Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 06, 1913, Image 1

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Vol. XXV
No. 37
Buy a Ford car because they run
20 miles on a gallon of gasoline.
When you get them your troubles
are over. See Kd Hadley, the local
ageut for the Ford auto.
The receipts at the Tillamook
post office for the past twelve
were $6728.95,
$5767.63 for the previous year, mak-
J ing an increase of $961.32.
i Carl Knudson left on Tuesday
for Portland on business. He is not
liable to be placed in the "sweat
box" again andtold to "cough up.”
But what's in the air? Is there
more trouble brewing ?
Pocket Money Doesn’t
Draw Interest
Every dollar you carry about
or keep at home is being de­
prived of its power to earn for
men Harrison and Bales is the
committee having this matter in
hand who are endeavoring to ob­
tain a fair test of the pavement. An
Mr. Roy is a reliable and disinter­
ested person, the committee think
his report will be more reliable than
those furnished by .biased and in­
terested parties.
What ever you buy from others if
you want the beat layers, get your
loss or impulsive spending.
S. C. White leghorns hen and
Indian Runner Duck eggs from Joe
One of the last act* of President
Harrison. One Dollar per setting
Make it your rule to deposit
either kind. J. M. Harrison, Gari­ Taft was in signing the rivers and
regularly in the savings depart­
baldi, Oregon.
harbors bill which contains an
| E. R. Beals and Clarence Tilden appropriation of $107,000 for the
ment of this bank, and you will
vs. Alden L. Johnson, Kldura P. improvement of Tillamook bar
Johnson, Blanch V. Marshall, B. H. For a number of years the Head­
add greatly to your moral fibre
Young, Frank Ekroth and the light was a strong advocate for bar
Tcmileon Investment Co. is a suit improvements and notwithstanding
and your worldly possessions.
filed for a decree to foreclose a being turned down several times
after making strenous efforts in
mortgage on certain property.
T oldest I
Pretty girls like men in tailor- that direction, it is gratifying to
$30 000 00
made clothes ! Have your clothes know rhat through persisted effort
not only measured, but made in victory came at the close of a Re­
If our
Ti'lamook by an experienced and publican administration.
updo date tailor, Spring fai ries in Democratic friends will now use
beautiful colors and shades.'-J. their influence with the new Demo­
TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS A fine quality of slab wood, the Wm Edwall, 2nd Ave. East, next cratic administration for a 20 foot
best to be had m the city. Leave to the Bank.
channel to Tillamook City and suc­
I A telegram was received on Sat­ ceed in obtaining it, honors will
See Big Mack for your sewer con­ order at the City Transfer Co.
You will get better results for the urday from Congreeman Hawley be divided.
Sweet and alfalfa meal at the Til­ same money by feeding "Gillmore’s stating that the conference com­
Stock Food.” —Tillamook Feed Co. • mittee had agreed upon the senate
HOLMES appointed
lamook Feed Co.
We have just received a barrel of amendment to the rivers and har­
O. A. Lorn men and wife, of
genuine Sorghum direct from the bors bill for the appropriation of
Mohler, are in this city.
Get your Blackford’s Calf Meal at Fast, home made. Tillamook Feed $107,000 for the improvement of T B. Handley to be County
- Tillamook Bar.
the Tillamook Feed Co.
District Attorney.
The Tillamook Commercial Club
Born, on Saturday, to the wife of
The State legislature turned Til­
for sale. Inquire Tillamook Title will give a basket social on St.
Jos. Rocich, a daughter.
& Abstract
216 Tillamook Patrick’s night at the club rooms lamook, Yamhill and Polk counties
W. C. Robedee was in the city Block.
i which will be free for all. Ladies into the 12th Judicial district, and
from Woods on Tuesday.
Concrete Construction, sidewalks are expected to bring baskets which the bill authorizes the governor to
A car of Extra Selected Seed Oats
and floors a specialty. All work will be auctioned off. All are in appoint a Circuit Judge at a salary
at the Tillamook Feed Co.
guaranteed. Thoa Dolan, Phone vited to attend and a fine evening's of $4300 a year, The appointment,
Glasses fitted. Any kind, any Main 333.
of course, will go to some personal
en oyment is assured.
style Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt.
