Lordy. stranger, but nery. It bids fair to supplant tbe black for a 0 o’clock dinner. Garnish the
Meanings of Flowers.
ty have won him a place among the
rather tackled three old b'ars at and w hite and blue and white alliance meat and cabbage with parsley and
licit lawyers of eastern Illinois and
Here are some of tbe flowers with
lo»ce! I had goose flesh as I struck that was so strong.
slices of carrots
Add pickled bee is
western Indiana.
their meanings:
Tbe tam-o’-shanter crown on a fiat and steamed brown bread
Rose, love and Joy: rosebud, youth that crowd, and tbe old woman wasn’t
Once before he ran for office, and on
Straw is too valuable to burn, says I lint occasion lie was defeated Iu 1892 fulness; poppy, consolntion In sickness: around to lucourage me. I went into brim is another type of hat favorably
the Kansas Industrialist. Tlie totnl he was a candidate for mayor of Paris sage, esteem: scarlet fuchsin, taste; tbe statehouse with the crowd, and launched. This suggests a ebunge from
Christmas Surprise Luv<
value of the fertilizing constituents of against his prospective father-in-law. scarlet nasturtium, splendor; snapdrag I'd Jist found a seat when a feller the lieret cap, yet lias all the becoming­
Take ordluary light bread dough and
il ton of straw is $2 29 When a toll of 0 I> Huston, father of the girl he on. presumption; snowdrop, cousoln comes around and says:
ness of the cap worn by the peasants carefully mold Into tiny loaves and
straw Is burned tlie nitrogen lost is hoped to wed. was tils Republican op- tlon; sunflower, false riches; strawber
“ 'Excuse tue, but ain't that a rifle in Spain.
bake In Individual tins that each loaf
worth $1.44. The phosphorus und |»> ponent. and the battle was bitterly r.v. perfection: sweetbrier, laietry: yo've got thar?'
Just one extreme hat that takes us may be entirely surrounded! by cruet
tussluiu remain in tbe nsh
" 'She be. says 1. 'It’s a rifle which back to Empress Eugenie, or, still fur­ When tbe loaves have become cold and
waged Young O'llair was forbidden sweet pen. dellcnte pleasure; sweet wil­
Tlie liest way to utilize straw is to tiy I'apa Huston to enter hls home, but liam. craftiness; svrlnga. memory; this ba» kilhsl mo' bars and wildcats than ther, to the Watteau iieriod, has a flat firm cut off an end of each and scoop
use it as Instiling. It will absorb the when the tide of victory turned the old tie surliness: tiger Illy, pretension; tu I yo could count In an hour, and she's top. There Is Just a little gutter to out tbe soft part, leaving ooly the crust
liquid, which contains most of the nitro man's way lie was magnanimous, and lip declaration of love; violet modesty: •till remly fer the next varmluL'
suggest a crown, in which is laid a »hells Fill tbe vacuities thus made
gen excreted from the animal body. eventually Miss Huston lieeame Mrs. water lll.v. purity; wood anemone, sick
"'But yo can’t bring no deadly weep­ wreath of flowers. The bat Is raised with divinity fudge, etc., then place
Some furmers will say that they have O'llair
ness; womiwiaal. absence; while Jas­ in' yere, lie goes ou This ain't no from the hail- by a rose covered ban­ tbe ends buck on the loaves and aecut»
more straw than they can use to nd
mine. amlableness; weeping willow, jumpm mutch nor hoss race, but the deau. and velvet ribbons tie it securely with rlblxms wrapped endwise around
millage for bedding Never be nfrnkl
Colorado’s New Esecutive.
on the head.
them and tied with a big bow on top.
mourning: wheat, riches; quince, tern legismehur of Tennessee.'
to use plenty of tieddlng. as domestic
Like John M Shnfrotli. whom he will pest; plue tree, boldness.
"I told him I knowed wliar I was.
The velvet facing is prominent, fre­ These boxes look too cute for any
iiuiimils enjoy dry sleeping quartets succeed next January, Ellas M. Am
but that I should keep tight holt of quently combined with moire and fab­ thing aud keep the candles so moist
uud will thrive better if they tinto uioiis, governor elect of Colorado, Is a
A Christmas Gam«.
Hut rifle till 1 knowed 1 was out of rics that are excellent imitations of ; and fresh that they may be made
them Then haul out tlie immure By Democrat Fruui 1892 up to and in
All the players except one. who is lira woods, and he goes away growlin fur.
weeks liefore the Chrtatmas rush.
this method you not only get
blindfolded, sit in a circle on the to hiss,*It Mebtie it was half an bour
Trimming has moved toward the
fertilizing value of the straw
tiroiind or on rlinira The toll nd fold
arter that when a feller stands up on front, the stiff cockades, brushes and
Christmas Cherry Salad.
manure, but you also mid
one walks around outside the circle, a pliittorin and looks at me mid aaya:
cord ornaments lieing particularly fa­
Pit the cherrtea by cutting a little
amount of humus to the soil
"•Does the booorable member from vored for hats to Is- worn with ilirec- slit tn oue side of the fruit. Slip tbe
Some straw may I m * IMM h I for
Who can tell what I’m looking for.
