Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 06, 1913, Image 2

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    Tillamook Headlight,
6. IÖI3.
I <•<1 that it i- <-< oiiomy to build
Tillamook Cheese.
hard surfaced road» on the main j
(From the Oregonian).
Tillamook County
In almost every settlement in the
Fir»t Insertion, per line
is admirably situated on account
West, in every settlement where it
*Eacl> mibHeipient insertion, line
of its length for a road of that
Husinea» anil professional cards,
is known, Tillamook cheese stands
character, and it will be a wise
as the best product of the kind ex­
1 mouth .................................
investment when ever the time
Homestead Notice»
tant Let it be said to the pride of
Tiintier Claim»
-•• 10
Oregcn, the pride of Tillamook and
J ocals per line each insertion
modern road building.
the glorification of the manufactur­
Di «piav advertisement, an inch,
taking into account the long
I IlKHltll
1 wet season and the heavy tra­ ers that this position has been ar­
All Resolutions oft ondolence and
It ii- safe to say that the con­ vel over them in winter, the rived at and ia being maintained,
1-od.te Notile». 5c. per line.
and will in the future be still main
tinual agitation on account of
wear and tear every year is a
Cant» of Thank», 5c. per line.
the street pavement will queer source of continual expense, tained and accentuated; that co­
Notice». Lost, Strayed or Stolen,
minimali rate, 23c. not exceed­ sale» of city property and put it which is eliminated with hard operation and splendid business
judgment are the foundations upon
j on the bum this summer if it
ing five line».
surfaced pavement.
which the Tillamook cheeaemakers
! continues much longer, for in
a ruction of that character there
have builded their reputation and
When simmered down, and upon which they maintain the high
aresureto be more or less knock­
1 .So ing.
For instance, some few eliminating nil other personal quality of their product and keep
One year.........
75 months ago,two gentlemen who features injected into the fight,
Six months ....
intact their organization.
Three month»
were engaged to tight the con­ there are but a few points to de
In these days ot trust busting
struction company,inferred that cide in regard to the pavement. and trust explosions, when the
Entered as second class mail mat
ter July, 1888, at the post office at the city was liable to go broke In laving the pavement have Government is looking with a
T.llariook, Ore., under the act of with so much improvement the Warren Construction Com­ microscopic scrutiny into the busi-
I going on. Of course, this was pany complied with the specifi­
M re h 3, 1879.
ness methods ot all associations
■aid for effect, lint these ami cations of their contract ? It and organizations that hamper or
similar remarks by curb stone does r.ot matter how many sam­ menace a fair and honest competi-
3-illamooh IjfabHgbt, knockers will surely have some ples of pavement may be sent i tion in business, it is pleasing to
weight with those w ho were in here from other towns,theques- note that while the Tillamook
the notion of investing in this tion to decide is whether the cheesemakere have an organization
company has made good.
If through which practically all of the
not. tfien it must do so. It may cheese made by the twenty-two fact­
take a law suit to decide it, and ories in the county is handled, still
So the City Council has de­
perhaps that may be the quick­ this organization stands on solid
cided to obtain technical and
est and most satisfactory way of ground, well within the law, for it
legal advice from those who
-ettling it, for wrangling over in no way comes within the pur
are not interested in the pave­
it for several weeks have not view of the acts of Congress to pre­
ment fight.
Anything for a
accomplished anything, in fact, i vent fair, honest and open competi­
But do something to
Republicans who voted for a
a great deal of injustice hqve tion.
have the matter settled as soil
Democratic governor should
teen done some of our citizens.
