Tillamoolc Headlight, February 27, 1Ö13 i i Comparative Digestibility of Food Made with different Baking Powders From a Series of Elaborate Chemical Tests^ I An equal quantity ot bread (biscuit) was made with each of three different kinds of baking powder— cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum—and submitted separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each for the same length of time. The relative percentage of the food digested is shown as follows: Bread made with Royal Cream of Tartar Powder: | 100 Per Cent Digested I i I Bread made with phosphate powder: I 68*4 Per Cent. Digested | 1 Resolve: That you will keep ao buay boost­ ing that you won’t have time to knock. That you will vote, talk and work for a bigger, better, brighter town, That you will help to make thia a good town eo the town can make good. That you will increase the value of your property by improving ita appearance. That you will eay something good about this town every time you write a letter. That you will invest your money here where you made it and where you can watch it. That you will will not point out the town's defects to a Btranger or fail to point them out to a neighbor That you will keep your premises picked up and your buildings re paired a» a matter of both pride and profit. That you will never buy a thing outside your own town until the local merchants have been given a chance to sell it to you. Th?*. you will brag about this town so much that you will have to work for thia town in order to keep from being a liar. Tha’ you will take a half day right now to pick up the odds and end» around the place and turn them into either use, money or ashes. That you will make friends with the farmers, if a town man, or with the town folks, if "a farmer, and help work together for the good of the community of which this town is the center. - JI Bread made with alum powder: | 67^1 Per Cent. Digested | Standing of the Contestants. Standing of conteatanta at Mason Pennington & Co. up to Wedues day, Feb. 20, for the upright parlor gru nd piano: These tests, which are absolutely reliable and . 615,070 101 ........... . 407,505 1 . . 308,710 102 ...... . 2,100 2 . unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance 3 . 283,9G5 1(,3 . 2,«X. to everyone: Food raised with Royal, a cream of 4 2,ao 166,200 1C4 . 178,480 105 . 368,79c 5 tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges­ 6 . 192,000 105 . 2.00) tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found 7 li9,675 107 . 2,000 8 . 190,940 108 302,775 to largely retard the digestion of the food made from 2,000 9 . ....... 215,150 109 them. . 139,635 110 2,0a 10 . ....... 2,000 111 , 187.740 11 Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it 122.000 112 . 2,000 12 2, (XX) 113 13 . 2,000 is the source of very many bodily ailments. 2,00 114 • 177,530 14 . 41,295 115 . 2.OXI 15 . 177.34U 116 1H 154, iaj ....... 191,300 117 2 000 17 18 . ....... 231,645 118 ........... . 402,770 Tfappy Bend. . IO), 705 119 19 2,000 The Paige “36” Auto . 164,780 120 . 169,435 20 .. Mrs. Kruke was in town last week 21 . 2,00) 121 ...... 2,000 The Paige '•»” design and to see the Doctor and he pronounced 22 . 214,870 122 ...... 2,00) equipment include» such feature» her case bronchitis. She is improv­ 23 2,000 123 . 33,135 aa : ... 2,000 124 . 2,00 ing. 21 Left Side Drive, Center Control. 2,000 . .. . 2,940 125 Frank Kumm went to town Mon­ 25 Gray A Davis Electric Starting und day with a load of potatoes. 