Beaver Cove expect to find any b«ra toire ami revolutionary suits.
meat of a Hlliert Into each cherry.
Stock cattle will consume large
Something I want to And?
Tbe brim flares away from the face Make a dressing as follows: Put one-
on tile tlouh of this house?'
Is It north or anuth or east or went!
amounts of bright straw. es|»e» ially
“'I ain't siiyln as I do.' I answers, In many ty|*es, and huge buckles are half cup vinegar on tbe stove. When
Please help me, for I'm blind
oat straw
Mature horses doing little
'blit If thar Is s riot over moonshine noticeable, holding scarfs on practical I It boll» remove sud stir th two beaten
or uo work in tlie winter mill l>e kept
hats for fall and winter.
i eL'g« When cold add one pint whtpi>el
beldnd whom he atnmis must answer whisky i might want sunthin lietter
in gisst condition by feeding a ration
Ribbon loops and lows nre still good ! cream One tnbtos|.oohfg| sugar and
In h concealed voice the name of some
•if «mln. outs, straw ami a little hay
' Bimeiii that same feller stood ep and lnex|>ensive. while plumes have ' «ome salt ntay t>e added to tbe dreraln*:
article The blindfolded player intuit
l>een highly favored for afternoon and tf m > dv«trd
guess who the H|M»aker Is or try a cam ag In and says, as slick as yo' pleaae:
Preparing Wheat Land.
"'.Mehl», the honorable memtier from evening.
If he guesses aright that player must
Velours hats nre In great demand, and
For wheat a firmly compacted »<s»l
Sugared Papaern.
Beaver Cole would like to tie excused
take hla place
issl. with two or three Im he» of hsme
tor half an innir while he takes hls the leading milliners in Paris are show­
Otte tabtos|»>otiful of imtter. three tto
ing them with smart ornaments of ble«|MN>iifiiln of water, one large ettpfu.
soil on tile surface. Is Is'tti'i thill ex
gun home
Mist let os.
pivot edged faille ribbon.
tremely mellow soil This is twaauae
of gratiulmivl sugar Boll five minute»
The mistletoe Is iutlmately connected
Mushroom shapes with tam-o'-shan- !
our wheat 1» »own In n usually dry
with many of tbe superstitions of the fuss with Zeb White?' says I as I ter crowns are the Important word iu without snrritig. then put In three
IH'rlial. when mototlire must Is- retain
quarts nicely |»>p|ral corn and stir far
Germans and the British. In the north stands up.
ed to the greatest extent |io»slble it
■ a moment Take the kettle from the
"KvwylsMiy laughs and claps hls the millinery story.
ern mythology Balder is said to nave
Is advisable to plow for wheat n» early
been slain by a spear made from a hand« but no one comes nlgb me. anil and plush are favored for walking . fire and stir until each kernel tn r‘tr­
ns possible and then give nuiatant cui-
branch of mistletoe The mistletoe to I puts on my cap. shoulders my ritto suits, if the showing of a well known - »rate, which it will be In a very fe»
tlvntlon to tine ami tlrui the soil an
still hung up In farm bouses and kitvti and says as I walks out:
well as to destroy the weed» aud lu
•' It's an onery crowd, and thar slat house l>e an indication.
en» at Christmas and the young men
Ostrich fantasies are used for after­
Chili Baue«.
have the privilege of kissing the girl a man mining yo' who kin poll a rab­ noon hats. Wings rank next In im­
One quart tomatoes (ripe' peeled.
under It. plucking each time a berry bit out of a boiler log.''
Water In Buttar.
"I went straight to the tavern, and portance. the white vulture, gnurn and one fiepper chopped or ooe-tealf
from the bush When the tvrries are
Under averagv fami condlUoge thè
I found the old woman sblverin magpie furnishing the greater part of spoonful cayenne, one-half ti
all plucked tbe privilege cea«r»
tbe immense supply demauded by mil- ful of cloves, one-half teaapooaful at
amount of o verniti Iliade by a ilairy
ami »bakin' fur her life.
Imlteriuaker la alkiut IH per cent
allspice, one heaping tea spoon fa I salt,
"'Whet s the matter?* says I.
Flower Basket.
The farm butter maker rarely con
one half cupful brown sugar, one cep
•' They ve pnt plller cases trimmed
I.rt each player cbooee the name of ■
House end Street Fabrics.
