Tillamook Headlight, FeDruary Sherry Wine..................................... 85c Angelica Wine................................. 3$c Zenfendel Wine per quart 35c Tokeyj............................. per quart Pebbleford, bottled in bond, Claret............................. perquart per bottle...................................... $1.50 White Grape Juice............... Clarke’s Pure Rye, bottled in Local Beer, quart, 3 bottles for 50c bond, per bottle ......... 1.25 Domestic Beer, qt, 3 bottles for lie. O d Crow, bottled in bond, per bottle .............................................. 1.50 Hermitage, bottled in bond, per boitle................................................. 1.50 Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ................ 1.50 Keg Beer..................... 15 gallons $6.75 O T. O , bottled in bond, per Keg Beer..................... 10 gallons 4 00 bottle..................................... ... 1.25 Ixx-al t>ottle Beer, 6doz. quarts 1UOO Kentucky Dew, H gal., bottled Local bottle Beer, 10 dox. pints 11 ftj in bond ............................ 2 15 Kentucky Dew, full pint, bottled in bond........................................ 75 Budwiser Beer, 6 dox. quarts $15.0C John Dewar & Sons, Old Scotch Whiskey................... ................ 1.5C Budwiser Beer, 10 dozen pinte 18 !t) Old style Lauger Beer, lOdozpt 11.00 Black i White, Old Scotch Whiskey ........................................ 1.50 1.75 V.O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey White Port, Old Monk Brand, Sandy Macdonald's Old Scotch Whiskey........................................ 1.75 $1 00 per gal Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch Port Wine......................... 1.00 per gal. Sherry ............................... 1.00 per gal. Whiskey .... Claret .................................75c. pergal. Canadian Club Angelica..............................1.00 per gal. I. W. Harper.. Zenfendel..................... .1.25 per gal Harvester Old Style Tokey................................... 1.25 per gal. Monogram............... Kentuck Dew.......... Billie Taylor, full quart Coronet Dry Gin........ per bottle 1.00 Monogram .................... per gal. $5.00 A.V H. Gin.................... per bottle 1.75 White Corn Whiskey, per gal. 4 ft) Gordon Sloe Gin... .per bottle 1.75 Harvester Old Style ..per gal. 4 25 Gordon Dry Gin .. per bottle 1.25 McBrayer, 13 years old. per gal. e.oo Rock and Rye.............. per bottle 1.110 Echo Spring ....pergal 4 25 E! Bart Gin ..................................... 1 25 Chestnut Grove Rye. . per gal. 175 Virginia Dare Wine . per bottle 75c. Kentuckey Dew per gal. 2.25 Port Wine per quart 35c. Alcohol.... .. per gal. 4.0l> Cornet Dry Gin. .per gal. 4 00 BOTTLE GOCSJS. Summons. In the Circuit Court of t ie State of Oregon for Tillamook County. Department No. 2. B. Hill, Plaintiff, vs. Frederick Briodv, John Krebs, W. G. Willett, Geo. G. Willett. Oscar Lion, Carl Johnson Chas. P. N.laon, W. G. Dwight, F. R Beale, H. C Ellis, J. I. Gee, Louise P. Lockwood anil H. B. Lockwood, J. F len- I kins, Defendants. J To the defendant, J. J. Gee : In the name of the State of Ore­ gon, you are hereby required to ap­ pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en­ titled Court and cause, on cr before the Sixth day of March, 1913, and if you fail to answer for want there­ of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint herein, to wit: That the mortgage described in plaintiff's complaint be foreclosed and that the premises described in said complaint be sold to satisfy the same, and that the proceeds of sale be applied in payment of the amount unpaid and owing to the plaintiff on said mortgage and the notes secured thereby, to-wit : the sum of Sixteen Hundred Forty (fl.tHO) Dollars, with interest there on at the rate of Seven per cent per annum from the 14th day of May, 1911, and that you be barred and foreclosed of all rights, claim, or AT equity of redemption in said pre­ mises and every part thereof ; and that plaintiff recover his costs and disbursements incurred herein. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, COR. 1st and 1st AVENUE E That this summons is served "uiu nun in ■”.icn juii you i»v by puL'iica publication in inr the Special Prioes fur Family Trade. Domestio Beers. WINES. WHISKEYS. and any . get is so You the ears BILLY STEPHENS, lillartiook Headlight, by order <>f SIDNEY E. HENDERSON, President. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. Secretary-Trea«, Attorney-at-Law and Not«re Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract Company II ... \ I'... .11.... Al V.. I Hon. Wm. Galloway, the Judge of 1 the above named Court, tinted on | tile 13th day of January, 1913, the first publication to be on the 2it<1 of January, 1913, and you are re­ quired to appear anti answer on or before the Sixth day of March, 1913. J as . g . H eltzel . Attorney for Plaintiff. (INCORPORATED), J : Abstracts: Real Estate Surveying; Insurance BOTH PHONES. □ that f a di- >r hat tn tlx igt.ifi. r en- nated ;arth, nded. mized f the izena, he di- be to both and jr for ten ed apon HUC- they ng a fra ire a inn TILLAMOOK. OREGON When you ask for Cyrus Noble the deal er knows that you know good whiskey Tall Oaks From Little Acorns Grow Fifty years ago I. W. HARPER was but little known outside the Old Kentucky State. Today its fame is world-wide. You find it everywhere. SOLD HERE BY E. F. LAUGHLIN Tillamook, Ore. It costs you tbe same as any other good whiskey. W. J Van Schuyver Co., Portland, Or he is lheney of To i and! ONM every rd by cd io] mberJ r, Mie I malin d niol d fori THORN & PARSONS Are now open for Business SIGNS—SHOW CARDS DECORATING HOUSE PAINTING with the problem of buy ng Harness you will find it distinctly advama geous to come anil do your select ing here. Yott will get tbe best qualities, the most thorough and conscientious workmanship and be charged the most reasonable prices Wc can supply single or double Seta or any single article that you may be in need of____ W.A. Williams Next Door to Tillamook tourtv Bank ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN Both Phones nth en- tr <1 ali uiy on 'hi’l ted idi- irdi se­ lla ■ni­ ne >rd -1 • ve C. m- > I ■II BIG SURPRISE TO MANY Make the Home Look Cheery IN TILLAMOOK CITY. Local people are surprised at the QUICK results received from simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, On your front porch can be lit etc., aa mixed in Adler i-ka, the Ger every night until midnight man appendicitis remedy. J. S. and register not over Iamar states that this simple fifty cent« per month on tbe meter. remedy antiaepticizes 'be digestive system and draws off the impurities T illamook E lectric L ight and •o thoroughly that A SINGLE DOSE F uel company relieves sour stomach, gas on the WILL SPALDING, Manager. ate mac h nnd constipation IN STANTLY. W S. Skelton, a merchant at Stan ley, Ind , ears he would not take SlftlOO for the relief a single box of Foley Kidney Pills gave him. ”1 had a severe attack of kidnev trouble xrtth «harp pairs threush my back and cruld hardly straight en utv A single box of rolev Pflla • "♦'r-’v •»tiered tne Tillamook Baker’s Bread Sold at All Grocers 27 , 1013 Now is the time to have that group picture made Let ue show you our special display of attrac­ tive new styles. We are l»erfectly eq'.tipfted for making group picture« and wiil please you with tne quality of mr work Monk 9s Studio Next to POST OFFICE. : REUNITED A Kidnaping Leads to a Happy Christmas. By ANDRI W O. MORTON. ....... • ••-*•••<»*«>>>>«>»♦ i evidently very III »ml very petuteai • Is-ut Home sin she Inid committod. Now Unit uiy fatuer knew I waa safe I sal down on n sofa beside tbe lady and liefure the cheerful lliw Bbe put her arms nliout me and rvwtud her cheek against mine I wa» Very happy “So you Hfe Cornelia.*' I «aid. ( "What do you know about Cornells Y* ( she asked quickly. "Have you beard I your father speak of me7" “No. papa ne'er mentioned the same; •l »aw It on a paper a letter. I think.” “What paiwr? HENDERSOf'. L. ATTORNEY & C h UNSEL- LOR-AT-LAW, Tillamook Block, Tillamook,Or. Room No »Si. r T. BOTTS A’"”" ".NB'’, Complete set cf «* a*' njfi?? Tace« paid Whut letterY- i “One I found In a desk papa had I have a faint tvcoilection of stock- I the butler bring down from the garret for me to use for a home school desk." Ings hanging to the mantel, a tev«iy “What was written on tbe pa|ier?” ime over my crib and a lady taklag "Somebody was very sorry for some­ me up and kbwlng me pansiooatoiy. 1 thing she had done to Cornelia. She remember dlstlnctiy that alto was said she was very sick." “Who was very sick?" weeping. Then she put me down an "Why. the person who wrote tbe let my pillow, and 1 want to sleep. This la all l remember of a Ctetat- ter." "Who wrote HI” tnti for many yean. I waa twwugM "I can’t remember the name.” up by my father and had no kaawl- The lady a»ked tbe last few ques­ edge of my mot bar The Cbrtetnua season, which waa ao enjoyable to oth­ tions ferveriahly. She eagerly asked er children, never brought happiness another. Would 1 kuow tbe name If to me. As it approached my father I beard it7 1 replied that I thought grew gloomy, and 1 was sent away to 1 would. Then she asked If it was attend Christmas