156,880 126 2 ax) 26 Lighting System. ¿025 127 . 406,040 27 G iib Shoppard and family were Silent Chain Drive for Cam Shaft. . 094,065 128 28 . 2.00) Pump and Generator (ull enclos­ up to the ranch Saturday. 1,356 425 129 439,700 29 Mr. Krake and son, Elldee, are 3») ed. J 130 2,000 . 226,000 working in Heaver this week. Cork Inaert Multiple TXisc Clutch. . 190’405 131 31 121 360 Bench Magneto Rev. R. Y. Blalock will po ach 32 .. 2.00) 132 2,000 116-inch Wheel Ba»r. the first Sunday of euch month at 33 .. . . 2,000 133 2,000 4 x 3-inch Motor, cast eu bloc. Boulder; Rev. Barker at Hupp) 34 . ....... 201,370 134 264,370 Enclosed Vulvea. Bend the Second Sunday. 2,000 35 . .. .. 155 435 185 Three Bearing Crank Shaft. .703 875 136 2,0)0 Kmiinuel Borba is on the sick 36 VJilt Power Plant. . . 188,940 137 37 202,0» list. Selective Type Trim amission. 2 000 Mrs. Kinmimin, who has been 38 . ....... 213,080 138 34 x 4-iuch Tire», Demountable 39 ... . 2,000 139 134,680 quite sick, is able to be out again. Rima. 140 . 40 .. . 2.00) 2,00) Mr. and Mr«. Milla are reported 41 Floating Type Rear Axle. ....... 2,000 141 2,000 sick, but ure improving. Full Kliiptic Scroll Reur Springe. 2, (.00 142 42 207,000 14 x 2 inch Brake Drums. Happy Buiil has organized a 43 . ....... 374,760 143 2,000 Imported Annular and Hyutt Roll literary society anil will meet every 41 . . 2,0)0 144 2,000 er Bearings. Friday evening. Subject for next 45 2 OU 145 125,765 Aluminum Caat Crunk and Trans­ Friday: Resolved, That more can 46 . . 132 (XX) 146 2,000 mission Cases. la- lent tied (loin traveling and ob­ 47 ... . 877,290 147 207,50) Built in. Adjustable, Ventilating, servation than reading and medi­ 48 . . . 91,075 148 2,000 Rain-viaion Wincsheild tation 49 . 179,745 149 2,000 Guisoltne l ank under Shroud Dadli. 50 . 2 00) 150 2.000 Gue and Spark Controls on top ot Sewer Pipe for Sale 51 . 101,410 151 322.120 Steering Wheel. . 188.945 152 52 122.120 Daali Adjustment tor Carburetor. For Sale all size* of newer pipe 53 . 2,00 1S3 2,000 17 inch Steering Wheel, lrreveisihle and newer connection». See I. H 54 . 194,870 154 165,880 Gear. Í McMahan ... 2.IXD 156 2 000 Rear Door 21 inches wide, Front 19 56 .. ... 2,000 156 2,00) inchea. Restaurant Utensils for Sale. 57 ... 2 00) 157 2 OX) 10-inch I'pholstery, Deep Tilted 58 ....... 213,700 158 2,000 Rratiiurniit I tensils of nil des Cushions. 2,00 59 159 249,635 criptioaa foi rale. Enquire at 1C2 Long. Clean Running Boards H) ....... 2.00) 160 2000 All Daali Equipment, Speedmeter. Firat Street West, Tillamook City. 61 ... 2,00 161 2010 Ammeter, Carburetor Adjust ‘ ‘ For Sale 62 .., 301,225 162 142,300 rueut, Magneto and Lighting _ 63 ....... 2,000 163 200) Switches, etc., imbedded ill 80 nere» of bottom land known an <4 309.170 164 2,000 Auxiliary Dnah. convenient to »lit- l itri Bi.mt place 1'lir 1'in.e 65 . .. 2.00 1(J5 950.805 operatoi is $40) an acre. Vincenti Jaceb. . 66 2,00 166 2000 ?len who know motor curs recog - Methodist Minister Recommends 67 . ... . 2,505 167 2. OX) mze matuntlv that this Paige *'36'' 6* 178,40) 168 2000 Chamberlain a Cough Re nedy. iv i.ueqiiiilled for value And your . 391,350 1(0 109,380 Rev. James A. l.ewia, Milaca, w moat searching investigation uniat 70 . . 368,015 170 2001 write»: "‘Chiimberlain's convince you likewise Look at it Minn., 471,810 171 . 138,360 Remedy ha» been a needed 71 Horn any angle—measure it liy uti) Cough 72 .. . 98.875 172 2,000 known standard—ride in it drive it anil welcome guest in our home for 73 .... 