«klera the m »lure In. orpnruted la tbe
i ful vinegar. Cook three hours »Jowly
flower, uo two twlng alikr rhrii the with lace on onr bed.' aays site 'anil
There is a marked contrast thin RM
butter and when working imtter In
hoett*»» stands In tbe center of the etr tlie gorgionsneao of It will bring oo eon between the weight of the fabrics
tin- chum »r In a bowl In tbe preeeecv eluding the last election the state has cle of chairs on w hich the players are heart disease: Zeb. fur tbe laiwd'a
Cranberry JaNy.
for the street and those for the house
of water may exceed the legal limit of tarali Itomis'mtto In ustionai elections ■rated and call» aome flower name sake, tot • go back home!'
One quart or eranberries. <me peand
Of course there always has been this of sugar and one-balf pint of water
111 |er cent which the
eoinery to except Iu likH. whan tbe Republican three times quickly The one who has
But l ni here to watch moonshine,
difference when one considered that Wash the berries and boU in tbe wa
vompellr»! t<> obey I'n feeaur ■. C. party was i Ictortous. Mr Ammons the name must say It om-e hrfore tbe ■ays I.
doth serves for the former and tnons ter ten minutes, then waah and strata
Mills. Indiana
toi» always I schi active tn politic» and leader has »aid it three time« If abv
•"Never mind moonshine nnr nothin
la mnsMrnsI one of the tarnt stump falls tlieu she twonii-» Ira.tor Wbrn else on the race of thia alrtb. bat let a sellne for the latter, but the dlfferen.-c I Return to kettle, add eugar hand
of today to between satin frock anti
In the »tat»
rapidly fifteen minutes until It jeBtos.
Discard Poor Poultry-
Thte world ain't fur w.
the leader aays "Flowrr b»»ket thro be a glttln
'■oat suits for strictly afternoon wear
Hie governor elect la a wealthy stock all the playrra quickly chance plena«
and turn out to c«aL
If there are gissi reasons fur reto»
Zell « e 1» like two tost child re» wan
log poultry Misk tlir fol low 1to tor grüner and rau.hman and I» fifty four
dvrin through tbe wo«da and ei|>eetln silky woolens for out of door«.
uiuieiidmi Retine» by dlamrdtb* all year» old Hr has a t>i« ranch In lotri-
to tw .»it up a»y mlnit. and I'm co
Mack Sausage»
Inferior, uuthrlfty and aged », catturo» “•vr il.... . msl I« Identified with oth­
Into a cupful of thick white aM
Why la it dangerot* io »toep In a •«»art ».si flustrated that I sban t live
Charming Nvghgaea.
I Hop.*» of surplus mal» butto The«. er busines» Interrai» II» bas repra- atniM car? Because tbe train runs over two day» longer! Zet> tf yo' love me,
•tlr the beaten yolk of an egg. oai
J.egltgees appear In many charmtng
rat f.ssl aud givo no return They fita* »emwt lits .Itstrt. t in both branches of •toepara
ivr e homer
Spoooful of lerooa Juk-e and two
upv ■$*<•» which ehouM be or> uptod
•• I'n du it.' say» I. And ib» cm
fills of ch.qqied <-oM < ooked flab
What «bould you do If v.wi spdt
I t profit tusking pullet»
tkeap •*•
her poke, pscked ottr carpetbag.
to simnlate «ails»«»», dtp each
aide« with laughter? Run uatii
the irgi»iature of I'olorbdo
hrred aud »p* la .la»
" - ut of tbe town of \aeb<
«vi a stili, b tn tbeia.
■sra.» Iitogamq
gray Shnilow lace to another effective •n end Imradcrumbe and fry
taifv suntoowa, never te g» km^to'
drapery ueed.
Make your henhouse wurrn a aS
cheerful, just as nearly like spring aa
you can, mid the bens will not stop
laying when cold weather cornea. < o*-
fortable quarters, says W A. Lippi*-
colt, professor of poultry husbandry at
tlie Kansas Agricultural college, is t*e
secret of getting winter eggs
iumse should lie tight on three sidea
uud open on the south, so us to give
«•sol ventilation aud plenty of suuiighg
mid also prevent drafts.
Feed tbe fowls plenty of green foist,
such as beets, sprouted oats, cabi>u«e
and steamed alfalfa. They should atoo
have meat food or sklmmilk to take
the place of the insects anil worms
which they get in the summer and t*
balance tbe corn ration.
Provide a dust bath or wallow iu •
sunny spot, Keep the birds active hy
muklng them scratch for their rood la
Ntraw or similar material and they will
hot mind tbe cold so much. This is Im­
portant. A lieu that doesn't have to
work to get its food will likely get faL
and a fat hen doesn't lay eggs.
Polly and Patty »aid. “Candy.’’
Wli.lr Peter, a bit ut a dandy.
Decided to buy
A dainty necktie
To make himself look »pick end spandy.
Valuable as Bedding, Feed and
Odd Crowds Almost Hidden an
Lavishly TrimmJd Headgear.