While driving on Main street on friend of the governor, but the ap­
A number of (rood milk cow«,
pointee will not take office until the
The Board of County Cominis
some fresh and some that will be Friday, T. Sarchet’s horse became
ninety days after the adjournment
sioners are in session this week.
fresh soon, for sale.—John Shield.
and barking at it as it passed, of the State legislature and will
Mrs. A. D. Perkins returned to Fairview.
when it made a sharp turn with hold until the state and county
the city on Sunday from Portland
Lost,—a pocket weighing scale
election in November of next year.
There will be a social dance at similar to a hand cuff with two the intention of crossing the side­
Another change is in giving each
the opera house on Saturday night. rings and two hooks. Return to
back, but it fell backwards breaking county a prosecuting attorney, who
Full Blooded Barred Rock eggs Toad Hotel.
will be appointed by the governor.
the shafts of the cart.
for sale, 15 for $1. Mrs. Viola Mills.
Died in this city on Tuesday, the
The salary of the Prosecuting At­
Charles Lamb brought a large
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rowe were in infant child of H. T. Fowler. The
torney for Tillamook county is
egg to the office which measured
the city on Wednesday from Ne­ funeral services were held in the
placed at $1200 a year.
8 x 6 t / h inches, from a Plymouth
Adventist Church this morning.
We are reliably informed that
Rock which shows that Tillamoi.k
Mrs. J. P, Allen received news of hens are not behind the times when Governor West will appoint Attor-
Leave orders with the Tillamook
Feed Co. for wood direct from the the death of her father, O. Olensen, it comes to laying large eggs. Webster Holmes circuit judge for
who died in. Kansas City on Friday, Charles thinks his hens lay tl e the 12th Judical district and Attor-
T. B. Handley for district attorney
George Hoskins has accepted a at the advanced age of 87 years.
largest eggs of any hens in the
for Tillamook count)’. Mr. Holmes
Ducklings,—I will now take orders county.
position in the store of Alex Mc-
is a personal friend of Governor
for five day old English penciled
Nair Co.
The Warren Construction Co. line West and this is the reason, no
Slab wood for sale dire-t from
decided not to take any more city doubt, that he appointed him. A
the mill or sawed and de’ivered. I Miss Anna Hoenicke, Woods, Ore. warrants. It was on account of the telephone message from Salem this
W. I. Veatch and family, who company taking the warrants that afternoon stated that the Governor
8*e Shrode.
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ came from Cottage Grove, have they were kept at par, and something had appointed Mr. Holmes this
mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. located in this city, having bough} like $11,000 were taken up This will morning to the dign tied and hon­
the Pangborn property in Sunny mean that city warrants are liable to orable position, which his fri oi is
per pound.
go below par, and will enable those feel assured he will fill with credit
House to rent, five rooms. Rent Mead.
A. B. Saling vs. Chas Chaffee is who have money to spare to bleed to himself and the bench and to
$10 a month, Apply at the Head-
a suit filed in the circuit court to those who have city warrants but Governor West, who had confidence
light office.
recover $350 as commission for have to cash them.
in bis legal ability to make good.
A. S. Clark will be connected with
The first of a series of entertain­ We understand there were several
the Star Theatre, having bought selling property belonging to the
ments for the young { eople of the other aspirants in the other coun­
half interest.
Congratulations are now in
Attorney Webster Holmes, who Presbyterian Church was held on ties,
Dr. Jack Olson has opened den-
tai parlors over F. R Beals' office has been in Salem the past few Friday evening at the home of Mr
weeks, has returned to the city, and and Mrs. Alex McNair, when about
Card of Thanks.
Both phones.
Mrs. Holmes will come in the last forty were present. The young
Phone Joe Lilly for wood sawing. of the week.
people had a pleasant time to­
We wish to express our heartfelt
Country work solicited. Phone 1313
gether, Mrs Mackenzie. Miss Ethel
thanks to all those who extended
Pacific States.