The Tillamook
as possible. Quit chewing the
not complain if the governor
It toes not look reasonable to would welcome the advent into
rag and quibbling and iudulg
appoint» a democratic circuit
•vmeofthe business men who their county of many hundreds of
ing in a ’ hold up” game, for
have n<>t been dragged into the dairy cows and the establishment
that kind of tactics have ro>t
that the Warren Construc­ of a large number of additional
resulted in deciding the <|ues-
Il is enough to make one feel
tions involved. But get busy. tion C<>. would deviate from the cheese and butter factories. They
sciirey now we’re under a Dem­
Sue the construction company, terms of their contract and ruin believe Tillamook is one of the best
ocratic administration. We do
go after damages from those the reputation of a company if not the very beet, dairy sections
hope that it will pan out better
who defamed the characters of that is doing millions of dollars in the United States. They have
than the last Democratic tizzle.
f work every year in the North­
some of our citizens, put on the
made a reputation for their product
gloves and settle it that way. or west for a little bit of a job in second to none in the country, the
The saying is that war is bell. get together in a love feast ami
equal of any in tlie world, and all
Well, we've hud a whole lot of dine and wine one another with pavement is not composed of they ask of new concerns is to
personal wats in this city, and complimentary speeches as the the same amount of material, make an article to assist in main­
Irani the looks of tilings the pre after dinner topic.
Any old for the reason that climatic con­ taining this standard.
e. it tight will become more tro thing to bring alaiut a settle­ ditions have to be considered,
But this they will do in a fair and
pical and interesting whenever ment and to quit the "fleeting,” w hich is referred to experts who honorable way and not by coercion
the other side »tarts on the war for it will do the city more harm know which is best for a hot, or dishonest methods, and they
dry climate and that which is offer to any newcomers who wish
_____ _____
than good.
best for a cool, wet climate like to join in their enterprise a fair re­
that in Tillamook.
It seems
e | There is no better index of the that the company have this lati- turn on the investment. There will
growth of n citv than the an- tilde in their contract. No one be no cutting of prices to drive any
nual increase in the receipts of could control the wet weather concern out of business, there will
lt a post office. For»everal years last summer, which is the rea­ be no combination in restraint of
¡r the receipts of the post office of son that some pavement will business, no methods to make the
I Tillamook City have increased have to be fixed. The Head­ consumer pay more than an honest
about SllKk>, and when the fiscal light has not allowed itself to price for their product.
The number of pounds of milk
I year is reached the end of this become excited ever the street
year, the post office will have pavement ruction, for there are used to make this cheese, amount­
made another gain of $1000 in wheels within wheels, and as ing to 4,016,150 pounds, was 36 534,-
575. A simple calculation will there­
So Attorney Bagiev, of Hills­ receipts over the previous year,
the company is under bonds to fore give the amount per pound re­
boro, denieH liuving anything to with a total income of, proba­
maintain the pavement for five ceived by the dairymen for their
do with employing detectives bly, $7,230.00 to $7,500.00. That
year and at the end of that time milk and the price per pound te-
for the purpose of incriminating alone is the most healthy sign
it is to he in as good condition ceived by the nianufacturers for
city officials. The citizens have thnt the city is gradually grow­
as when it was put down, we do their milk.
a right to know who “framed ing in importance, and having
. . . -
not think that the property
Another item of great interest,
up” that part of the investiga­ , made a good start, Tillamook
owners are going to be ‘’stung” especially to those contemplating
te >n, seeing thnt no report wa« City will continue to'he the hub
in the least. But since the fight the dairy business as an occupation,
In.tided in on Friday ot that part i and the business center of the
is started and liable to continue
11 the proceeding».
county on account of its geogra­ we suppose the scrappers will would be the number of cows milk­
ed by the dairymen furnishing this
phical situation. With such a
not quit until it is fought out in
bright outlook, it is not sur­ the courts which they should milk to the factories, and we hop? a
statement covering this poiut will
prising thnt those who have
do and not saddle this part of be forthcoming.
pinned their faith and invested
the expense upon the taxpayers.
in property in this city have in­ It is tip to them to do so if the
Representatives of “dry” counties
vested wisely
difficulties cannot be settled in in the Texas Legislature defeated a
any other way to their satisfac­ bill prohibiting the carrying of
It used to he considered bv tion.