2,OX) 173 99 285 - (he answer la the aunie Puige it number of year». I highly recom­ 74 .. . '4325 174 2,0)0 cnfi ure designed und limit by men mend it to my fellow» as being a 75 .. . 642,475 175 200) wlmkiiow motor cm values to the medicine worthy of trial in cases of 76 . (13.00) 176 2.010 cold», coughs and croup ” Give last detail—and the Paige ‘‘UUP ia T7 .. . 68,310 177 2.00) llieir expression of extreme value Cliambei mu's Cough Remedy a 78 .... 2,000 178 187,70) T he Puige "M” today enjoy» tt'e trini ami we are confidant you will 79 . 2.00 179 2 OU find it effet tuili mid continue to use distinction of being the moat it it 340480 180 217,050 ns occasion requires for years to 80 markable motor car vnlue ot the 81 . .... 2.00 181 2,010 aa many other» have done yrur—an achievement we are ustii come, 82 2.00) 182 218,80) ■ ally quite pnmtl of liecauae it i-o Fur »ale by all dealers. 83 . .. 65,00) 183 2 XX) truly reflects I'mge policy. 84 7C.44O 184 2OXI A New Photo Studio Five dtHerent body models me 85 450.765 185 198,340 built on tii» Paige M < ieoe -• . . 2.00 186 200) \\ ill be opened m thia city in one 87 live p»»»«ngrt Touring, a two pas- .... 43,710 187 2000 rngsr Roadster, a two passenger w»»k. It will lie known ns the Til ......... <59,875 188 2,000 Raceabout. » four passenger Coupe lamotik Studio, und be miicaged by 89 . .. .... 2. OJO 189 182 706 J. A. Dahlgren, who for several A) .. and a five-passenger Setlun 2,00 ISO 200) v-nra managed the McMillan Studio Bl ... .... PRICKS, 1.390 und $1.0*1 P U.B. 171*75 191 250.500 here and whose w irk gave general OÍ ... .... 2.00) 192 2 OX) PORTLAND sat i»f action, . .. . 2.(00 193 184, 790 K H. HARRIS. Agent. I lie Tillamook Studio will supply iM .... Í365 194 2 O» the finest p» rtraita groups out­ Jenkins' Jeweler Store ■o .. .... 155.550 195 137 9Ct) side views anj scenery, also lunter-i w .. . too 196 20X1 slides 97 .. .... 2 000 197 2OM) Post cards will also t-e made and A Good Buy . 188.475 198 67. »75 delivered tn one hour utter negatives .... 410,830 1W» are made. 231.045 1O» We ary desirous ul ibap.ising 4 OX) av . 2000 We use the Intent and best pro­ ot our Íiruce»y mid dt) goods cesses und styles noil we guaraute- stock __ H _____ _ mid M Rd __ satiataction, or return the money. tti building Old Age. at Elmore 1‘ark and otter an tue to a Our pi ices will ulwuys be as lour as ; oid age _ as ___________ it contea _ in the order- hustling buyer ut absolute coat any und »e will appreciate n »hare i 'T. proceea of nature is a baanful Atiout »1200 will h india the deal of your |sitionuge We nro here to , and mujestive thing. It ■tundstor ■erma can • * «risiine I I ■ knowledge. wisdom •tny ano Im ~e our old friends and experience -i Jdreaa Elmore Purk, Rvi kaw.ii Dial is old ags ___ a* __ „ it our new one» ns well, will call and coU'.iael, see us. should be, but old age as it often l.iH utrd next to SurvheTa »hop aftsr is mean» inxir digration, torpid • mwela, a aluggiah liver and a gen- March 1st. eral feeling of ill health, de»|Hind- T illamook S tudio . 