Gay ord, Miss Ruby McGhee and
from Australia on Tuesday, and
their kind help and sympathy m
A marriage license was issued on
Mr E. E. Koch rendering vocal and
tf.e Seventh
instrumental selections, after which our late bereavement.
Wednesday to Ralph E. Cochrane
A. K. C ase ani > F amily .
j Day Adventist church next Satur- games were played. Mrs. McNair
and Grace Cochrane.
'day at 11:30.
served refreshments.
Housekeeping Rooms Furnished
A two acre snap in Tillamook
for Rent. See I. Person, at the | Joe Harrison was in the city on
Hotel Columbia.
. , Saturday and made arrangements City This is the John Hathaway
with the editor to see what could be property, and consists of two acres
Miss Hattie Walker returned to
With fair weather coming on,
done to have the Barnsdale post of fine garden land near the Tilla­
the sity Sunday from a visit to rela
Hoquiam is actively engaged in
office re established.
fives at Spokane.
street improvements.
Indian Runner Duck Eggs,— room house, a barn, chicken house
The Tillamook Feed Co. will pay
Business conditions generally in
you 3c. each for good grain sacks if Thorough-bred Cumberland, Eng­
are such as to warrant ex­
lish penciled, pure white-egg strain price of this is only $3503, $1200 tensive work as indications point
brought in soon.
Indian Runner Duck eggs, $1 per
to a long period of increased pros­
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­
Miss Anna make $2000 thin summer on his bar perity and activity.
mook Meat Company’s Market We
gain. We have an option on the
Roenicke, Woods. Oregon.
The intention of the council is to
pay 12c. per pound.
property. Address the Ralph Ack
G. C Price, who started the ley Land Co., l70-5th St Portland build carefully with permanency as
W. J. Hill, who is connected with
well as first class streets at the
E E, Koch in the Tillamook Drug Pacific Soda Works in this city and Oregon.
present time as the chief object.
sold it to Green Bro., has taken
Store, is in from Portland
The following prices will be pai<
After making a careful study of
Wood sawed and delivered, or de­
for December butter fat :
(avir.g materials bitulithic is lieing
operate it the coming summer. He
live red direct from the wagon a* it
Maple I.eaf .. ..........
used extensively. Bitulithic has
..................... 3R 3c.
See expects to return soon with Mrs,
comes from the country.
found to tie lasting and
economical and especially easy on
South Prairie
Three River?
horses and autc mobiles.
Clover I.eaf
............ .... SBc.
Ils past record in many North
western cities shows it to Iw well
Cold Spring* ...................... 33c.
Owing to Borne of the smaller fac­ suited to the climatic conditions f
tories having t>ern ofs-rated only this section, which is a matter < t
every three days the yield was ver, importance in choosing paving.
< <
Drop in and Look Around-**
low per 100 lbs milk an I test was
Contractor W. Roy, who is build-
in* the Christian Church, left this
morning for Spokane He ha« teej
engaged by the city to make a test
of the psvsment several samples
having been sent there. Council
Chamberlain e Tablets Por Con
For constipation, Chamberlain's
Tablets sre excellent. Easy to lake,
mild and gentle in effect,
them a trial. For sale by all deal­
Wayne the Wizard Co., the Sult,
au of Mystery, will open a week’s
engagement at the Gem Theatre,
beginning Friday evening.
Wizard presents exhibitions of
Oriental Magic,
Pharo’s jar of
Mystery, the I.pirt Post Test, the
Hindoo substitution, a Boquet of
Mystical Illusions and other acts of
interest Once seen never forgot­
And is in constant danger of
J. C. H olden
B. C. L amb .
W m . G. T ait .
C W. T almage
P aul S chrader .
We have just installed some modern Safe De-
posit Boxes where your valuable papers will be safe
from fire.