, whisky in saddle bags or holsters
Tillamookers flint hemlock tim
anywhere in “ dry” territory. This
The West Virginia senatorial brib­ will be much laughed at, but really
her di<l not amount to much,
mid they will, no doubt, be sur­ ery case turns out to have been “ the majority of dry counties of
prised to hear that the hemlock tnare'» n?»t, but without a aign of u Texa(, are in a part of |he gtate I
where rattlesnakes abound and)
timlier in this county will lie- duik horse in it.
come more valuable than the
The United Suites
States once had a where
— *•—- at
any ------------
moment - a - a flask may
tir. It seems that the govern­ problem in Mrs Carrie Nation, but be indispensable.
ment issued a bulletin on the she would have to lie multiplied
The population of Mexico is 13,-
Western hemlock, placing it in several times to equal England’s
600,000 and that of the capital city
a class with pine.
This con­ 1‘ankhurat problem
is 470 000 It is surprising that so
firms what Prof. Condon, of
Has anybody ever heard anything little is heard Irom the body of the
the Oregon University, said of el Mr. Emmeline Pankhurst, or
Ambitiocs leaders clash
Western hemlock some years must we say of him, as Sairy Gamp
even to the point of street fighting
ago, that it was Alaska pine and •aid of Mr» Harris: “There ain’t
with artillery, combine to day and
totally different to Eastern hem no such petaen’r”
betray each other to-morrow, and
lock. Oil account of the btille-
Secretary MacVeagh refers to the the millions look on as if dumb and
tine there is a demand for
comfortable surplus in the United helpless, though the killed and
Western hemlock, ns it is free
from knots and makes splendid State« treasury. P. P. C. in this wounded in the shifting struggle
case refers to the fact that the retir­ include many who take no active
finished lumtier.
Years ago
ing Republicans provide plenty of part in it. Two years vgo the Mexi
It is generally agreed that
cans elected a president, but see
the State Legislature, mitwith ii timber claim with hemlock on
The Senate has approved at gene­ him deposed by the sheerest vio­
standing the antagonism and
ral treaty for liandhng epidemic lence. while “ vivas” are raised
I k *»» met hod» of Governor West, up sold them for a song to the diseases. This is a subject that i
over a successor no matter if he ia
passed many lulls of importance timber met:. Many surprises Uncle Sam can open any where with I driven out or assassinated within
to the people along progressive
the confidence of an experienced 1 twenty-four hours. By some as­
lines. With such a large num hemlock claims sell for more expert.
tonishing force of habit, or hypno-
Iter of bills, some of which were
Wireless stations are to be rstatv- tism of anarchical civil war for
of a freak nature, it took a
a lull in the impromptu bloodshed
lished lietween Alaska und Siberia and
personal tre icheries that
whole lot of hard work, and not the greatest of surprises.
that will give almost continuous rapidly follow each other as in a
having time to finish it, the leg
land service Mankind is no longer nightmare.
islntors staved on the job until
Every automobile sold in this dependent on ocMn cables for a I
they completed the work even counts adds to the list of good
Cold LaGrippe. then Pneumonia
I A 1»
to adjourning so that the next mad Issisters. Ami as this is girdle round the earth.
too often the fatal sequence, La
Dr. Adeline O. Soule of Kansas Grippe coughs hand on. weaken
legislature would not lie Imm the time of year when the auto
pervil with bills vetis-d l>y the fever Ix-conies catching, many
the system. anil lower th» vital re-
And naturally. Dr. Soule being an , sist.mce, R. G. Collins, Postmaster,
of our citizens .ire conteniphit exemplary married woman, there is
* J »>»'" "I was troub!
ing investing in this method of
But to
* I here is not much doubt but travel amt enjov inent.