161 aerea elione dairy land, par! part rncy and miser). Thia in ulniost 1) luiproved. guod pasture, esaily Don’t You Believe it every instance is wholly unneves. i learvd. plenty auring watei ro Some eay that chronic constipa­ •ary. On» of Chamberlain'» Tab- bilia, no rock». l>sndy barn, 6 u cod taken immediately after aup- eouimunttv, and market for irli» tion cannot be cured. Don't yon digestion, tone -------- ------------------ - 12 utile» from Nslem and 2 muta lielieve it Chnmtierlatn'a I Ablets l*r will improve the UV the ,h* liver and regulate the l>ow- Ivie- $¿«>111 A ti ina vii le wllt sali all r hnve cured oilier» why nut v cu T 1 j up That feeling of deapondency - ^■t. M) per sere Terni» S cash <»iv< tlion ii trial. The) c<**t only j 'ela. give wav to one of hope ami ' ^^rnlwig Hn>» , Amila ille < >rs |n qmittei. For sale liy all dealers, (will good cheer For sale by all dealers. i Ben Johnson. Garibaldi. Sam Johnson. Garibaldi. I. S Mclhsnald. Garibaldi. Wm. Kennedy. Garibaldi John Johmon. Garibaldi. This advertised list of delinquent p. F. Trowbridge, ilobsonville. taxes for the year of J912 is in pur-, 1 John Hobson. Garibaldi. H. Chamohe. Garibaldi guance of an act of the State Legisla­ Jeff Flee«. Garibaldi, ture which is embodied in Chapter 27a | li. Beelits. Garibaldi. F. Illing.wortli, Garibaldi. °f GENERAL LAWS OF THE 1911 Andrew Peterson. Garibaldi. K. B. Kennedy. Garibaldi. SESSION. Mrs. R. B. Kennedy, Garibaldi. The taxes on the following advertised J. A Johnson, Garibaldi. real property, situated in lillamook C. V. Stoker, Garibaldi. Mary E. Smith, Garibaldi. County, Oregon, became delinquent on James Langley Garibaldi Monday, October 7, 1912, and are Emma Langley, Garibaldi. J.G Balmer. Garibaldi. subject to a penalty of ten per cent, F. Buckles, Garibaldi. and interest at the rate of 12 per cent ! A G. Johnson. Garibaldi. per annum from Monday, April 1, 1912 G Balmer. Garibaldi. Mrs A G Johnson. Garibaldi. until they shall have been paid. Any B Center. Garibaldi. day after the expiration of six months Axel W Anderson. Hobsonvllle after the taxes charged against the Mrs. C. Miller. Garibaldi. following real property are delinquent, W F Balmer. Garibaldi. Mrs. Lula Fleck, Garibaldi. the sheriff is authorized upon demand B. H Zavitt. Rockaway of any person making application, to . Wm Hartzell, Garibaldi. issue to them a certificate of delin- George Perrv. Rockaway. M Moroney, Rockaway. quency, upon payment of the taxes, N. K. Emerv. Bar View. penalty, interest and costs of adver­ F. C. Robison, Bar View. M. Adamson, Bar View. tising. . „ . H. Anderson, Garibaldi. Certificates of delinquency shall bear J. R Johnson. Garibaldi. interest from the date of issuance un­ Henry Jennings. Garibaldi. til redeemed at the rate of 15 per cent M. K Robinson. Bar View. S. Davis, Rockaway. per annum. Mrs R. A. Evans. Garibaldi. S. H. Rothermel, E J» of S. W. K. Patterson. Garibaldi J and S. J of S. E. J, Sec. E. F. Jackson Rockawav. M. F. Bowman. Garibaldi. 17. Tp 1 N., R. 9 W„ con- Mrs. Mell Mitchell. Garibaldi. taining 160 acres - • $24.72 Clark Smith. Garibaldi. M. H. Kelley (Trustee) S. J of Joe Snetsinger. Rockaway. Frank Ekroth, Hobsonville. N. E. i and N. 4 of S. E. i, B. K. Krumlauf, Garibaldi. Sec. 22. Tp. 1 N., R. 9 W„ State of Oregon. I 8a - $16. ¡.15 County Containing 160 acres of Tillamook 1 I I. J. J McCormick being first duly sworn J. P. Maginnis, S. E. i of N. W. say. that I am one of the petitioners above J, N. E. i of S. W. i and W. , named, and have read the foregoing petition, 4 of S. E. L Sec. 25, Tp. 1 N., ! that all of the facts and statements therein 1 contained and set forth are true as I verily R. 9 W., containing 160 $19 95 believe, and to my best knowledge and aerei - belief. J. J. XIcCoavucK. S. P. Christensen, S. W. J, I Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th dav of February. 