We will be pleased to show then to you
Under U,S. Government Supervision
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
STILL FIGHTING OVER I well as for the pavement. He
thought lie «bond receive part p ly-
nient for the work and was willing
to take 60 per cent until such time
Another Lively Meeting of as they had coine to such conelif-
sion about the pavement.
ever was defective about the pave­
The erntending forces in the ment the Warren Construction Co.
street pavement controversy had was ready to make good to the
another encounter on Friday after­ satisfaction of the city council
noon and evening at the Court
F. R. Beals and W. G. Dwight
House, which was packed with citi­ raised objection* to thia, for fear
zens who were anxious to hear the that it would commit the city coun
reports and the discussion. Mayor cil to the acceptance of the work.
Harter nnd Councilmen Sappington
Councilman Harrison aa'.d he w«.*
Leach, Bales. Harrison and Dick not in a position to pas* ’1 t. “
were present with the other city pavement controversy nt that tun“,
ami as Ha-nplea bad * ?eu »c'• to
Engineer Richardson was present, some reliable parties, wlm
w o
and presented a report which was take about two weeks liefor ‘ -y
prepaied by H. I,. Gilbert, of the could obtain a report, he tl.- ■ !.!
firm of Gilbert A Hall, which he it only right that the city sin -.-’ 1
stood back of. Another report was shoulder the interest which wo Id
read from Prof. G. V. Skelton, who amount to about $100, whe .pou
had made an examination of the he moved the following resolution;
pavement and made a test of the
"That it is the sense of the com­
samples with Prof. S. H. Graf, of mon council that the Warren Con­
the Oregon Agricultural College. struction Company be alloy 1 in­
This report stated one of the rea­ terest from thia date nt the rate >f
sons th it the pavement was po' r six per cent per annum on such
was that it was chargeable to po r I amount, if any, as it may be
workmanship and lack of proper l - ■ ,.| » entitled ♦ •
pidd a* <1 ' ‘
bearing power in the foundation, tin..- c
i .-i' nt
and to the use of sand andasphi Itic paving contracts.’
cement instead of the prescribed
This passed, which ended .
bitulithic surfacing material.
of the many controversies w.. 1|
It was over these points that a have taken place in this city, TIXs
long discussion took place pro and satisfied Mr. Hill.
con, Atto-ney C. W Talmage, F.
T. Coates was appointed
I the
R. Beils and A. G. Bealstaking the Library Board and Stillwell Park
most prominent part in attempting Board
to discredit the pavement.
Senator Riwit of New York is
Nothing ilefinite was arrive I at
one way or the other and the city quo’ed in it Washington interview
co incil adjourned to meet again on as favoring the convening of a
s|>ecial national convention of the
Before adjournment a resolution Republican party at Chicago this
was passed endorsing the work of year for the purpose of changing
the rules in two important res|>ecta,
the citizen’s committee.
First, to make repre-
as follows
Another city council meeting was mentation in national conventions
held on Monday evening, with proportionate in the Republit.an
Mayor Harter an 1 nil th“ council vote and thus abolish the system nt
men present with a good sprinkling Southern state delegations ; and,
of citizens, when the street paving second, to permit each state to de­
controversy was resumed. A reso cide for itself tl e manner of select­
lution was
appointing ing delegates to national conven­
Councilmen Harrison and Bales to tions.
The latest development in the
make further investigation.
A. J. Hill, of the Warre i Con trailing of the "vice trust" of New
structiou Co., with Attorney Hint Yord is the confession of a notori­
ington, were present, nnd mad- u ous woman dive keeper awaiting
statement. He said they want'd sentence in the Tomb*, Rosie Herts.
pay for the woik they had done and She has kept her check stubs show­
objected to the mutter being delay­ ing to whom anil how much she
ed, which entailed an expenditure paid for years, and this evidence is
of aliont $t«X> a month up<n the to lie given to the grand jury. Prior
company for interest. He said they to this Inspector Sweeney was in­
were surely entitled t > some pay dicted and it is thought he may
for the work they had done in con give away the nnmes of the higher-
strutting the newer ami curbing, a* ups.
Coal, Cement, Lime,
Biick, Shingles,
Plaster, Roof Paint