c uld acclaim as the model hue- Foley’s Honey and T ir Compound
what th«' present ruction over make nutoing that much more band
Need we add that the model soon stoope«! the cou h »|iells en-
street pavement originated at rulovab.e. good mads are alwo-
of good
’ ’* **“*’
Umar a
IS Mr. Soule? r Multitudes
_ ’['in* St uro
It is only a
Hillsls'ro, where a certain at­ luielv necessary
women know that the men toi
torney happened to get into u question of time when most all
whom they sre mated are not model
A Message to Rail read Men
< isonal di-pule with mi eng> tli< progre-sive dairymen will
K. S. Bacon. II Bast St. Bath. I
husbands. Hut if any one of such
lleiT who was in the employ of l»e using autos fAr pleasure as
Me., sends out this warning to rail
the Warrell Construction Com well a» for business. It is too women were put under the sanctity rouders everywhere “My work as
And drairing to muse soon to advocate a hard surfaced
conductor caused a chronic intlama-
tile comiHiny ns much trouble highway through the entire court, to name the model husband tion of the kidneys and I wua miser­
as poxulile, the buttle gr> mid I’ gill ot the county, but we of ihe world, ia there one who able and all played out. From the '
w ns changed tn Till.musik Citi < xi<<t this to Is- started and could do otherwise than Dr. Adeline day I began taking Foley Kidney
Pills I twgan to regain mv strength, i
with ‘l whole lot
,>ur citizen» completed I'clorc tiiiiny years, <•. Soule has done ? Not one. And mid I am tsrtler now than 1 have!
dmggrd in to help out the per- I h < au-v it is being dciuoustrat that is the crowning glory of their lieen for twenty years.” Try them. •
Lamar'a Drug Store.
Advertising Rates.
zonal scrip of another town.
This shows how ’easy” some of
our citizens are in taking up
another person’s
and city s
tight, which is harmful to this
cite, causing bad blood ami bail
feeling and factional strife. All
liecnuse of a personal fight in
another town.
Attorney-at-Law and Nrt«r
Pa bite.
Tillamook Title ano
Abstract Company
Law Abstracts : Real Estate
Surveying; Insurance
Are now open for Business.
Editorial Snap Shots.
Both Phones.
ii. '
If anyone should ask you to buy a
team of horses “unsight, unseen,”
from a mere printed description yon
would think he intended to “sting”
you. Now there is no more sense in
buying a range “unsight, unseen” than
there is in buying a team of hor.,e3 —nor
is it necessary. 7nc Great Majestic is in use
ia almost every township
townshi] in the United States
England States—and it will pay you to drive an extra
■west of the N ew r
ten miler, if need be, to see and carefully examine the Great Majestic
—the range with a reputation—built on honor—of the best materials —
before investing your money in a range of any kind.
You don’t buy a range every day, or indeed, every year, and when
yen do, you want the best your money can procure—that’s the
Great Majestic
Malleable and 'O » M
Charcoal Iron
Outwears Three Grcinary Ranges
the only range made entirely of
tSMiUeable iron and charcoal iron. Char-
CMtliron won’t ruat like ateel~malleable
ir<M can’t break, and while the first cost
uf a Great Majestic may be more than
•Otne other ranges, it outwears three or-
sUssary ranges.
Economical—Saves Half Your Fuel
Tbe Majestic is put together with rivets
(dot bolts ar.d stove putty). The joints
•md seams will remain air tight forever.
The oven is lined with guaranteed pure
asbestos board, covered with an iron grate
•nrou can sec it. No heat escapes or cold
air pet1? in. Take3 but half the fuel used
in other rances for perfect baking.
All Copper Reservoir—Against Fire Box
The reservoir is all copper and heats like
a tea kettle through a copper pocket,
stamped from one piece of copper, setting:
against left hand lining of fire box. It
boils 15 gallons of water in a very few
moments end is instantly moved away
from the fire.
Ask Us To Show You The Greatest
Improvement Ever Put In a Range
Increasing the strength and wear of a
Great Majestic more than 3004 at a point
where other ranges are weakest—ba aura
to inquire about this feature.
N HOUR saved in summoning the plum­
ber by telephone mav save the price of
several years of service.
It certainly saves a lot of discomfort and
1 he Bell 1 elephone keeps the household
in contant touch with all the resources of civ­
ilization and is instantly available in any emer­
It also keeps the household in constant touch
with the broader outside world by means of
the Long Distance Service of the Bell System.
Every Bell Telephone ia the Center of the System.