1913. Sec. 23, Tp. 3 N„ R. 9 W., $54.82 ( seal ) S idney S. J ohnson . containing 160 acres Notarv Public for Oregon. M. M. Tittle, W. J of N. E. i, N otice is F vethrr ' H bkebv G iven — That said petition will be called up for and s- E. i of N. W. }, Sec. * action in the County Court of Tillamook □15, Tp. 1 S.,R. 9 W., contain­ Oregon, on'the 3rd day of April, $1 30 County, ing 120 acres ... 1913, and based on said petition, said J. J. W. R. Owens, S. } of N. E. i. McCormick, on said last named date, will apply to said County Court for a license to Sec. 9, Tp. 2 S., R. 9W., con­ granted to him to sell within said Gari- $4.62 be taining 80 acres aldi Precinct and in the town of Garibaldi M. H. Owens, S. W. i of N. therein, spirituous, malt and vinous Iquors, fermented cider, commonly known as hard W. J and N. W. J of S. W. J eider, for a period of one year from the date Sec. 10, Tp. 2 S„ R. 9 W„ of said license. $20.3ô containing 80 acres Dated this 25th dny of Februarv, 1913. J. J. M c C ormick . C. E. Black, 30 acres off E. Bids Wanted DELINQUENT TAX LIST, 1912. Resolutions Good For All The Year. side of N. W. i of N. W. J, Sec. 13, Tp. 2 S., R. 10 W., and 30 acres off S. side of N. E. i of N. W. J, Sec. 13, Tp. $3.00 2 S„ R. 10 W. D. F. Coulson, N. E. L Sec. 22, Tp, 3 S., R. 9 W., containing $5.15 160 acres. .... Tillamook County Bank, Lot 4, Sec. 30, Tp. 3 S., R. 9 W., - $1.20 containing 45.93 acres Tillamook County Bank, Lot 1 and N. E. L of N. W. J Sec. 31. Tj). 3 S. Range 9 W., con­ $7.20 taining 85.88 acres Sandlake Cranberry Co., Tract 816. For further descrip­ tion, see Tract book in Asses­ sor's office, page 361, sec. 20, Tp. 3 S., R. 10 W., contain­ - $4 50 ing 32 acres ... Tillamook County Bank, S. E. 4 of S. E. J Sec. 25, Tp. 3 S„ R. 10 W., containing 40 acres ..... *■ L. J. Lamb, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6, Block 9, Millers Add. $5.05 to Tillamook City ... H. Crenshaw, Sheriff and tax Collector of Tillamook County, Oregon, Dated this February 20, 1918. ------------------- i „■■■i A strange problem in some ot the Latin-American states is why revolutionary leaders should fight each other desperately for some­ thing that ern be held for only a short time, and by cantinued fighting. The president elect repeats that he will not finally close his cabinet selections until the day of his in­ auguration. All who have been •‘mentioned” will consequently be on their good beeavior until March 4. By practically coincident con viction under the criminal features of the Sherman law of the men in the bath tub combination and the cash register monopoly, the govern­ ment has shewn power to control ",e wor»t feature» of unfair res traint of trade. It has been shown that not only can combinations be dissolved, but that those making them can be punished. | .NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO SELL SPIRITUOUS -MALT AND VINOUS LIQUORS AND HARD CIDER. ETC. N otice is H ereby G iven .—That a petition presented in and to the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, for a liquor license, is in words letters and figures and a full true and correct transcript therefrom and the whole thereof is as follows, to-wit: In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Tillamook. In the matter of the Application» of J. J McCormick, for a> Liauor License. ) To the Honorable County Court aboved named . We. the undersigned, hereby allege and show to you the following facts and petition you as follows : That we and each of us are residents and legal voters within Garibaldi Precinct, in Tillamook County. Oregon, and have been such for more than thirty days next preced­ ing the date and signing of this petition and the filing thereof, having been and now are actual residents and legal voters within said Precinct for more than thirty davs next pre­ ceding Feb. 24, 1913. That we hereby petition you to grant a license to sell spiritous. malt, fermented and vinous liquors and hard cider or fermented cider, commonly called hard cider, for a oeriod of one year from the date of the grant- ng of such license within said Garibaldi Precinct, to the above named J. J McCor­ mick . Dated this 24th day of Februarv, 1913. P. Byrom, Garibaldi. John A. Nelson. Garibaldi. Geo. W. Phelps. Garibaldi. Edward Ericksen. Bar View. Chas. R. Gatchet, Bar View. C. F. Alexander, Garibaldi. Charles Bowers. Bar View. Chas. Morgan Garibaldi. O C. Hawthorne. Bar View. Charlotte M Alexander, Garibaldi. L. B. Wing. Garibaldi. F. A. Phelps. Garibaldi. A. K McKune. Garibaldi. 8 M Hawthorne, Bar View. John Paquet, Garibaldi. A. F Paquet. Garibaldi. H Bower. Bar View. Mrs A. Anderson. Garibaldi. Mrs. Chas. Morgan. Garibaldi. W. H. Derby. Garibaldi. A F Goff, Garibaldi. Carl B. Loll. Garibaldi. A. G Krumlauf. Garibaldi. C. O ShHgsen. Bar View. Mrs. E. H Best. Rockaway. W T. Johnson, Garibaldi Mr». W T. Johnson. Garibaldi. H S. Hewitt. Bar View. L W Fowler. Rockaway Beach Hi A Fowler, Rockaway Reach. Kd H Wood, Rockaway Beach. Blanche Wood. Rockaway Beach. U W Estes. Rockaway Reach Arthur Davis Rockaway Beach J. J McCormick. Garibaldi. Geo. G. Russell. Garibaldi Mrs J J McCormick GaribaMi Geo S Young, Garibaldi Thomas Quinn Garibaldi Clyde Miller Garibaldi. t 8 E Derby, Garibaldi. A L. Evans Garibaldi. i.. I. . I L 8mith. GaribaMi A N B^lfing Rockaway P (>. <• H Benson. Rar View Mrs. L Lalumierv Tillamook Beach t.ro. Lalumiere. Tillam»<»k Beach. H M Lavis Rockawar Beach Mrs l< M. Davis. Moe&awav Beach ' * Aus in. Rockaway Beach M B Shafrr Manhattan Bench. 1» W. Johnston GaribisMi B Thommijn. Garibaldi. G Marshall GaribaMi. J H Smith. Bar View Panl How ling. Garibaldi. Sarah K. Shafer Manhattan A tired Johnson Manhattan Mra. Anney Johnson Manhattan Peter tchrantx Rockaway Mrs. Peter Schranta Rockawav Elmer J Hauhv Roekawai J. Anderson, Rockaway G*ear Joni all. Rocfeaw lames kstes R t maLeriak. Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges 7^?? ranvc entrreZy of charcoal and malleable iron, h'.aileabu iron c •*. t uretz.’t—charcoal iron won't ruet like »teel. Economical In Fuel »■*''»77® cf the if’iesti: arc riveted (not put together with I . :...j vepv.'ty)—they will remain afr tfg/bi, I ?; * h at I’ ot cold affectti them. The Majeetic u.in i.ued inrc’ with pure aebertoe board, I l in j : : by an open iron grating — you can see it —and '".ys always. Air ti t joints and pure asbestos Lu;.: ; a-ji. r.n e . _n ba’.’ng heat, saving one-half the fuel. * to f>rm mid ehefvee. f-o rpringr. . •on Cv’en racAs out automatically, hold- ing whatever they contain» Tr; Great no«. Mejcnic feature. C.’ I ,*.m dr>3 a« .y vih s’Mjvel.ng adwn- v. p.r prevents iocr -n nu c*t< king f re—nj/a cup catches a*he*. /!>» ro mow JX/U i.jtf ftrcuu»! impruvtiweef Io last • pl Fur» to f* w sto see the <»>•••* r.r-Liy rveins.ve *-stw« *«• • xe .Sf >/...<**- m AWW -.«nwf* t r ¡.cures w’ eve m r-*.’.cv« are weakwjj -t r-.r-o» .1 an/ pria 1M « » -—I I.’* <-r ▼ L--u ’ . 1 • M Ml , X OR SALL BY Alex. McNair Co.