day at sonw other Amy. "Yes.” I replied: "that's It. Amy." home. The lady gave me a fierce bug. then When I became old enough to wo» der why I did not have a mother lite asked tremblingly what 1 had done other boys 1 wished to kuow, yot with the letter. I told her that 1 had put all the papers 1 hud found la the dreaded to ask. One day—it waa the last day of study desk together and given them to the tiefore Christmas, when 1 waa atgM housekeeper to put away. “Come with me." «aid the lady, -1 years old. coming from school—a ear riage drew up at the curb Iteslde ma. wish you to tell your father sam»- the door o|>eued and a lady beckoued tbing.” She drew me to tbe telephone, Io me to come to her I did ao. and. called up m.v father, then, plactag me taking my hand, she " gave me a very In position to talk. luid me what to »weet smile a-tii drew me into the car- say. .......... i . —. i . ■ 4, « l.uii- a* flaad "I’apa. ask Mrs. Crlniuiine for the riage. rii Then she shut th,, the , door and ordered the coachman to drive on Her papers 1 took out of my deak Yo . expression was so lovable and lovlug will find one mirmg them signed Am), with something lu it about Cornelk that 1 had uo fear The streets were full of shnppsra I will hold the wire till 1 bear free, making their last purchases heftteu you.” Christmas. There were children peer 1 heard a click and knew that m.' Ing into the windows at tbe display father had gone to do ns I bad Indi­ of toys, which were already l<- lighted artificially. Sitting by with feverish anxiety. Ten minute.) the lady, rememls-ring tbe many dull had not elapstsl when there was a rim Christmas days I had spent and kn­ Theu I heard m.v father's voice saying; ottier dull one Is-fore me. I felt a com­ "I have lend Amy's letter. Sii-tee all fort. a pleasure, I had never experi­ Is explained I see uo reason why you’ enced liefore. How 1 wished that she locution should remain a secret Tell could go home with me to make a the Indy that If you give It to dm 3 Christmas for me! She. too, seemed will come to Join you Immediately.” to tue to be thinking of tbe same I received permission to give ft > thing. She said nothing to me. only streel mid number, and witbin twenty held my hand in hers. 1 longed to minutes there waa a sharp ring at tbe* throw my arms ats>ut her neck and doortiell M.v father eutered. He and ask her if she would not ba my tile Indy stood .regarding each otbvr mother. for a tew moments: theu lie knelt 1»; it was lietween 4 and 5 o’clock to tore her and said: the afternoon when I wm taken UiA “Forgive me." and hs It was winter, when the days He rose, and they were clasped I are short, it soon begat) to grow dark each other's arms. "I’m afraid.’’ 1 said to tbe lady, But I. having no mind to be left oxs "that papa will lie worried about me. of these trausports. running up te> He always expects me to go txwne di them, said: rect from school.” "Won’t you take me In toeF The only response 1 received was a My father took me up and held toj pressure of the hand she held. I d a in his arm«, while the lady put ber. few moments 1 said again. “1 think 1 about me also, covering me with will get out here and go home." kisses. She replied to this by putting her "To think.” she sniff, "thnt you ii rm about my waist There waa should have l>eeu the means of tiring something In the act that indicated Ing this matter to light!" an intention on her [«art to prevent "I have been a fool," said my fh my leaving her. For the first time It tlier, "to believe anything that fiend occurred to me that I wa« being kM said:" then to me: natied. 1 thought of my father wait­ "My lioy, this 1« your ntetber ing for tue and wondering why I did Prompted by a malicious woman who not come home, and this troubled me. wrote a confession which she bad not hut It did not occur to id «- that I either the courage or sufficient time should meet with any barm at the before her death to give to me. I treat­ hands of the iHd.v. ed mainuia very cruelly " 1’iesentl.v tbe carriage drew up to "Are you the lady,” I naked of my front of a dwelling house. Tile latiy mother, "whom I rerneinlier taking me cot out nnd. still holding m.v hand, up from mv crib one night when raw drew iiu - after her. She tuoli me up were crying and kissing me?" to the bouse »lid Into a pretty r>«>m "That wits it goislbv. though ywn where s bright fire was blazlna OB were 11 hi young Io know It. I left van s hearth suddenly on Christmas eve” "You are very kind.” I «aid. "to *»ke “And I haven fnlnt remembrance of me to ride and bring lue to your «lockings hnugiug from tbe mantel house, but I’m sure papa will be trow "Everything wti« ready for your bl.-d a lout me. llnlews l'n> to go home nt once I think you had lietter let rue first chrlstinns Ilia! In. the first run send a message to him. Have yun a could npprrclale- w hen— when"— "I listened to n «lie devil.' anld mv telephone?” fntlier angrily, "and <-auaed all tbte She thought a moment, then said «offering " ••Certainly T elephone by all meaut' “It Is all past now." tn.v mother lu She took me to the telephone, lookwl in the addle*» ls»>k. found uiy father’s teriHMed. "Another Christmas In be­ When I kidnaped ottr boy I number mid instru' ted tbe i fore us ti<-e to call It up. Then when tbe < ou did not dream I wa» to tirtrig about a in- tlou was effected she placed a «too, reunion for iim all." At that moment dinner waa mt Is-fore the phone and handed me tbe receiver, standing beside me aa I noiiiio-d. arid m.v mother profHmi-d font we should all «ft down together Rut talked father would twit hear of It lie h«il "Is that you. papa7” I aaked My father was evidently relieved to a carriage at tbe d ior amt ii>«lat» to the home fro n what had happened and where I wan which toother had ta-eri driven o I told him that a l>enntlful lady whom do iiile liefore and iiinke the reuni- ti I had never seen before Imd takes Biz complete utxler our own rooftree Sever call I forget that <'hr; st tn« g to drive and tbeii to her home •Tell him.” «aid the lady, "that von My mother in a abort time made gre it preparations, luit It wa« not thene tbit are to s|>end Christmas with me " I i« «11 -It waa tn t request, that «be Intended to make me we were a reunited family muue slight atooeuient for tbe maay Chrlstuia«es that I b«d lewm deprived The Little Carperai. of the pleasure« common to other i-hll- I•»■ Canes, the biographer of Ma­ dren. poison Bouapurte. thus 'teucri (Ma tto ■ .»♦ There was «llerxe for a few ao- origin of the title "Le Petit Ca|«»fWt: ” meatn Theu my father ashed me to A «Iugular cuRtoin wee eetvblleliad la describe the lady 1 did ao aed he the army of Italy la consequence nf a«ked me if I could give him tbe street the youth of tbe commander or from «ml «umber, but I could <$ eettber ■oine other canee After each tattile Then the lady told me to eay to him the oldest soldier« used to hold a *'OOn that «be was Coreelta, that I would be ell and confer « new rank on tbelr arefully guarded and he needs 1 worry ynurig general, who. when he made hl« about me at all. Then she hang op tbe ap|>enr«nce in the camp, wa« received m-etror and lad me ba< h let» the raetn by the veteran« «nd Minted by hie new title. They made him a corporal with the fire oa the hearth Now. the same CorueMa at >>oce ar at Loffi and a wrarant at Caatlglim ». twated ay ittoettoe A year boderr and henee the súmanse of "petit whew I had entered tbe third g rate t Capirai," whi-h waa for a long titne erboei ay father had brought down « applied to Napoleon by the noIdiera, deek frato tbe garret for ay uae I Was flow ant,tie la the chain which unlbw to keep ay t»»>ka and |«ihl« name Cer- While be waa haranguing I lie flrat bat­ atoto More thaa thia, the coetenta of talion. which h. found It owewsary to the patier bad iapraased me 1 mmld addreM. a rutee from the raaha eg >• T»l ■ fl .'re 1-et 11 ■■■.(«rail Wu wLi )«»»•< UgM 1 Maa." I1-- JOHN **on- Residents. Tillamook Block Both pbooen. FL HABER .ORNEV-AT-L ax », Tillamook Bloca.. QEORGE WILLETT, ATTOI l NEY-AT-L a W. Tillamook Commercial Building T illamook OBStiON. T. BOALS, MJ). & SURGEON, PHYSICIAN TILLAMOOK. Tillamook Block. M. KERRON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Tillamook Block, Tilhtmcok, \\\ C . Oregon. HAWK, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. BA t CITY, oRIÎGON R. BEALS, REAL. ESTATE, F inancial A okm T, Tillamook, Oregon 1 A H. GOYNE, 0 A ztoknky - at -L .w. offi. . : Opposite _>1 ’ ' « a »*« T illamook , O kroon . } '|R. P J. SHARP, RESIDENT DENTIST (»face across the street frotr ii c Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. p SARCIIET, t he Fashionable Taulor. *• . C.‘suing, Pressing and Repai. iug a Specialty. Si are in Heins Photographic ( ìallery. I J. CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, ^cutnchcr ^buokrt. i 213 Tillamook Block, T illamook I E. REEDY, U broon D.V.M., VETERINARY (Hnth Phone«). Tillamoo i e Oregon . .Wrniag Remind«?, A «ini atottkn v/ifh n m ttentein the mouth, wtirc you that youritomai.a w i>- a • *» • orwiitton. It abut Id al»o r^nr' y> u that there is nothing » • J for a disordered »loan L i« Chamberlain’s Stomach au_ JJv FaMeU. » * They h a il I op ths « o ro«««w« ostoral con• gantls Btlhsir actual that sm he. 4- , as a im A um was taken. Ch«-.. I'e